Study area
This study was done in Lira district, mid-northern Uganda, where the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) previously implemented a smallholder pig value chain development project (SPVCD) since 2011. In this project, a value chains assessment was conducted to select study sites using pig density, poverty levels and market access (Ouma 2017). Our study used market access to select subcounties based on value chain domains into rural production for urban consumption (R-U) and urban production for urban (U-U) consumption (Ouma 2017). The total pig population in Lira district was estimated to be 30,000 in 2020 (DVO pers. com). Pigs are produced under housed, tethered and free-range systems (Kungu et al. 2019). Under these systems, pigs are housed in permanent or temporal structures made of cement, wood or papyrus. Tethering is when pigs are tied on a rope (on a pole) to graze around the homestead, while free-range is when pigs are allowed to freely roam in the neighborhood in search of own feeds and water. Routine preventive measures such as anthelmintics are generally not practiced, until pigs show visible signs of illness. In these smallholder pig production systems, biosecurity and hygiene practices are generally poor, which partly explains a high disease incidence in herds.
Study Design, Sampling Of Subcounties, Parishes And Villages
A cross-sectional serologic study was conducted from October to December 2018. We used multistage sampling to select subcounties and villages. In the first stage, four subcounties were selected (from a total of 9): two (Central division and Railways) representing U-U consumption and two (Adekokwok and Ngetta) representing R-U consumption. In stage two, two (2) villages with the highest pig density were selected for the study.
Sample Size Determination
To determine the sample size, a formula for simple random sampling was used (Dohoo et al. 2003). A previous study in Lira district found a seroprevalence of M. hyo in pigs of 20.9% (Dione et al. 2018). Adjusting for test sensitivity and specificity, true prevalence was computed to be 24%. The required sample size of pigs was obtained from Eq. (1):
n = \({Z}_{\alpha /2}^{2}pq/{d}^{2}\)----------------------------------------------- Eq. (1)
where n = is the required sample size; Zα is the standard z-score from a normal distribution (1.96), p = estimated prevalence of disease (24%) and q = 1-p (76%); d = allowable error (6%). Using this formula, an unadjusted sample size of 195 pigs was computed. To adjust for within-farm clustering, we sampled 3 pigs per herd, thus the design effect (Deff) was obtained from Eq. 2 below:
\(\text{D}\text{e}\text{f}\text{f}=1+icc ({n}_{1}-1)\) --------------------------------------- Eq. (2)
where icc is the intra-cluster corrrelation (0.2) for respiratory disease (Dohoo et al. 2003), n1 is the number of pigs sampled per herd (3), thus the Deff calculated is 1.4. The adjusted sample size was calculated from the equation: N = n1 x number of pigs sampled per cluster/herd (3). From this, the adjusted sample size of 273 pigs was derived.
Sampling Of Farms And Pigs
In each selected village, a list of pig keeping households/farms was obtained from the district veterinary office and the area local councils. Random sampling of farms was done, until the required sample size was obtained. We sampled farms regardless of health status or anthelmintic treatments to examine differences in farm husbandry practices and how these influence occurrences of specific pathogens in farms. Using a sampling frame of all pig farmers generated with field research assistants, three (3) pigs per herd were sampled until the required sample size was reached. Only pigs ≥ 2.5 months old were selected for sampling, since pigs below that age are reported to retain maternal antibodies to PCV2 and PRRSv post weaning, which could interfere with serologic tests (Opriessnig et al. 2004; Gillespie et al. 2009). App-acquired colostral antibodies were reported to decay within 2 months postpartum (Vigre et al. 2003). We sampled pigs from 2.5 months and above regardless of health status, clinical signs or feed types given to pigs.
Data Collection Methods
A structured questionnaire with closed questions was designed, pre-tested by the first author in Mukono district and revised before use. Research assistants were trained in its use before it was administered to each household head or farm manager. To ensure consistency, all questions were translated to a local language spoken in the area (Langi). The questionnaire captured data on potential risk factors for infection with respiratory pathogens.
