The statistical parameters of precipitation, temperature and wind speed anomalies from the five INMET weather stations that presented the lowest number of flaws in the period 2000-2016 were analyzed in order to validate the ERA5 and CPC/NOAA data.
Table 4. Descriptive statistical parameters of precipitation, temperature and wind speed
Piripiri - PI
Cruzeta - RN
Recife - PE
Palmeira dos Índios - AL
Morro do Chapéu - BA
Piripiri - PI
Cruzeta - RN
Recife - PE
Palmeira dos Índios - AL
Morro do Chapéu - BA
Piripiri - PI
Cruzeta - RN
Recife - PE
Palmeira dos Índios - AL
Morro do Chapéu - BA
As shown in Table 4, precipitation from CPC/NOAA was the variable that presented the highest MAE, RMSE and SES values, precisely because it was the one with the highest interseasonal and interannual variability. However, it was observed that precipitation presented good correlation indices in all municipalities, with r ≥ 0.95, indicating that this variable can be used in the absence of data. MAPE values were not calculated for precipitation because records of precipitation were missing for some months and, as a division by zero is not possible, the calculation was unfeasible.
One of the studies developed by Sena et al. (2012) compared rainfall data from the CPC/NOAA project with observed rainfall data for the Cariri region of Paraíba during the period 1979-2010 and the results showed a good correlation between the series, with coefficients varying from 0.58 to 0.89, all significant at 95% confidence. The CPC/NOAA data were also able to reproduce well the rainiest trimester, between the months of February and April in the study area, with a margin of error of less than 20%, which can be considered relatively small considering the great variability found in precipitation.
Cardoso & Quadro (2017) analyzed the performance of new-generation CPC precipitation data for the Southern region of Brazil, comparing them with observational data from National Water Agency (ANA) and INMET weather stations. The CPC data showed good accuracy when compared to INMET and ANA observational data, and regarding seasonality, the CPC data showed better performance in all statistical parameters evaluated.
According to the data shown in Table 4, with exception of the Recife – PE station, wind speed presented relatively low MAE, MAPE, RMSE, SES values and high correlation coefficients, indicating that ERA5 reanalysis can be used to estimate these variables in the NEB, because even for the Recife – PE station, the discrepancies, with the exception of MAPE, were not very high and the correlation coefficient was 0.404 (Table 4). These values are possibly due to the geographical location of the Recife – PE station in an area that is at a lower altitude than its surroundings.
Araújo et al. (2022) statistically analyzed ERA5 reanalysis air temperature estimates with surface data for the state of Pernambuco and concluded that ERA5 reanalysis estimates agree well with weather station-based data in almost the entire state, showing accuracy with and .
Lompar et al. (2019) tested the use of temperature data from ERA5 reanalysis to fill gaps in serially meteorological data for different landscapes, latitudes and altitudes, including tropical and mid-latitudes. An evaluation of the results was performed in terms of RMSE obtained using hourly and daily data. The study showed very low mean RMSE values, ranging from 1.1 °C (Montecristo, Italy) to 1.9 °C (Gumpenstein, Austria), what indicates that ERA5 data can be used to fill in temperature gaps in case of lack of temperature data.
Siefert et al. (2021) also evaluated the performance of 3 reanalysis products (ERA5, GLDAS 2.1, and MERRA-2) for surface wind speed data on a daily scale based on observational data from 521 weather stations for the period 2000-2018 in Brazil. Among the three products, ERA5 was more accurate for the country’s climate zones in terms of mean trends and seasonality. Fernandes et al. (2021) compared ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis wind speed data with wind observations from three coastal regions of Brazil: Maranhão, Santa Catarina, and Santos Basin. The results demonstrated that ERA5 is well suited for daily to monthly scale analysis of wind speeds, with , but the resolution of the current model precludes a close representation of the diurnal variability in places where the sea breeze is an important component of the circulation.
Jiang et al. (2019) analyzed the deviations of ERA5 hourly radiation data when compared to in situ measurements from 98 sites in China and showed that the reanalysis estimates correlated well with the ground observations and fully reflected regional and daily variations at individual sites.
