We performed a prospective cohort study from September 1, 2020 until March 1, 2021.
Study population:
Healthy children aged 0–8 years old were eligible for inclusion. We created four age subgroups for analysis: 0–6 months; 7 months-1 year; 2–4 years; and 5–8 years. Participants were recruited through healthcare professionals working at the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital as well as through the research team members’ families, friends and neighbours. In addition, brochures were placed in waiting rooms and elevators in the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s hospital in which parents were invited to have their healthy children participate in this study.
Children who met any of the following criteria could not participate: neuromuscular disease, chronic lung disease, abdominal or thoracic surgery less than 3 months ago, known abnormalities of the diaphragm, and having been mechanically ventilated in the past 6 months.
Informed consent from the parents of each participant was obtained.
Diaphragm measurement
After having received thorough training from an experienced ultrasound technician (JM), two researchers (JS and AD) performed ultrasound measurements at the children’s homes, supported by a written protocol. Parents were present to keep the child as calm as possible. If necessary, the child was distracted with a video on the phone, a picture book or other toy, and a pacifier. The procedure did not start until the child was breathing quietly, lying either on a sofa, a bed or on the lap of a parent.
Ultrasound measurement of the diaphragm was performed with a Lumify L 12 − 4 linear array transducer (Philips Medical Systems B.V., Best, Netherlands) in B mode with the child in a 30-degree supine position, with the head on a pillow. The diaphragm thickness was measured on the right side, with the transducer placed perpendicular to the ribs in the ninth or tenth intercostal space between the anterior and mid axillary lines, in the zone of apposition between lung and liver. In this area, the diaphragm is observed as a three-layered structure: a non-echogenic central layer bordered by two echogenic layers: the peritoneum and the diaphragmatic pleurae (Fig. 1). [12; 13; 15; 31; 32].
Tdi in this position was defined as the vertical distance in millimeters between the midpoint of the diaphragmatic pleura and the midpoint of the parietal peritoneum. dTF was quantified by the percentage change in the right hemi-diaphragm thickness from end-expiration to end-inspiration during tidal breathing. dTF was calculated with the formula: end-inspiratory thickness of diaphragm (Tdi-insp) minus end-expiratory thickness of diaphragm (Tdi-exp) divided by end-expiratory thickness x 100. This index is widely used in various studies and is well applicable. [15; 31; 33]
Per ultrasound moment, three measurements were made when the optimum position was reached with the clearest view. The mean of the three values was used in the analyses. Short axis Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (Dicom) videos were recorded for offline B-mode analysis, and calculations were made with dedicated software (RadiAnt DICOM viewer from Medixant).
Outcome measures
Primary outcomes were Tdi at end-inspiration (Tdi insp), Tdi at end-expiration (Tdi exp), and dTF in healthy children up to 8 years of age, divided across four age groups: group 1 (0–6 months); group 2 (7 months − 1 year); group 3 (2–4 years); group 4 (5–8 years).
Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the two observers (AD, JS) were assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Intra-rater reliability was measured from ultrasounds performed by each twice in five patients, with a five to ten minutes’ interval between the two measurements. AD and JS were blinded for each other’s measurements. The inter-rater reliability was calculated from measuring Tdi of eleven randomly selected ultrasound images.
Each child’s age, sex, height, and weight were noted, and Tdi insp, Tdi exp (in millimeters) and dTF (as a percentage) were measured during tidal breathing.
Sample size
The desired sample size was determined based on the precision of the reference intervals. From previous research, we assumed that Tdi is normally distributed. [22; 34] To achieve sufficient precision, thirty children per age group (120 children in total) was considered a sufficient number.
Data analysis
Data are presented as mean (standard deviation, SD) for normally distributed data and median (Interquartile range, IQR) for non-parametric data. Differences in patients’ characteristics between the four age groups were tested with the one-way ANOVA test for normally distributed variables and Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables that were not normally distributed.
Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were assessed using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for average measures with a two-way random effects model for continuous data. An ICC value below 0.5 is considered to indicate poor reliability, between 0.5 and 0.75 moderate reliability, between 0.75 and 0.9 good reliability, and any value above 0.9 excellent reliability. [35]
Correlations between body surface area, age, weight and length with Tdi and dTF were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients (rp) with 95% confidence interval.
Ethical considerations
The Medical Ethics Review board at Erasmus MC Rotterdam approved the study (METC No. NL70476.078.19). The study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki.