Phase 1: Hypothesis Generation via Qualitative Field Observations
In the first phase, we used qualitative methods to understand how community policing efforts might be improved and to generate the hypotheses about transparency statements that we tested in Phases 2-3. Note that we cannot make strong claims from our qualitative methods about fully capturing the dynamics of transparency statements in community policing units. Instead, here we are simply presenting the systematic approach we took that enabled us to capture ecologically-valid police-community interactions in the field, as recommended by criminology researchers44. These field observations ultimately enabled us to develop a falsifiable hypothesis about the potential positive impact of transparency statements in community policing.
Research settings. There were two concurrent strands to the field observations we conducted. We began, first, as part of a larger team of researchers observing a new community-oriented policing unit that was developed to address the community’s problems by quickly building relationships with community members. In parallel, we observed traditional patrol officers in a different department in the same metropolitan area. We focus here on the most relevant findings about the distinct dyadic interaction tactics law enforcement officers used and their relative effectiveness regarding building trust and rapport with their communities, because these were the observations that led us to develop the present hypotheses. Many other observations were conducted, regarding the governance and decision-making of the two police departments, but these data are less relevant to the present transparency hypotheses.
Community policing unit. The first team we observed was a police department in a large, urban city, and the specific unit was located in a district that included portions or entireties of eight neighborhoods with a mixed population of diverse racial and socioeconomic groups (total population range = 14,318 – 93,727; 6-62% White; 15-83% Hispanic/Latinx; 2-78% Black/African-American; 1-6% Asian/Asian-American; 1-3% Other/Multiple Races; Median Age = 32.2 – 41.9 years old; 13-57% population 25+ with a 4-year college degree or greater; 61-94% Native US; 3.5-12.6% unemployed; median household income = $33,515 – $82,908). For example, one beat we observed was 62% White residents with a median income of $72,272. Another beat we observed, in contrast, was only 6% White and 78% Black/African American with a median income of $33,515. This city had a population of more than 2 million residents, and the police department had more than 10,000 officers at the time of our data collection. The unit we focused on was testing a pilot program that reorganized the duties of their officers. While officers traditionally go from call-to-call according to their radios, this unit was given discretion over how they used their time, with the goal to spend it oriented towards building relationships with the community in their assigned area, and coordinating resources that their communities needed. Officers in this unit were recruited from the entire citywide department by the lieutenant in charge of the unit, ostensibly selected on traits that would facilitate relationship-building in communities (e.g., genuine interest in relationship-building, prior history of attempting to build relationships within the constraints of a patrol officer’s role). This phase provided us with an understanding of how officers who were ostensibly skilled at building relationships with community members attempted to quickly build trust with civilians. Examples of this process appear in Box 1, right panel, Experiments 1-2.
Traditional patrol unit. In parallel, we partnered with another police department in the same metropolitan area to observe more traditional interactions of police whose responsibilities are dictated by radio calls and less focused on developing skills related to connecting with their communities. The employees we observed were patrol officers from a different police department in a moderately-sized, suburban city that was nearby to the city where the community policing unit was located. This city was also relatively racially and socioeconomically diverse (58% White; 12% Hispanic/Latinx; 17% Black/African-American; 9% Asian/Asian-American; 7% Other/Multiple Races; Median Age = 36.2 years old; 67% population 25+ with a 4-year college degree or greater; 82% Native US; 12% in poverty; median household income = $82,335). This city had a population of approximately 75,000 residents, and the police department had approximately 150 officers at the time of our data collection. After discussions with department leadership, we began a four-week long period of four-hour ride-alongs approximately three to four times per week. Per their supervisors’ instruction, these officers engaged with members of their community as they naturally would if we were not observing them. We observed these interactions and took observational notes on each interaction we observed, and we also obtained direct reflections from both officers and the community members with whom they interacted. We obtained both structured and unstructured reflections from officers after the interaction with the community member ended. First, officers reflected alone via structured question prompts (e.g., “do you think the civilian understood your intentions for talking with them?”; “how connected to the ‘real you’ were you in the interaction?”). Then, we discussed officers’ experiences utilizing unstructured questions. Simultaneously, while the officer left the area to reflect alone, we approached the community members they talked to for an optional, consented debriefing discussion of their interaction utilizing a mix of structured and unstructured questions. This phase provided us with an understanding of how officers who were not trained in the community-based policing attempted to quickly build trust with civilians. An example of this process appears in Box 1, left panel, Ex 2.