Therefore, in view of the statistics found in our study and the data presented in similar previous studies, reanalysis data can be used to supply missing data from weather stations, emerging as an alternative to carry out and improve studies on climate change that depend on long-term data series, as for example in the NEB.
Evapotranspiration and Precipitation
The mean monthly Penman-Monteith-FAO ET0 estimates (mm/month) for the period 2000-2016 obtained using ERA5- and station-based data are presented in Fig. 5a and 5b, respectively.
In general, the values obtained were very close, presenting the same behavior throughout the months of the year. The highest and lowest values in the different months could be identified and represented. A strong correlation was found, with r ≥ 0.95, for the five locations, confirming the efficiency of ERA5 reanalysis data when observational data for ET0 calculation are absent.
Ismael Filho et al. (2015) proved that temperature and radiation are the two variables with the greatest direct effect on evapotranspiration estimates, in line with the works of Lompar et al. (2019) and Jiang et al. (2019) who demonstrated the reliability of temperature and radiation data from ERA5. Furthermore, the behavior of ET0 in Fig. 5a and 5b allows us to conclude that ERA5 data can be reliably used in the absence of observational data.
Similar research carried out by Paredes et al. (2021) evaluated the accuracy of daily Penman-Monteith-FAO ET0 estimates using shortwave radiation data (Rs) and ERA5 temperature provided by ECMWF when physical data were not available. Data from 37 weather stations distributed on the mainland of Portugal, where climatic conditions vary from semiarid to humid, and 12 weather stations located on the Azores islands, characterized by humid, windy and often cloudy conditions, were used for validation. In general the results showed a good accuracy when ET0 was calculated using ERA5 variables, with acceptable RMSE values and in most locations, allowing the authors to conclude that the use of this product was a good alternative when observed meteorological data were not available; however, despite the good usability of the ERA5 product, further research on its application is still needed.
Vanella et al. (2022) statistically assessed the reliability and consistency of the global ERA5 single levels and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets to calculate ET0 estimates by comparing them with agrometeorological data from 66 weather stations for the period 2008-2020 under different climates and topographies in Italy. A good general agreement was obtained between ET0 estimates and station data on a daily and seasonal time scale, especially under temperate climate conditions, with slightly higher accuracy values for ET0 estimates using the ERA5-Land product. This confirms the potential usefulness of reanalysis datasets as an alternative data source to estimate ET0, overcoming the unavailability of observational data.
Fig. 6a and 6b show the mean annual spatial configurations of ET0 (mm/year) and precipitation (mm/year) in the NEB, respectively, using ERA5 data (ET0) to estimate ET0 and CPC/NOAA data to estimate precipitation.
As shown in Fig. 6a, maximum ET0 values were found in part of the hinterland of the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará, Piauí, and Bahia, consequently associated with high levels of solar radiation, low relative humidity and low level of precipitation (Fig. 6b), creating specific conditions of semiarid and even arid climates. The ET0 values found here are similar to those found in other works. For example, Júnior & Bezerra (2018) found a total mean annual ET0 estimate in Northeast Brazil of up to 2098.0 mm for the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, southern Ceará, eastern Piauí, and part of northern Bahia.
CPC/NOAA data were able to represent well the spatial configuration of the precipitation data (Fig. 6b), following the pattern presented by INMET and researchers such as Nobre and Molion (1988) and Marengo et al. (2011). With this dataset, it was possible to identify specific points of higher precipitation in some locations whose surrounding areas present lower precipitation, such as central Bahia and southern Ceará State, corresponding to the location of the Chapada Diamantina in the former and Chapada do Araripe in the latter, which are two high-altitude mountain regions.
Climate Classification
After the validation of the reanalysis data, the climatic indices Ih, Ia and Im and the AIUNEP were calculated for the study area, the latter being the one currently used for the climatic classification of the Brazilian semiarid region.
