2.1 Experimental materials
Immortalized human aortic VSMCs (HA-VSMCs)and their complete culture medium were purchased from Meisen (Hangzhou,China)β-glycerophosphate disodium hydrate and ascorbic acid were purchased from (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), ox-LDL was purchased from Absin (Shanghai,China) recombinant human IL-37 protein was purchased from Yiqiao Shenzhou ( Beijing,China), 1% penicillin-streptomycin and Trypsin were purchased from Gibco (NewYork,USA), pyrrolidine dithiocarboxylate (PDTC) standard products were purchased from Yuanye( Shanghai ,China) .PrimeScript™ RT reagent kit (Perfect Real-Time) was purchased from Takara (BeiJing,China), TRIzol™ was purchased from Thermo (MA,USA), GoTaq® qPCR and RT-qPCR systems were obtained from Promega (MADISON, Wisconsin, USA.), recombinant anti-TLR4, anti-NF-kB p65, and anti-RUNX2 antibodies were purchased from Abcam (Cambridge, UK), horseradish peroxidase-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) (affinity purification) was purchased from Zhongshan Jinqiao(Beijing,China). Alizarin Red S staining solution (0.2%) was purchased from Solarbio(Beijing,China)., and Annexin V-FITC apoptosis kit was procured from Biyuntian(Beijing,China)
2.2 Cell culture
HA-VSMC (T0515) were cultured in a specific medium in a 37 °C incubator with 5% CO2. Subsequently, the cells were passaged in 1:2 to 1:3 with medium changes every 2-3 days.
Passages 3–6 were selected for follow-up experiments, and the cells were seeded in a 6-well plate at a density of 1.2×106 for experimental treatment.
2.3 Experiment grouping and establishment of calcification model
Cells were grown to a confluency of 60–70% for treatment. The blank control and the ox-LDL treatment groups were set. The treatment group was treated with 50 μg/ml ox-LDL for 3 days and 14 days, respectively, to detect the expression of cytokines and establish a calcification model by cell staining. All experimental groups were treated in the presence of a calcification medium (complete medium+10 mmol/L of β-glycerophosphate+50 μmol/L of ascorbic acid).
Experimental grouping: After the successful establishment of the cell calcification model, the cells were divided into the following groups:1.blank control group.2.ox-LDL treatment group at a concentration of 50 μg/mL. 3.cells pretreated with IL-37(100 ng/mL) for 24 h and then 50 μg/mL ox-LDL was added to the co-treated cells. 4.cells pretreated with PDTC(100 μmol/L) for 24 h, and then 50 μg/mL ox-LDL was added to the co-treated cells.
2.4 Alizarin red calcification staining
After 14 days of cell treatment, Alizarin red calcification staining was used to clarify the calcification of cells. The medium in the culture plate was aspirated, and the cells were washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min, and washed with double-distilled water (ddH2O), followed by the addition of Alizarin Red S staining solution for 30 min. Finally, the cells were washed and images captured under the microscope(Primovert iLED).
2.5 Cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8)
A 100-μL cell suspension(1×104) was seeded in a 96-well plate and incubated for 24 h. Then, 10 μL of the substance to be tested was added to the wells and incubated for 24 h/48 h/72 h. Subsequently, 10 μL of CCK-8 reagent was added to each well, incubated for 2 h, and the absorbance was measured at 450 nm on a microplate reader(BioTek). The cell viability was obtained by calculating the formula according to the instructions (Japanese Dojindo).
2.6 Flow cytometry analysis
Cells were washed with PBS, trypsinized, and collected by centrifugation at 1000 g for 5 min. The cell pellet (50,000–100,000 cells) was resuspended in PBS and 195 μL Annexin V-FITC binding solution. Then, 5 μL Annexin V-FITC and 10 μL propidium iodide staining solution were added, and the reaction was incubated at room temperature (25 °C) for 10 min in the dark, before detection by flow cytometry(BD).
2.7 Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)
Total RNA was obtained utilizing TRIzol method. PrimeScipt Buffer and PrimeScipt RT Enzyme Mix were added sequentially and reverse transcribed into cDNA at 4 °C using a Reverse Transcription Kit . Subsequently, qPCR Master Mix, primers, and DNA were used for RT-qPCR, according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Two-step PCR cycle was performed: 1 cycle at 95 °C for 2 min, 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 1 min. The corresponding fluorescence signal intensity (represented by Ct value) and the melting curve were recorded at the same time, and the expression level was calculated using the 2-DDt method. Three replicate wells were set in each group, and the statistical significance was analyzed. The related primers were:
2.8 Western blotting
Cells were lysed in RIPA (with PMSF at a concentration of 1 M) for 30 min on ice. The supernatant was collected by centrifugation of the lysate, and the protein concentration was estimated by the BCA method.10% SDS-Page prefabricated gel plates, 10 μL protein per well, 40 min electrophoresis with MES electrophoresis solution at 120 V. Fast film transfer liquid, constant current 400mA, 30 minutes to complete the mold transfer. Subsequently, the membrane was blocked with 5% milk-TBST for 1 h, cultivated overnight with primary antibodies against TLR4(ab13556,abcam),NF-κB(ab32536,abcam),RUNX2(ab23981,abcam),β-actin(bsm-33036,bioss) at 4 °C , and horseradish peroxidase-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody for 1 h at indoor temperature. The immunoreactive bands were developed using enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) and quantitated on the image analysis system in the dark.
2.9 Immunofluorescence
Aspirated the culture medium, added fixative for 10min, removed fixative and washed 3 times with (PBS buffer), added blocking solution(5% Goat serum) for 60min, incubated primary antibody smooth muscle 22 alpha (SM22α)(ab155272,abcam)for 60min,followed by the fluorescent secondary antibody(p0186,beyotime) in the dark for 60 min. Finally, the cells were mounted and observed under a Inverted fluorescence microscope(Leica,Germany).
2.10 Statistical analysis
All experiments were repeated three times, and each experiment was conducted in at least triplicate wells. SPSS25.0 software was used for data analysis, and quantitative data were expressed as mean±standard deviation. The statistical comparison between two groups was carried out by t-test, and data from more than two groups were used. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical comparison, and P<0.05 indicated statistical significance between the groups.