Participants. Participants for both phases of the qualitative field observations were the police officers in the two departments we observed (70% Male; 47% White; 30% Hispanic/Latinx; 20% Black/African-American; 3% Asian/Asian-American; approximate age range: 20-60 years old). In total, more than 35 police were observed across three years, which included interviews, ride-alongs, observed unit meetings, and field observations of community events, resulting in more than 500 hours of data observations. In the community policing unit, we observed 17 officers, four sergeants, one lieutenant, and one commander. Throughout the three years of our observation, more than five officers left the unit due to injuries or to pursue other opportunities in the department. In the traditional patrol unit, we observed 18 patrol officers and approximately 148 civilian interactions.
Data and qualitative analysis. Data from both phases come largely from field observations of ride-alongs with the police participants. For the ride-alongs, police were asked to act as they naturally would while we observed from a distance. Field observations of community events, biweekly debriefing meetings, and hour-long interviews were only collected from the community policing unit. Biweekly department meetings in this phase typically consisted of strategic discussions about how to approach community problems together in a roundtable with the whole unit. Interviews occurred in four rounds and consisted primarily of officer views of their role and their community while in the pilot program. Interviews occurred at the recruiting, beginning, middle, and end stages of the officers’ involvement in the pilot program. As mentioned, for the traditional patrol unit, observations of the ride-alongs were accompanied by both officers’ structured and unstructured reflections alone and with the researcher(s) accompanying them on the ride-along. For all field notes, shorthand notes were recorded in small notebooks or on smartphones and expanded after the conclusion of the observation, as soon as possible. Recorded conversations were transcribed by a professional transcription service.
Field notes and interview transcripts were analyzed by the two lead researchers by discussing the day’s data collection immediately or soon after it finished, and writing informal, conceptual, theoretical memos to summarize the emerging themes. Transcripts and notes that were flagged as indicative of key themes were then analyzed line-by-line to understand recurring patterns and to check assumptions against the data. Once the key themes were identified and refined (presented in Box 1), then exemplary quotations were selected to illustrate those themes to readers. These quotations were then vetted with a third researcher, to reach agreement on the fit between the data and our interpretations of the data. After reducing the qualitative data to the key themes and focal examples (Box 1), we used these insights to design the randomized experiments and test the hypotheses directly. Additional thematic examples appear in the SI.
Phase 2: Hypothesis Testing in Behavioral Experiment 1
Participants. The study was pre-registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF; We planned to collect data from a total of 200 participants, which afforded the ability to detect an effect of 0.4 SD at 80 percent power using conventional null hypothesis rejection analyses. Following the pre-registered stopping rule, data collection was terminated on the first day that we met or exceeded our sample size. No data were examined and no hypotheses were tested prior to stopping data collection.
We ultimately collected data from 239 U.S. residents from a sample of community members in a large urban city from streets nearby, Craig’s list ads, emails throughout departments to the local university, and word of mouth. After excluding seven individuals who either opted to have their data deleted after learning the full details of the study (n = 3) or had incomplete data (n = 4), we were left with a final sample of 232 (Mage = 22.07, SD = 5.90; 54 percent female, 42% male, 4% non-binary/genderqueer/other; 34% Whites/European Americans, 32% Asian/Asian Americans, 17% Latino/a/Hispanic Americans, 9% Black/African Americans, 5% Multiethnic, 3% Biracial; conservatism M = 2.68, SD = 1.35).
Material development. The study design was created with informal police consultants, who were current and retired police officers from three departments. We developed our procedure to realistically reflect what police do in officer-initiated interactions with their communities, while maintaining alignment with our definition of transparency (i.e. clarifying intentions for approaching civilians).
Civilian participants. This study was conducted during June and July of 2021. Civilian (i.e., community member) participants were told that the study was about the natural interactions people had with others. Civilian participants were seated individually at a table around a university building in one of five predetermined locations that were not in-view of each other (e.g., a patio table; a bench). Civilian participants were told that they should do what they would naturally do if they were sitting by themselves outside (e.g., using their cell phones or computers). The research assistant left the participants alone with an iPad and stated that everything would be audio-recorded by the iPad during the experiment. Participants did not know who they would be interacting with but were told to act naturally if (and when) anyone approached them.
