- Fluctuation character of the H-bond network structure at the hydrate pre-nucleation interval
The significant effect of guest molecules on the properties of the H-bond network leading to the formation of small 512 fluctuation cavities at the initial stage of the hydrate nucleation process in a methane solution at low pressure has been shown.
The characteristic time dependence of the number of large (51262) and small (512) sI hydrate cavities in solution with C = 0.6 and P = 1 bar is presented in Fig. 1 for a single trajectory at which the formation and dissipation of sI cavities were observed over the time period 0-10 ns. The simulation could be divided into several intervals according to the features of small and large cavity formation. In the first interval (up to 1 ns) no cavities were formed. The second interval, 1-4.5 ns, is characterized by the formation and dissipation of single hydrate cavities (fluctuation cavities) in water solution (see Fig. 1b) with lifetimes of about one picosecond and which could be the predecessors of hydrate nuclei. In the next interval (4.5-6 ns) at least one cavity exists in the volume but because of fluctuations it is possible to observe up to 3 different separate small cavities (see Fig. 1c). Then after 6 ns, transformation of the hydrogen bond network is observed, which leads to the formation of 2-3-4 small cavities as shown in Fig. 1d, and only after a simulation time of 7 ns, the fluctuation of large sI cavities becomes detectable and then persistent after 7.5 ns, although their number fluctuates (see Fig. 1e). After a 10 ns simulation time, steady growth of the hydrate is observed. The number of cavities grows, and fluctuations do not lead to the disappearance of a significant fraction of the cavities. During modeling of system transformations there are no particular spatial ordering of the cavities and the entire hydrogen bond network of water molecules is involved. In this simulation we focused only on small (512) and large (51262) cavities that form the sI hydrate, but as noted earlier other cavity types are present in this system and show similar behavior.
Figures 2a,b shows the time dependence of the order parameter F3 and F4 in the first 10 ns of simulation and comparisons to the bulk hydrate, bulk water and cavity forming water molecules in solution. The difference between F3 and F4 for bulk water and F3_liquid and F4_liquid is due to the fact that the TIP4P model series does not have an H-O-H angle equal to the right tetrahedral angle of 109.47 degrees, which is used in some other potentials. The value of the order parameters for bulk water does not change over time because the water is in an equilibrium state. The sharp decrease of the F3 parameter (an increase in tetrahedrality compared to pure water) occurs during the first 1 ns, which shows steady H-bond network reorganization (the difference is ~0.01 and gradually increases). Qualitatively similar results are presented for the F4 local torsion angle order parameter: whole solution order is close to pure water; however, the order parameters of cavity forming molecules in solution for both F3 and F4 are very close to those of a crystal in the same temperature and pressure region. Thus, the scattered cavities formed in the H-bond network are topologically close to hydrates. In general, the presence of dissolved methane molecules has an ordering effect on the structure of water. This water structure ordering in the presence of high concentration of guest molecules is similar to the behavior of water molecules described in ref. [75] where clathrate-like structures were shown to form under ambient conditions in the presence of confinement and a hydrophobic environment. Authors noted that as hydrophobic compounds, many different molecules can be chosen, such as alkanes like methane, ethane, propane, etc.
Figure 2c shows the time dependence of the portion of highly ordered water molecules for which the parameter F3 is lower than 0.025 (highly ordered water molecules, HOWMs). This value was chosen because the water molecules forming the cavities have an average value of F3 < 0.025. As expected, the order parameters of these molecules are much more "crystalline" than for other molecules. Increase in the number of HOWMs compared to bulk water confirms the ordering of the structure prior to the formation of regular hydrate cavities. The fluctuations in the number of HOWMs indicate the dynamic nature of the local environment of all molecules united by the H-bond network.
Figure 3 shows the visualization of HOWMs during the first nanoseconds. At t = 0 ns (Fig 3a) the number of HOWMs is insignificant; however, at t = 0.1 ns (Fig 3b) this number is about ~20-25% of all molecules. It is important to note that HOWMs are delocalized in this time period (Fig 3a-f) and do not form a single local cluster. This allows the cavity to fluctuate forms by any group of H-bond network HOWMs.
- Radial distribution function of HOWMs.
The radial distribution functions (RDF) were calculated to characterize the reorganization of the H-bond network structure. Figure 4a-d shows the oxygen–oxygen RDF for HOWMs in methane solution, bulk water and bulk hydrate systems. The solution model peaks transform from liquid type with 3 peaks to hydrate type with 4 peaks over the time period. The position of the third peak shifts closer to the hydrate type. The high value of the first peak for the solution could indicate that HOWMs form groups being uniformly distributed and form hydrate-like structure/fragments. At a larger time scale, the further convergence of the RDF lines for the HOWMs and the general structure of water can be expected. The gas-oxygen RDF is discussed in Supplementary Materials and is presented in Fig. S3.1.
