Study area
The study area is located in Sikkim, a small Indian state in the Eastern Himalayan region extending between 27°00’46” and 28°07’48” N and 88°00’58'' and 88°55’25” E. It has a north-south extent of ~ 114 km and an east-west extent of ~ 64 km, covering a total area of about 7096 km2 (Census of India, 2011). The state has a large elevation gradient, with elevations ranging from 300 m to 8586 m. This high elevation gradient allows for the state to experience a sub-tropical climate in the south and to tundra climate in the north. Sikkim is drained by the Teesta River and its tributaries, containing four major fifth-order glacierized sub-basins, East Rathong, Talung, Changme Khangpu, and Zemu (Raina & Srivastava, 2008). In this paper, we focus only on the Changme Khangpu (CK) basin (Fig. 1), the easternmost glacierized basin with a total area of around 792 km2 out of which ~ 65.77 km2 is covered by glaciers (Singh, 2020). The elevation range of the basin extends from 1540 m to 6880 m with about 80% of the basin lying in the range of 3500 to 5500 m. CK basin has around 58 glaciers of which many glaciers are heavily debris-covered such as Changme Khangpu glacier (4.84 km2). Major glaciers in the basin are Khangkyong Khangse (22.54 km2), Tenbawa Khangse (5.7 km2), and Lako Khangse (3.26 km2)
The glacial lake inventory for the CK basin was created using Sentinel − 2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) satellite images from the year 2020 (Table.1). In this study, we used the Level-1C orthorectified image providing top-of-atmosphere reflectance obtained from Sentinel 2 MSI imagery has 12 bands in the red, green, blue, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared ranges (10, 20, or 60 m pixel size). We have used the green and near-infrared (NIR) bands in the current study, both of which are available at 10m spatial resolution. Elevation data was based on the Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Elevation Model (GDEM) version 3 (NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Spacesystems And U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team, 2019) obtained from For the glacier outlines, we used the Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 (RGI v6). The RGI boundaries were updated for the current glacier extent using high spatial resolution imagery from Google Earth.
For the classification schemes, we also used the Global Seismic Hazard Map from Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (Giaedini et al., 2003) and bioclimatic variables from WorldClim version 2.1 (Fick & Hijmans, 2017) as auxiliary datasets obtained from and www.worldclim.orgrespectively.
Table 1
Satellite data used in this study
Scene ID
Pixel size (m)
Swath width (km)
Sentinel 2B
Glacial lake mapping
Glacial lake boundaries were delineated using a standard semi-automated, normalized difference water index, (NDWI) (McFeeters, 1996). NDWI takes advantage of the reflectance difference of water in the green and near-infrared (NIR) band to discriminate between water and non-water pixels (NDWI = (\({B}_{green}-{B}_{NIR})/{(B}_{green}+{B}_{NIR})]\) However, while computing NDWI in mountainous terrains, areas under shadow and steep terrain are often misclassified as water pixels (Shukla et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2011). Hence, post-processing shadow masking and visual interpretation have been conducted to remove these misclassification areas. In the final step, manual checking and correction of the lake boundaries were done using high-resolution Google Earth scenes to produce the final glacial lake inventory. We only focused on proglacial lakes in this study; although supraglacial lakes have the potential to produce outburst floods (Racoviteanu et al., 2022) we plan to address them in a separate study as the dynamics associated with such lakes are largely different from the proglacial lakes.
Before the application of the classification scheme, we calculated the area and elevation for all the mapped proglacial and filtered the proglacial lake database based on a set of assessment parameters. We made several assumptions and excluded lakes that met the following criteria: (a) lakes with an area < 0.01 km2 were considered to not have significant hazard potential (National Disaster Management Authority, 2020), hence, these glacial lakes were not considered for further assessment (ICIMOD, 2011; Worni et al., 2013); (b) lakes beyond 500 m distance from a glacier were excluded from further analysis based on the assumption that mass movement from surrounding glaciers and steep slopes are one of the most important triggering factors for GLOFs (Wang et al., 2011) ; (c) we excluded slopes of the surrounding area ( within 500 m from the lake boundary) < 25° based on the assumption that this does not pose risk in terms of a mass movement (Wang et al., 2011). After filtering, the remaining lakes were considered for the subsequent analysis.
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) scheme
In this paper, for the first-order classification, we chose the multi-criteria analysis scheme from Kougkolous et al., 2018. They list 13 criteria across four categories triggering factors, possible mechanisms, flood runout extent, and impact. These criteria were proposed by Kougkolous et al., (2018) based on a compilation from previous studies based on their exhaustiveness, non-redundancy, and consistency. All the criteria values were categorized into three categories based on predefined threshold values. Each of the categories was given a nominal value of 0,2, and 4 for low, medium, and high while assessing risk in MCDA. All the criteria were also given equal weightage for the present study. The thresholds for each criterion and the evaluation method used for computing the criteria are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Evaluation criteria and risk thresholds
Data source
Risk threshold values
Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Regional seismic activity
PGA values were obtained from Global Seismic Hazard Map
< 0.5 ms− 1
0.5–3.9 ms− 1
> 3.9 ms− 1
Intense precipitation events
BIOCLIM indicators BIO 4 and BIO 15 were obtained from the WorldClim database
< 50
> 100
High-temperature events
< 50
> 100
Dam freeboard
Google Earth Pro using the elevation profile feature.
