In this section, we briefly introduce our data collection and then discuss the distribution of RG planets in the (Mp, a, Rs) parameter space. In Fig. 1, below, we plot an H-R diagram of host stars using luminosity relative to the Sun (\(L/{L}_{\odot }\)) and stellar surface effective temperature (Teff) values from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, identifying 214 Red Giants (and sub-Giants) - plotted in red.
Previous study4 derived a planet mass-stellar radius relation for 150 exoplanets orbiting Red Giants:
\({M}_{p}/{M}_{\oplus }=a{\left(R/{R}_{\odot }\right)}^{b}\) (Eq. 1)
with best-fit parameters a = 150 and b = 0.88. They further argued that Eq. 1 is not due to observational bias from the radial-velocity detection method. Folding in the Archive’s new data as well, we updated the relation and found a comparably similar result: a = 89.8 and b = 1.03, as shown in Fig. 2, below. The adjustment to a lower a value and higher b value obtained here can most likely be attributed to the post-2018 data points, which have lower values for both planetary mass and stellar radius.
Let us further investigate the origin of this Mp vs. Rs relation by noting that the stellar radius indicates the post-Main-Sequence evolution stage of the host star. The fact that Mp increases with Rs corresponds to the lack of less massive planets around more evolved stars.
In Fig. 3a and 3b, below, we split Rs into three different intervals and plot Main Sequence (silver dots) and Red Giant planets in each interval separately as planet mass Mp (in Earth masses) vs. orbital semi-major axis a (in astronomical units). In particular, we separate RG planets into three categories according to Rs: Rs/R⊙ < 5 (blue dots), 5 < Rs/R⊙ < 25 (green dots), and Rs/R⊙ > 25 (red dots). The (a, Mp) region occupied by RG planets shrinks as Rs increases — from its left side, with small a, from the bottom side, with low Mp, and from the right side, with large a. This shrinkage is best viewed from the right (b) panel of Fig. 3, which zooms into the specific region of RG planets and adds contours generated via Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) for clarity. If this shrinkage were due to observational selection effects, then the selection would have to be based on the radius of the host star but not on the mass of the planet or the orbital semi-major axis. Therefore, we suspect this phenomenon is unlikely to be due to observational selection. We next comment on the possible reasons for the shrinkage.
For disappearance of planets with small a, it is straightforward to anticipate planets with small orbital semi-major axis values to be engulfed and consumed as their host evolves and expands. According to Villaver et al. 2014, tidal interactions tend to speed up the engulfment of planets, and no planets should survive once a/Rs < 3. In Fig. 4, below, we plot the orbital semi-major axis vs. stellar radius ratioed to solar radii, clearly illustrating that a/Rs=3 is a cutoff and providing empirical evidence for tidally-accelerated engulfment.
Moving on to the disappearance of low-mass planets with increasing Rs, we can see from the left panel of Fig. 3a that for stars with a radius less than 25 R⊙ many planets with masses 200 to 1000 M⊕ exist at distances 2 to 3 AU. Yet, these planets are not seen orbiting stars with Rs > 25R⊙ - even though much more massive planets are seen at the same distance. For example, the red points and corresponding contours lie well within the detectable region in the Mp vs. a plots. Since the disappearance of low-mass planets with increasing Rs is the direct reason for the Mp vs. Rs power-law fit in Fig. 2, we have therefore confirmed that this is likely not merely an observational effect. Note that Solar System planets lie on the lower part of the plot; only Jupiter is near the reach of current detection methods. However, Jovian mass exoplanets and comparable orbital distance (~ 5 AU) are not seen around Red Giants with Rs /R⊙ > 25.
We also observe the disappearance of high semi-major axis planets as the star evolves. One apparent explanation will be the inward migration of hosted planets. In fact, if low-mass planets migrate inward more efficiently, the migration may also explain their disappearance as well. However, it remains unclear whether migration can be sufficiently substantial within the lifetimes of these stars. Another possibility may be that more evolved host stars in our data tend to have higher metallicity and are older aged, and therefore were apt to have differently characterized populations of planets formed around them. However, such differences will likely have to be very substantial to be influential in this respect.