This research was a continuing study of the evaluation of mastication by acoustic parameters. In a recent study, mastication sound intensity showed meaningful value and the advantages of the experimental process, when assessing mastication performance.21 Combining the conventional indicators for reference, we processed the characterization of acoustic parameters in various phases of chewing. The results showed that the acoustic indices, and mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) expressed significant differences in sexes and high correlations with the essential parameters in all four chewing phases. Furthermore, based on the evaluation of mastication performance, characterization of the different chewing phases and the accuracy and comprehensiveness in the experimental process, mastication sound may be a more meaningful indicator in the exploration of masticatory physiology.
In this study, owing to the sound sensitivity, we chose the natural raw peanut as the test food for the masticatory sample, which is more fragile than many other test samples.26,27 The two types of mainstream indicators of mastication, kinematic parameters and bolus granulometry, were chosen for the comparative data. The kinematic parameters (chewing cycles and chewing frequency) were demonstrated to be valid for use in the electromyographic-analysis of masticatory muscles, and chewing frequency was more valuable than the other kinematic parameters.28–33 However, in a previous study of chewing rate, chewing frequencies largely varied among individuals.14 In contrast to kinematic parameters (chewing cycles and chewing frequency), the median particle size of the food bolus granulometry images was a more reliable and effective method to assess mastication.9–11 A systematic review observed that combining bolus granulometry and kinematic parameters in the same mastication process appeared to be a good approach for assessing masticatory performance.33 Generally, on the basis of previous studies, the median particle size of bolus granulometry was an accurate indicator to evaluate mastication, and kinematic parameters provided valuable guidance.32,34−39
When compare by sex, chewing cycles (CC, CCa, CCb, CCc), mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) and the granulometry of food boluses (D50, D50a, D50b, D50c) expressed significant differences. In a previous study of mastication and biting force, there existed the significant differences in genders and men showed a greater bite force and chewing degree than women when the subjects were asked to masticate the quantitative food.11,26,40−43 The results of prior research are in accordance with this study, and a higher degree of chewing result in smaller food boluses because of the increased number of chewing cycles.32,40,44 Although chewing frequency could be a valuable indicator of mastication in some research,29,32 it varied unstably and rheologically in the overall chewing sequence.14,45 This study showed that chewing frequency (CF, CFa, CFb, CFc) did not express a noticeable difference by sex. However, the analysis of mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc), which represents the volume and energy of the sound wave46, displayed a significant difference by sex. Since the masticatory sound was a single tone and involved solid-bone transmission, the parameter of mastication sound intensity (MI) indicated the sound energy of the occlusion produced by masticatory movement.47,48 This result suggested that the variation in mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) was in accordance with the conventional indicators of chewing cycles (CC, CCa, CCb, CCc) and the granulometry of food boluses (D50, D50a, D50b, D50c) in all four phases of mastication.
In the further intragroup variation analysis of each parameter, expect for the number of chewing cycles in the four phases, the results showed that the trend throughout the four stages of mastication was similar in mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) and the granulometry of food boluses (D50, D50a, D50b, D50c). In these two parameters, the data of the second phase, which processed the initial mastication, were significantly different from the data of the other phases, and noticeable differences existed between the second phase and the fourth phase. It makes sense that food boluses decrease with more chewing cycles. This finding indicates that the deformation of hard food occurred to the greatest extent in the initial chewing phase, the trend gradually flattened in the intermediate phase of the mastication process, and the volume of food boluses significantly decreased in the last phase. Additionally, the index of mastication sound intensity synchronously varied with the shape of the food bolus. This result shows that mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) may be a meaningful indicator of assessing mastication, as its variation consisted with the granulometry of food boluses (D50, D50a, D50b, D50c) in each stage of the chewing sequence. The parameters of mastication sound pitch (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) various little in the comparison of sexes and intragroup. Based on previous studies, mastication sound pitch may be more relative to the texture of food16. There was no significant difference in chewing frequency (CF, CFa, CFb, CFc), which was in agreement with the previous study of chewing various food in masticatory sequence.14 Actually, assessing mastication by chewing frequency remains controversial in previous studies.14,45 As the result of this study, chewing frequency was less sensitive in evaluation of mastication than mastication sound intensity and the granulometry of food boluses.
In the following analysis of correlation among the acoustic and conventional parameters, mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) revealed that a significant negative correlation with the granulometry of food boluses (D50, D50a, D50b, D50c) in all four phases of the masticatory process (r=-0.94, r=-0.85, r=-0.94, r=-0.95). As a result, the more mastication sound energy expressed by subjects, the smaller food boluses they produced. These results indicate that mastication sound intensity (MI, MIa, MIb, MIc) would be a valuable and sensitive indicator of mastication in every phase of the chewing sequence.
Early acoustic studies on mastication mainly focused on food texture and the relationship between mastication and swallowing, and further studies are lacking because of the sound capture device and analysis software17–19, 22. Recently, the acoustic studies in the area of chewing showed that mastication sound intensity was crucial in the evaluation of mastication performance by means of the bone-conducted tech.21 The same adapterization device of the bone-conducted tech and advanced acoustic analysis software were used in this study to further explore the variation and the relationship between the acoustic and conventional parameters in all chewing phases. Theoretically, by the advantage of the independent adapterization in bone-conducted tech, the collection of acoustic data is more complete than sieved boluses, and the analysis of acoustic data is more precise than the kinematic parameters.
In most acoustic studies on mastication, the experimental indicators were limited to sound frequency and electromyography. Sound frequency was significantly correlated with the value of electromyography; nevertheless, it could not be used to evaluate the mastication process.47–51 Fundamentally, sound frequency expresses the vibrational speed of soundwaves rather than the vibrational energy.47 It is reasonably understood that mastication sound pitch could not be used to evaluate the chewing process. In summary, mastication sound intensity could be a new and meaningful research direction in mastication.
Additionally, the acoustic experiment in mastication is an advanced method compared with conventional methods. In addition to the problem of accuracy and integrity of acoustic data adapterization being solved by a bone-conducted device in an appropriate way, the kinematic parameters of chewing cycles and chewing time could be counted and annotated synchronously by the emergence of soundwave crests. Furthermore, the acoustic experiment could be performed in a single quiet room without laboratory procedures. In summary, both the method and parameters of acoustic studies would be a novel direction in masticatory studies.