Community-acquired pressure injuries (PI) in persons who are at high risk have been ubiquitous adverse events for decades. In an analysis of global incidence data of persons with SCI/D who develop PIs (N = 82,722), Chen and colleagues (2020) found an incidence of 0.23 (95% CI, 0.20, 0.26). Incidence was greater in the community (0.26, 95% CI, 0.20–0.32) than the hospital setting (0.22,95% CI, 0.19–0.26). (1) PIs result in serious health consequences for persons with SCI/D including functional impairments, poor perceived health, pain, infection, and death. (2) Consequences to healthcare systems are related to the burden of caring for persons with PI’s including increased length of stay, and rehospitalization. (2) Estimates of treatment cost vary but may range from $500 to $152,000 per individual affected in the United States with a total of $11.6 billion annually. (3)
While clinicians routinely implement PI prevention strategies, some argue that some PIs in persons with SCI/D are not preventable due to underlying pathophysiologic factors that predispose the skin to breakdown. (4)(5) According to the 2019 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline (3rd edition), PI prevention strategies include preventive skin care, and assessment of skin, mitigating factors, and risk. (3) Large bodies of moderate or strong evidence support recommendations related to the impact of mobility/activity/friction and shear on risk, the association between skin status and PI development, and the prognostic risk factors related to perfusion, circulation, and oxygenation. Moderate statistical associations were found between nutritional status, skin moisture body temperature, serum albumin and hemoglobin levels and some measures of general health status and the development of new PIs. Weak associations with PI development were advanced age, sensory perceptual deficits, and mental health status.
Based on the evidence, the clinical practice guidelines (CPG) recommend a structured approach for risk assessment that includes comprehensive skin assessment, and supplemental use of risk assessment tools and clinical judgment. (3) The need to identify patients at risk, combined with the complexity of patients’ needs and time limitations in busy clinical settings, present challenges to clinicians. Most healthcare systems depend on structured risk assessment tools such as the Braden Scale, Norton Scale, Spinal Cord Injury Pressure Ulcer Scale (SCIPUS), Waterlow, and others. (6) Some have questioned the utility of risk assessment tools and have attempted to examine their predictive validities. Kallman and Lindgren compared the Braden, Norton, Risk Assessment Pressure Sore (RAPS), and Modified Norton scales and found that the first three had acceptable cutoff levels for initiating PI protocols in a general hospital setting, whereas the Modified Norton did not. (7) Flett et al. (8) in a study of 754 hospital admissions, found that a simple measure of mobility (the Functional Independence Measure {FIM} bed/chair transfer score) identified risk with greater accuracy than one SCI-specific measure (SCIPUS) and a non-population specific measure (Braden Scale).
With the evolution of electronic health records and advances in data mining methods, using algorithms to automate risk identification for decision support instead of clinical assessment tools has gained interest. Bogie et al. (9) extracted PI risk data (e.g., comorbidities, demographics, medications, healthcare access, nutritional status) from the EHR of over 36,000 Veterans with SCI/D. Their findings demonstrated proof of concept in extracting risk variables and provided a basis for model development and testing. Others are exploring patient perceived risk of community acquired PIs such as challenges, barriers, and contextual risk factors for a Veteran model of prevention that could be used in clinical practice. (10)
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of computer science that broadly aims to enable computers to “learn” without being directly programmed. (11) In healthcare, ML can be applied to recognize patterns within large quantities of EHR data to make predictions, with successful applications including natural language processing, computer vision, and automatic speech recognition. (12) Recently, ML has been used successfully to develop risk models of outcomes across a number of clinical diagnoses. (13) (14) (15) (16) Machine learning has also been useful to identify PI risk factors in critical care (17), nursing homes (18), surgery (19), and more broadly to develop PI phenotypes for community and hospital acquired PIs (20). A literature review found no published reports of using ML to improve PI prevention and detection in populations with SCI/D.
Applying ML algorithms to EHR data is complex. (12) First, data are extracted, then transformed into features based on domain knowledge using standardization and latent representation. The features are analyzed iteratively by comparing modeling techniques and selecting the best predictive model by comparing their predictive accuracies. However, simple accuracy, which summarizes the proportion of correctly classified outcomes (i.e., PIs), is biased when using highly imbalanced datasets (large numbers of negative vs. positive cases). In such cases, metrics that balance between True Positive Rates (TPR) and True Negative Rates (TNR) are helpful. The area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) is a plot of the TPR on the vertical axis and (1-TNR), also known as the False Positive Rate (FPR), on the horizontal axis is often employed. The AUC assesses the model’s overall diagnostic ability as the decision threshold is varied from 0 to 1.
The goals of the study were to develop a prediction model to synthesize the information available in the EHR and identify veterans at the highest risk thereby allowing clinicians to better target surveillance and preventive efforts. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) SCI/D System of Care is required to provide an annual preventative exam to veterans with SCI/D. (21) The first annual exam during the study period for a veteran after a minimum of one year free of recorded PIs became the reference or anchor point (see Fig. 1). Predictors were examined in the previous 12 months, and during the one-year follow-up period. (22)