Analytical Methods
This study performed Mg isotope analysis on halite and dolostone samples. In addition, XRD analyses of bulk dolostone powder helped further screen dolomite-dominated samples for Mg isotope analysis. SEM-EDS analysis of halite samples is used to identify trace amounts of Mg-bearing evaporite minerals. Sr isotope analysis of halite provides an effective way to identify non-marine signals. All analyses were done at facilities at the State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposit Research, Nanjing University, China.
Sample preparation
Halite samples were first cleaned by wiping with lint-free paper towels (Kimwipes®); about 1-2g sample was scraped off by a tungsten carbide scraper and subsequently ultrasonically cleaned in anhydrous ethanol (> 99.7%) for 5 min. After the sample was cleaned and dried, it was dissolved in 12ml deionized water (18.2 MΩ cm) as a stock solution20,42. The dolostone samples were ground into 200 mesh in a pre-cleaned agate mortar. About ten milligrams of powder were weighed and dissolved in 5 mL 1.5 M HAC in a Teflon beaker. Then the dolostone sample solution was placed on a hotplate (96℃) for about 12 hours for digestion.
Mineral analyses
The mineralogy of the dolostone samples was determined by Rigaku RAPID II and Bruker D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer, respectively. The Rigaku RAPID II instrument operates at 50 kV and 90 mA on a rotating Mo anode X-ray source, while the Bruker D8 Advance instrument runs at 40 kV and 40 mA with a Cu anode X-ray source. The XRD data processing and mineral identification were performed using Jade 6.5 software. The relative abundance of dolomite (104), calcite (104), and quartz (101) are estimated via the area of characteristic diffraction peak43. The morphology of the halite samples was performed on a Hitachi SU1510 Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VP-SEM), and the chemical compositions were characterized using Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) equipped with SEMs.
Element analyses
A small fraction of the stock solution from the halite and dolostone samples was extracted and diluted to 4 ml in 2% double-distilled HNO3. The concentrations of elements (such as Mg, Ca, and Sr) were measured using the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, Skyray ICP- 3000). The calibration curves for a series of gravimetrically prepared commercially-available multi-element standards with linear correlation coefficients (R2) are better than 0.999. A 1ppm multi-element standard was bracketed every ten samples to monitor and correct the instrument drift. The long-term external accuracy (2RSD, or two times of relative standard deviation) of elemental analysis is better than 10%20,42.
Isotope analyses
Mg isotope analyses
Based on the stock solution concentration measured by ICP-OES, an aliquot of the sample containing approximately 20µg Mg was used for Mg isotope analysis. In order to remove sodium, the halite sample needs pre-enrichment of Mg by Mg(OH)2 precipitation before undergoing the ion-exchange procedure20. Halite and dolostone samples were further purified by cationic resin (AG50W-X12 and X8) together; see 18 for the process. After column chemistry treatments, Mg recovery was better than 95%, and the total matrix elements were less than 1% of Mg.
Mg isotopes were measured on a Thermo Scientific NEPTUNE Plus MC-ICP-MS and Nu 1700 Sapphire MC-ICP–MS. Both instruments operated on a standard low resolution, wet plasma mode, and the sample solution was introduced at an uptake rate of 100 uL/min. The method of standard-sample-standard bracketing was used to correct the instrumental drift and mass bias, and each Mg isotope ratio measurement consisted of fifty cycles of 4 s integrations. Two pure Mg stock solutions (HPS909104: produced by High purity Standards Company; A-Mg: prepared by dissolution guaranteed reagent Mg(NO3)2 solid) were served as in-house bracketing Mg standards. Although there is a difference in the on-machine concentration of pure Mg between the two instruments (Nu 1700: 0.5ppm; Neptune: 1ppm), the sample concentration was required to match the standard (the difference less than 10%) in the respective analysis process. Moreover, the δ26Mg value of the in-house bracketing Mg standards (δ26MgHPS909104= -0.67 ± 0.13‰, n = 47,44); δ26MgA–Mg= -3.25 ± 0.06‰, n = 107) relative to international standard DSM3 has been well-calibrated. The Analytical accuracy was monitored by international Mg isotope standards DSM3 and Cambridge1. The IAPSO seawater and USGS rock (DTS-2) standards were processed along with samples to verify the accuracy of chemical procedures. The measured δ26Mg values of the standards (Table S4) match the published values14,44, and the long-term external analytical precision was better than ± 0.1‰.
Sr isotope analyses
An aliquot of the halite stock solution containing approximately 500 ng Sr was extracted for Sr isotope analyses. The Sr-spec resin was used to purify the sample45. The sample loaded in 3N HNO3 and Sr was collected with 0.05N HNO3. The USGS rock (AGV-2) and IAPSO seawater standards were treated as unknown samples to monitor the analysis procedure. The Strontium isotope analysis was performed using a Finnigan Triton thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS). At the beginning of every analytical sequence, the international standard NIST 987 (87Sr/86Sr = 0.710228 ± 0.000033, 2σ = 100) was measured to verify the instrument status. With exponential law, the Sr isotope data were normalized to 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194. All the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of standards (Table S4) are consistent with published values18,42,46.