Blood Sample Collection And Storage
Each pig was properly restrained as described in the ILRI Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) manual, section 2, part (c) & (d) (ILRI 2004). Smaller pigs were restrained by hand, while larger ones were restrained with a metallic pig catcher (Model BZ002, MG. Livestock, Shandong, China) placed behind the upper incisor teeth and the snout raised upwards. Blood was then collected from the cranial vena cava or jugular vein, using a 21G, 1.5" needle into plain 5 mL BD® vacutainer tubes. The tubes were labeled with animal identification details and then placed in an ice box at 4–6°C. After collection, samples were delivered (within 3 hours) to the district veterinary laboratory for temporary storage. Blood samples were left to stand at room temperature (20°C) overnight and serum harvested the following day into 2 mL cryotubes (Sarstedt®, Germany), labelled and stored in a fridge at -20°C until testing.
Serological Analysis Of Sera
In the lab, sera were screened using ELISA assays according to manufacturers’ instructions for each pathogen: M. hyo and App-ApxIV (IDDEXX, Westbrook, Maine, USA); for PRRSv and PCV2 assays (Krishgen Biosystems, India). Cut-off sample to positive ratios (S/P%) for M. hyo were > 0.40 (positive) and < 0.30 (negative), App were ≥ 50% (positive) and < 40% (negative). PCV2 and PRRSv S/P cut-off ratios for positive and negative samples were ≥ 0.2 and < 0.2 respectively. Suspect samples were re-tested. Test sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) for M. hyo ELISA were 85.6% and 99.6% respectively; Se and Sp for App-ApxIV Ab ELISA test were 97.8% and 100%, respectively. Se and Sp for PRRSv were 94.0% and 94.0%, while for PCV2 Se and Sp were 92.0% and 94.0% respectively. Test Se and Sp were used to calculate true prevalence of respiratory infections at α = 0.05 significance level.
Faecal Sample Collection And Analysis
Faecal samples (~ 3gr) were collected from the rectum of each pig using gloved hands into 10 mL plastic containers, labelled and placed in ice box at 4 ºC. Samples were taken to the district veterinary lab for temporary storage at 4 ºC. Samples were transferred to the central diagnostic laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB), Makerere University for analysis, one week after collection. Helminth species were identified using the Baermann method (MAFF 1986). Faecal egg counts in eggs per gram of faeces (EPGs) were quantified using McMaster technique (MAFF 1986).
Data Analysis And Presentation
Data was coded and entered into Excel 16.0 and any errors in entry corrected by cross-checking with questionnaires. RStudio was used for data analysis and presentation (R Core Team 2019). True prevalence was computed by adjusting apparent prevalence using prevalence 0.2.0 package in R, taking into account test sensitivities and specificities (R Core Team 2019). Multivariable logistic regression analysis of risk factors for each pathogen was performed. The response variable was the ELISA test result, with predictors: pig age and husbandry practices (house type, parasites, drug use, pig mixing, hygiene score and drainage). The model below was fitted to predict respiratory infections, as a function of pig characteristics and husbandry practices (house type, parasites, drug use, pig age, pig mixing, hygiene and drainage):
\(\text{ln}\frac{\widehat{p}}{(1-\widehat{p)}}={\beta }_{0}+ {\beta }_{1}{x}_{1i}+{\beta }_{2}{x}_{2i}\dots .....{\beta }_{p}{x}_{pi }\) --------------------------Eq. (3)
where \(\text{ln}\frac{\widehat{p}}{(1-\widehat{p)}}\) is the expected log of odds of infection, β0 is the model intercept; β1, β2, are regression coefficients, while x1i, x2i, are the respective explanatory variables. Interaction terms were tested for each model and confounding was checked by inclusion and exclusion of variables to observe a change in model coefficients. A cumulative link mixed effects (CLMM) model was fitted to estimate the odds of co-infection (2 or more pathogens) with farm as a random effect. The CLMM model from R package ‘ordinal’ was used to select 9 variables for cluster analysis. Only significant variables (at p < 0.05) were retained in the model. However, pig age and sex were dropped because they both run across all farms, which maximizes between-cluster homogeneity. A hybrid hierarchical K-means (hkmeans) partitioning algorithm was used to identify and characterize farm clusters. Residual plots and R-square statistics were used to assess the fitted models.