3.1 Scientific production
Research specifically designed to investigate the impacts of climate change in Panama began in the 1980’s. However, numerous long-term studies that have proved useful for climate change research, began at BCI and Galeta as early as 1972. Scientific climate change publications were gathered (objective 1) using the Scopus, Google Scholar, Smithsonian Institute online library, Panama University online library, Technology University of Panama online library, and National Library of Panama web site. In addition to the publications obtained from those sources, more than 20 official Panamanian government publications were identified. Figure 6 shows the scientific publications and the Panamanian official reports per year.
The greatest number of identified climate change-related studies were conducted, at least in part, in the BCNM, Panama Canal Watershed (outside of the BCNM), and Guna Yala territory. Other frequently used sites include Metropolitan Natural Park, Soberanía Park, and the Caribbean coast of the province of Colón and Bocas del Toro. Climate change research in the BCNM studies have primarily focused on the effects of climate change on tropical forests. Studies have examined the response of tropical tree species to drought, variability of soil CO2 fluxes from tropical forests into the atmosphere due to global warming. Table 1 shows the list of research concerning climate change in Panama.
3.2 Geographic Distribution of Climate change research
Table 1 lists all publications organized by hydroclimatic region. Climate change research varies widely between hydroclimatic regions both in quantity and research focus. Studies in the Western Caribbean region have been focused primarily on vulnerability, mitigation, and adoption of best practices as measures of climate change adaptation. In the Western Pacific region, however, climate change research has focused primarily on coral bleaching; initially due to the major 1982/3 and 1997/8 El Niño, and then later on the effects of climate change on watershed and water managements. Research in the Arco Seco region has primarily focused on the impact of droughts on cereal crops such as rice and corn. Subsequently, research in the regions has been centred in water availability and climate change adaptation in La Villa and Santa María watersheds (Larsen, 2019), (Romero et al, 2019).
By far, the majority of climate change publications have been based on research carried out primarily in the area of Central Panama. This can be attributed to the almost 100-year presence of Smithsonian Institution research in this region, as well as research and monitoring carried out by the ACP in the PCW. Climate change research in this region includes some of the longest-term meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic, and biological studies in the neotropics. In addition, there have been a wide range of short and medium-term investigations including behavioural, physiological, ecological and ecosystem services responses to climate change. The scientific literature resulting from these studies have significantly contributed to our current understanding of how tropical ecosystems may respond to climate change and increased levels of CO2. One project in particular, the Agua Salud Panama Canal Watershed Project, has been instrumental in helping to guide National governmental and Panama Canal Authority policies related to forest protection and regeneration as a means of managing water resources (Aylward and Watershed, 2002), (Ogden et al, 2013), (Rodr´ıguez Guerra, 2016) and mitigating some of the effects of climate change.
The Central region has also been important for marine studies as well. Although there are sea level data from multiple locations in Panama (MillanOtoya, 2015), (Simmonds et al, 2017), the ACP tide stations at Pacific (Balboa, Panama City, currently active) and Atlantic (Colon City, inactive) entrances of the Panama Canal, are the most important, both in term of data quality and duration. STRI has one active station on Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro, and one inactive station at Punta Galeta. The Central and Western Pacific regions have the greatest number of studies related to marine coastal ecosystems including mangroves, corals, and sea grass. One the largest marine studies in all of Panama was the Galeta Oil Spill Study (Jackson et al, 1989), (Keller and Jackson, 1991) (Guzman et al, 2020). This project investigated the impacts of one of the largest recorded coastal oil spills in the neotropics on intertidal mangroves, sea grasses, algae, corals, and associated invertebrates (Jackson et al, 1989).
Concerning the east regions of Panama, climate change research in Eastern region includes estimations of methane emissions, and the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems and indigenous peoples (Potvin and Mateo-Vega, 2013), (Holmes et al, 2017), (Mateo-Vega et al, 2017). The Chucunaque river watershed has been one of the subjects of the government climate change-related study (PNUMA and ANAN, 2011). Moreover, the Eastern Caribbean region has the highest number of sea level rise studies. This region is projected to be one of the most affected because of the flooding and eventual loss of numerous low-lying islands due to sea level rise. Figure 7 shows the number of studies per location.
