General findings
We retrospectively included 50 pediatric patients, aged from 3 months to 17.6 years old and with a weight ranging from 8 to 68 kg (Table in the Supplementary material).
Location was supratentorial in 27 cases, infratentorial in 15, and spinal in 8 (intradural in 6 and epidural in 2).
Gross total resection (GTR) was the planned aim of surgery in 34/50 interventions and this goal was reached in every one of them. In 12/50 cases a partial/subtotal resection (STR) was planned and reached, while in the remaining 4/50 a biopsy was realized.
The pathological analysis showed low-grade lesions in 34 cases (28 WHO grade I tumors, 1 WHO grade II neoplasm and 5 benign mesenchymal lesions), while high-grade lesions amounted to 15, with 2 WHO grade III tumors, 10 WHO grade IV neoplasms and 3 other mesenchymal malign lesions. A single lesion remained histologically unclassifiable.
Association between intensity of fluorescence and pathology is summarized in Fig. 2.
All patients received a dose of 5 mg/kg of 10% SF. In 5/50 cases data about injection time were incomplete and were therefore excluded from this analysis. Time of injection preceded the incision in 41/45 patients (91%). However, it was not always at the end of induction. Overall, we had data about injection time, time of incision and time on tumor and we noted some degree of intraoperative fluorescence in the 35/45 cases, while in 10/45 cases the lesion was non fluorescent.
When evaluating the delay between injection time and incision, in the majority of cases the time interval ranged from 31’ to 1 hour (Fig. 3A), and with this protocol we also observed the highest percentage of good differentiation between healthy and tumor tissue (Fig. 3A).
On the other hand, when evaluating the period of time between injection and tumor exposition, it ranged from 1h31’ and 2 hours in almost one third of cases (13/45, Fig. 3B). We observed a good differentiation of the interface healthy-tumor in 77% of these cases (10/13) and in 100% of cases when 2h-2h30 had passed (4/4 – Fig. 3B).
We noted no adverse effect after the injection of SF. A case of late hypotension was noted, but causality with SF could not be definitively determined (we could neither exclude a link with SF injection, nor with tumor removal itself). No sequelae were registered in this case. In every other case, neither immediate nor late adverse events were described. Each patient had a self-limiting yellowish discoloration of urine in the 24 hours following surgery.
Enhancement: “quality” of fluorescence and comparison with gadolinium enhancement at MRI
Contrast enhancement at preoperative MRI (Table in the supplementary material) could not be determined in 4/50 cases (2 dermoid cysts and 2 lipomas). In the remaining 46 cases, a variable amount of gadolinium enhancement was registered in 35/46 cases (modest in 4, moderate in 15, intense/bright in 17), whereas no uptake was evident in 11/46 cases.
As far as it concerns intraoperative fluorescence (Table 1), we equally divided the cases in two groups: enhancing and not enhancing. SF enhancement was globally found in 40/50 cases (80%).
We then compared MRI enhancement and intraoperative SF enhancement (Table 1).
Overall, 34 out of 35 lesions showing preoperative gadolinium enhancement showed intraoperative fluorescence (97%).
among 11 lesions not enhancing on preoperative MRI, 1 showed a bright SF uptake and 1 a moderate one, while 3 had a modest fluorescence and 6 no fluorescence at all.
When looking at the biunivocal associations (grey shadow in Table 2), pathologies are as follows:
- among the 10 lesions that were bright (+++) both at preoperative gadolinium MRI and intraoperative fluorescence, we found 6 pilocytic astrocytomas, 1 gangliogliomas, 1 meningioma, 1 craniopharyngioma, and 1 atypical choroid plexus papilloma.
- among the 6 lesions showing moderate gadolinium enhancement and SF uptake (++), there were 3 medulloblastomas, 2 pilocytic astrocytomas, and 1 craniopharyngioma.
