3.1 Change in ROHB's vegetation cover (Spatio-temporal analysis)
Changes in ROHB's vegetation cover between 1985 and 2015 are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Quantitative classification of ROHB's land use and occupation.
Classes | Area in 1985 | Area in 2015 |
Agriculture | 7.55% | 40.88% |
Urban area | 0.01% | 0.38% |
Cerrado (natural vegetation) | 91.73% | 52.65% |
Pasture | 0.68% | 1.57% |
Irrigation pivot | 0.03% | 4.08% |
Silviculture | 0.00% | 0.43% |
Total | 100% | 100% |
It was observed that there was a 569% growth of agricultural activities in the ROHB area in thirty years, while native vegetation suffered a 57.40% suppression of its total area in the same period (Almeida et al., 2016). The expansion of agriculture in the cerrado began in the 1970s, with several factors converging on the growth of agribusiness in this region, like the availability of land, technological and financial strengthening, and the water availability associated with climatic and topographical conditions (Almeida et al., 2016; Sicsú and Lima, 2000). However, this dynamic caused significant changes in the basin’s vegetation cover.
A study on the effects of land use and change in vegetation cover on the water quality of the uMngeni River in South Africa showed a strong relationship between the reduction of natural vegetation and the nutrient concentrations increase in the analyzed samples (Namugize et al., 2018). This increase in nutrient concentration can be caused by in natura release of domestic sewage (Lima et al., 2016; Vryzas, 2018), surface runoff from chemical fertilized agricultural areas (Libos et al., 2003; Lima et al., 2016; Vryzas, 2018), or domestic industrial effluents (Lima et al., 2016; Vryzas, 2018). Likewise, the land use and occupation by agricultural activities in ROHB may be influencing the variables’ concentrations in our study.
3.2 Descriptive statistical analysis of data and seasonality
Analysis of ROHB’s surface waters was performed to determine twenty-three parameters presented individually for each sampling period in supplementary material (SM). Table 2 presents the results of the descriptive analysis of the variables studied between the dry (D1 and D2) and rainy (R1 and R2) periods.
Table 2
Summary of variables from the ROHB's hydrological periods, N = 17.
Variables | D1 | R1 | R2 | D2 | p | Maximum allowable (Brazil, 2017; CONAMA, 2005) |
Average or median (min - max) | Average or median (min - max) | Average or median (min - max) | Average or median (min - max) |
NH4+ (mg L− 1) | 0.068 abc (< LOQ- 0.120) | 0.127 abcd (< LOQ–0.283) | 0.100 abcd (0.042–0.155) | 0.155 bcd (0.050–0.450) | 0.001227 | 1.200 |
Ca2+ (mg L− 1) | 0.544 abcd (0.210–1.200) | 0.650 abcd (0.220–1.179) | 0.770 abcd (< LOQ − 2.408) | 0.417 abcd (0.040–1.615) | 1.000000 | - |
Mg2+ (mg L− 1) | 0.025 abd (< LOQ − 0.100) | 0.025 abcd (< LOQ − 0.219) | 0.135 bcd (< LOQ − 0.439) | *0.030 abcd (< LOQ − 0.278) | 0.000549 | - |
Na+ (mg L− 1) | 0.331 ad (0.030–1.540) | *0.710 abd (0.193–6.60) | 2.776 cb (0.414–7.815) | *0.494 abd (0.191–7.155) | 0.000000 | 200.000 |
K+ (mg L− 1) | 0.105 acd (< LOQ − 0.540) | 0.345 bcd (< LOQ − 0.773) | 0.323 abcd (< LOQ − 1.571) | 0.321 abcd (0.173–0.761) | 0.046912 | - |
F− (mg L− 1) | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | - | 1.400 |
Cl− (mg L− 1) | 0.713 ad (0.540–1.760) | 1.271 cb (0.750–2.120) | 1.023 bcd (0.620–2.130) | 0.733 acd (0.490–1.250) | 0.000015 | 250.000 |
NO3− (mg L− 1) | *0.010 acd (< LOQ − 0.420) | 0.514 bcd (< LOQ − 1.060) | 0.405 abcd (< LOQ − 2.000) | 0.422 abcd (0.180–1.170) | 0.000745 | 10.000 |
PO42− (mg L− 1) | *0.005 abcd (< LOQ − 0.450) | *0.005 abcd (< LOQ − 1.720) | *0.005 abcd (< LOQ − 0.670) | *0.005 abcd (< LOQ − 0.610) | 1.000000 | |
SO42− (mg L− 1) | *0.025 ad (< LOQ − 0.530) | 0.588 bc (< LOQ − 2.290) | 0.498 bc (0.340–0.760) | *0.025 ad (< LOQ − 0.460) | 0.000205 | 250.000 |
