3.1 Size distribution, carboxyl content, and zeta potential
The DLS experiment was performed on a CNC/ZnO suspension made from CNC. The resulting size distribution is shown in Table 1. It was found that the CNC sample had the shortest average particle size (94.2 - 259 nm) than CNC/ZnO1/4 (103.4 - 281 nm), CNC/ZnO1/2, (122.4- 295.3 nm), CNC/ZnO3/4 (128.4-301.4 nm) and CNC/ZnO1 (119 to 341.2 nm) samples. This finding indicates that hydrolysis of COA by CAA is more likely to produce smaller size cellulose nanocrystals. However, the size of the samples increased as ZnO nanoparticles were added to CNC. CNC/ZnO1 samples displayed the biggest size compared to the other samples. Since more ZnO nanoparticles grow on the CNC surface due to more Zn2+ being coupled with CNC. As shown in Table 1, the size of CNC/ZnO samples slightly increased in the order of CNC, CNC/ZnO1/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO3/4 and CNC/ZnO1 with the size distribution of 94.2 - 259 nm, 103.4 - 281 nm, 122.4- 295.3 nm, 128.4- 301.4 nm, and 1119 to 341.2 nm respectively.
The results of the carboxyl group content of the CNC/ZnO nanohybrid obtained based on the conductometric titration method are shown in Table 1. The highest concentration was found for CNC samples (0.75± 0.08mmol/g) due to more carboxyl groups. The carboxyl content of the CNC/ZnO1 showed the smallest amount (0.15± 0.24) than CNC/ZnO3/4(0.37± 1.01), CNC/ZnO1/2 (0.58±0.78) and CNC/ZnO1/4 (0.71± 2.01). This is due to more hydroxyl groups in CNC enclosed by ZnO nanoparticles. When the concentration of Zn2+ increased, the reaction solution contained many Zn2+ ions and reacted with more hydroxyl groups of the dissolved CNC, this characteristic decreased the carboxyl content.
The average value of zeta potential acquired for CNC, CNC/ZnO1/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1 was -33mV, -13.7mV,-11.7mV, -10.4mV and -9.25mV, respectively (Table 1). All CNC/ZnO samples exhibited lower zeta potential compared to CNC. This is due to the carboxyl group found in CNC participating in the ZnO nanoparticles preparation system. During the preparation of CNC via esterification reaction, negatively charged nanoparticles are produced due to carboxyl groups on their surface. This affects the tendency of the zeta potential value of the CNC sample (Yu et al. 2016). CNC/ZnO1 has the lowest absolute value of zeta potential (-9.25 Mv), followed by CNC/ZnO3/4 with a value of -10.4 Mv. However, CNC/ZnO1/4 has the highest value (-13.7 Mv) among the four nanohybrid samples. This is because the zeta potential of the CNC is consistent with the carboxyl content of CNC samples (Table 1). As the content of COOH increases, the absolute value of zeta potential also increases(Yu et al. 2016). CNC had the highest absolute zeta potential (-33 mV), indicating the highest repelling force between CNC samples driven by the most considerable carboxyl content.
Table 1 zeta potential, carboxyl content, and size distribution of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids
Size (d.nm) from DLS data
-33 mV
0.75± 0.19a
94.2 - 259 nm
-13.7 mV
0.71± 2.01b
103.4 - 281 nm
-11.7 mV
0.58± 0.78c
122.4- 295.3 nm
-10.4 mV
0.37± 1.01d
128.4- 301.4 nm
-9.25 mV
0.15± 0.24e
1119 to 341.2 nm
All data were examined in triplicate, and the mean value ± SD was taken and written in the table. The identical alphabetical letter indicates that there are no statically significantly different (P>0.05) between values in the same column.