To mask the anticipation of a police officer approaching while also allowing for informed consent, participants were told in their consent form that due to the outdoor nature of the research study, they may be approached by a research assistant, unsheltered (i.e., homeless) person, student, police officer, or others in the area. Once the conversation started, the officers never stated that they were a part of the research study.
Police officer partners. The police officer partners (N = 7) for this field experiment were employees of the police department with jurisdiction over the community of recruited civilian participants. That is, actors were not used, and all officers in the study were on-duty employees during their regularly scheduled work shifts, not trained confederates; this decision was made to increase the ecological validity of the experiment.
Prior to conducting this research, the research team met with police department leadership, who approved the partnership. The seven police officers were recruited by the leadership because they were considered by leaders to be representative of the diversity of officers using community policing efforts in this police department. Training of the officers lasted approximately five minutes per officer. The officers overall spent approximately 60 hours on data collection in the role of an experimenter.
Police partners were told to initiate interactions with civilians in one of two ways: either providing a transparency statement (i.e., giving explicit reasons for why they are approaching the participant, at the outset of the interaction) or not (our control condition; i.e., using the ambiguous, direct, and short language that simply asks if they can talk to the civilian participants). Police partners were instructed to keep their conversations short (i.e., to five minutes or less, aiming for 2 minutes), but were otherwise left to their own natural conversation style after the introduction. They did not follow an exact script. Notably transcripts confirmed that 100% of the officers in the transparency condition made a transparency statement, and 0% of the officers in the control condition did so at the outset of the conversation.
For example, in the transparency condition (N = 100), officers initiated interactions in the following ways: e.g., “Hello, I’m just out and about walking around, talking to people in the community. Is it okay if I talk to you for a minute?” “Hey, my name is [Name], and I’m just taking a walk, trying to get to know my community better. You mind if I sit and talk to you for a second?”
In contrast, in the control condition (N = 132), officers initiated interactions in the following ways: e.g., “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” “Hey, I’m Officer [Name], can I talk to you for a second?”
Assignment to condition. Leadership in the police department assigned officers to one of several shifts for the experiment. Researchers, blind to the identities or skills of the officers, assigned officers’ shifts to experimental conditions, so that in some shifts officers used transparency statements, and during other shifts they did not. Civilians, in turn, were assigned to different shifts independently of the officers’ condition assignments. There were an equal number of weekend shifts across conditions. Within experimental conditions, shift was not meaningfully associated with the pre-registered outcomes of threat and trust (Threat: Control group intraclass correlation [ICC] = .04; Transparency group ICC = .02; Trust: Control group ICC = 0; Transparency group ICC = 0). As a result, supplementary, non-pre-registered mixed-effects analyses that clustered standard errors by shift did not produce different results (Threat: b = -0.47, t = -2.09, p = .037; Trust: b = 0.37, t = 2.23, p = .025). Furthermore, no participant demographics (i.e., age, gender, race, native U.S. status, education level) differed significantly by condition, t’s ≤ 1.106, p’s ≥ .27 (see Table S2 in SI) or weekday (see Table S3 in SI).
Unless otherwise acknowledged, all measures were on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from 1=Strongly Disagree to 7=Strongly Agree. For all measures, civilian participants read that their individual data would not be shared with the police (i.e., that data collection was confidential). Full lists of the scale items and additional information can be found in the SI. See Table S4 in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Manipulation check: Perceptions of transparency of intentions. As a manipulation check, we measured civilian participants’ perceived clarity of the police partners’ intentions (i.e., “The officer I talked to stated their intentions for talking to me clearly”; “The officer I talked to stated their intentions for talking to me immediately”; “I knew why the officer was talking to me from start to finish”; α = .757).
Primary measure 1: Threat of enforcement. Civilians’ self-reports of threat were measured using three items that operationalized threat as the expectation of harm in the interaction—i.e., the inverse of trust. Specifically, these questions asked how likely (1=Very unlikely to 7=Very likely) it was that the police officer they talked to “just wanted to get to know you,” (reversed) “just wanted to make friendly conversation,” (reversed) or “did not trust you” α = .768. Moreover, a principal components analysis of these three items indicated that all three items loaded highly (loadings ≥ 0.81) onto a single component accounting for 77% of the total variance.