> 15m
< 5m
Dam type
Visual interpretation in Google Earth Pro.
Slope steepness surrounding the lake
Slope maps were prepared using ASTER GDEM in QGIS.
< 30°
> 45°
Distance between a lake and the steepest slope
Google Earth Pro using the measure distance feature.
250 -500m
Distance between lake and parent glacier
Google Earth Pro using the measure distance feature.
250 -500m
Parent glacier snout steepness
Slope maps prepared using ASTER GDEM in QGIS
< 15°
> 25°
Travel distance of GLOF
Google Earth Pro using the measure distance feature and elevation difference.
> 11°
Lake volume
Empirical area-volume equation (Cook & Quincey, 2015a).
< 106 m3
106-107 m3
> 107 m3
Potential loss of human life
Sourced from the Census of India dataset (Census of India, 2011).
< 10
> 1000
Potential loss of infrastructure
Agricultural fields
Houses, bridges, etc
Hydropower, mining
In terms of triggering factors, intense precipitation and high-temperature events have been known to drastically increase the probability of lake outbursts (Mir et al., 2018; Prakash & Nagarajan, 2017; Wang et al., 2011). Intense temperature events are associated with degrading permafrost and destabilization of the surrounding area. We used the BIOCLIM2 indicators BIO 4 and BIO 15 which represent the temperature and precipitation seasonality respectively as surrogates for intense precipitation events and high-temperature events. Seismic activity has been known to generate mass movement and in many cases even trigger a dam failure (Jha & Khare, 2017; Mir et al., 2018; Prakash & Nagarajan, 2017; Rounce et al., 2016). Maximum peak ground acceleration (PGAmax) is a comprehensive proxy for measuring regional seismic activity.
In terms of conditioning factors or mechanisms, we based our choices of criteria on existing studies. Dam freeboard is used for assessing if any mass movement will create wave displacement high enough for dam overtopping, which may lead to eventual partial or complete erosion of the dam (McKillop & Clague, 2007; Worni et al., 2013; Xin et al., 2012). Dam type is among the most important conditioning parameters for GLOFs, ice and moraine-dammed lakes have a larger predisposition towards producing outbursts than bedrock-dammed lakes which are considered more stable (Huggel et al., 2004; Worni et al., 2013). Both of these were assessed visually in Google Earth pro. Previous studies showed that rockfall, avalanche, and icefall are the most important triggers of GLOFs, and the probability of any such mass movement is increased by the presence of steep slopes around the glacial lakes (Wang et al., 2011). We calculated these based on slope maps derived from ASTER GDEM using QGIS. Furthermore, lakes located in the vicinity of steeper slopes are considered to have a higher possibility of having any mass movements produced impact the lake. A threshold of 500 m for the distance between the lake and the steep slope was considered in the present study (Wang et al., 2011); this was calculated using buffer functionality in QGIS.
Calving from the parent glacier often adds a large volume into the lake causing overtopping and in some cases complete failure of the lake (Allen, 2019; Khadka et al., 2021). Lakes that are connected to their parent glaciers are considered to be the most hazardous; they also allow for the future growth of the lake due to the retreating glacier. Therefore lakes within 500 m of the glacier have been considered to have a more significant GLOF trigger possibility (Cook et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2011). Snout steepness directly controls the possibility of any calving or avalanche into the lake (Che et al., 2014; Duan et al., 2020; Fan et al., 2019; Jha & Khare, 2017; Wang et al., 2011)
In terms of flood extent, we assessed the GLOF travel distance and lake volume. Flood wave extends are determined by the type of flow and the slope through which the flow travel, generally stopping at average downstream slopes of 3–11°. The average slope between a potential GLOF and infrastructure at risk was used to ascertain the travel distance of a GLOF. Lake volume determines the outburst volume and the peak discharge associated with any potential outburst. Lake volume was calculated using an empirical equation V = 0.1217 A1.4129 (Cook & Quincey, 2015b).
In terms of impacts, the risk possessed by any GLOF event can be expressed as the impact on the downstream pollution and infrastructure that is exposed to the potential GLOF. The multi-criteria decision analysis of the selected lakes was performed using the SMAA-TRI (Stochastic Multi-criteria Acceptability Analysis), an open-source software package based on the ELECTRE (ELimination Et Choice Translating REality) TRI method ( which allows for alternatives to be assigned predefined categories in a sorting problem (Roy, 1996). Finally, the selected glacial lakes were assigned to three risk classes: low, medium, and high-risk probability.
Sensitivity analysis
The MCDA scheme allows for checking the robustness of the model by alternating the λ-cutting level, which represents the minimum proportion of criteria that must be met before any lake is assigned to a given risk category. The λ cutting value is generally always set between 0.5 and 1.0. The λ cutting the value of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9, refers to a minimum of 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, and 10% respectively of the criteria need to be evaluated as an anyone risk category for the lake to be assigned that category (Damart et al., 2007). For the present study, the risk scores were evaluated at a λ cutting value of 0.65 (denoted here as λ0.65). We consider this to be a conservative value to assess the associated risk of glacial lakes (Kougkoulos, Cook, Edwards, et al., 2018).