3.2 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Analysis
Fig. 3 displays ROA, COA, CNC, and CNC/ZnO samples in SEM images. The SEM image shows the differences in the fiber surfaces between ROA and COA by observing images after and before the bleaching process. The image confirmed that the surface of COA fibers is smoother and has less solid aggregate than ROA fiber. Additionally, the COA exhibit decreased aggregation, suggesting that the bleaching procedure was successful in removing a sizable portion of the amorphous mass from the fiber surfaces, such as low molar mass polysaccharides, impurities, and lignin reported previously by César et al. (2015); Khan et al. (2009) and Gültekin (2016). ROA showed a larger size (23.0 to 8.34 µm) than COA (18.05 to 4.01µm) samples. SEM images of ZnO/CNC and CNC show that the morphology of CNC is similar to a rod-shaped size with a smaller size (31 to 259 nm) due to the acid hydrolysis influence of chemicals in the synthesis process. Following the precipitation of CNC and Zn2+ ions in the CNC/ZnO1/2 sample, ZnO nanoparticles with a mean diameter of 164.18 nm and size distribution of 94–259 nm were formed on the surface of CNC. The average diameter of ZnO nanoparticles increased to 183.5 nm in a CNC/ZnO1 sample with a size range of 128 to 351 nm due to an increase in Zn2+ ion concentration. As more Zn2+ ions become immobilized on the CNC surface, causes the number of ZnO particles in CNC increases.
3.3 X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
Fig. 4 displays the CNC and CNC/ZnO nanohybrid's XRD image. The cellulose I characteristic peaks are visible in the CNC's XRD pattern at 2θ = 15.68°, 22.58°, and 34.54° (French AD 2014). In addition to the cellulose-specific peaks, The ZnO/CNC samples also show additional peaks at 69.42°, 67.5°, 62.54°, 56.76°, 47.68°, 36.38°, 34.52°, and 31.98°, which are assigned to the values (201), (112), (103), (110), (102), (101), (002), and (100), respectively (Sirvio¨ JA et al. 2014; Ul-Islam et al. 2014). This is an indication of the formation of nanohybrids. The crystal structure of the ZnO is revealed by the prominent intensity diffraction peaks in the XRD scheme (Sharma et al. 2019; Guan et al. 2019). Fig. 4 shows two-phase structures that show CNC/ZnO (#) and CNC (*) were observed. This showing using CNC, ZnO nanohybrid has been synthesized effectively. The low-intensity peaks of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids compared to the XRD peak of pure ZnO nanoparticles showed the deposition of ZnO NPs on the CNC surface. The findings further demonstrate that the existence of ZnO crystals does not affect the cellulose crystal structure. Three CNC/ZnO nanohybrid samples have similar XRD patterns. This demonstrated the efficient one-step ZnO synthesis on CNC in a successful manner. These profiles indicated that the presence of well-crystalline ZnO has not changed the crystal structure of the cellulose matrix. The Figure further demonstrated that, with rising Zn2+ ion concentrations, ZnO peaks get broader and more powerful over time. This suggests that the CNC/ZnO nanohybrids' crystal size and crystallinity have increased. Using debye-Scherrer technology, the crystal size (D) of the CNC/ZnO and CNC, structures were determined from the XRD data using equation (3).
Where: β is the integral breadth of the maximum complete width (FWHM), λ is X-ray radiation's wavelength (k=0.94), Dhkl is the size of a crystallite in nanometers as viewed from the crystal's(hkl) plane, (π/180) is the correction factor in changing β into radians, and θ is the scattering angle,
The predicted size of the CNC hybrid's ZnO crystal was 11.5nm, 10.7nm, and 9.8nm for CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1/2, respectively. The three samples' estimated crystallite sizes match those in Fig. 4 XRD patterns because the purer ZnO is typically associated with larger crystal sizes, which are typically associated with sharper intensity peaks., In contrast, the CNC/ZnO spectrum's smaller and wider peaks are connected to a smaller crystal size (Mumalo-Djokic et al. 2008; Taunk et al., 2015). These intensity peaks and crystal planes showed that ZnO nanoparticles effectively formed on the CNC surface.