Primary measure 2: Trust in benevolent intent. Trust is viewed as the first step towards repairing relationships between law enforcement and civilians in the community policing model14. Civilian participants’ trust was measured using three items adapted from the benevolence subscale of a validated trust scale45, using the same likelihood scale as threat, regarding future interactions with the police officer they were approached by: “This police officer would care about you and your welfare;” “this police officer would go out of their way to help you; this police officer would not do anything to hurt you.” α = .630).
Natural Language Analysis
Audio recordings of conversations. Audio was recorded by an iPad device positioned on the table where the civilian participant was seated. Audio began recording when the research assistant set the participant up alone during the pre-interaction waiting period through when the interaction ended, when the research assistant returned to turn the recording device off. All audio recordings were later transcribed and turned into text files by research assistants.
Natural language processing: Conversation transcripts. Text analyses of transcripts of the conversations between civilians and officers were divided by speaker role (i.e., officer vs. civilian), condition (i.e., transparency vs. control), and by portion of the conversation (i.e., first, middle, or last third). Transcripts were analyzed with the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) Software29.
LIWC is one of the most dominant text analysis software in the social sciences, and relies on a “word counting” method that both tallies counts of parts of speech like prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns46, and also includes four summary dimensions validated in previous research: Analytic47, Clout48, Authenticity49, and Emotional Tone50. We analyzed the end of the civilian side conversation transcripts and obtained their score on each of these summary dimensions. The Authenticity summary dimension included in LIWC is a composite score validated in prior research and reflects honest, unfiltered, and spontaneous speech49. It is a bottom-up composite measure that was built based on research on deception and language use. The language categories that comprise the authenticity dimension resulted from factor-analyzing texts of truthful vs. deceptive language51. We expected that the transparency statement would increase civilians’ use of authentic language, because the transparency statement puts civilians at ease and enables rapport to be built. We did not anticipate differences on any of the other dimensions, but analyzed them along all summary dimensions to document the specificity of the effect of transparency statements on authentic language.
Natural language analysis: Civilian reflections on the interaction. On the post-interaction survey, participants answered an open-ended question asking about the thoughts (one question) and feelings (a second question) they experienced at the end of the interaction. These reflections were also scored with the LIWC-22 algorithm. Analyses focused on two patterns that emerged from the idiographic analysis. The first is causal language, or signaling people’s tendency to ponder the cause of the officer’s interactions (i.e. “I was wondering why he was talking to me”). We expected the transparency statement to reduce causal language in the reflections, because the primary goal if the transparency statement is to answer the question of why the officer is talking to them. The second was positive emotion (e.g. comfortable, happy). We expected the transparency statement to increase positive emotion at the end of the interaction, because the statement should provide the foundation for rapport that could result in a positive back-and-forth dialogue.
Emotion at the end of the interaction. On the post-interaction survey, civilian participants completed the Short Form version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-SF52), selecting an emotion they felt at the end of the interaction. In the standard PANAS-SF measure, there are several emotion categories that correspond to operationalizations of threat (vs. challenge) appraisal31–33. Emotions were coded for threat (1 = alert, afraid, nervous, upset, hostile, or ashamed; 0 = not). In addition, one emotion (inspired) was explored, due to its alignment with community policing’s goals.
Skin conductance levels (SCL). To distinguish between challenge (approach) and threat (avoidance) stress levels, skin conductance levels (SCL), were obtained from electrodermal activity (EDA) sensors embedded in a wrist-worn ambulatory device: the Empatica E4. The Empatica E4 wristband measures physiological responses to stress simultaneously via two sensors placed on the bottom of the wrist53,54. The E4 sensors have a resolution of 1 digit ~900 picoSiemens, a range from 0.01microSiemens to 100 microSiemens and they apply alternating current (8Hz frequency) with a maximum peak to peak value of 100microAmps (at 100microSiemens).
EDA assesses changes in the amount of conductance of the skin (i.e., SCL) due to sweat produced by eccrine glands; increased SCLs correspond to increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation innervated by acetylcholine33.
We instructed participants to push a button our ambulatory devices whenever someone started to talk to the participant. Pushing this button recorded a timestamp in the ambulatory device data. Because of this participant-led action, some participants forgot to push the button to indicate the interaction started. This is a potential limitation because it caused missing psychophysiological data (the SCL subsample was N = 177). However, this missing data was unavoidable to retain the realism of the unexpected officer-initiated interactions.
