The approach proposed in this study aims to identify the most determinant predictors in the characterization of the clinical evolution of ABI patients and to determine their outcome trajectories. For this purpose, we combined a PCA, and a mathematical model aimed at early predicting the GOS score, based on the estimated clinical evolution of every single patient.
The Michaelis Menten model was used to characterize the trend of the first PCA dimension (represented by feeding modality, RLAS, ERBI_A, Tracheostomy, CRS-r and ERBI-B) useful to predict the most plausible outcome (in terms of positive or negative GOS) of ABI patients upon entry into the IRU. The proposed methodology allows us to identify the possible evolution of the patient based on the results from the first to the subsequent clinical evaluation. Despite the greater accuracy and sensitivity (89.7% and 100%, respectively) obtained from the entrance visit to the IRU (visit at T0), for the 31% of patients it was not possible to predict what their presumed outcome would be. The subsequent assessment (4-months post-event, visit at T1), added to the first, however, allowed physicians to assign all patients to one of the two identified evolutions with an accuracy of 85%, a sensitivity of 90.6% and an increased specificity of 62.5% compared to 57.1% obtained with the only evaluation at T0. The only two patients for whom it was not feasible to establish the possible outcome had missing values at T1. The reported performance is in line with several previous studies using machine learning algorithms to predict outcomes in acquired brain injury (Cerasa et al., 2022). In a previous study (Bruschetta et al., 2022) different ML approaches were compared with the classic Linear Model (LM) to predict the final evolution of TBI patients according to 2 and 4 GOS classes based on the clinical assessment at T0. The accuracy obtained in the case of a binary outcome was similar to that obtained when the classical linear model is used. The LM approach however is underperforming in terms of sensitivity compared to our results (66.7% versus 90.6%). The difference could be due to the additional information at T1 which determines the membership trend.
The evolution over time of impairments, disabilities and recovery after ABI is characterized by a large amount of diversity (Campbell, 2004). Some patients show any improvement even in the long term, whereas other patients fully recover within hours or days post stroke. Specific demographical (age) and clinical factors (i.e, initial severity of disability, radiological markers; comorbidities) as well as the extent of improvement observed within the first days/weeks post-injury are considered the main indicators of the outcome at six-months (Kwakkel & Kollen, 2013), although their magnitude in influencing predictive models change as a function of statistical approach (Cerasa et al., 2022). In our study, we demonstrated that the ensemble of feeding modality, RLAS, ERBI_A, Tracheostomy, CRS-r and ERBI-B is able to define the time course of clinical evolution in ABI patients who will be discharged with a Positive or Negative outcome, reaching the best classification of the subjects and a high accuracy rate starting from the 86th days post-injury. Before the 86th day, the classification rate is low despite a very high accuracy. Even though the outcome of ABI patients is heterogeneous and individual recovery patterns differ, clear mathematical regularities (i.e. logistics and sigmoidal) have been found in these nonlinear patterns of recovery, making the outcome in terms of body functions and activities highly predictable (Koyama et al., 2005; Heller et al., 1987; Zarahn et al., 2011). In a recent study, van der Vliet et al., (2020), developed a longitudinal mixture model of motor recovery that describes the time course of the Fugl–Meyer motor upper extremity (FM-UE) scale after a first-ever ischemic stroke. Analyzing data from 412 first-ever ischemic stroke patients, they identified the FM-UE trajectories of 5 subgroups, organized into 3 clinically relevant clusters of poor, moderate, and good motor recovery. Their model can provide a satisfactory prognosis to patients as early as 1-week poststroke. There are some methodological differences with respect to our study. First, we analyzed data from a large and heterogenous group of acquired brain injuries including vascular (50.6%), traumatic (35.9%), anoxic (9.6%) or other pathologies (3.8%). Next, our model predicts the final outcome (GOS) on the basis of measurements of different clinical features: the level of consciousness (measured by CRS-r); the level of cognitive functioning (measured by the RLAS); the level of clinical complexity and disability (measured by the ERBI); the rate of paroxysmal hyperactivity of the sympathetic system (evaluated by the PSH-AM scale). The outcome is therefore estimated by relying on a complete clinical picture of the patient. Conversely, Vliet et al. (2020) predicted motor recovery, measured only by the FM-UE scale, and no assessment of the reliability of the model was carried out on an external cohort of subjects.
In conclusion, our combined PCA-MM approach provides an excellent prediction of patient outcome, together with the relative trend over time which demonstrates that at admission, a specific ensemble of clinical indicators is useful to predict the outcome at discharge, but a large part of dataset (n° 31) remained undefined. The prediction of time course improves at 86 days and any new information after this time point should contribute to the understanding of functional recovery patterns in the first 3 months after injury. In future work, we plan to perform further external validations on other datasets for capturing dynamic changes in prognosis during intensive care courses extending the current model with new objective predictors, such as neuroimaging data (EEG, PET, fMRI).