The main objective of this paper is to examine Myanmar’s economic structure and its sources of economic growth during the economic reformation between 2010 and 2015, in comparison to those of four other ASEAN countries. The analysis uses the backward linkage and deviation from proportional growth (DPG) approaches. The data for the analysis is taken from the Eora global database and the Asian Development Bank’s database. During 2010–2015, Myanmar’s gross production expansion is 1.78 times, the highest growth record among the selected countries. Despite its high economic growth, Myanmar’s economic structure does not show remarkable change within this period. Domestic demand significantly dominates Myanmar’s economy. Backward linkages show that the transport equipment sector has the largest contribution to output growth from the demand side. In terms of DPGs, Myanmar’s economic growth during 2010-2015 can be mainly attributed to the expansion of the public administration sector expanded through increased consumption and public and private investment. The agriculture sector contributes significantly to export expansion of Myanmar. Industrialization was still underdeveloped prior to 2015 and the manufacturing sectors do not have a noticeable impact on Myanmar’s economy and export growth.