SCL theoretical predictions. According to the BPS model, SNS arousal during a stressful interaction can follow one of two patterns: a more positive, challenge-type response or a more negative, threat-type response. A challenge-type response corresponds to approach motivation and evokes an initial orienting response with the onset of the stressor (e.g. the approach of the officer), which involves a rapid increase in SNS activity30–32. But a challenge-type response would involve a rapid return to homeostasis as the interaction is experienced as not a potential threat33–35. In contrast, more negative, avoidance-oriented, threat-type responses often involve blunted initial SNS reactivity, as individuals seek to avoid potentially harmful threats (as is evident from the transcript of the control group participant in Fig. S2A in SI). When individuals cannot escape the stressor, though, those experiencing threat-type responses remain suspicious, vigilant, and alert to impending harm, thus leading their SNS activation to increase over time33–35.
As shown in the SI, we validated these expectations with respect to the specific SCL facets extracted from the ambulatory EDA data by using a pilot laboratory study (N = 100) that involved an acutely stressful interaction (the Trier Social Stress Test; TSST55) and gold-standard measures of challenge and threat-type responses (Total Peripheral Resistance, TPR30. In the pilot study shown in Fig. S2A-B in the SI, participants showing challenge-type responses (low TPR) showed an initial increase in SCL at the start of the TSST, as expected, and a sharper decline during recovery, compared to those with threat-type responses (high TPR).
EDA processing. To calculate skin conductance levels (SCLs), the EDA data were extracted from the devices after each session and processed in Python using established algorithms for processing EDA data and removing artifacts. To check EDA quality, the algorithm first marked the lost signal and calculated the ratio of lost versus overall signal. The signal was considered lost if the value was below 0.001µS. If the ratio was greater than 0.9 for each five-second window, the algorithm classified the window as of bad quality56. The algorithm then checked any anomalies in EDA data in each second window. The data were considered anomalies if the maximum increase of a signal value was greater than 20% and the maximum decrease was greater than 10%57. The segment was marked as of bad quality if this condition was not met in each second window. Finally, the algorithm calculated signal power in second difference from the SC signal in a window of five minutes with four minutes overlap58. The algorithm set the four-minute overlap to achieve a resolution of smoothed processed data per minute59.
Second derivative of EDA. The SCL metric of interest was calculated as the average second derivative of EDA trends over 10-second intervals. When the skin conductance level is moving toward a “spike” then that is an indication of greater engagement with a stressor, and that is therefore the primary physiological response that was relevant to the BPS model predictions. The way to assess whether, in a particular moment, a person is approaching a spike is to assess the second derivative of the time function. The first derivative, of course, is equal to the slope—whether SCL is increasing, and to what extent—but this does not indicate whether a spike is approaching because it does not reveal anything about the rate of change in the slope, and therefore it cannot indicate peaks or troughs in the data. When the second derivative is positive, it means that the slope is increasing—for example, that it is the concave part of the time function. When the second derivative is negative, it means that the slope is decreasing—i.e., that it is in the convex part of the time function. Note that a negative second derivative does not mean that SCL is no longer increasing—only that the rate of change is slowing. Likewise, a positive second derivative means that the slope for SCL is increasing—even if it is still in the “downhill” part of the time function. The primary advantage of the second derivative is that it can be a leading indicator of a coming spike in the SCL, and therefore it can make fuller use of the data (as compared to waiting for the spike to appear in the data). For example, a 20-second interval of data sampled might have one spike but 20 second derivatives.
Exclusion of PPG data. The E4 wristband also has photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors, but the PPG data were not used in the present paper. The PPG sensor shines light on the skin to detect the degree to which light refracts. Fluctuations in blood flow are estimated based on assumptions about blood flow, using the default Empatica software algorithms. Heart rate (HR) and interbeat intervals (IBI) are received as output along a time-series, with estimations at approximately 64 Hz. However, when validating the measurement of the PPG sensors using the gold standard for cardiovascular activity (i.e., electrocardiogram: ECG), our pilot study showed that the E4’s IBI algorithm was only able to extract 33.7% through the TSST (Trier Social Stress Test39) and 17.8% in readings from a controlled lab setting in schools. To our knowledge, heart rate measurement of E4s have not been validated in naturalistic settings like ours in a published paper. In naturalistic, outdoor settings like ours in Experiment 1, there is likely light leak and movement artifacts that created error in measurement that accounts for differences in measurement accuracy recorded in traditional lab settings that have had better success with PPG sensors53,54. Data from our pilot experiment left us less confident in any measurements of heart rate. However, data from our pilot experiment (see below) gave us confidence in using E4 EDA measurements of skin conductance.