HCO3− (mg L− 1) | 1.238 abd (< LOQ − 5.200) | 1.988 abd (< LOQ − 15.67) | 6.309 cd (0.040–16.87) | 3.489 abcd (0.040–15.89) | 0.002048 | - |
pH | 5.542 abc (4.820–6.970) | 5.462 abc (4.720–6.750) | 5.50 abc (4.640–7.000) | 7.297 d (4.800–9.520) | 0.000002 | 6.000–9.000 |
Sal. (mg L− 1) | 1.942 ab (0.001–7.800) | 3.535 abcd (1.600–8.200) | 5.012 bcd (1.100–9.600) | 4.594 bcd (0.700–8.200) | 0.004095 | 300.000 |
Cond. (µS cm− 1) | 4.594 abd (0.000–15.20) | 7.876 abcd (3.100–16.30) | 10.31 bcd (3.100–19.80) | 8.818 acbd (1.800–16.70) | 0.003939 | - |
TDS (mg L− 1) | 3.071 ab (0.001–10.40) | 4.788 abcd (2.500–11.20) | 7.053 bcd (2.000–12.60) | 6.200 bcd (1.100–12.20) | 0.004234 | 200.000 |
Temp. (°C) | 24.85 a (23.60–26.70) | 25.87 bc (24.20–27.80) | 26.38 bc (25.00–28.30) | 22.78 d (21.3–24.44) | 0.000000 | - |
Altotal (mg L− 1) | 0.030 abcd (< LOQ − 0.049) | 0.049 abcd (< LOQ − 0.080) | 0.047 abcd (< LOQ − 0.116) | *0.038 abcd (< LOQ − 0.248) | 1.000000 | 0.100 |
Cutotal (mg L− 1) | *0.002 abcd (< LOQ − 0.009) | 0.002 abcd (< LOQ − 0.004) | 0.002 abcd (< LOQ − 0.006) | 0.002 abcd (< LOQ − 0.003) | 1.000000 | 0.009 |
Fetotal (mg L− 1) | 0.026 acd (< LOQ − 0.084) | 0.096 bc (< LOQ − 0.419) | 0.051 abcd (< LOQ − 0.128) | 0.026 acd (< LOQ − 0.098) | 0.005524 | 0.300 |
Mntotal (mg L− 1) | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | - | 0.100 |
Zntotal (mg L− 1) | *0.003 abcd (< LOQ − 0.078) | 0.005 abcd (< LOQ − 0.026) | 0.006 abcd (< LOQ − 0.018) | 0.002 abcd (< LOQ − 0.006) | 1.000000 | 5.000 |
The means with different letters in superscript are statistically different after adjusting for the Bonferroni test (p < 0.05); *Comparisons using the Kruskal-Wallis test (Median - Non-parametric data); p = lowest p-value for the compared group; LOQ – Limit of quantification. |
We noticed that there is no statistically significant distinction between the hydrological periods for the parameters Ca2+, PO42−, Altotal, Cutotal, and Zntotal, where p > 0.05. However, for most of the variables, there were significant differences, i.e., p < 0.05, between the medians of the groups (D1, D2, R1, R2), evidencing the influence of the hydrological periods on the water quality parameters for the study area. In all samples, at the four sampling points, F− and Mntotal were below the limit of quantification.
Temperature and the concentrations of Na+, Cl−, SO42−, and Fetotal were significantly different in the dry and rainy seasons, with the highest values in the rainy periods. Thus, the ions Na+, Cl− and SO42− may be associated with anthropogenic sources, such as domestic effluents, fertilizers, and septic tanks, since the rain causes an increase in surface runoff (Barzegar et al., 2016). Moreover, the water temperature can be affected by natural and anthropogenic factors of energy exchange, modifying the rivers' physical, chemical, and biological processes and, consequently, the survival of aquatic species (Hanafiah et al., 2018; Mustapha et al., 2013). In this study, temperatures were higher in the rainy season when river flows are higher, with an increased heat absorption capacity and less water uptake for crops irrigation (Xin and Kinouchi, 2013). The higher Fetotal concentrations in the rainy season are related to the increase of soil leaching, which, even with low levels of the element, can reach the drainage networks in this period (Rego et al., 2021; Freitas et al., 2014).
The pH at the D2 sampling period showed higher values, significantly different from the other periods. The pH in D1, R1, and R2 agrees with results presented in other works in the study area, being slightly acidic due to the natural characteristics of the region, especially the presence of native vegetation (Rego et al., 2014; Rego et al., 2017). The period D2 is affected by point sources, which may be related to the decrease in water temperature in the same season (Souza et al., 2021).