- Hydrate growth outside the stability region
Using the MD method, we examined the evolution of two sets of independently generated water + methane systems with different methane concentrations in the system at P = 1 bar and T = 270 K. The total number of water molecules was 10001. Chosen concentrations are much higher than the equilibrium methane concentration in water, and thus the supersaturated homogeneous solutions obtained here are metastable. The pressure and temperate fluctuations are presented in Fig. S4.1a,b and Fig. S4.2a,b in Supplementary Materials. The simulation for C = 0.2 over 100 ns (Fig. 5a-d) shows neither hydrate formation nor phase separation but a metastable supersaturated solution with homogeneously distributed gas molecules. At methane concentrations C = 0.4 (Fig. 5e-h) and C = 0.6 (Fig. 5i-l), the simulation results in the appearance of a volume region with a different methane concentration. The region with higher methane concentration corresponds to a hydrate phase. The other region is a water solution with greatly decreased methane concentration in comparison with the initial supersaturated phase. Increasing concentration (C = 0.8, Fig. 5m-p) leads to the appearance of the third region of high methane concentration – gas nanobubble. Formation of a gas phase at C = 0.8 is a competing process with the hydrate formation process: unlike the other systems where all runs provide similar results, for C = 0.8 in the first run behavior like C = 1.0 is observed, whereas in the second run we observed a hydrate growth process but with a nano-bubble formation. At C = 1.0 (Fig. 5q-t), no hydrate formation was observed. Complete 100 ns evolutions of metastable supersaturated solutions with C = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 are presented in Supplementary Videos S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 respectively. According to a previous study [37] nanobubbles formed in the water phase at C = 0.8 and C = 1.0 could be considered as hydrate nucleation centers at the microsecond timescale [76].
Experimental obtaining of supersaturated liquid solutions at atmospheric pressure is a task that does not have a direct solution, but the formation of a solid solution seems to be possible through the deposition of water vapour and methane on a cooled substrate [40,41].
The chemical potential of water molecules in the hydrate phase depends not only on the interaction between water molecules in the hydrate lattice, but also on the number of the guest molecules in the hydrate cavities and exists as an entropy contribution as shown in our previous work [77]. The value of this contribution at a certain guest molecule concentration exceeds the difference between the chemical potential of water molecules in the liquid phase and the empty hydrate lattice framework. This leads to hydrate stabilization. In this case, due to a sufficiently large number of dissolved methane molecules, the filling of the hydrate is large enough to stabilize it with respect to the liquid phase even at atmospheric pressure. We observed this phenomenon at concentrations of 0.4 (6.5 mol%) and 0.6 (9.45 mol%) during MD simulations. When the concentration increases to more than 0.8 (12.2 mol%), phase separation occurs and this is in agreement with theoretical work [59]. This leads to a significant decrease in methane concentration in the water phase and disruption of this hydrate formation mechanism. With a decrease to 0.2 (3.36 mol%) or lower methane concentration, the amount of dissolved methane molecules in the water phase is insufficient for an adequately large entropy contribution to the water chemical potential, which was confirmed by the presence of a minimum methane concentration in the solution to initiate hydrate formation [38].
Molecular dynamics simulations using the TIP4P/Ice water model [54] showed the growth of methane hydrate at T = 245 K and P = 0.2 bar, which is outside the methane hydrate stability area [78]. The authors hypothesized that unexpected hydrate growth is due to the spherical shape of the initially separated gas phase, which can create additional pressure and cause stable hydrate growth [54].
Previous results [21,59,60] assume that using a supersaturated methane solution as the initial structure allows one to observe hydrate formation at moderate conditions such as lower pressure and/or lower sub-cooling. Our results show that the effect of supersaturation of an aqueous solution of methane has greater importance than was previously suggested and allows hydrate formation at 1 bar.
The dependence of the number of cavities on time for systems with different methane concentrations is presented in Fig. 6. Methane forms an sI hydrate that consists only of 512 (Fig. 6a) and 51262 (Fig. 6b) cavities. Nevertheless, during the hydrate formation process other cavity types could be formed because of fluctuations, surface effects and other effects. These cavity types were also drawn in the plots (Fig. 6c-g). For systems with concentrations of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8, the number of observed cavities increases with time. It should be noted that the formation of large (51262) cavities occurs after the onset of formation of small (512) ones. An increase in the number of different types of cavities is strongly correlated with methane concentration in the water phase. The system with C = 0.6 shows the fastest speed and, therefore, this concentration is the most favorable for hydrate formation under these conditions. We believe that at different pressure/temperature conditions, the most favorable methane concentration should be nearly the same. In other words, hydrate formation is faster if the gas/water molar relation is within a certain range. Similar dependencies for series A and several smaller models are given in Supplementary Materials (Figures S6.1 and S6.2).