The climate classification using AIUNEP is shown in Fig. 7. This index was apparently able to represent well the transition between climate types of the coastal region and the hinterland, that is, from humid to semiarid. The largest highlighted area corresponds to the semiarid region, with 834,448 km², representing 53.8% of the total area of the NEB (1,552,175 km²). Similar results were found by Sales et al. (2021), who carried out a climate classification for Northeast Brazil using INMET 1981-2010 climatological data and the AIUNEP calculated using ET0 estimates by the Penman-Monteith-FAO equation. They found a total area of 812,026.9 km² of semiarid climate, a value very close to that obtained in the present study.
A small arid area of 3,800 km² can be observed in the map, inserted in the Submedium mesoregion of the São Francisco River (Fig. 7). This region has specific characteristics of high temperature and evapotranspiration and irregular precipitation, with an annual mean of less than 500 mm (Fig. 6b). When comparing Figs. 6a and 6b with Fig. 7, it appears that the area classified as presenting arid climate is very small and possibly does not represent the regional reality, as in Fig. 6b a large area on the border between Pernambuco and Bahia is observed, extending from Piauí to the border of Bahia with Alagoas and Sergipe, where a high reference potential evapotranspiration is observed (Fig. 6a). Therefore, the arid area along the Pernambuco-Bahia border likely extends from Piauí to the Bahia-Sergipe border, and not in an isolated core as shown in Fig. 7. Thus, the arid area in the NEB is greater than that depicted in Fig. 7. The climate classification based on AIUNEP values in Fig. 7 for the central area of the NEB led to an overestimation of the humid climate in relation to reality. However, in the vicinity of Salvador, in the central part of the coast of Bahia, there is a moist subhumid climate (Fig. 7), but the mean annual rainfall in this area is greater than 2000 mm/year (Simões, 2017) and the climate is, thus, humid. On the other hand, it is still possible to observe that the calculation of AIUNEP with ERA5 and CPC/NOAA data allowed to detect areas with a dry subhumid climate in central Bahia and southern Ceará, precisely where the Chapada Diamantina and Chapada do Araripe are located, two mountainous regions with high altitudes and mean annual precipitation higher than the surrounding areas.
Lopes et al. (2017) found similar results shown in Fig. 1.5. They performed the calculation of the AI and analyzed climate trends towards desertification in the semiarid region of the NEB from 1961 to 2015 and detected statistically significant trends of increasing aridity, leading to the conclusion that this region of Brazil may become highly prone to desertification.
The climate classification based on Im is presented in Fig. 8. In this classification, the area with arid climate (363,919 km²) was 95.8 times larger than that found with AIUNEP (3,800 km2). The largest highlighted area (692,385 km²) still corresponds to the semiarid region, representing only 44.6% of the total area of the NEB, but 17% smaller than the area found with AIUNEP (834,448 km2). Further, in relation to the classification based on AIUNEP, there is an increase in the semiarid region in the state of Maranhão and the coast of the state of Ceará, and a decrease in the area with dry subhumid climate (Fig. 7 and 8). Similar results of those shown in Fig. 8 were obtained by other researchers such as Marcos Junior (2018), Jesus et al. (2019), Sales et al. (2021), and Oliveira et al. (2021).
This increase in the arid region according to Im (Fig. 8) in relation to AIUNEP (Fig. 7) is due precisely to the high levels of ET0 and low precipitation in this region (see Fig. 6a and 6b) and consequent higher water deficit. However, in the central part of Ceará, in part of the border between Ceará and Piauí, and on the western border of Paraíba with Pernambuco, rainfall is higher than that of the Pernambuco-Bahia border, and in these same areas the reference potential evapotranspiration is lower than that of the Pernambuco-Bahia border. Evidently, these areas do not have the same climate. Thus, Thornthwaite climate classification produced an overestimation of the arid climate in relation to reality. Similarly, according to this classification, the climate in the southeastern coast of Bahia fell into the moist subhumid category, but this area is actually known to have a humid climate (Sambuichi & Haridasan, 2007; Simões et al. 2017; Mencia et al. 2017; Mencia et al. al. 2021). Overall, the classifications based on AIUNEP and Im generated different climates in many areas of the NEB. However, comparing the configurations of these two climate classifications (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8) with that shown in Fig. 6a and 6b, it is not possible to determine which of the two best represents the climate of the NEB, especially concerning the extent of the arid area, which is large according to Im but very small according to AIUNEP. Therefore, in the present work, a new index, the Iab, is proposed.
