Although NR2B-Me was found to have high affinity for GluN2B, its affinity was nevertheless lower than earlier candidate GluN2B radioligands such as 11C-NR2B-SMe (26) or 18F-(R)-OF-Me-NB1 (25). Each NR2B-Me enantiomer showed relatively much lower affinity for σ1 and σ2 receptors than for GluN2B receptors in vitro.
The lipophilicity of a PET radioligand, as indexed by logD at pH 7.4, is a key property that influences many aspects of PET radioligand behavior in vivo, including brain entry, metabolism, and protein binding (28). Here, the logD of 11C-NR2B-Me was found to be 3.27, which is close to that predicted by computation (2.98) and in the range for many successful CNS PET radioligands. The plasma free fraction (fp) of a PET radioligand can be an important parameter for quantifying a receptor target in brain with compartmental models. fp was low for 11C-NR2B-Me (1.16%±0.14%, n = 3) in human plasma but readily measurable with good precision. The apparent pKa of 11C-NR2B-Me was 5.04 ± 0.01 (n = 3). Therefore free radioligand would be almost completely uncharged at physiological pH and available for brain entry.
11C-NR2B-Me was virtually unchanged when exposed to rat whole blood (Supplementary Table S3). Thus, blood samples could be analyzed without concern over further radioligand decomposition before measurement. 11C-NR2B-Me was also highly stable in brain homogenates (Supplementary Table S3). At 30 minutes post-intravenous administration, unchanged radioligand represented virtually all rat brain radioactivity (> 99%), a finding that was highly favorable to pursuing further radioligand characterization. Unchanged radioligand represented 46.2% of radioactivity in plasma at 30 minutes post-intravenous injection of 11C-NR2B-Me, showing that peripheral metabolism in vivo was relatively slow (Supplementary Table S3). 11C-NR2B-Me was stable in human brain homogenate (99.5%) and human plasma (100%) at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
11C-(-)-NR2B-Me and 11C-(+)-NR2B-Me were compared with 11C-(R)-NR2B-SMe and 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe in rat brain at baseline (Supplementary Figure S8). Each radioligand gave high and early whole brain radioactivity uptake that thereafter slowly declined. The rank order of radioactivity decline from peak was 11C-(–)-NR2B-Me > 11C-(+)-NR2B-Me > 11C-(R)-NR2B-SMe > 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe. This order may reflect the lower GluN2B binding affinity of NR2B-Me than NR2B-SMe when measured in vitro. The density of NR2B has been measured at 5.6 pmol/mg of protein in rat hippocampus (29), equivalent to 560 nM, which is a very high value compared to many PET imaging targets in brain (30). This may be why moderately high-affinity GluN2B radioligands showed more evidence of reversible binding than very high affinity radioligands over the 90-minute time course in our PET experiments.
To further explore how these new radioligands bind reversibly with GluN2B receptors, both pre-blocking and displacement of the PET signal with GluN2B ligands was examined. When the highly selective GluN2B ligand Ro-25-6981 (0.25 mg/kg) was intravenously injected 10 minutes before the radioligand, the PET signal in whole rat brain was reduced by up to 90% of that at baseline (Fig. 3). When Ro-25-6981 was injected 10 minutes after radioligand injection, radioactivity in whole brain declined smoothly and dose-dependently, although not to the same low level achieved in pre-blocking experiments by 90 min post-injection in PET imaging (Fig. 2). Corresponding experiments with 11C-NR2B-SMe had shown less extensive reversibility (26).
