3.1 Engineering the Charge Landscape
As mentioned, for targets smaller than the characteristic spray plume, the charge landscape can be modified in such a way that can optimize the material deposition efficiency. The general hypothesis (shown schematically in Fig. 1c) is that efficient sprays should: (1) start from a relatively “blank state” and not be affected by previous sprays; (2) be free from alternative targets; (3) employ a focus ring; and (4) have a large extractor ground placed behind the target from the perspective of the spray. In addition, to maximize the effects of the deposited charge and minimize any effects that occurred after deposition, humidity was kept low for all sprays which has previously been shown to amplify self-limiting effects in ESD40. Experimental parameters for all sprays are listed in Table S1. We systematically investigated five distinct enhancements to optimize the charge landscape of electrospray for deposition efficiency on an MNA (Target 1; T1), as well as a flat silicon chip (T2) and an electrode test pattern on borofloat glass (T3): negative-polarity ethanol pre-spray to eliminate residual charges (E1); a large, grounded extractor beneath the sample (E2); insulating tape on all non-target metal surfaces (E3); an insulating mask on unwanted regions of the target (E4); and a focus ring to narrow the plume (E5) (see Table S1 for spray conditions). Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis) efficiency results of trehalose ESD coatings deposited with and without the specific efficiency enhancement strategies for MNAs are shown in Fig. 2a where rhodamine B was used as a tracer molecule (see Fig. S1 for calibration curve). Results with all enhancements for the flat silicon chip and test pattern are also shown, with both geometries used as a target to demonstrate that ESD is not target-specific and can be generalized. While T2 achieved a deposition efficiency of 110 ± 25%, T3 achieved a deposition efficiency statistically similar (P-value = 0.9934), but slightly less than that at 96 ± 18%. For T3, the sample was grounded such that the ground was in the spray path. Thus, the decrease in efficiency was likely caused by the ground both collecting and removing sprayed material from the sample. Since trehalose is not a self-limiting material, deposition on T3 occurred as a mounded spot, albeit one that did not over-spray the surrounding substrate, and would not be ideal for electronic coatings. In contrast, Fig. S2 demonstrates how a self-limiting material, PVP, can achieve a qualitatively more uniform thickness. Regions that were damaged in the pattern and thus did not have a conductive path also led to no deposition in both materials, illustrating the high selectivity of ESD. Further optimization of the in-plane coating uniformity will be left to future work. All targets and materials were sprayed at a constant spray time of 30 min, but Fig. S3 demonstrates that achieving high deposition efficiencies can be done at various dosages for both self-limiting and non-self-limiting materials. This additionally illustrates the facile means of controlling needle dose in MNAs via ESD, which can be accomplished continuously through deposition time.
With all enhancements, the deposition efficiency of trehalose sprays coating on both MNAs and the silicon chip was essentially 100%. We hypothesize that the slightly greater than 100% apparent efficiency of the coating on individual sprays is due to the combined effects of uncertainties due to the small amounts of material and the accumulation of some dried material on the tip of the needle between samples and stabilization of the spray. From an ultimate system-design standpoint, automated sample motion and spray stabilization, such as recently shown by Toth et al.41, would likely improve the precision of the technique. Although we anticipate employing a similar design in the future to control spray stabilization, our work has shown that are still significant differences between the enhanced and unenhanced results without the use of such system design.
The negative pre-spray (-E1) establishes the “blank slate” condition, without which the charge gradually builds up in the chamber to the point of influencing and destabilizing the spray. Allowing the charge to accumulate in the spray chamber resulted in a more variable spray efficiency of 60 ± 46%. Removing the extractor ground (-E2) decreased efficiency to 55 ± 32% which arises from charge screening and an eventual destabilization of the spray, as will be discussed further below. Most significant—and intuitive—is the effect of providing additional conductive surfaces for the spray to target. This is shown here in two ways. The first is to remove the masking tape from the extractor ground and focus ring (-E3, Fig. 2d). Upon doing so, the extractor ground and focus ring provide for a much larger conductive surface for the spray to deposit. The role of the masking tape is to initially build charge during the first few moments of spray which redirect the field lines towards the unmasked portions of the target. The apparent deposition efficiency is 9 ± 2%, indicating that approximately 90% of the spray is diverted to these large alternative targets, particularly the ring, which does not have a field of its own strong enough to repel the spray and requires a slight build-up of charge. The second is removing the silicone target mask (-E4, Fig. 2c) which allows for 55 ± 35% of the coating to be deposited on unwanted portions of the sample, consistent with the quantity of non-desired conductive surface. The addition of the focus ring homogenizes the electrostatic field in the interelectrode space to redirect the spray to the desired grounded substrate. Removal of the focus ring (-E5) allows droplets to follow a wider range of field paths and reduces efficiency to 21 ± 15%. As previously noted, implementing all these enhancements (Fig. 2e) leads to 104 ± 10% of the spray arriving at the needle tips. Movie S1 of an enhanced spray shows that no excess deposition or spray instability. Shifting to a silicon chip (Fig. 2f) maintains the essentially 100% efficiency (110 ± 25%).
