Density and maximum moisture content measurements
The density and MMC of wood are both important indicators of its degradation. Knowing the density of the wood can give us an idea of the amount of consolidant required to conserve it11. The moisture content of waterlogged wood is referred to as MMC since it is assumed that wood which has been preserved in such conditions would possess the highest possible volume of water in its pores12. The MMC increases and the basic density decreases with increasing wood degradation, which results from the loss of mass and volume of cell wall material due to bacterial degradation taking place during burial13.
From the density and MMC measurements, it appeared that the state of preservation of our wood branch was approximately even throughout. All the samples showed similar results, except for one outlier (sample 24) (Fig. 2). The density measurements ranged from 0.132 to 0.179 g/mL and the MMC from 492 to 653%. Wood with a high degree of degradation has a density of ~ 0.1 g/mL while sound wood usually has a density of ~ 0.4–0.5 g/mL11. Well-preserved pine specifically is reported to have a density of around 0.5 g/mL3. With regards to MMC, a value of above 400% indicates that the wood is highly degraded14. Based on this, our wood samples seemed to have a high degree of degradation, with the means of the density and MMC being 0.146 g/mL and 610% respectively (Fig. 2). Moreover, the samples taken from the surface and the core of our wood branch appeared to show little difference in both density and MMC, meaning that they had similar preservation states.
Weight Change
The specimen groups treated with TPA6 and TPA7 were observed to substantially increase in weight (Fig. 3a). The control group treated with isopropanol (referred to as IPA in Fig. 3a) was expected to decrease in weight due to the dissolution of some pine resin in the solvent. During immersion, the solvent was observed to turn from transparent to a pale yellow, possibly indicating that some resin may have exited the wood. This was not found to be the case however since the specimens actually increased in weight, albeit very slightly. It is possible that these cubes were not conditioned to the same extent before and after isopropanol immersion, thus leading to a slight irregularity in the weight measurements.
Weight gain appeared to be uniform for the specimens treated with TPA6 and TPA7. TPA6 had a % weight change ranging from 40.5–45.9% while TPA7 ranged from 39.5–50.4%. The specimen with the most weight gain overall (50.4%) was a piece from the core treated with TPA7 (1.C.2). The sample showing the least weight gain (39.5%) was also from the TPA7 group (3.S.2). It is unclear why the polymer deviated in its penetration for these two particular specimens. Taking this into consideration, TPA6’s penetration into the wood appeared to be slightly more regular with no extremes. It is uncertain whether this is due to the polymer’s properties, or if it is an effect of the wood’s inherent variability.
Dimensional Change
For all groups, the dimensional change for both radial and tangential faces primarily ranged at ± 2%, except for a few outliers (Fig. 3b). Both radial and tangential faces seemed to change to the same degree, that is, one face did not predominate over the other. Control group 2 appeared to shrink after isopropanol treatment. The treatment groups had more varied results, showing both shrinkage (negative values) and swelling (positive values). TPA6 seemed to mainly cause shrinkage. TPA7 seemed to have a more variable effect, with swelling slightly predominating over shrinkage.
As mentioned, there were a few outliers in these measurements. The most extreme was 2.S.7 (control group 2), which showed a radial dimensional change of -8.7%. Other outliers include 4.C.2 (control group 2; tangential change of 3.1%), 6.S.1 (treatment group 1; tangential change of -3.2%) and 1.C.2 (treatment group 2; radial change of 4.2%). These measurements may potentially be attributed to the high variability of the wood or they may also be due to experimental error. The ‘pin method’ of measuring dimensional changes has limitations when it comes to the accuracy of the measurements. This is because the measurement values are highly dependent on the angle of the calliper relative to the pins. Therefore, if this angle is not exactly replicated during the ‘before’ and ‘after’ measurements, it will be difficult to get results that truly represent the dimensional change that has taken place.
With regards to control group 1 (freeze-dried only), the reference pins were inserted and measured directly after freeze-drying. These cubes were then kept in a desiccator at ~ 20.0°C and 50% RH during the soaking of the other groups. Its measurements were then repeated after the treatment of the other specimens was completed. This means that theoretically the specimens in control group 1 should have exhibited no dimensional changes since they were not subjected to any treatment after freeze-drying. Nevertheless, slight dimensional changes were still recorded. This demonstrates the inherent inaccuracy of this measuring method. The dimensional changes recorded in control group 2 may therefore be considered as the error range that can be expected for the other measurements ( ~ ± 2%). If we take this into consideration, then this means that most of wood specimens did not exhibit significant dimensional changes after treatment.
Figure S4 compares the % dimensional change to the % weight change in all groups and confirms the observations that were noted previously. The treatment groups gained weight after treatment due to polymer uptake. Conversely, the % dimensional changes did not appear to have varied greatly after treatment. Since isopropanol has a low surface tension, it was not surprising that we did not observe too much shrinkage during drying after the treatment steps.