3.4 Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis)
The optical properties of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids with various Zn2+ concentrations were examined by utilizing a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Fig. 5 shows the UV-Vis absorption peak of the CNC and CNC/ZnO nanohybrids. It was found that the CNC's spectra lacked any noticeable peaks between 300 and 700 nm. However, the UV–Vis peak showed a strong peak before 400 nm for all ZnO/CNC samples. The absorption bands for the CNC/ZnO1/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1 samples were 363, 366, 372, and 376 nm, respectively. ZnO's basic band gap absorption, which happens when an electron transitions from the valence band to the conduction band (O2p → Zn3d), is responsible for these peaks (Zak et al. 2011). This shows that ZnO nanoparticles have formed on the surface of CNC. It is intriguing to observe that the larger ZnO caused the absorption band to move toward the red (redshift). This suggests that when the Zn2+ ion concentration increases, more significant ZnO nanoparticles might be produced. According to the plot of Tauc shown in Fig. 5(b), the band gaps for the samples CNC/ZnO1/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1 are 3.32, 3.29, 3.21, and 3.07 eV, respectively. The sample band gaps estimated from (αhʋ)2 versus (hʋ) plot match with the mode of Kubelka-Munk (Yu et al. 2008).
3.5 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
The identification of functional group and bond structure determination of the CNC/ZnO nanohybrids samples was examined by FTIR instrument in the peak range of 400 and 4000 cm-1 (Fig. 6). Peaks at 3315-3340 cm-1 in the CNC/ZnO nanohybrids and CNC spectra were attributed to the O-H stretching mode (Azizi et al. 2013). After adding ZnO to cellulose, the strength of the O-H stretching vibrations weakened for CNC/ZnO3/4 and CNC/ZnO1, as shown in Fig. 6. This suggests oxygen atoms participated in the bonding interaction with ZnO and weakened the O-H bond. The peak at 1435 cm-1 was assigned to the CH2 vibration and taken as the crystallization band for each cellulose material, while sharp peak was indicated to C-O stretching for the CNC and CNC/ZnO samples. Its intensity decreases as the concentration of ZnO increases. According to Lu and Hsieh (2010), the peak at 1,650 cm-1 is because of the C-O-C bond stretching of glucose and pyranose ring skeletal vibration, but the peak at roughly 1,065 cm-1 is caused by the O-H bending of a water molecule (Cherian et al. 2008). The band intensity (1.721cm-1) for the C=O stretch decreased in intensity compared to the CNC peak intensity. This resulted from the potent interaction between the COOH groups on the CNC surface and the ZnO NPs.
Compared to CNC, more absorption peaks at 600–400 cm were found in ZnO/CNC nanohybrids, and these peaks were linked to Zn–O stretching modes (Azizi et al. 2013; Wei et al. 2013). The Zn-O peaks of ZnO/CNC1, ZnO/CNC3/2, and ZnO/CNC1/2 were located at 435, 432, and 412 cm-1, respectively. This verifying ZnO was successfully synthesized on the CNC template (Azizi et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013). The lack of a peak in the CNC sample between 400 and 450 cm-1 indicates that ZnO is not present in the sample. With increasing Zn2+ ion concentration, a little shift of the Zn-O stretching bands to higher wavenumbers was observed because of the lattice structure of the ZnO nanoparticles. The absorption peak at 2900 cm-1, is related to the C-H vibration of sp3-hybridized carbon. This peak vanished when the CNC/ZnO nanohybrid was synthesized (Oyewo et al. 2019). This peak's intensity also decreased with ZnO loading increase (Fig. 6). The decrease in intensity of the peak indicates that ZnO is present or loaded to the CNC lattice. A similar observation was made in the work of Ali et al. (2016) and Keshk and Hamdy (2019) using nanocomposites made of cellulose and ZnO.
3.6 Application of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids
3.6.1 Photocatalytic activity
By using solid-phase photodegradation MB dye, the photocatalytic activity of four different samples, including CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, and CNC/ZnO1/4 (Fig. 7), was investigated. The degradation of MB caused by exposure to UV radiation was used to determine the effectiveness of CNC/ZnO samples as photo-catalyst activities. The adsorption-desorption studies were carried out in complete darkness for 5 minutes, and the absorption spectra after this adsorption-desorption step are reported as "0 min". At various time intervals and under the identical circumstances, the photocatalytic activity of CNC was also assessed for comparison.