While all these results are relatively intuitive, the role of the extractor ground is perhaps the most subtle. As shown when the tape is removed (-E3), the spray is initially directed to all conductive surfaces in the chamber, including the positively-biased focus ring. Early in the spray, charge is therefore deposited on all of the accessible conductive surfaces, even if they are coated with insulating tape or masked, as has been observed in near-field ESD templating27. These charges create their own field which opposes the ESD field. If this counter field is too strong, spray will be completely destabilized. Even barring this outcome, if the charge on the insulated surfaces is too large, it will screen the relatively small target ground surface. This hypothesis was tested through a simplified finite element method (FEM) model. In this model, the geometry was reduced to 2D axisymmetric with the target and extracting ground represented as cylinders (see details in Fig. S4). The spray was conceptualized as following field lines emitting from the tip of the needle. If the field line terminated at the target, we may consider that any spray that atomizes onto the path of that specific field line will also arrive at the target, with the density of field lines proportional to the deposition rate. To simulate the spray escaping into the chamber, the outer boundary was also modeled as grounded. Charge was then added to all insulated surfaces for two cases: (1) the extractor grounded, similar to T1, and (2) the extractor floating, similar to -E2. At low charge, the floating ground case has more field lines terminating at the target than the grounded case, due to spray being directed to the large ground (Fig. 3a). However, when the charge on the surfaces is increased, the target is rapidly screened in the floating case, redirecting spray to the ring and other target while the target receives more of the field lines in the grounded case. The fraction of field lines that terminate at the target as a function of surface charge is shown in Fig. 3b. While this illustrates the difference observed between the T1 and -E2 cases in Fig. 2a, it underestimates the effect due to assumptions in the simplified model. This simulation is oversimplified in that in actuality, the charge is not uniformly distributed. Indeed, the local density of field lines may be expected to be proportional to the instantaneous charge-deposition rate. While future work will develop a more sophisticated model that captures this behavior, this result still qualitatively supports the role of the extractor ground in stabilizing the field and directing it towards the grounded target.
3.2 Spray Efficiency of Model Materials
To demonstrate effectiveness with a wide range of biologically-relevant materials, we have selected trehalose, a small molecule used as a matrix material; PEGDA, a hydrogel precursor material; PVP, a biocompatible glassy polymer; P3KT, a water-soluble conductive polymer; and three biologically-active substances, GLS-1027, an immunomodulating small molecule42, GLS-6150, a plasmid DNA vaccine, and a trehalose-HRP protein complex as model materials. These are used to demonstrate examples of materials that could be employed and are not exhaustive of either materials or categories of materials that can be applied using this technique. It should be noted that of these, the PVP, as a glassy monomer, is expected to satisfy the conditions for SLED32 and, thereby, should rapidly accumulate repulsive charge. UV-vis efficiency results for the selected materials are shown in Fig. 4a. With the exception P3KT, all materials have mean apparent efficiencies greater than 98%. In all cases, we assume that the composition of the spray remains constant from the syringe to the target. This assumption can be justified by (1) the use of relatively dilute solutions such that precipitation at the spray needle tip is unlikely, and (2) based on the commensurate molecular weight of the tracer and the lightest payload (479 g mol− 1 for rhodamine as compared to 205 g mol− 1 for GLS-1027), there is roughly equal likelihood of atomization and diffusive or convective removal of material and tracer. In addition to apparent deposition efficiencies nearing 100%, the sprayed materials maintain functionality post-spray. When sprayed with 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (DMPA), a photoinitiator, the PEGDA coating can then be cured to form a hydrogel. This hydrogel coating can be seen in Fig. 5a, where the preservation of the rhodamine fluorescence also demonstrates function post-processing.
While P3KT efficiencies are higher than the studies reported above at 66 ± 10%, its deposition efficiency was likely reduced by solution compatibility. For the spray setup, P3KT was eluted in 1:4 water:ethanol, similar to the other materials used. The rhodamine tracer was not included, as P3KT has a quantifiable absorption peak. Although P3KT is somewhat water-soluble, it is not soluble in ethanol, and modifiers, such as ammonium hydroxide, have been shown to be necessary to enhance its aqueous solubility43,44. The relatively low solubility may have resulted in some agglomerates or condensation at the Taylor cone, impeding flow and introducing instabilities at the needle tip, resulting in lower deposition onto the target. A more favorable solvent may improve the stability of the spray cone to achieve a higher deposition efficiency.