An isotopic mass balance model based on a Monte Carlo approach
The model framework
This appendix introduces the modeling of the Mg cycle. The primary sources of Mg in the ocean include silicate weathering and carbonate weathering. The major outputs are dolomitization, low-temperature and high-temperature alteration of basalt, and authigenic clay formation8. For simplification, we use a single symbol sil-out to represent all the processes that uptake Mg from seawater into silicate minerals, including low-temperature and high-temperature alteration of basalt and authigenic clay formation. Similarly, carb-out, carb-in, and sil-in represent dolomitization, carbonate weathering, and silicate weathering, respectively. By assuming that the Mg cycle is at a steady-state (such treatment had been universally applied in relevant studies such as Li5,47, Mg8,13,48, K49,50, Mo51–53, U54–57, we have:
Fcarb–in + Fsili–in = Fcarb–out + Fsili–out (1)
δcarb–inFcarb–in + δsili–inFsili–in = δcarb–outFcarb–out + δsili–outFsili–out (2)
where F represents the Mg fluxes and δ stands for isotopic compositions of the Mg flux for the major components that participate in the Mg cycle.
Then, for ease of programming, we divided the two sides of the equation by the total flux that goes into the ocean (i.e., Fcarb–in + Fsili–in), and let fcarb-in represent the fraction of the Mg flux derived from carbonate weathering in the total Mg input flux, and fcarb–out stand for a fraction of Mg in the seawater that deposited as carbonates. The two equations can be simplified as:
δcarb–in fcarb–in + δsili–in (1- fcarb–in) = δcarb–out fcarb–out + δsili–out(1- fcarb–out) (3)
Here δcarb–out, δsili–out are functions of the Mg isotopic composition of seawater (δsw):
δcarb–out = δsw + ∆carb–out (4)
δsili–out = δsw + ∆sil–out (5)
With the equations 3, 4, and 5, we build a model that calculates how the Mg cycle evolves with the record of the Mg isotopic composition of seawater.
Model Parameters
In this section, we describe how we quantify the model parameters. Considering that Mg, sourced from carbonate weathering (Fcarb–in), is dominated by dolomite58, and in the long-run, dolomite weathering is congruent, δcarb–in is set to be the weighted average of δ26Mg of the previously deposited dolostones, which are compiled in Fig. 1 of the main text. The fraction of dolostones that remain on the continent (R) is estimated from a time-dependent decay function following 9:
R = e– 0.001T (6)
Here T (in Myr) is the time elapsed since the deposition of dolostone at t Ma. The δ26Mg of the dolostone is calculated from the Mg isotopic composition of seawater by assuming a fractionation factor of -1.5 ± 0.2‰ (1 standard deviation). Then δcarb–in is determined as the R-weighted average of δ26Mg of the weathered dolostones, and the calculation results are shown in Fig. S8a. Considering that silicate weathering is associated with clay formation that generally enriches heavy Mg isotopes, δsili–in is assumed to be close to, but slightly lighter than, the δ26Mg of the bulk silicate earth14, with a value of -0.4 ± 0.1‰ (1 standard deviation). For the calculation of δcarb–out with Eq. 4, ∆carb–out is estimated to be ~ -1.5‰ with one standard deviation of 0.2‰15. The fractionation factor during the alteration of seafloor basalt and the formation of authigenic marine clays varies significantly, ranging from 0 ~ 1.6‰13,19. To cover this range and account for the uncertainty, we assume that ∆sil–out is 0.8‰ with 1sd of 0.4‰.
The quantification of fcarb–in is more complicated. In the modern world, estimates of the fraction of Mg flux derived from silicate weathering vary significantly, ranging from 0.48 to 0.598,58–60. Accordingly, fcarb–in ranges from 0.41 to 0.52. Another factor that affects the quantification of fcarb–in is marine silicate weathering, which has drawn increasing attention recently 61–63. Based on a methane generation estimate of 7 ~ 300 × 1012mol/yr64,65, ref63 estimated that the CO2 consumption rate by marine silicate weathering is 5 ~ 20 × 1012mol/yr. Using an updated methane generation flux of ∼1.2 ×1012mol/yr66, the estimation of marine silicate weathering is revised as 1 ~ 4 × 1012mol/yr62. The latter is close to the estimation of 1× 1012mol/yr by Sun and Turchyn (2014) based on the global authigenic Ca carbonate flux. Therefore, in this study, we use 1 ~ 4 × 1012mol/yr as the best estimate of the global marine silicate weathering rate, which is 8.5 ~ 34.1% of the subaerial silicate weathering rate67. Assuming silicate weathering follows the same stoichiometries in both terrestrial and marine environments, fcarb–in would range from 0.34 to 0.50 if we consider the marine silicate weathering flux. In other words, a fcarb–in value of 0.42 ± 0.04 (1sd) is used in the modern world.
During the Earth’s history earlier than 3Ga, fcarb–in is assumed to be 0 because carbonates cannot be exposed to weathering without tectonic uplift 64,65. For anytime between 0 and 3 Ga, we assume that fcarb–in increased from 0 to the modern value and with a standard deviation of 0.1. In other words, let t represent the age (in Ma), we have:
fcarb–in=0.42–0.42*t/3000 (7)
The curve of fcarb–in is presented in Fig. S8b. For δsw at a specific time spot, we estimate the δsw value with linear interpolation and similarly, we assume that the δsw record has a one sd uncertainty of 0.1‰ (Fig. S8c).
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