In this analysis that included 150,081 births from 58,945 mothers in population-based surveys throughout Bangladesh, living in flood prone areas was associated with an excess risk in infant mortality of 5.9 [2.8; 8.9] additional deaths per 1000 births compared to living in non-flood prone areas over the 30-year period, 1988–2017. Drawing on national-scale, high-resolution estimates of flood risk and population distribution, we estimate an excess of 170,136 [80,742; 256,645] infant deaths over the past 30 years were attributable to living in flood-prone areas in Bangladesh, with marked heterogeneity in attributable burden by subdistrict (Fig. 3) and heterogeneity in excess risk over time, with a risk difference of 9.2 [2.9; 15.5], 1.5 [2.6; 5.7] and 8.9 [ 3.7; 14.2] per 1000 births for the 1988–1997; 1998–2007 and 2008–2017 decades respectively (Fig. 2).
Over the study period, excess risk in infant mortality was reduced substantially between the 1988–1997 and 1998–2007 decades, despite massive flood events in 2004 and 2007, yet excess mortality risk increased during the final 10-year period of the analysis, 2008–2017. Although Bangladesh has made remarkable progress to reduce infant mortality rates over the past three decades (Fig. 1d), IPCC has forecasted increased flood hazard in the country, and our analysis suggests that heightened mortality associated with living in flood prone areas could, in part, jeopardize these gains.
Our results are consistent with the literature that documents adverse health outcomes among populations exposed to flooding events but goes further by characterizing their evolution over time. Previous studies have reported increased mental health risk23,24, infectious diseases9,25,26 or birth outcomes10,27 and vulnerability28,29 following flooding events but seldom are the studies interested in long-term effects of such exposure and none focus on repeated exposure. The matched cohort analysis used here demonstrated a heightened infant mortality risk among Bangladesh’s flood prone areas over the past thirty years that does not appear to have been driven by any single flood event based on fine-scale estimates of temporal heterogeneity in excess risk (Figure A2). Our study was not designed to determine the exact causal mechanisms and further case studies should investigate why this population’s vulnerability changed over time and disentangle short- and long-term mechanisms. In particular, the absence of differences in excess risk between the rainy and dry seasons in the most recent 2008–2017 decade, whereas all floods keep happening during the rainy season because of monsoon, suggests lasting effects on populations health beyond the immediate flood events that may not have been at play in the earlier 1998 − 1997 decade when most of the excess risk was during the rainy season (Fig. 2).
Estimating causal effects of extreme weather events on child health presents methodologic challenges especially because exposure to such events cannot be randomized. Study designs that leverage the apparent randomness of extreme weather events as natural experiments require that health effects are localized close to the event in space and time and that high resolution data are available around spatial and temporal event boundaries. Furthermore, such studies typically focus on single events as such designs are not applicable to long-term effects related to floods.
Yet, studying the long-term impacts of such climate-sensitive exposures is important because the population affected by a single, extreme flood is likely to be consistently vulnerable to flooding and is thus more likely to have experienced the effects of previous floods. Many climate-related exposures beyond floods, such as droughts or temperature extremes, face the same challenge of consistently vulnerable populations that face repeated exposures such that health effects may not be limited to periods immediately adjacent to single events. In this study, we proposed a design to overcome such limitations and study long-term impacts. We anticipate that the approach developed here, which combines remotely sensed data with DHS to identify matched, counterfactual groups for populations that are consistently vulnerable climate-related exposures, will generalize to other countries and other extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, heavy precipitation, or wildfires.
Beyond the potential for residual, unmeasured confounding this analysis had some additional limitations. The Global flood database uses remote sensing to map water surfaces around flood events notified in the DFO database, itself based on emergency reports and news coverage. Cloud coverage impeding remote sensing and possible biases in the DFO database could limit the representability of the seven country-wide flood events extracted from the Global flood database, resulting in measurement bias in the exposure. We addressed this issue by conducting sensitivity analyses where flood prone areas were defined more conservatively using higher thresholds on the percent number of days flooded, which provided similar results. In addition, to protect anonymity, GPS coordinates in the DHS data are provided with a random offset which could result in non-differential misclassification in the exposure, which if anything, would bias results towards the null. Another limitation from the DHS survey is that it records birth histories only from women younger than 49 years old, which means that infant mortality estimates for months closer to interviews may be more representative as earlier estimates miss data from women that were younger than 49 at the time but above 50 at the time of interview. Since DHS surveys were conducted every 3 to 4 years in Bangladesh, this is unlikely to be a major source of error but use of this general approach in other settings may need to restrict their sample of mothers to avoid this potential source of measurement error. Finally, there are several possible mechanisms that could link living in a flood prone area with infant mortality, including post-disaster mental health effects23, environmental contamination leading to respiratory infections24 or diarrheal diseases25,26 or longer-term effects affecting nutrition and socio-economics resources10 within the flooded community. Since these mechanisms could vary geographically and over time, generalizing the effects beyond the present study requires a strong assumption of consistency in the treatment effect, which could be unlikely. This does not harm the validity of the present estimates but suggests that new research to clarify the mechanisms for how living in flood-prone areas increases infant mortality could further guide actionable interventions.
In conclusion, this study provided high-resolution estimates of infant mortality attributable to living in flood prone areas of Bangladesh and evaluated how effects changed over 30 years. The study provides a generalizable example for methods to study climate-related exposures and longer-term health effects and demonstrates the importance of measuring longer-term impacts in addition to acute impacts immediately following extreme events.