To determine how much UV light could potentially degrade MB, a blank test was run to see how much MB would degrade without a photocatalyst.
Fig. 7a, 7b, and 7c illustrate the photocatalytic capability of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids to degrade MBs when exposed to UV light in a 75-minute irradiation time. The result showed that in samples containing CNC solely, no notable changes in the UV absorption band of MB were seen after 75 minutes of UV exposure. Fig. 7d shows the MB degradation when it reacted with different CNC/ZnO samples. The degradation increase in the order of CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, and CNC/ZnO1/4. The Fig. also shows that there is no significant difference in absorbance between CNC and MB; this showed that CNC has the lowest capacity to reduce the absorbance of MB. Fig. 7d also shows the MB's absorbance reduction due to the addition of CNC and CNC/ZnO samples. Based on the Fig.s, the absorption peak of MB (2.23) reduced to 0.79, 0.93, 1.07, and 1.38 for CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, and CNC/ZnO1/4 respectively. Less MB degradation was evident with higher UV absorption values. The lowest absorption peak (highest degradation) is shown in CNC/ZnO1 and the most significant (lowest degradation) is shown in CNC/ZnO1/4. This is related to the concentration of ZnO concentration present in the sample. As the amount of ZnO increases, the chance of e- and h+ reacting with O2 and H2O to generate free radical(OH-) and O2- also increases (Fig. 9); this might take part in the direct oxidative breakdown of MB dye (Qi et al. 2017; Lefatshe et al. 2017; Balcha et al. 2016).
As seen in Fig. 8, the samples' exposure period to UV light impacts MB deterioration. To measure the effect of MB degradation with time, we measured the UV absorbance of the samples every 15-minute interval for 75 minutes. The result showed that the samples' absorbance decreased when the reaction time increased—however, the rate of degradation over time increased. As shown in Fig. 8, CNC/ZnO1 has the highest degradation rate, while CNC/ZnO1/4 has the lowest degradation rate every 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 minutes of exposure to UV irradiation.
Fig. 8b demonstrate that, after 75 min of UV irradiation, ungraded MB for CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO1/4 and CNC samples were 8.48, 19.65, 36.42, 45.88 and 83.48% respectively. Since ZnO was absent from the CNC sample, the 75-minute UV exposure exhibited no appreciable impact on the MB UV absorption band. After a 75-minute reaction, the lowest percentage of MB degradation (16.52%) was found in CNC, which had a lower degradation rate than CNC/ZnO1 (91.52%), CNC/ZnO3/4 (80.348%), CNC/ZnO1/2 (63.58%), and CNC/ZnO1/4 (54.12%) (Fig. 8a). According to the Figure after being exposed to UV radiation for 75 minutes in CNC/ZnO1 nanohybrid, roughly 91.52% of the MB dye rapidly decomposed. This finding suggests that ZnO/CNC1 nanohybrids have strong electrical interactions with ZnO nanoparticles that are well dispersed on the CNC surface. These characteristics possessed the sample to have higher photocatalytic activity than other samples. This photocatalytic performance in the present study was more effective than the photocatalytic activity (less than 90%) of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids made by Nang An et al. (2020) in 75 minutes of UV exposure time and comparable photocatalytic activities (about 90%) have been seen in the work of Yu et al. (2015) in 75 minute time.
Fig. 9 illustrates a potential mechanism for the CNC/ZnO nanohybrids photocatalytic activity according to the above results. ZnO can make photogenerated electron-hole pairs by absorbing UV light. The resulting photogenerated hole (h+) and electron (e-) could go to the ZnO nanoparticles' surface, interacting with both H2O and O2that have been absorbed on the surface of ZnO to produce O2- and OH, which could take part in the direct oxidation that leads to dye degradation (Huang et al. 2014; Zhai et al. 2014).