The climate classification based on Iab is presented in Fig. 9. It is observed that the classification with this index was able to represent very well the climate types of the NEB, respecting the climatic transition from the coast (humid) to the central part (arid), as well as, from the central part to the northwest, in the border with the Amazon Forest, describing with good reliability the transition from arid to humid climates.
Two areas classified with arid climate are observed in Fig. 9: a small area in the center-north region of Rio Grande do Norte and other in the Submedium mesoregion of the São Francisco River and its surroundings, covering totaling a total of 128,940 km2 in areas of the states of Bahia, Piauí, and Pernambuco, which represents 8.3% of the territory of the NEB. In Piauí the arid area is found in the high and medium Canindé microregion; in Pernambuco, in the Submedium mesoregion of the São Francisco River; and in Bahia, in the region known as Raso da Catarina. Comparing Figs. 6a and 6b with Fig. 9, it is observed that the degree of aridity – which leads to the classification of the climate as arid – presented in Fig. 9 is consistent with the reference evapotranspiration (Fig. 6a) and precipitation (Fig. 6b) fields. It is noteworthy that these areas are known to be very dry and present high degree of aridity, especially the Raso da Catarina (Conti, 2005; Lucena et al. 2016; Lopes et al. 2017). The center-north region of Rio Grande do Norte, which corresponds to the Angicos microregion, is also known for its high degree of aridity, with rainfall below 500 mm/year and reference evapotranspiration above 2000. These characteristics were also observed by Diniz & Pereira (2015). Thus, important differences are seen in the extent of the arid climate obtained by the three methods. When using AIUNEP and Im, arid areas cover 0.25% and 23.4% of the total area of the NEB, respectively, while this percentage is found to be 8.3% when using the Iab. In their analysis of areas of the NEB that have the highest degree of susceptibility to desertification, Lopes et al. (2017) found an area that is greater in relation to the aridity indicated by Iab and lower than that indicated by IaUNEP. Therefore, it is observed that AIUNEP underestimated and Im overestimated the size of arid areas in the NEB.
The climate classifications with AIUNEP (Fig. 7) and Iab (Fig. 9) detected very similar areas with semiarid climate, namely, 833,448 km2 and 823,032 km², representing 53.7% and 53% of the total area of the NEB, respectively, corresponding to a difference of only 0.7% between the two indices. In turn, the semiarid area obtained with Im represented 44.6% of the area of the NEB, since part of the areas with semiarid climate was estimated to have arid climate. Regarding the dry subhumid climate type, the areas obtained with the three methods, Iab, AIUNEP and Im, were very close, representing 18.2% (282,759 km2), 17.3% (268,063 km2) and 19.4% (301,741 km2) of the total area of the NEB, respectively. On the other hand, the estimated areas with moist subhumid climate varied: 218,044 km2 (14.0% of the NEB) with Iab, 346,483 km2 (22.3% of the NEB) with AIUNEP, and 129,184 km2 (8.3% of the NEB) with Im. The areas classified as presenting humid climate presented very similar values according to Iab (99,400 km2) and AIUNEP (100,381 km2), representing 6.4% and 6.5% of the total area of the NEB, respectively. In turn, according to Im, the humid climate covered 65,946 km2, which corresponds to 4.2% of the area of the NEB.
An interesting result is the classification of the climate on the coast of the border between the states of Alagoas and Sergipe as dry subhumid observed with the use of the three indices (Fig. 7, 8 and 9). Marengo et al. (2019) described remnants of savanna vegetation near the coast of the border between the states of Alagoas and Sergipe, and Cantidio and Souza (2019), in their study on Atlantic Forest, described areas of Caatinga in that region too. Another commonality among the three indices is that the semiarid climate type occupied the largest area compared to the other climate types, covering 53.8%, 44.6% and 53.0% of the total area of the NEB according to the AIUNEP, Im and Iab, respectively.
Thus, our results showed that climate systems based on Im and AIUNEP presented a tendency towards more arid and more humid climates, respectively.