It has been reported that inferior branch of ibSLN serves as principal sensory nerve in the region above the level of the vocal cords and sends fibers to posterior glottis, hypopharynx and subglottic mucosa [8–10].
The preservation of ibSLN is mandatory for providing sensory innervation from most of the laryngeal mucosa. During swallowing, vomiting and coughing the glottic closure reflex mechanism protect us from aspiration. Damage or disfunction of ibSLN may cause insufficient mucosal sensation and lack of glottic closure reflex that may lead aspiration of secretions/foreign body to lungs [8, 11–13].
It is possible to damage the ibSLN during surgical procedures like neck dissections, partial laryngectomies, cervical spine surgery or carotid endarterectomies [6–7]. In order to prevent the nerve during the surgeries of this region, knowledge about the topographic anatomy of ibSLN becomes important. More accurate documentation of the topographic anatomy of the nerve and its relation to certain anatomical landmarks should be identified thus promoting safer handling during surgery.
Superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) arises from vagus nerve and deep into the carotid artery it splits into internal and external branches at the level of lesser cornu of hyoid [8, 14, 15]. The ibSLN courses medially and accompanied by the superior thyroid artery [15, 16]. Entrance point of the ibSLN to the larynx is through thyrohyoid membrane [13]. While some authors reported that superior laryngeal artery (SPA) and ibSLN enters the thyrohyoid membrane through a common opening, others reported that SLA pierces the membrane below ibSLN from a different foramen [8, 13, 17, 18]. In the present study we observe the penetrance point of the SLA and ibSLN were common at the thyrohyoid membrane area.
After the penetration of thyrohyoid membrane, ibSLN was shown to be divided into two branches or three branches [3, 8, 19, 20]. Mucosa of the epiglottis and a some part of vallecula is inervated by superior branch and the aryepiglottic folds are innervated by the middle branch. Interarytenoid muscles receives branches from the inferior branches [9, 10, 21, 22].
Knowledge about the relationship between the topographic anatomy of ibSLN and certain anatomical landmarks is very limited in the literature. The diameter of the ibSLN is thin in the thyrohyoid membrane region and thus vulnerable for damage around this area [3, 20, 21]. In the present study we demonstrated its topographic anatomy at the entrance point through the thyrohyoid membrane in relation to superior border of thyroid cartilage, thyroid notch, carotis bifurcation, hyoid corpus and hyoid greater cornus. During the surgical procedures of this region (either dissection or the placement of retractor blades), these anatomical landmarks are frequently encountered structures.
In the present study we found the distance between the carotis bifurcation (CB) and the penetration point of ibSLN as 1.67 ± 0.32 SD cm. It was also longer in male cadavers that was statistically different (p = 0.012). During exposure the relation between the nerve and carotis bifurcation and the difference between genders should be taken into consideration.
Prior to piercing the thyrohyoid membrane, the ibSLN crosses the greater cornu of the hyoid bone. We found the distance between greater horn of the hyoid (HH) and the penetration point of the ibSLN as 1.65 ± 0.38 SD cm. Also the distance from the midpoint of HC to the penetration point of the ibSLN was 2.04 ± 0.30 SD cm for all cadavers.
We found that vertical distance between the penetration point of ibSLN to thyrohyoid membrane and the superior border of thyroid cartilage (TS) was 0.60 ± 0.14 SD cm. In another study the authors had found the same distance ranging from 0 to 1.8 cm. They had noted that in 87.5% of the cases the distance ranged from 0.1 to 1.2 cm [23]. During the incisions to thyrohyoid membrane for partial laryngectomies or laryngocele surgeries, the distance between superior border of the thyroid bone and the penetration point of the nerve should be kept in consideration.
In our study, the horizontal distance between the midpoint of the thyroid notch and the intersecting point of the line we draw at the superior border of the thyroid cartilage (TN) was 1.97 ± 0.29 SD cm. It was statistically longer in male cadavers (p = 0.034). As a result we can conclude that the data should be remembered for male and female candidates.
In clinical practice, by means of knowledge of the topographical anatomy, danger zone for damaging the ibSLN can be predicted and damage risk can be minimized. The area that should be preserved can be identified.
There were some limitations for our study. Firstly, the races of the cadavers were unknown, therefore the measurements may vary in different races. Secondly the number of the cadavers the number of cadavers may not be sufficient to identify anatomical variants.