3.6.2 Determination of antioxidant activity Using the DPPH radical scavenging method
As a result of its sensitivity to detect active substances at low doses, the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay is frequently employed to test for antioxidant activity (Tettey and Shin 2019). Since DPPH is a nitrogen-centered free radical, any substance significantly reducing DPPH levels may also lower the amount of other reactive nitrogen species (Tettey and Shin 2019). Our findings show that the CNC/ZnO nanohybrid could dose-dependently quench DPPH free radicals at 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 g/ml concentrations. According to the data in Table 2, CNC/ZnO1 had the highest percentage inhibition value (25 g/mL, 11.09% 1.21; 50 g/mL, 21.43% 2.11; 75 g/mL, 32.07% 0.74; 100 g/mL, 42.51% 0.62; and 125 g/mL, 53.15% 1.03) than the other samples. This demonstrated that it had higher free radical scavenging activity levels than the other samples. CNC/ZnO1 has not shown a significant (p percentage inhibition compared to CNC/ZnO3/4. However, there is a significant (p percentage inhibition value in the rest of the samples. CNC's value is the smallest compared to CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, and CNC/ZnO1/4 samples. This is an indication that CNC has the smallest antioxidant activities. All samples in table 2 showed a much lower percentage inhibition value than that of the AA standard (125 µg/ml, 93.75 %±0.11).
Table 2 Percentage inhibition of different CNC/ZnO samples
Concentration ration (µg/ml)
All data were examined in triplicate, and the mean value ± SD was taken and written in the table. The identical alphabetical letter indicates that there are no statically significantly different (P>0.05) between values in the same column. AA= ascorbic acid
The IC50 values of CNC/ZnO samples are presented in Fig. 10. Their value ranged from 117.66 ± 2.07μg/ml to 554.30 ± 2.07μg /ml. All CNC/ZnO samples had IC50 values that were greater (P < 0.05) than ascorbic acid, indicating that they are the least effective in scavenging DPPH radicals compared to standards. CNC samples without ZnO have the largest (554.30± 2.11), and AA has the lowest (19.30 ±1.03) IC50 value. There is no significant (P > 0.05) IC50 value difference between CNC/ZnO1 and CNC/ZnO3/4 samples. Since the antioxidant activities and IC50 value have inversely proportional values, the results showed that CNC had the lowest antioxidant activities, whereas CNC/ZnO1 had the highest antioxidant activities.
The results from both % inhibition and IC50 values demonstrated that when Zn2+ concentrations increase, the antioxidant activities of the samples to scavenge free radicals also increase. As ZnO nanoparticle concentrations rise, more DPPH free radicals are quenched. This results in to increase the antioxidant activities. Similar work was done by Ali et al. (2016). Their work showed that ZnO-Cellulose showed lower DPPH free radical scavenging activities (14.85%) than the present work. The study also revealed that DPPH scavenging activity was shown to rise with a rise in nanoparticle concentrations. This characteristic is also observed in this work.
3.6.3 Antibacterial activities
The lack of antibacterial activities in cellulose may restrict its usage in biomedical and environmental applications. This is why researchers are initiated to synthesize zinc nanocomposites with cellulose for antibacterial activities (Azizi et al. 2014; Ul-Islam et al. 2014). By converging cellulose into CNC and preparing CNC/ZnO. We made cellulose to have antibacterial activities (Fig. 11).
In this study, gram-negative bacteria species such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia, as well as gram-positive bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, were used to investigate the antibacterial efficacy of the CNC/ZnO nanohybrids. The CNC was used as a control sample. The Ciprofloxacin drug was employed as a standard sample in the Agar well diffusion method to examine the antibacterial activity.
The disc diffusion method was used to assess the antibacterial activity. It was shown that the inhibition zones produced by CNC/ZnO nanohybrids against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia ranged from 32.33 2.51 to 41.33 1.15 and 31.66 3.51 to 41.00 1, respectively. For gram-positive bacteria species such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, zone inhibition was observed in the range of 26.00±1.00 to 40.33±2.08 and 31.22±1.52 to 38.66±1.15 respectively. The standard drug in this investigation, Ciprofloxacin, demonstrated a 30 00±0.00 zone of inhibition for testing four bacterial species.