Figure 3a. The % weight change for all the measured groups. Control group 1 was freeze-dried and kept in a desiccator at ~ 20°C and 50% RH during the immersion of control group 2 (isopropanol-immersed) and treatment groups 1 and 2 (TPA6- and TPA7-immersed respectively).
Figure 3b. A comparison of the radial and tangential dimensional % changes for control groups 1 and 2 and treatment groups 1 and 2.
Colour Change
Based on visual inspection alone, it was obvious that the polymers had caused a colour change in the wood specimens, mostly darkening them and imparting a yellow tinge (Fig. 4). This is possibly a result of the polymers imparting their colour to the wood. The spectrophotometer colour measurements of both treatment groups were compared to those of control group 2, which was treated with isopropanol (Fig. 5). Both polymers seemed to change the colour to a similar degree, as was observed visually. The measurements show that TPA7 seemed to cause slightly less colour change than TPA6, although this could not be seen by the naked eye. The largest degree of change was observed in the L* coordinate which decreased after the treatments, meaning that the specimens became darker. There was also a substantial difference in the b* axes, indicating a shift from blue to yellow. The measurements also showed a positive difference in the a* axes (green to red), although at a smaller degree. Figure 5 shows the ΔE values for the treatment groups, in relation to control group 2. Treatment groups 1 (TPA6) and 2 (TPA7) had a ΔE value of 11.55 and 10.55 respectively.
An ΔE above 3 can be seen by the human eye15. However, the colour change caused by these polymers may possibly not be detected by laypeople if applied to the alum-treated Oseberg collection, since the artefacts are already dark3.
Figure 4a. Photos of treatment group 1 (TPA6) before (top) and after (bottom) treatment. Specimens became noticeably darker, with a yellow tinge.
Figure 4b. Photos of treatment group 2 (TPA7) before (top) and after (bottom) treatment. Specimens were similar to those treated with TPA6.
Atr-ftir Analyses
The archaeological wood controls were first compared to sound wood, in order to better understand their state of degradation. Figure 6a shows such a comparison, with the use of sample 6.S.6 (isopropanol-immersed control) as the archaeological wood. Normalisation was carried out at the lignin peak (1508 cm− 1). One could see that the cellulose peaks (1369, 1159 and 896 cm− 1)16,17 were muted in the archaeological wood, indicating its state of degradation. Similarly, the hemicellulose peaks at 1731 and 1239 cm− 1 were barely visible16. Conversely, the lignin signals at 1595, 1263 and 1220 cm− 1 were prominent in the archaeological wood, mainly due to their amplification as a result of the loss of cellulose and hemicellulose16. The band at 1024 cm− 1 is due to a combination of several wood components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin)17 and as such, it shows the greatest absorption in both sound and archaeological pine.
Figure S5 shows a comparison of the IR absorbances of pure TPA6 and TPA7, normalised at 1725 cm− 1 (C = O bond). The spectra of the two polymers were almost identical to one another. This was expected as they are structurally very similar. The major difference between the polymers was at 2856 cm− 1, where TPA7 had a more pronounced peak. This could be attributed to a C-H stretching vibration, possibly due to the oleic acid component of the copolymer.
The absorbances of the two pure polymers were then compared to those of a control specimen. The spectra showed that both polymers were easily distinguishable from the wood, although some signals overlapped, such as at the 3500–3000 cm− 1 region (Figure S6). The polymers had identifiable signals at 3000–2900 cm− 1, as well as at 1716 and 1154 cm− 1 (assigned as C = O and C-O respectively). Due to these differences, it was expected that the polymers would be easily distinguished from the wood in the treated samples.
Figure 6b & c. IR spectra comparison (fingerprint region) between the isopropanol-immersed control (red; 6.S.6) and the treated samples. (b) shows the samples treated with TPA6 (2.C.2) and (c) shows the TPA7-treated samples (2.S.2). The treated samples were measured at different depths: at the surface (purple), core (blue), between the surface and the core along the grain (green) and between the surface and the core across the grain (yellow). The signals depicting polymer penetration are annotated. Spectra were normalised at 1508 cm− 1.
The wood specimens treated with the polymers were analysed at different depth points. This was done to be able to get an indication of the level of distribution of the polymer through the entire specimen. Samples were taken from the surface, core, between the surface and the core along the grain and between the surface and the core across the grain. Their spectra were then compared to those of an untreated, isopropanol-immersed control (Figs. 6b and 6c). The spectra were normalised at the lignin peak at 1508 cm− 1 as this was shared by all the samples.