3.2.1 Projected effects of climate change in Panama
The fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (Imbach et al, 2018) predicts that mean annual air temperatures for Panama will increase from 0.5ºC to 1ºC by 2035, 1ºC to 1.5ºC by 2065, and 1.5ºC to 2ºC by 2100 based on the RCP4.5 scenario according to HadGEM2-ES global climate model. The First National Communication on Climate Change (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, 2000) forecasts reduced runoff in watersheds in the Arco Seco region and the Chagres River; these watersheds are critical for supplying fresh water to several cities and towns in the area, accounting for over 40% of Panama’s population. Panama’s Azuero Peninsula has been identified as the region with the greatest vulnerability to the effects of climate change due to predicted increases in desertification (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, 2000), salinisation of aquifers, increased precipitation variability and higher temperatures. A model based on Arco Seco air temperature data for the period 1980 to 2009 predicts an increase in minimum temperatures of 0.55°C by 2040, 0.83°C for the 2050, and 1.11°C by 2060 Graell (2019).
Climate modelling by Aguilar (2021) predicts that temperatures in Panama, especially night-time minimum temperatures, will increase. Data from STRI and the ACP show that air temperatures have increased by approximately 1ºC in central Panama since the 1970’s (Paton, 2021b). According to the IPCC report, ocean temperatures are also expected to increase due to global climate change. Data collected by STRI in the Caribbean indicate that sea surface temperatures (SST) have increased by 1.1ºC at Punta Galeta on the Atlantic side of Panama. Data from the Bay of Panama on the Pacific side, however, show no discernible increase in SST temperatures (Paton, 2019c). Coral reefs are highly susceptible to increased temperatures. Many large-scale bleaching events have been associated with extreme El Niño related-ocean heat events in Panama (Claar et al, 2018). Since the 1990’s, numerous researchers (Glynn and D’croz, 1990), (Glynn, 1991), (Glynn, 1993), (Glynn, 1996), (Shulman and Robertson, 1996), (Podest´a and Glynn, 2001), (Glynn et al, 2001), (Manzello et al, 2008), (Neal et al, 2014), (Neal et al, 2017), (Stranges et al, 2019), and (Randall et al, 2020) have studied coral reef deterioration on both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Panama.
Panama’s Pacific coastal coral reefs provide an ideal laboratory to study the influence of ENSO-related oceanographic variability on coral-reef ecosystems, the most significant source of inter-annual climate variability across the tropical Pacific Ocean. Randall et al (2020) demonstrated a significant increase in sea-surface temperature in both the Gulf of Chiriquí and the Gulf of Panama. Both gulfs have warmed approximately 0.6°C over the last 100 years. The major El Niño events of 1982/3 and 1997/8 have been associated with coral bleaching and mortality throughout the tropics. In this same line Glynn et al (2001) documented the bleaching and mortality of zooxanthellate corals in the Gulf of Chiriquí and Gulf of Panama following the 1997–98 El Niño. Coral mortality following the 1982/3 El Niño was notably higher (52–97%) compared to the 1997/8 event. Randall et al (2020) showed that coral cover, coral survival, and coral growth rates following the last major El Niño in 2015/6 were all significantly higher in the Gulf of Panama than in the Gulf of Chiriquí. Chiriquí gulf corals showed extensive bleaching however, the strong seasonal upwelling of cold water in the Gulf of Panama appears to have allowed the corals largely to escape thermal stress.
Climate change in Panama has also an important impact on protected areas. Panama has 72 protected zones, which some of them are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Matusagaratí lagoon in the eastern region is highest impacted by the temperature increase, precipitation variability, and the land use modification. Chagres watershed, in the Central Region is an essential basin to keep the water circulation inside the Panama Canal watershed and to generate drinking water for Panama City. This basin has been affected in the last decade for the temperature and evapotranspiration increase, heavy storm, and deforestation. Other sensitives protected area is the Coiba Island and the Parque Internacional La Amistad (PILA) where the marine ecosystem is strongly affected by the variability of temperature and precipitation. The Figure 8 shows the protected areas throughout Panama.