For the other parameters, the concentrations were very similar between the hydrological periods, showing, in most cases, no significant difference. However, in the rainy season, the average concentrations tend to be higher, justified by the leaching of soils in agricultural regions, with the presence of fertilizers and soil correctors. The seasonal distinction for water quality parameters was previously observed in another work by our research group in the same study area, in which the multivariate statistical analysis showed how the seasons influence the concentrations of the analytes (Rego et al., 2014).
3.3 Principal Components Analysis
PCA was performed to reduce the number of variables and facilitate the extraction of more relevant information in assessing ROHB's water quality. For this, we used the average of each variable in D1 and D2 to study the dry season and the averages in R1 and R2 for the rainy season. The Kaiser criterion was followed to select the number of principal components (PC), selecting only principal components with eigenvalues greater than 1(Kaiser, 1960; Souza et al., 2021). In addition, the accumulated variance was also considered to determine the number of factors that must be extracted, and (Hair et al., 2009) suggest the minimum level of 60% is acceptable. Table 3 shows that just by adding PC1 and PC2, the criteria are met, with eigenvalues > 1, and the added factors explain around 66% of the total variance, not requiring other components.
Table 3
Eigenvalues and variances obtained in the PCA for the variables in Table 2.
Components | Eigenvalues | Variance (%) |
1 | 4,.94275 | 41.18960 |
2 | 2.95582 | 24.63187 |
3 | 1.86204 | 15.51704 |
Figure 2 shows the graph of the active variables' weights, pointing to 3 different groups that are correlated. Group 1 includes electrical conductivity, salinity, TDS, and PO42−. In group 2, there is temperature, Fetotal, SO42− and Cl−. Furthermore, group 3 consists of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na2+, and HCO3−.
In group 1, salinity is the total amount of solid inorganic material dissolved in natural water, and salinization of water refers to an increase in TDS and overall chemical content of the water. The electrical conductivity of water represents its ability to transmit electrical current due to the presence of dissolved substances, mainly inorganic, which dissociate into cations and anions (Berger et al., 2013; Sharifi et al., 2012). The concentration of PO42− ions may directly influence TDS levels and conductivity due to the existing relationship with the levels of soluble compounds (Takiyama et al., 2003). Therefore, these parameters are logically positively correlated.
The highest salinity, TDS, and conductivity values were found in P17, located on the Vereda das Lajes River, which is reached by water drained from small farmers' lands who raise animals in improvised channels upstream of this site. Given this, the surface runoff coming from rainwater in fertilized soils and with animal food's waste can increase these parameters. The same was observed in a previous article by (Rego et al., 2014) in the same region.
Temperature, Fetotal, and SO42− and Cl− ions, which are in group 2, may be related to the use of agricultural inputs in the study area. Fe has been used for soil stabilization and improvement of nutrient status (Friesl et al., 2004; Warren et al., 2006) while SO42− and Cl− ions are used in agriculture for soil correction (CaSO4) and fertilization (KCl), which, when dissociated, become essential nutrients for plants (Brasil et al., 2020; Paula et al., 2020).
The correlation of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3− in group 3 may be related to the dissolution of predominant materials in the soils in some points of the studied area, constituted of carbonate rocks, mainly calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite (CaCO3 and MgCO3) of the Bambuí Group (Amorim and De Lima, 2007; CPRM, 2019, 2004). However, Ca2+ and Mg2+ can also come from limestone leaching from agricultural areas since they are essential secondary macronutrients in agriculture (Sediyama et al., 2015).
The highest Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3− concentrations were found in P1R, near the main river's source where there is the presence of native vegetation but also close to many agricultural areas with water channels suppressed by agriculture (Damasceno, 2011). P10D and P10R also showed high values of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3−, which may be associated with the contribution of the Bambuí karst (Amorim and De Lima, 2007; Rego et al., 2021).
Na+, also present in group 3, cannot be related to the study area’s geology, which does not contain halite (NaCl). P8R (4.191 mg L− 1) and P17R (4.482 mg L− 1) had higher concentrations of Na+, traced to the water flow from regions with agricultural activity. Therefore, the high concentrations of Na+ at these points are explained by the flow of domestic and agricultural effluents (Rego et al., 2014).
Figure 3 represents a scatter plot for the points analyzed in PC1 and PC2, showing the separation between the rainy and dry seasons, except for P17D, P10D, P2R, and P12R.
The points of the rainy season are in the same quadrants as the variables presented in Table 2, indicating a strong correlation, mainly due to the leaching of residues in the soil of areas close to the sampling points. These results agree with the descriptive statistical analysis shown in the previous topic.