The size of the growth-inhibiting ring used to combat Staphylococcus aureus against four different samples such as CNC/ZnO1/4, CNC/ZnO1/2, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1 were 26.00± 1.00, 32.33± 2.51, 33.33± 2.88, and 40.33± 2.08 mm, respectively. This showed that as the concentration of Zn2+ increases, the antibacterial activities of Staphylococcus aureus also increase. However, this uniform trend is not observed for the other three bacteria species, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Fig. 11). There was no significant difference (P in the value of disc diffusion between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia, almost in all concentrations. This showed that the antibacterial properties between these two species are almost the same. The inhibition zone of CNC/ZnO1 (16.3±3.21mm), CNC/ZnO3/4 (17.3±2.51 mm), CNC/ZnO1/2 (17.3±2.51 mm), and CNC/ZnO1/4 (17.3±2.51 mm) against Escherichia coli and the inhibition zone of CNC/ZnO1 (16.3±3.21mm), CNC/ZnO3/4 (17.3±2.51 mm), CNC/ZnO1/2 (17.3±2.51 mm) and CNC/ZnO1/4 (17.3±2.51 mm) against Klebsiella pneumonia were statistically significant (P<0.05) greater than inhibition zone of the corresponding samples of gram-positive bacteria species such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. This showed that gram-negative bacteria respond more positively to antibacterial activities than gram-positive bacteria species. Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia, there was no statistically significant (P < 0.05) difference among the inhibition zone of CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, and CNC/ZnO1/4. However, in Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis there was a statistically significant (P < 0.05) difference among inhibition zone against CNC/ZnO1, CNC/ZnO3/4, CNC/ZnO1/2 and CNC/ZnO1/4.
The inhibition zone of the standard drug Ciprofloxacin (30.00 ± 1.00) exhibited the lowest value except for the value of CNC/ZnO1 against Staphylococcus aureus (26.00± 1.00). This showed that the synthesized CNC/ZnO samples have high antibacterial activities. The data in table 3 showed that as the concentration of ZnO nanohybrids increased, the % inhibition of the samples also increased. This showed that antibacterial activities are directly dependent on concentration.
The use of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli has been reported by Abdalkarim et al. (2018b) to inhibit the growth of bacteria and reduce bacterial counts. Despite using diluted nanocomposites, their findings indicated that the bacteria were inhibited in 4.5 and 3mm zones, respectively. This value is too small compared to our work. In another similar work by Abdalkarim et al. (2018a), zones of inhibition for the antibacterial activity of CNC/ZnO nanohybrids against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were also observed to be 3.0 to 5.1 mm and 4.1 to 4.9 mm, respectively. This value is also small compared to our value. Yu et al. (2015) discovered effective CNC/ZnO nanohybrid antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, with the diameter of the growth inhibition ring measuring 4.5 and 4.3 mm, respectively. This value is also too small compared to the value found in our work (Fig. 11).
Due to the greater surface area of ZnO nanostructures, more ROS are produced. The bacteria become oxidized by the metal component, which renders their proteins inactive, decreases cell permeability, and finally results in their death. The generated ROS may penetrate and directly damage bacteria's cell walls, causing peroxidation of the organism's PUFA phospholipids and bacterial death (Wang et al. 2017; Sawai et al. 1996). Additionally, another bactericidal mechanism might result from electromagnetic interaction between the pathogen and the nanoparticles, which would halt the bacteria's activity (Mohd Yusof et al. 2019).
Table 3 The zone of inhibition that CNC/ZnO showed against four bacteria pathogens such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumonia,
Bacteria species
Ciprofloxacin (standard)
30.00± 00
Escherichia coli
32.33 ± 2.51a
41± 1.00b
40.66 ± 1.15b
41.33± 1.15b
Klebsiella pneumonia
30.00± 00
31.66± 3.51a
39.66± 1.52b
42.66± 2.51b
41.00± 1.00b
Staphylococcus aureus
30.00± 00
26.00± 1.00a
32.33± 2.51b
33.33± 2.88b
40.33± 2.08c
Staphylococcus epidermidis
30.00± 00
31.22± 1.52a
30.66± 1.15a
37± 1.73b
38.66± 1.15b