3.2.2 Panama Canal watershed
The most important hydrological feature in the country is the Panama Canal watershed. In 2021, 13,342 ships moved 516.7 million Panama Canal tons through the Canal. Approximately 6% of global trade passes through the Canal. International shipping is a significant contributor to global climate change, accounting for approximately 3.3% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) across all sectors. The Panama Canal helps to significantly reduce emissions by providing a short-cut for shipping between Asia and the Eastern United states. The new Canal expansion, describe Mulligan and Lombardo (2011) and Bittner et al (2012), is projected to reduce annual CO2 emissions of U.S. East Coast–Asia trade by an additional 1.4 billion kg/year by 2025, a reduction of 2.69%.
3.2.3 Barro Colorado Island (BCI)
For almost 100 years, Barro Colorado Island (BCI) and the surrounding peninsulas which make of the BCNM have been the focus of a wide range of research activities that have contributed to over 13,000 scientific publications, including the greatest number of Panama-based, climate change-related studies. The first climate change publication based on research carried out in Panama was published in 1990 by Howe (1990) who evaluated factors influencing growth and survival of V. surinamensis to try to identify possible drivers behind the declining population of this species on BCI. Results of this study showed that V. V. surinamensis survival rates are affected by physical and biological factors, mammalian seed predation, as well as climate - particularly seasonal drought. Howe (1990) proposed that a long-term drying trend from 1930 to 1980 observed on BCI and described by (Windsor, 1990), as well as the record setting 1982-1983 El Niño-related drought, reduced V. V. surinamensis suvivorship.
Research on BCI includes the effects of forest degradation, fragmentation, climate change and its effects on tropical species occurrence. CamposCerqueira et al (2021) documented changes in the populations of 50 bird species over 17 years. Results from this study show that populations of most bird species in the older forests on BCI are currently stable. However, Wright (2020) indicates that subsequent losses from BCI include 27% of bird species but just 6% of butterfly species. Also, Pollock et al (2022), long-term monitoring reveals widespread and severe declines of understory birds in a protected Neotropical Forest, say that there has been a 50% decrease in bird populations in Parque Nacional Soberan´ıa.
Kupers et al (2019b) observed that 31% of 63 tree species showed a significant growth or survival response to shade or drought. Yanoviak et al (2020) report that lightning is an important and previously underappreciated cause of tree damage and mortality in old-growth, lowland tropical forest. Lighting is predicted to increase as a consequence of global warming. Windsor (1990) documented a long-term drying trend between 1930 and 1980 on BCI. Precipitation data collected by the Panama Canal Authority and STRI since 1990, however, show that this long-term trend was a statistical artifact of the long-term, decadal-length oscillations in precipitation in the PCW. Paton (2021a) reports differences of up to 20% between the wettest and driest decades, and not overall, long-term trends. Cárdenas Castillero (2021) also did not observe any long-term trends in precipitation in the Panama Canal Watershed and the City of Panama between 1900 and 2016.
3.2.4 Panamanian Government Research
The international relationship concerning climate change began in the 1990s, precisely in 1995, when the Panamanian government ratified the Kyoto Protocol. From the first ratified law on climate change, Panama has remained vigorous in assessing its natural resources. This energetic action resulted in 1999 in the first national reports in Latin America following the GEO methodology (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, 1999). This report prepared by the National Environment Authority (ANAM) today, Ministerio de Ambiente (MiAmbiente), covers the state of the nation’s environment, environmental policies, and the impact of multilateral environmental agreements and conventions. However, climate change is seen as a remote possibility that Panama has entered into agreements and laws. Later, in 2000, ANAM presented the first National Communication on Climate Change for Panama (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, 2000). This report was the first stage in the process of incorporating the issue of global climate change into national development planning. Consecutively, in 2004, the Panamanian authorities presented the second GEO document, which reports the need to strengthen actions for sustainable management of natural resources (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, 2004).
