Despite being less common than other forms of stroke, SAH has a large clinical impact with greater than half of SAH patients experiencing death or functional impairment [2]. Even patients with mild SAH show significant neuropsychological dysfunction in the months after SAH [28]. These deficits occur due to a combination of acute (e.g., EBI) and subacute (e.g., DCI) mechanisms following SAH. While EBI and DCI are well established in the literature, the concept of core and penumbra regions has not been fully explored in SAH, although these regions have been documented using a variety of techniques [19, 29, 30]. Furthermore, the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying SAH penumbra regions are similar to corresponding regions in other cerebral insults including the ischemic penumbra in ischemic stroke as well as peri-contusional secondary injury following traumatic brain injury, suggesting that penumbra regions in SAH are driven by a similar process [31, 32]. To provide better insight into the diagnosis and treatment of SAH, the identification of potential penumbra regions will be very valuable.
Understanding the location of core and penumbra regions, as well as their evolution over time, is of critical importance for predicting brain systems at risk following SAH. The ischemic stroke literature offers several methods that may be used to localize ischemic cores and penumbrae, such as imaging techniques including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). All these techniques can localize cores and penumbrae with a high degree of accuracy in ischemic strokes [33–35]. While highly accurate, these imaging techniques may fail to detect small core and penumbra regions, especially in the first hours following their onset [36, 37]. Behavioral assessments may reveal signs of cerebral ischemia within one hour of the onset, earlier than many imaging techniques could reliably detect core and penumbra [38]. While less able to localize exact regions of cerebral ischemia, behavioral assessments can detect regions of even mild neuronal death and inflammation [22, 23], suggesting that they are a highly sensitive but less specific diagnostic technique. In this light, behavioral testing offers the opportunity for early and sensitive identification of ischemic core and penumbra but requires additional methods to verify the exact locations of these pathologies.
We used histologic analysis following behavioral testing to define the location of the core and penumbra after SAH. In our model of SAH, we observed widespread and noncontiguous neuronal damage in the piriform, retrosplenial, primary motor, secondary motor, primary somatosensory cortices, basal ganglia, periventricular nuclei, hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala and corpus callosum. This is consistent with the described endovascular perforation model of SAH, in which an initial hematoma forms in the basal cortical subarachnoid space, damaging the piriform cortices with concurrent damage to the primary motor, secondary motor, primary somatosensory, and secondary somatosensory cortices secondary to increased ICP. This is followed by widespread DCI-induced lesions in the hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, and white matter tracts in the subacute and chronic phases [18, 27, 39]. Regions with severe neuronal death meeting our definition for core were identified in the piriform, primary motor, secondary motor, primary and secondary somatosensory cortices as well as the hypothalamus. In addition, our SAH group displayed injury to the hippocampus meeting our definition of penumbra. Additionally, penumbrae were observed in the retrosplenial cortex, amygdala, and thalamus, with variability in the degree and severity of the affected regions. We found that the location and distribution of penumbrae were more variable than core lesions, as would be expected for the diffuse secondary ischemia caused by SAH. Many regions, including the hypothalamus and hippocampus, displayed a mixture of core and penumbra. While macroscopic ROI analysis identified some regions (i.e. the cortices) as containing predominantly penumbra, when examined microscopically our histologic analysis demonstrated that these regions met our definition for core. As SAH is known to induce microthrombosis and microinfarctions [13, 15], it is possible that macroscopic analysis techniques may underestimate the true burden of core in SAH. Our results suggest that a combination of histologic analysis and behavioral deficits can help to define the core and penumbra following SAH, as well as track the evolution of penumbrae.
As damage inflicted by SAH can affect a range of cortical and subcortical structures, the extent of cerebral structures at risk following SAH is extensive [17, 40]. To better capture the range of potential neurobehavioral deficits, and thus define evolving core and penumbra, we employed a behavioral battery including tests of sensorimotor function, memory, anxiety, and depression. The Sugawara behavioral score, A-NSS score, and rotarod test were used to assess sensorimotor function, which was similar in both experimental groups prior to SAH induction or sham surgery but showed a significant deficit in the SAH rats. Previous studies using similar scales and methods have also found a significant worsening of sensorimotor function in the acute period post-SAH [41–44]. Our results show that these deficits in sensorimotor function persist into the chronic period, with animals displaying significant impairment at 28 days post-SAH. While fewer studies have investigated persistent sensorimotor dysfunction, impairment of SAH animals in the 14–28-day period has been previously suggested [45]. As sensorimotor impairment was consistent across all three measures, it would be reasonable to assess sensorimotor dysfunction following SAH using rotarod testing due to its relative objectivity, with the Sugawara score as a potential adjunct measure as it was specifically created for SAH [41]. In our results, sensorimotor dysfunction occurred acutely after SAH and persisted throughout all phases of testing, which is consistent with the pattern of deficits that would be expected from lesions to the regions of core ischemia. In our model, extensive core lesions were observed in the piriform, primary motor, secondary motor, primary somatosensory, secondary somatosensory, and retrosplenial cortices, which may explain the deficits seen in the SAH group. Sensory and motor functions are complex processes in the brain, originating predominantly in the cortex but with the involvement of the basal ganglia, thalamus, white matter tracts, and brainstem [46]. In experimental models, cortical lesions similar to those we observed on histology are visible on MRI as early as 48 h post-SAH, supporting the early appearance of core lesions seen here [47]. Furthermore, penumbra-associated neuroinflammation in the cortex and basal ganglia is associated with sensorimotor deficits in animal models of SAH, even in the absence of large infarctions [13, 14, 16]. We observed penumbra in the retrosplenial cortices, which may have contributed to the observed sensorimotor defects through neuroinflammation, however the severity and burden of existing core infarctions make this difficult to delineate.