The sI hydrate unit cell consists of 6 large and 2 small cavities, but in our calculations, this relation is not met due to a large number of other cavity types (51263, 51264, 4151062, 4151063, and 4151064) that reconfigure in later hydrate formation phases. Thus, the 4151062 cavity topologically is very close to the large 51262 cavity present in the sI hydrate and can easily reconfigure into a proper large 51262 cavity. Using such an assumption the resulting relation is not far from the target 3/1 value. Disintegration (change of structure/size) of the cavities is observed only as fluctuations in time. In the time interval of 0–100 ns, growth of the hydrate phase (0.4) reaching saturation (0.6) was observed. The case of C = 0.8 is exceptional, where slow hydrate decomposition is caused by gas phase separation. However, the resulting phases (0.4 and 0.6) are not thermodynamically stable but under the given p-T conditions, they are metastable. Additional driving forces (such as supercooling, high pressure, promoters, or a helper gas) could be used to stabilize the hydrate structure.
The dependence of the normalized H-bond number on time and concentration is shown in Fig. 7a and confirms previous results. The growth of NH-bond/Nmol indicates an increasing number of molecules involved in the formation of 4 H-bonds that are connected with crystal-like ordering, where each molecule forms exactly 2 donor and 2 acceptor H-bonds (NH-bond/Nmol = 2). At C = 0.2 the local structure of the solution does not change in terms of mean values. The decrease in NH-bond/Nmol at C = 1.0 clearly indicates that a high proportion of molecules form the phase boundary. The NH-bond/Nmol steadily increases for solutions with initial C = 0.4 and 0.6, and in the case of C = 0.8, during the first 25 ns (hydrate growth). In this case, the growth rate of the hydrate from solution with C = 0.8 is higher than at 0.6, and much higher than at 0.4.
The distribution of average NH-bond/Nmol in dependence on methane concentration makes (Fig. 7b) it possible to estimate the methane concentration boundaries for successful hydrate formation. At C > 0.2 and C < 0.8 a stable increase of NH-bond/Nmol number is observed. Thus, this range could be used for hydrate formation at low pressure.
The F3 and F4 order parameters were calculated for a 0-100 ns time interval (Figs. 7c and 7d, respectively) for the considered solutions. Solutions with C = 0.4 and C = 0.6 show an increase in the gradual ordering of the H-bond network during the entire simulation time. The difference from the ideal value is due to the fact that a significant fraction of water remained in the liquid phase. The solution with C = 0.8 revealed ordering until t = 23 ns; however the number of hydrate cavities increased. The discrepancy between these results is explained by an increase in methane nano-bubbles and the influence of the bubble surface. The disordering of H-bond network solution with C = 1.0 caused by methane bubble formation is expressed as an increase in the F3 parameter and a decrease in the F4 parameter. The solution with C = 0.2 shows no significant change over time. The value F4 ≈ –0.03 for concentrations of 0.2 and 1.0 corresponds to a liquid (bulk water), and the small difference from F4_liquid is not significant and can be caused by the features of the geometry of the chosen water model.
The obtained results indicate the cooperative nature of the hydrate nucleation process and it is determined by the rearrangement of the hydrogen bond network, which is associated with an individual change in the tetrahedral order parameter of each water molecule in solution.
A change in the distribution of gas molecules also indicates a partial transition of the solution to the hydrate phase. Due to the initial uniform mixing of gas molecules, the peaks in the regions of 3-5 Å (first peak) and 6-8 Å (second peak) are present (Fig. 8a-e) at t = 1 ns. The comparison with bulk hydrate and the increase in the first and second peaks of g(r) with time as well as the appearance of the third peak clearly confirm hydrate growth in solutions with C = 0.4 (Fig. 8b), 0.6 (Fig. 8c) and 0.8 (Fig. 8d). The value of g(r) for the second peak exceeds the height of the first peak (0.4 and 0.6) or reaches a close value (0.8); however, in the case of 0.4 and 0.6, the distribution becomes constant with distance, indicating the presence of a significant amount of methane mixed with water even after t = 100 ns. However, in a system with a methane concentration of 0.8, due to the formation of a bubble (phase separation), the distribution value does not reach a constant value with increasing gas-gas distance. Moreover, at t = 20 ns, the growth of the second peak is insignificant. This is in agreement with theoretical works for carbon dioxide [79] and methane [61] hydrate formation.
The second peak of g(r) for the C = 1.0 solution (Fig. 8e) smooths over 20 ns, which is faster than the disordering of order parameters taking place during 30-40 ns indicates the separation of phases is nearly complete, but residual methane segregates slowly. A decrease of g(r) with r clearly confirms the phase separation.
For the solution with C = 0.2 (Fig. 8a), where no hydrate growth or phase separation is observed over 100 ns, no qualitative differences appear over time. The constant value of g(r) at high r values indicates that the methane concentration is not high enough to break the H-bond network.