Phase 3: Replication and Exploration of Moderation by Demographic Group Membership
Experiment 2
Participants first read a scenario where an officer walked up to them while they were outside in a park with their friends. Then, participants were exposed to a brief video recording of an officer initiating an interaction before completing our focal measures of threat, trust, and behavioral intentions towards the officer and other officers in the future.
Participants. We preregistered our experiment on OSF ( We aimed for a sample size of approximately 1000 and recruited a sample of 969 U.S. residents from Prolific that was representative of the U.S. population in terms of age, gender, and race/ethnicity. We made no exclusions (Mage = 45.67, SD = 16.44; 52% female; 76% Whites/European Americans; 6% Asian/Asian Americans; 4% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 12% Black/African Americans; 0.02% Native American, 0.02% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 2% Bi- or Multi-racial; Mincome = 6.43, SD = 3.39; 53% 4-year college degree or greater; economic conservatism M = 3.51, SD = 1.88; social conservatism M = 3.13, SD = 1.83). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.10 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: control or transparency. For participants in the control condition, in the video, the police officer simply started a conversation by saying “Hi, how are you doing?” In the transparency condition, the officer explained that they were trying to get to know the community better (see below).
1. You walk into a park with one of your friends.
2. You sit down in the grass and talk with your friend for about 30 minutes.
3. You notice a police officer park their car nearby and see them get out of their car.
4. The police officer walks around for about 10 minutes, eventually looks your way, and walks up to you.
“Hey there, I'm [Officer Name], I'm just out here saying hi and seeing how things are going.” [Control Condition]
“Hey there, I'm [Officer Name], I'm out here on foot patrol, just trying to get to know my beat and my community.” [Transparency Condition]
Threat and trust. Participants answered an expanded 10-item measure about perceived threat that included the three focal items from Experiment 1 and added 7 additional items to more broadly encapsulate the experience of threat in the interaction (e.g., How likely is it that… “The police officer is going to accuse you of something.”, “The police officer does not trust you.”; α = .96) and perceptions of trust from the integrity subscale of a trustworthiness scale (i.e., How likely is it that this officer… “...has a strong sense of justice. “...tries hard to be fair in dealing with others.” α = .92). Importantly, this expanded measure included the same 3-item composite as in all other studies. The three-item composite was also reliable (α = .85).
Behavioral intentions. Participants also answered 6 items about their willingness to initiate an interaction with the focal officer and other officers from the same department in the future (e.g., In the future, how likely would you be to do the following?… “Say hello when you see this officer [another officer from this organization]”, “Wave if you see this officer [another officer from this organization]”, “Start a conversation with this officer [another officer from this organization]”; αfocal = .92; αother = .93).
Phase 4: Hypothesis Confirmation with Online Vignette Replication Experiments
Experiment 3
Participants read a vignette about a police officer stopping to talk to them after they left a grocery store. A grocery store was chosen because it mirrors the kind of mundane situation in which civilians are approached by officers engaging in community policing. Also, a grocery store is a place where an officer could plausibly be investigating a crime, and so it was a situation in which the officer’s intent could be ambiguous to the participant.
Participants. We preregistered our experiment on OSF ( We aimed for a sample size of approximately 300 per condition and recruited a sample of 649 U.S. residents from Amazon’s MTurk, of these 609 completed our dependent measures. We made no exclusions (Mage = 37.00, SD = 12.28; 52% female, 1% non-binary/other; 72% Whites/European Americans; 8% Asian/Asian Americans; 6% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 11% Black/African Americans; 1% Native American, 1% Other). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.29 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: control or transparency. Participants were asked to imagine walking in and out of a grocery store. For participants in the control condition, the police officer simply started a conversation by saying “Hi, how are you doing?” where the intent was ambiguous. In the neutral transparency condition, the officer explained that they were trying to get to know the community better (see below).