Figures 6b and 6c show that the specimen surface spectra were very different from all the other signals, clearly showing a high concentration of polymer. The rest of the treated wood specimens were more similar to the control, however they still showed a clear indication of polymer penetration. This was seen at 1725 and 914 cm− 1 in particular. The spectra taken from the core of the treated specimen had the least absorbance. The sample taken from in between the surface and core absorbed less than the surface but more than the core. The sample taken along the grain had more absorbance than the one across the grain, as can be seen at both 1725 and 914 cm− 1. This was somehow expected since it would be easier for the polymer to penetrate along the grain of the wood rather than across it. The decreasing degree of polymer penetration (both TPA6 and TPA7) could therefore be described as follows:
surface > between surface and core (along the grain) > between surface and core (across the grain) > core
Sem Analyses
The SEM samples were carefully shaved with a razor in order to get a surface which was flat, enabling better visualisation of the wood cells. It was ensured that not too much material was shaved off from the surface, in order not to compromise the results. Latewood was primarily looked at, as opposed to earlywood. This is because generally, morphological changes appear more prominently in latewood due to its thicker cell walls. Sound pine was first compared to an archaeological wood control. The sound pine image showed that the cells clearly had a more robust shape, with regular and thick cell walls. In contrast, the archaeological wood had cells which appeared ‘feathery’ and fragile, with very thin cell walls appearing to be mostly dislodged (Figure S7) This may be due to the loss of holocellulose (the term for combined cellulose and hemicellulose) previously depicted by the FTIR analyses.
Samples from wood specimens treated with both TPA6 and TPA7 (Fig. 7) were taken. For each specimen, a sample was taken from the surface and the core. It should be noted that generally, it is difficult to identify organic polymers such as TPA6 and TPA7 from other organic materials such as wood with SEM. The specimens treated with both polymers showed similar results. The polymer was clearly visible in the surface samples, in some cases clogging the wood pores. The polymer was more difficult to discern in the samples taken from the cores. It could be noted however that the treated cores appeared to be less airy than the control, with some cells having slightly thicker cell walls. They also seemed to be less deformed and appeared to be able to withstand the shaving that was carried out on the samples more than the control, possibly indicating an increased resilience. It was however difficult to say for certain whether this was due to the presence of the polymer.
In general, the SEM analyses appeared to correlate with the FTIR results. Both techniques showed that the highest concentration of polymer was on the surface of the wood specimens. FTIR indicated that the polymers managed to penetrate the cores of the specimens, albeit at a much lower concentration. This was difficult to observe with the SEM, but there were possible morphological changes that could perhaps indicate the presence of the polymers.
Hardness Test
The hardness tests were carried out in order to get an indication of the extent of consolidation that the polymers conferred. The fruit penetrometer measures the wood’s resistance to indentation. Specimens from control group 1 (freeze-dried only) and control group 2 (freeze-dried and immersed in isopropanol) were measured five times on the tangential surface. Specimens from both polymer treatment groups were measured five times on the tangential surface. In addition, each of the treated specimens was split in half and two measurements were taken from the core. The multiple measurements taken from every specimen were then averaged (Fig. 8).
From the averaged values, one could see that there seemed to be an increase in surface hardness compared to the controls. Conversely, the core hardness did not appear to change in the treated groups. Statistical analysis with the one-way ANOVA was carried out on the surface measurements of the treated groups in order to determine whether the observed change in hardness was significant. This was done using the individual measurements instead of the averaged values.
The control group used for the statistical analysis was made up of both the freeze-dried and isopropanol-treated controls. This was justified since the difference in means between the two groups was not significant (Figure S8). There were 40 values in the control group, 40 values in the TPA6 treatment group and 40 values in the TPA7 treatment group. There were two outliers in the TPA6 treatment group, as assessed by a boxplot. It was decided to not remove these outliers from the dataset. The data was normally distributed except for the TPA7 group, as assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test (p > 0.05). However, the one-way ANOVA is known to be robust to deviations from normality, especially if the sample sizes are equal (as was the case here)18. The Levene's Test indicated that homogeneity of variances was violated (p = 0.025), therefore the Welch’s one-way ANOVA was used for this analysis. The surface hardness score was found to be statistically significantly different for the two groups treated with the different polymers (Welch's F(2, 1641.693) = 33.258, p < 0.001) (Figure S9). The surface hardness increased from the control (58.7 ± 6.8) to the TPA6 treatment group (69.8 ± 6.4) and the TPA7 treatment group (69.8 ± 8.9). Games-Howell post hoc analysis revealed that the increase from the control to the TPA6 treatment group (11.0875, 95% CI (7.561 to 14.614)) was statistically significant (p < 0.001), as well as the increase in surface hardness for the TPA7 treatment group (11.1050, 95% CI (6.855 to 15.355), p < 0.001). The difference between the groups treated with the different polymers was not statistically significant (0.0175, 95% CI (0.0 to 4.174), p = 1.00).
This analysis indicated that the polymers imparted a clear increase in surface hardness, possibly making the wood more resistant to stresses caused by handling or the environment. Both TPA6 and TPA7 seemed to increase the hardness to the same extent, as there was no statistical difference between them. Conversely, the cores of the treated samples did not appear to increase in hardness but this was expected, as there was only a small amount of polymer present compared to the surfaces.