Target 3.8 of the United Nation’s sustainable development goals [1], focuses among others on the achievement of UHC, including financial risk protection for all by the year 2030. Beyond percentage coverage of the population with essential health services, a key concern in monitoring achievements of UHC indicators is equity. The Government of Kenya on its part, towards fulfilling this international commitment identified UHC as one of its four priority agenda, with the aspiration that Kenyan populations would have access to health care without sinking into financial catastrophe [2]. Nevertheless, only about 19.6% of the population in the country has health insurance cover [3].
Between 2016 and 2021, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Amref Health Africa and PharmAccess Foundation, together with the County Government of Kakamega located in Western Kenya, jointly implemented iPUSH programme in Navakholo sub-county. The iPUSH programme broadly sought to map out, recruit and register households into the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). An entry point and key target of the iPUSH programme in households was women of reproductive age (WRAs). Under the programme, selected WRAs and their households would be covered for reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health (RMNCH) services once they were provided with NHIF cover.
To support the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of this activity, a household registration and socio-economic mapping exercise was conducted in February 2021 by trained CHVs using mobile phones, with the data being transmitted in near real-time to the organization’s server using its mobile-Jamii Afya Link (MJALi) electronic data management platform. The data were collected using the household register (MOH 513) and the socio-economic mapping tool from the National Safety Net Programme (NSNP). The two forms are available as additional file 1 and additional file 2 respectively.
With a total population of 153,977 people and 32,315 households registered in the 2019 census [4], Navakholo sub-county is one among 13 sub-counties in Kakamega County of Western Kenya. The sub-county forms part of the central and northern part of the county and which is ecologically in the Upper Medium (UM) zone practicing intensive small-scale agriculture [5]. Compared to 35% of the Kenyan national population living below the poverty line in 2015, the average for Kakamega county and indicative of Navakholo sub-county was 33.3% [6]. The main diseases in Kakamega County which includes Navakholo sub-county, are malaria (with a prevalence of 19% against a national average of 6%) [7; 8] and those of the respiratory system.
A number of themes emerge in the literature on health insurance in Kenya, and are briefly described below. The centrality of NHIF of Kenya and its planned transformation into a universal health entity is a key topic that runs in the literature [9]. Universal health coverage has been adopted as Target 3.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a clear goal of ensuring that individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. For health insurance coverage, analysis of secondary data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) shows that it is low in Kenya, at 19.6% of the population as of 2014 [2; 9]. This is against the back-drop of about 50% of the population living below the poverty line. Although there was a decrease in inequality in health insurance coverage between 2009 and 2014, levels of inequality remain high. It is older people, those in formal employment, the married, those exposed to ass media, the males, those belonging to a small household, those with a chronic disease, and those in well to do households who have an increased likelihood of health insurance coverage. As such, attaining high and equitable coverage with either contributory or voluntary insurance scheme is an issue. The study [9] calls for a universal, tax-funded programme in which ensures that revenues are efficiently and equitably collected; everyone including the poor and vulnerable should be covered.
The critical importance of UHC is demonstrated by its adoption by the Kenya Government as one of the big four priority agenda by the President [2]. The aspiration is that by 2022, all persons in Kenya will be able to use the essential services they need for their health and wellbeing through a single unified benefit package, without the risk of financial catastrophe. Results from Peru [10] a developing middle income country, identify the impact of the progressive universalist policy effected in 2007 and which gave Peruvian adults entitlement to basic health services in public health facilities without charge, a service for which they previously were required to pay user fees. The evaluation of this policy was achieved by comparing the change in health care utilization among the target population with that of poorer adults already covered under employment-based insurance. Positive effects are evident after receiving outpatient care and medication; these are largest among the elderly and poorest populations. The likelihood of getting health care when sick is increased by almost 20%; the chances of being unable to afford treatment is reduced by almost 25%. There is no effect on average out of pocket expenditure (OOPE) but medical expenditure is reduced by almost 25% among the top 25% of the population. The study concludes that giving poor Peruvians entitlement to free basic health care was partially successful in targeting the poor with access to health care and protection from medical expenditure risks.
A household survey conducted in eight Kenya counties [11] documents the relationships between health insurance and medicine expenditure. This s against the background of the Kenya national and various County Governments initiating health insurance schemes to protect households from financial hardship resulting from large OOPE. While the demographic results are similar to those from other studies cited above, the different finding from the study is that households with health insurance cover have a lower likelihood of OOPE on medicine, and still less on medicines out of their total health expenditure. Like others, this study suggests prioritization of low income households as well as those with non-communicable diseases in order to hasten access to medication and financial protection.
That social insurance is a viable option for improving access of the population to health services, as well as improving health outcomes for deprived populations in particular HIV-positive women is a subject covered in the literature [12]. The results of the study show that health insurance enrolment is related with increased utilization of obstetric services among HIV-positive women in the country. In particular, HIV-positive women have increased access to health-facility birth delivery and skilled birth attendance as compared to those who are uninsured. Positive effects of NHIF on use of obstetric care services is higher for those who are more sick (CD4 count of less than 350).
Review of the UHC pilot programmes in Isiolo and Kisumu counties captures learning to inform scale-up. In Isiolo and Kisumu counties, as in the two of the total of four pilot counties, the County governments discontinued charging user fees in secondary public health hospitals. In return, the national Government provided commodities and additional funds from the national Government. The process of implementing the pilot UHC programme is documented in the literature [13; 14] and the particular role of CHVs and the community emerges. In Kisumu, sensitization about the UHC programme was conducted through electronic media, by CHVs, education sessions, the political class and outreaches. Planning for the programme was implemented through meetings, training for community registration, and developing budgets.
In Isiolo, a number of achievements can be attributed to the UHC pilot programme. The intervention reached a majority of Isiolo population thus enabling access to health services free of charge. The UHC funds flowed to the health facilities and used to improve infrastructure and provide better services. Stock-out of medicines and supplies reduced during the pilot programme.
Nevertheless, in Isiolo, concerning challenges, funds were received with a delay resulting in partial implementation of the pilot. Stakeholders suggested that a simplified process to access and use funds would lead to better performance. Steering committees and technical working groups could not be constituted or work due to lack of funds. Some health facilities had problems developing their work plan due to lack of guidance and templates; work plans were not always followed owing to shifting priorities at facility and county levels. Only a few staff were hired in the facilities resulting in increased workload, a barrier that was similarly documented for Kisumu County pilot.
In addition, from the review for Kisumu County [14], misunderstanding, confusion and misconception about the idea of UHC is evident. It was seen as a means of seeking votes by politicians. In Isiolo, there were also issues concerning the correctness of cardholders’ information; not all health facilities had a verification system in place. The review suggests that in future, counties should consider using the funds more strategically in order to influence the behavior of provider and address health needs of the population, for example through the application of performance-based financing (PBF) to incentivize health facilities and workers. Other studies of the Kenyan four-county pilot UHC programme [15] conclude that for utopian and egalitarian projects such as UHC, civil servants maintain hope and optimism even in the backdrop of their past experience with failure of such projects. The objective of this study is to examine the factors related to ownership of health insurance cover among WRAs in Navakholo sub-county, Kakamega County.