- among the 6 lesions showing neither gadolinium enhancement nor intraoperative fluorescence, we counted 2 low grade gliomas (1 pilocytic astrocytoma and 1 epileptogenic oligoid tumor CD34+), 1 anaplastic glioma G34 mutated, 1 dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET), 1 metastasis from alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma and 1 lesion not otherwise specified.
Image analysis: “quantity” of fluorescence
We retrospectively analyzed the images taken during surgery in order to evaluate the possibility of differentiating healthy vs. altered tissue using a software, and to determine whether the subjective perception of the surgeon may have an objective, numerical counterpart.
In 1/50 case we had no available images, while in 5/50 cases we had only images and the end of surgery, when no tumor was visible anymore. We had therefore 44 suitable cases for our analysis.
We subdivided the cases as follows (Fig 4):
- Group A, with intraoperative SF uptake:
- subgroup A1, group in which the surgeon reported good differentiation between healthy and altered tissue (28 cases, Figure 4A);
- subgroup A2, group in which the surgeon reported no differentiation between healthy and altered tissue (7 cases, Figure 4B),
- Group B, without intraoperative SF uptake (9 cases).
For every group, we calculated for both altered tissue and healthy tissue: the mean of all values of meangreen and meanred ± the standard deviation, the median of all values of meangreen and meanred, the min and the max registered meangreen and meanred. We then compared green in healthy vs. affected tissue, and red in healthy vs. affected tissue.
In Group A1, tissue differentiation was statistically significant for the color green, while it was not for the color red (Table 2).
For this group, we did the same analysis under white light, to evaluate if SF can differentiate as well under this condition, even if the human eye can’t perceive it. In this case, tissue differentiation was not statistically significant for the color green, but it was for the color red, i.e. the altered tissue was less red than the healthy tissue (Table 2).
Group A2 included cases in which the surgeon reported impossibility of tissue differentiation, although the tumor showed SF uptake. That’s because the surrounding healthy tissue showed excessive SF uptake too. In this case, no statistically significant tissue differentiation was present either for the color green, nor for the color red (Table 2).
In Group B lesions reported as “not intraoperatively enhancing” were gathered. Interestingly, the intensity of color green was significantly different regarding tumor differentiation, with higher values of green found in the healthy tissue (Table 2). We went back to raw data and analyzed them. We found 7/9 cases in which the surgeon had reported “no good differentiation of healthy vs. affected”, but also 2/9 cases in which the surgeon had reported a “good differentiation” between healthy and affected tissue, with the healthy tissue being fluorescent while the affected tissue not.
Therefore, we repeated the statistical test excluding these two outliers (Table 2), and effectively tumor differentiation was neither statistically significant for red, nor for green, as reported by the surgeon.
SF allowed a good differentiation between lesion and healthy tissue and was then considered “useful for differentiation” by the surgeon, in 33/50 cases (66%, Figure 4 A-B). In 7/50 cases the tumor showed SF uptake, but the adjacent healthy tissue too (14%, Figure 4 C-D), while in 10/50 (20%) no intraoperative fluorescence was registered.
The Chi-square test evaluating utility of SF in low-grade gliomas (20 cases) vs other lesions (30 cases) failed to reach significance.
Then, we selected lesions showing SF uptake (40 cases); the Chi square test found marginal significance (p < 0.049), which after Bonferroni’s correction, was not significant.
Finally, we evaluated only the lesions showing good differentiation between healthy and tumoral tissue (33 cases). The Chi square test was not statistically significant.
Among the 33 cases in which it allowed differentiation, SF was considered overall useful in 22/33 (67%). In fact, in the remaining 11 cases, although a good differentiation was visible with SF, it did not add any further information to the standard white-light vision (not essential, 33%).
Interestingly, when focusing on the low-grade gliomas group (20 cases), we observed SF uptake in 17/20 (85%) and utility in differentiation between lesion and healthy tissue in the majority of them, 94% (16/17). Analyzing the overall utility in this subgroup, SF was considered not essential in 25% and very useful in 75% of them (4/16 vs 12/16).