NR2B-SMe ED50 values for preblocking PET imaging signals from 18F-FTC146 and 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe are 1064 nmol/kg and 9.5 nmol/kg, respectively (Table 2), indicating strong preference for binding of NR2B-SMe to the GluN2B site. FTC146 ED50 values for preblocking PET signals from 18F-FTC146 and 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe are 46 nmol/kg and 2571 nmol/kg, respectively (Table 2), indicating strong preference for binding of FTC146 to the σ1 site (Table 3, Fig. 5A). The pre-blocking effect of FTC146 was weak against all four GluN2B radioligands (Fig. 5A). The σ1 receptor antagonist BD1047 was also less effective at blocking putative GluN2B radioligand uptake than the uptake of the σ1 receptor radioligand 18F-FTC146 (Fig. 5B). Like Ro-25-6981, the GluN2B ligand CO101,244 (Supplementary Figure S11) was also an effective pre-blocking antagonist against all four GluN2B radioligands. Collectively, these results provide strong evidence that the 11C-NR2B-Me enantiomers are selective for binding to GluN2B over σ1 receptors in rat brain.
As previously observed for 11C-(R)-NR2B-SMe and 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe (26), the putative σ1 receptor agonists TC1 and SA4503 showed strong pre-blocking effects on the whole rat brain uptakes of 11C-(–)-NR2B-Me and 11C-(+)-NR2B-Me (Supplemental Figure S12 and Figure S13, respectively). This supports our previous suggestion that TC1 and SA4503 interact directly with the GluN2B receptor, unlike the tested σ1 receptor antagonists (26).
Thalamus and cortex are generally considered to be GluN2B-rich regions. Here, we found that radioactivity retention in brain regions such as thalamus, cortex, and cerebellum could be pre-blocked with GluN2B ligands (Fig. 3). Both 11C-(–)-NR2B-Me and 11C-(+)-NR2B-Me showed high specific PET signal in rat brain (Fig. 3), with BPND reaching 5 in in rat whole brain, as assessed with Lassen (SUV) plots (Supplementary Figure S10).
Our finding that 11C-(–)-NR2B-Me gives substantial specific binding in cerebellum that can be blocked by Ro-25-6981 matches our previous findings with 11C-(S)-NR2B-SMe (26). Together, they are consistent with the moderately high specific binding of the GluN2B radioligand (R)-11C-Me-NB1 seen in rat cerebellum in vivo (24). Sixty minutes after injection of (R)-11C-Me-NB1, PET scanning revealed that radioactivity concentration in cerebellum was 79, 74, 75, and 83% of that in cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus, respectively. Ex vivo autoradiography of rat brain at 15 minutes after radioligand injection showed relatively lower binding in cerebellum than in, for example, cortex. (R)-18F-OF-Me-NB1 has also showed binding in rat cerebellum in vivo that could be blocked with eliprodil (25). At 30 minutes after intravenous injection, radioactivity in cerebellum was 73, 74, 77, and 75% of that in cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus, respectively. A recent study also found that an isomerically related radioligand, (R)-18F-PF-NB1 (Fig. 1), bound to rat cerebellum in vivo, and that this binding could be pre-blocked with eliprodil (31). At 45 minutes after intravenous injection, radioactivity in cerebellum was 85, 110, 95, and 92% of that in cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus, respectively. In summary, all tested candidate GluN2B radioligands from the 3-benzazepine-1-ol type structural class appear to show appreciable binding to cerebellum in vivo. In some cases, such as for the radioligands reported here, this uptake could be substantially blocked by recognized GluN2B ligands, such as Ro-25-6981.
In vitro autoradiography with 3H-Ro-25-6981 (29) and Western blot analysis using different antibodies against GluN2B (32–34) have been used to measure GluN2B protein levels in different regions of rat brain, including cerebellum. The mRNA of GluN2B has also been measured using hybridization histochemistry (1, 35). Both protein and mRNA measurements suggest that the concentration of GluN2B receptors should be low in rat cerebellum in vivo. 3H-Ro-25-6981 showed weak binding to rat brain cerebellum in vitro. However, in this study we found that but Ro-25-6981 blocked 11C-NR2B enantiomer uptake in rat cerebellum in vivo at doses that were also effective in the rest of brain. Thus, it is possible that Ro-25-6981 is not wholly selective for GluN2B but also has high affinity for an unknown binding site. It is also possible that radioligands in the 3-benzazepine-1-ol class have strong affinity for a non GluN2B binding site.