Despite the efforts made for GEO 2004, the issue of climate change was considered an emerging theme, lacking at that time sufficient national technical information for its proper evaluation. Subsequently, in 2009, Panama presented the Third State of the Environment Report (Autoridad Nacional de Ambiente, 2009), in which climate change is highlighted as one of the main events threatening human well-being. Panama’s report identifies changes in rainfall patterns, extreme weather events and droughts. In this report is identified on the territory one of the most effected places by sea level rise. Five years later, the Fourth (Autoridad Nacional de Ambiente, 2014) State of the Environment Report In four of the five stations, the records show, at a glance, that the decade average of the accumulated annual precipitation has increased in the last three decades, with differences in the rate of increase. Regarding temperatures, analyzed at specific stations such as David and Los Santos, the maximum temperatures show an increase of approximately one °C for the study period from 1971 to 2012. While for the maximum temperatures, the slope of the trend to increase is minimal.
The decade of 2010 for the Isthmian territory represented the bonanza of regionalized studies. These studies are focused on climate change effects in different watersheds throughout Panama (Sanjur Palacios, 2010); (PNUMA and ANAN, 2011); (ANAM, 2014); (MiAmbiente, 2020). Panama’s government has published studies on current and future water availability as part of its long-term water resource management strategy and climate change mitigation and adaptation plans (Miambiente, 2020). The Ministry of Environment (Ministerio de Ambiente) has authored several publications on adaptation and water resource management between 2010 and 2022, focusing on the Santa Maria and Chiriquí Viejo watersheds (ANAM, 2014). A vulnerability and adaptation study for the Chiriquí Viejo watershed includes climate model predictions for an increase in precipitation under RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 emission scenarios and an increase in the duration of the dry season. MiAmbiente (2020), summarizes a climate change vulnerability study for the Santa Maria watershed. The report includes climate model predictions of a decrease in average precipitation of 18% based using the RCP 2.6 scenario. (Sanjur Palacios, 2010) reports on a study of the Tabasará and Chucunaque watersheds focused on climate change vulnerability, climate change adaptation and mitigation. (CATHALAC, 2019) investigated water resources’ resilience to climate change for the La Villa watershed. Based on 11 global circulation models, they predict more humid conditions during the dry season, lower rainfall during the rainy season, and a more intense mid-summer drought. Other watersheds that have been subjects of climate change impact studies include the Santa Maria River, La Villa River, Chiriquí Viejo River, Chagres River, and Chucunaque River (Espinosa et al, 1997), (PNUMA and ANAN, 2011).
3.3 Trends and limitations
3.3.1 Trends
Climate change research trends in Panama have varied through time. Since 1990, climate change research has increased markedly in forest ecology and plant physiology. Studies tropical forest responses to increased CO2, temperature, and precipitation variability. Trends also follow areas such as the effects of climate change on tropical tree communities, the impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation on parasites Chaves et al (2014), potential resilience of biological communities to accelerating rates of global change, water resource availability in Panama under scenarios of climate change-induced increased temperature and precipitation variability Espinosa et al (1997), as well as increased carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from tropical wetlands and their impact on temperature (Sjögersten et al, 2018).
Paton (personal communication) reports several climate trends on BCI. Since 1972, average daily temperatures have increased by 1°C - with night-time temperatures increasing approximately 2°C. The 96-year precipitation record for BCI show no significant overall changes in average yearly precipitation. However, there have been significant increases in the frequency of large storms and exceptionally dry years. These effects are consistent with climate change predictions described in the 2018 International Panel on Climate Change special report Global Warming of 1.5ºC, and the World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate 2020. In addition to the climate data available for BCI, since 1880, the Panama Canal Authority has monitored precipitation throughout the Panama Canal watershed. This high-quality data set represents a uniquely valuable precipitation record for the entire region.