As memory is one of the most cited cognitive domains impaired following SAH, memory tests are particularly important in our model [4]. We employed the NOR and Y-maze tests to assess recognition memory, spatial working memory, and spatial reference memory. Our results demonstrate significantly impaired recognition memory in the NOR test that began within 24 h of SAH induction and persisted through the 28-day period. These results are supported by literature demonstrating impaired recognition memory in SAH rats in the chronic period [44]. Our SAH group also had significant impairment in both working and reference spatial memory on the Y-maze tests, in both the subacute and chronic periods. When the NOR test is supplemented with the Y-maze test, a broad assessment of memory function is feasible with only two behavioral assessments. Anatomically, the critical neural substrate for memory function involves the hippocampus and nearby cortical regions [48]. Functional MRI has shown altered function and connectivity in the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus following SAH, and diffusion tensor imaging has shown disruption in the fornix and mammillothalamic tract following SAH, with these abnormalities linked to memory deficits [49, 50]. Impaired recognition memory was apparent as early as 24 h post-SAH on NOR testing, and there was a long-term decline in discriminative ability in the SAH rats, suggesting a permanent ischemic penumbra affecting the hippocampal region. Fittingly, we observed prominent penumbrae in the hippocampus on histologic analysis, along with disruption of white matter tracts.
While anxiety and depression are frequently reported in patients who survive SAH, emotional outcomes have been less frequently studied than neurologic outcomes in preclinical models, despite their significant impact on long-term function and quality of life [5, 6]. We found that SAH rats demonstrated anxiety on EM testing at seven days post-SAH, and while the SAH group had increased anxiety at all time points, there was a trend towards decreasing anxiety as time progressed. Work from other groups has shown increased anxiety in SAH animals particularly in the chronic period [44, 51]. Some studies have found that clinical anxiety tends to worsen in the chronic period following SAH [52] whereas others have shown anxiety levels to be stable [53]. Our results also indicated a significant and persistent increase in depressed behavior beginning as early as seven days after SAH, with a significant worsening of depression in the chronic phase. A similar increase in depressive behavior in SAH animals has been observed, peaking at the 8-week mark [51]. This is also seen in the clinical literature, in which patients tend to have worsening depression in the initial 12 months following SAH [54]. In preclinical models of SAH, damages to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, perirhinal cortex, and hypothalamus were associated with the development of anxiety [44, 55]. While no studies have directly investigated the anatomic correlates of post-SAH depression, patients with SAH have shown altered functional connectivity in the cingulate cortex, which is also seen in major depressive disorder [56, 57]. Areas of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex containing the rodent correlate of the cingulate cortex are known to be involved in depression in rats, however, this has not been directly studied in SAH models [58]. Our results showed an initial high level of anxiety that displayed a trend towards improvement over time, a pattern consistent with partial resolution of ischemic penumbra regions. Our findings of worsening depression suggest the presence and worsening of penumbra regions in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. We found that SAH animals had prominent penumbra lesions in the amygdala, thalamus, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, helping to localize the penumbra regions suggested by the deficits observed on neurobehavioral testing.
The framework of core and penumbra is a new concept in SAH, and therefore several limitations exist with this study. Due to the lack of a standard definition of core and penumbra regions in SAH, we adapted definitions from outside the SAH literature. While we based the definitions on existing physiologic and pathophysiologic data, our definitions require further study and validation before widespread use is feasible. Histopathologic analysis is a terminal procedure, and therefore cannot assess the evolution of core and penumbra over time. However, there are existing definitions for core and penumbra lesions in the ischemic stroke literature using noninvasive and repeatable imaging techniques, including MRI and PET [34, 35]. Given that PET has been used to establish core and penumbra lesions following stroke, it may represent a valuable noninvasive method to identify core and penumbra ischemic areas and would allow for direct visualization of lesion changes over time [19, 59]. In this way, further work may be able to leverage the concept of the penumbra in SAH to characterize, diagnose and treat the neuropsychologic impairments suffered by survivors of SAH.