Allo-SCT remains the only curative treatment for higher-risk MDS. Unfortunately, available matched sibling donors are rare due to the older age of patients and their relatives. Though retrospective and prospective studies of AML have demonstrated that survival after allo-SCT performed using an HID is globally comparable to survival after allo-SCT using a MUD or MSD [11, 13], data are lacking for MDS patients excluding AML. A recent meta-analysis suggested similar outcomes between allo-SCT performed using a MSD, MUD, or HID, but the risk of developing grade 2–4 GvHD was significantly higher with an HID than a MSD, with a pooled odd ratio of 2.32 [21]. The main conclusion was that the donor type seems to not be a significant determinant of OS, PFS, NRM, or relapse incidence. Notably, the meta-analysis mainly included studies considering AML patients, with a very small proportion of patients with all-risk MDS. Therefore, we decided to focus on MDS (excluding AML) patient outcomes after allo-SCT, especially the poor and very poor risk cytogenetic categories. According to the IPSS-R [5], the presence of complex karyotype abnormalities, monosomal karyotype, or both predicts inferior survival after allo-SCT in MDS patients [22, 23]. TP53 deletion or mutation (alone or in association) is associated with poorer outcomes, with a high risk of mortality and a higher risk of relapse [24]. Regarding the results of one prospective study suggesting better OS of AML patients with a detectable MRD before allo-SCT when using an HID [16], we hypothesized that HID could provide, early after transplantation, a better GVL control for MDS with very high risk of relapse.
Our study demonstrates, in this specific “high-risk cohort”, a low estimated 1-year OS of approximately 40% because of a high relapse incidence (~ 40%), suggesting that improvements in strategies for relapse control after transplantation are still needed. Moreover, our univariate analysis demonstrated a lower risk of mortality, with a lower treatment failure after allo-SCT using a MUD compared to an HID. One explanation may be that early CD4 + T-cell recovery provided better outcomes after SCT [25] and CD4 + T-cell reconstitution is delayed after haplo-SCT with post-transplant cyclophosphamide (PTCy).
Our results are in accordance with Grunwald et al. [18]. They demonstrated a higher relapse rate (HR 1.56; p = 0.0055; 2-year relapse rate, 48% vs. 33%) and lower PFS rate after allo-SCT using an HID compared to a MUD (HR 1.29; p = 0.042; 2-year PFS, 29% vs. 36%). However, in their study, the OS did not differ between the two donor types (HR 0.94; p = 0.65; 2-year OS, 46% for HID and 44% for MUD) because of higher mortality associated with chronic GvHD in the MUD group. In our study, we did not observe any difference in the univariate and multivariate analyses of chronic GvHD incidence according to donor type. In the study by Grunwald et al. [18], recipients of HLA-haploidentical donor transplantations received uniform GvHD prophylaxis consisting of PTCy with calcineurin inhibitor and mycophenolate, and recipients of MUD transplantations received GvHD prophylaxis that included calcineurin inhibitor with methotrexate or mycophenolate, but neither treatment group received antithymocyte globulin (ATG) or alemtuzumab. In our study, 93.53% of recipients of MUD transplantations received GvHD prophylaxis that included calcineurin inhibitor with methotrexate or mycophenolate and ATG. The use of ATG has been related to a lower risk of chronic GvHD in prospective randomized trials and, therefore, may explain why recipients transplanted using an MUD in our study did not have excess chronic GvHD. Moreover, recipients in Grunwald et al. were clearly older than the recipients in our study, as they focused on recipients transplanted between the age of 50 and 79 years, which could impact the incidence of chronic GvHD.
In contrast, our results are different from those published by the Chinese Bone Marrow Transplantation Registry [17]. In this study, myeloablative conditioning was homogeneously administered to patients with high doses of cytarabine, busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and semustine. Moreover, GvHD prophylaxis differed with rabbit ATG for the HID group and, notably, no PTCy. Myeloablative regimens were excluded in our study to account for potential differences in NRM and to avoid higher heterogeneity in the conditioning regimens. Moreover, to date, intensifying conditioning regimen have not demonstrated better outcomes for MDS patients [26, 27].
One major limitation of our study is the heterogeneity of the conditioning regimens depending on each center’s policy, even if we tried to gather them into three main groups. The second main limitation is that practitioners may extend GvHD prophylaxis in patients with HIDs, but data on immunosuppressant tapering were not provided by the Promise database. The third limitation is the imbalanced characteristics between the groups at transplant in terms of graft type, conditioning regimen, and GvHD prophylaxis. However, the three groups were comparable in regard to the MDS characteristics. Because the main differences between the three groups were intrinsically linked to the backbone of the haploidentical allo-SCT platform, we did not choose to perform a propensity score analysis and focused, instead, on the multivariate analysis. Despite the limitations of this study, our results are in agreement with a recent report in AML patients [28]. They compared the recipient outcomes after allo-SCT performed using HIDs versus MUDs with similar conditioning and GvHD prophylaxis platforms (RIC and PTCy/calcineurin inhibitor/mycophenolate mofetil, respectively). In this cohort, they also observed lower PFS and OS after allo-SCT in the HID group vs. MUD group.
Finally, in agreement with Raj et al., studies in MDS, that include donor kinship are needed [29]. In our study, we confirm that the effect of increasing donor age is detrimental to overall survival.
In conclusion, we suggest that beyond the donor-recipient HLA matching, the donor age seems to impact recipient outcome. Large prospective trials are required to confirm these results.