Other climate change-related studies include hydroclimatic scenarios for Panama (Fábrega et al, 2013), the impact of climate change on UNESCO cultural heritage sites in Panama (Ciantelli et al, 2018), greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the expansion of the Panama Canal (Mulligan and Lombardo, 2011), climate change scenarios on agriculture (Ruane et al, 2013b), (Collado et al, 2018), (Hobeika and Wagner, 2018), and carbon mapping for resource management and REDD+ (S. et al, 2008).
3.3.2 Limitations
The limitations identified in objective 2 have varied over time. The analyses of this study show that the large majority of climate change research has been carried out by, or in cooperation with, STRI and a small number of local non-governmental organizations. This fact highlights that a strategic, government-led climate change research program has not existed in Panama. Furthermore, climate change research in Panama is hampered by a lack of long-term, good quality environmental monitoring data outside the area of the Panama Canal Watershed. Aguilar (2021) points out that many locations in Panama do not possess weather information with continuous data for more than 30 years; this represents a significant barrier to the performance of climate change modelling. In remote locations, such as indigenous territories, there little or no data available.
The state of oceanic data is worse. Except for sea surface temperatures, there are no oceanic data sets of greater than 15 years duration for Panama. Many important variables such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, acidity, chlorophyll, and turbidity have been consistently measured, but for fewer than five years and only at two locations: Bocas del Toro and the Bay of Panama. All these monitoring activities are being carried out by STRI.
Sea level data, one of the most important ocean-climate change related parameters, is currently only available in Panama for the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, Isla Colon in Bocas del Toro, and the island of Porvenir in San Blas. Only the latter two meet current international standards. Of the three, only the Panama Canal tide gauge has enough data to estimate sea level rise. It is also the only publicly available source of government funded, sea level data.
Only a few of Panama’s terrestrial and marine ecosystems, have long-term monitoring plots established. One of the longest running tropical forest monitoring programs in the world is located on Barro Colorado Island. STRI and the ACP have established a multitude of monitoring plots throughout the Panama Canal Watershed. Other STRI monitoring sites include the highlands of the province of Chiriquí (Fortuna), Parque Nacional Metropolitano, and the San Lorenzo protected forest. However, there are many other forest areas, especially mangroves, which have few or no long-term monitoring plots at this time. Equally, only a few marine ecosystems such as corals and sea grasses are being monitored, and only in a small number of locations.
Many of the areas with the lowest number and variety of monitoring activities are also the home of the most vulnerable human communities, especially true for Panama’s indigenous peoples. Not having actionable information in these areas inhibits the possibility of taking proper adaptation measures and preparing for the changing climate.
The main limitations for climate change research in Panama are limited government support, very limited research carried out by local universities (strongly tied to limited government funding), and lack of trained researchers. Furthermore, the concentration of academic institutions and research activities in the central part of the country has resulted in a majority of university led research focusing primarily on the same region. As a result, most other regions of the country are chronically understudied.
3.4 International cooperation for climate change research
The first international cooperation related to climate research in Panama was the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panamá which gathered the first temperature and precipitation data in Panama as part of the French led Panama Canal construction between 1880 and 1900. Subsequently, during the construction of the canal between 1904 and 1914 under the administration of the United States hydro-meteorological monitoring throughout the country was greatly expanded. The designation of BCI as a “Natural Park” in 1924, paved the way for the foundation of what would eventually become the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Since its creation over 100 years ago, BCI has hosted tens of thousands of scientists and students from hundreds of academic institutions from across the planet and has been the subject of thousands of scientific publications. Due the easy access to the island, the availability of high quality, long-term environmental and biological monitoring, the longest running, large-scale tropical forest monitoring plot, BCI and the surround area has become a world-class centre for studying how tropical forests how climate change will impact tropical forests.
International collaborations efforts have tripled during the period 2010 - 2020, compared to the previous 20 years. This trend is likely to continue as researchers increasingly view Panama as a good location to study climate change phenomenon such as the response of tropical forests to climate change, coral reef bleaching, and carbon negativity. Our analysis shows that the greatest number of tropical forest scientists are affiliated institutions from the United States. Following the United States, leading country affiliations are Australia, Germany, Austria, Spain, Taiwan, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom. Figure 9 shows the connection between Panama and other countries.