3.3 HPLC Results of Sprayed GLS-1027
HPLC was used with the immunomodulator, GLS-1027, to validate the UV-vis efficiency measurement approach. HPLC results demonstrated that GLS-1027 did not experience any significant molecular or chemical changes after being subjected to ESD. Retention times for sprayed samples were the same as the control (Fig. 5b). The profile of the samples indicates one and only one peak is present which follows the results of the control. Thus, no decomposition occurs to the immunomodulator when deposited using ESD. No significant differences were observed between peak area measurements from control and sprayed samples as the sprayed samples reported 104 ± 12% recovery of the material. Finally, the efficiency results for GLS-1027 from HPLC were nearly identical to those measured with UV-vis (99 ± 18%) which confirms the appropriate use of UV-vis for efficiency measurements (see Fig. S5).
3.4 Gel EP Results of GLS-6150
Agarose gel EP was performed on the DNA vaccine samples. GLS-6150 contains 4 different plasmids of sizes 3.6, 3.8, 4.4, and 5.1 kb. In Fig. 5c, the GLS-6150 control is seen in lane 1 with the 4 plasmids present in both the open-circular conformation (5–8 kb) and the supercoiled conformation (2-3.5 kb). In lane 3, the sprayed sample is seen showing similar locations to the control in addition to maintaining both circular conformations post-processing. This indicates that through ESD, the DNA plasmid structures are not interrupted in the process of achieving high deposition efficiencies. However, future work is necessary to determine if ESD affects the ratios of the open-circular and supercoiled forms.
3.5 ELISA Results of HRP
Unlike GLS-1027 and DNA plasmid, electrospraying HRP dramatically decreased the functional activity of the enzyme. ELISA results showed activity less than 4 ± 0.06% of the expected activity for the mass of protein sprayed. We suspect that the physical shear of the protein in the selected solvent blend via ESD decreased the HRP activity. As discussed above, Morozov and Morozova demonstrated that it is indeed possible for proteins, specifically alkaline phosphatase, to be electrosprayed and still maintain high activity through an optimized protocol dependent on solvent formulation and the spray voltage and current used19. Stabilization approaches are particular to the specific biomolecule; however, the fact that proteins can retain activity in electrospray suggest that it may be possible to achieve ESD of active protein coatings that have a more targeted, higher efficiency with further optimization.
3.6 Comparison to Other Coating Methods
It is important to consider the above results in the context of the dominant existing methods for precision soft coatings, specifically, dip coating, spin coating, and printing. Dip coating is currently ubiquitous approach for coating MNAs and other surfaces for medical coatings in the range of 0.01-10 µm. To achieve quality dip coating deposition, several process parameters need to be considered45. Most relevantly, the capillary number of the coating fluid determines the fluid entrainment, with more viscous solutions and higher dipping rates leading to thicker films34,46. Thus, accurate dip coating requires a high degree of both mechanical and fluid formulation accuracy. Further, it is important to consider that thick films, particularly arising from, high viscosity solutions require more time for the coating to dry and may lead to drainage effects where the material may accumulate at the bottom of the substrate45. There is also inherent waste in dip coating from unutilized bath material, and the frequent insertion and removal increases the chances for fouling. Efficient ESD, by contrast, works exclusively with low viscosity solutions and can utilize nearly all of the spray solution, with the thickness controlled by spray time. Two advantages of dip coating over ESD, however, are that dip coating does not have the activity concerns reported here and the rate of dip coating deposition increases with surface area while ESD is directly proportional to spray time. This said, ESD, especially when using self-limiting materials, can be employed for geometries that are much more complex than those that would be compatible with dip-coating, such as foams31. Spin coating is by far the most precise method available for the deposition of micro-/nano-scopic thin films ranging from 1-200 µm film thickness47; however is inherently wasteful, removing greater than 90% of the utilized material. This waste becomes even greater when spatial control is desired, necessitating lift-off that removes any unpatterned surface and requires several lithographic processing steps. Further, spin coating is impractical on surfaces with anything beyond limited roughness (feature aspect ratio of approximately 0.1). However, it has the highest potential for uniformity, and further development of self-limiting ESD will be necessary to target specific application areas where materials waste is a prime concern. Ink or electrohydrodynamic jet printing can target specific portions of a target with sub-micron spatial resolution through the use of piezoelectric stages; however, this accuracy comes at the cost of it being a serial process requiring precision positioning equipment, which cannot match the deposition rate of either dip or ESD coating. Further, geometries above “2.5-D” complexities cannot be targeted by the line-of-sight nature of the jet, and capillary and gravity flow effects can lead to coating unwanted portions of the sample34. Jet printing additionally requires careful formulation of the print solutions and their evaporative/wetting properties to avoid nozzle clogging and to achieve a uniform printed spot/line. Indeed, much as with the electrode templating shown in the T3 result, there is a large potential for ESD and jet printing to be used together with an optimal, conductive jet ink serving as the template for ESD.