Most international collaboration has been done through the Smithsonian Institution on Barro Colorado Island. The United States appears as the largest international collaborator; this was initially due to the American presence throughout the 20th century as the absolute authority in the administration and total control of the Panama Canal Zone[1], facilitating studies by scientists from universities in the United States. While Panamanians were denied the right to be part of this academic community.
According to figure 9, different European states have contributed to the study of climate change, doing research from Panama. Part of these studies use Panama’s data and are applied in programs developed by the universities and laboratories. For example, basset 2017 gathered institutions from different countries, such as the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama; the University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; Universidad de Panamá; Czech Academy of Science, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; University of Edinburgh, CNRS Université Montpellier, Univesrsité PaulValéry EPHE SupAgroMontpellier INRA IRD, Montpellier, France; Institut de Systématique Evolution, Biodiversité, Sorbonne Universités, Paris, France and, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, United States. All these institutions are studying the response of invertebrate assemblages to climate change in tropical ecosystems.
Collaboration with the Latin American region integrate different topics research. The impact of climate change on tropical diseases such as malaria and dengue has been one of topic considered during for the region as an emergent health problem. Through the Latin American Malaria Research Centre (CLAIM) in a network of countries in the region, initially including Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, and Peru (Herrera et al, 2012). It is also the case that foreign universities collaborate using measured data in Panama, as is the case of universities in China and Taiwan, together with universities in the United States, have carried out studies to understand how temperatures affect microbial biodiversity, particularly in the terrestrial soil. Other collaborations have been done by universities from Australia have focused on ocean warming and seas and their impact on coral bleaching in Panama.
Among the latest and more important international collaboration than Panamanian government has done started in 2015. At this time, most of the nations of the world expressed the support for the Paris Climate Agreement, a landmark public polices commitment to accomplish global carbon neutrality by the year 2050. The Paris Agreement require countries to verify the status of the balance of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This task triggered the discovery of Panama’s CO2 balance as negative, a condition only in 2 other countries, Bhutan, and Suriname, share in the planet. The notion of carbon negativity implies that a given country sequesters more CO2 and other greenhouse gases than the amount that is released to the atmosphere. This was measured through the national greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory of Panama for the years 1994 to 2017, including the Energy, Industrial processes, and product use (IPPU), Agriculture, land use, land-use changes, forestry (LULUCF), and Waste sectors (Miambiente, 2021). The GHG balance of the year 2017 was represented by 72.2% of CO2 it means -15,867.8 kt CO2 eq, decreasing the overall GHG absorption of the country by 17.9% since 1994 and by 10.2% since 2013. It is followed by CH4 with a 21.6% (4,740.8 kt (CO2) eq) increasing by 34.9% since 1994 and decreasing by 2.0% since 2013. The contribution of N2O is 4.2% 914.6 kt CO2 eq increasing by 20.5% since 1994 and decreasing by 3.0% since 2013. Lastly, the HFC represented 2.1% (454.1 kt (CO2) eq), increasing significantly by 1,024.4% since 2012 and 290% since. It should be noted that the first HFC records have been held since 2012, which is why 2012 is used to make the comparison instead of 1994. The increases concerning 1994 are due to the growth of emissions in the activities of the Energy, IPPU and Waste sectors. However, those GHGs that reflect a decrease compared to 2013 are mainly due to the decrease and slowdown in the agriculture sector.
1Established in 1903 under the provisions of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, the Canal Zone was a 10-mile-wide US-administered territory established with the explicit purpose of supporting the eponymous canal as an operational area and geopolitical buffer zone. Upon its establishment, the Canal Zone split the nascent Republic of Panama in two, running from the city of Col´on at the canal’s northern (Caribbean) entrance to Panama City to the south (Pacific). Within the Zone, an American-style company town flourished, providing workers with access to social and cultural amenities and subsidised housing and shopping (Sigler, 2016).