1. You leave the store.
2. On your way out, you notice a police officer's car pull next to where you were walking.
3. The police officer walks out of the car and looks your way.
4. The police officer walks towards you and starts a conversation, saying,
“Hi, how are you doing?” [Control Condition]
“Hi, how are you doing? My boss is asking me to talk to people to get to know the community better.” [Neutral Transparency Condition]
Threat and trust. Participants were assigned to either answer items about perceived threat (e.g., How likely is it that… “The police officer is going to accuse you of something.”, “The police officer does not trust you.”; α = .85) or perceptions of trust from the benevolence subscale of a trustworthiness scale (i.e., How likely is it that this officer… “ very concerned about my welfare.” “...would not knowingly do anything to hurt me.” “...will go out of his/her way to help me.” “...has a strong sense of justice. “...tries hard to be fair in dealing with others.” 1 α = .84). See Table S10A-B in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Experiment 4
Participants. We preregistered our study on OSF ( Given the effect size obtained in Experiment 3 (d = 0.50), we sought to obtain a sample large enough to detect this size effect, but across three conditions. Thus, we recruited a sample of 382 U.S. residents from Amazon’s MTurk. We made no exclusions (Mage = 38.52, SD = 12.54; 51% female, 0.3% non-binary/other; 77% Whites/European Americans; 11% Asian/Asian Americans; 8% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 10% Black/African Americans; 2% Native American, 1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 2% Other). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.32 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: control, community-oriented transparency, or aggressive policing. All participants read a vignette about a police officer stopping to talk to them after they left a grocery store. The control and community-oriented transparency were identical to the two conditions of Experiment 3, while in the aggressive policing condition the officer explained that they were trying to find a suspect (see below). After reading this vignette, participants answered four items about the amount of threat they perceived from the police officer as in Experiment 3.
1. You leave the store.
2. On your way out, you notice a police officer's car pull next to where you were walking.
3. The police officer walks out of the car and looks your way.
4. The police officer walks towards you and starts a conversation, saying,
"Hi, how are you doing?" [Control Condition]
“Hi, how are you doing? My boss is asking me to talk to people to get to know the community better.” [Neutral Transparency Condition]
“Hi, how are you doing? "Hi, how are you doing? My boss is asking me to get to know the community better to find a suspect we're looking for.” [Ambivalent Transparency Condition]
Threat. We measured threat using the same scale as in Experiment 3. See Table S11 in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Experiment 5
Participants. We preregistered our study on OSF ( We sought to recruit a similar size sample to that of Experiment 4, so we recruited a sample of 450 U.S. residents from Prolific Academic. We made no exclusions (Mage = 31.59, SD = 11.05; 50% female, 2% non-binary/genderqueer/other; 60% Whites/European Americans; 17% Asian/Asian Americans; 8% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 10% Black/African Americans; 0.2% Native American, 2% Biracial, 3% Multiethnic). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.29 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. In Experiment 5, we asked participants to read a scenario where an officer walked up to them while they were wearing masks outside in a park with their friends.[1] Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: control, transparent, or ambiguously positive. The officer either asked, “Hi, how are you doing?” (control condition), gave a transparent and concrete reason (“I’m trying to get out of my car every day to talk to people and get to know the community better”), or an ambiguously positive reason (“Just wanted to stop and say hi and see how you are doing”).
Imagine the following happened to you...
1. You walk into a park with one of your friends. You are both wearing your masks.
2. You sit down in the grass and talk with your friend for about 30 minutes.
3. You notice a police officer park their car nearby and see them get out of their car.
4. The police officer walks around for about 10 minutes, eventually looks your way, and walks up to you.
5. The police officer starts a conversation, saying,
“Hi, how are you doing?” [Control Condition]
“Hi, how are you doing? Just wanted to stop and say hi and see how you’re doing.” [Ambiguously Positive Condition]
“Hi, how are you doing? I'm trying to get out of my car every day to talk to people and get to know the community better.” [Concrete Transparency Condition]
Threat. We measured threat using the same scale as in Experiments 3-4.
Perceived authenticity. In addition to the threat items measured in previous experiments, we added a measure of perceived authenticity (“How [ ‘authentic,’ ‘sincere,’ ‘fake’ (reversed)] do you think this office is being with you?”; α = .935).
Additional demographics. Additional control variables for education, political ideology, social connection to police, and being a US native. In our sample, 39% of participants reported knowing at least one person who was or had previously been employed in the field of law enforcement. Our sample included 20% Republicans, 47% Democrats, 24% Independents, 3% Other, and 7% No Preference (economic conservatism: M = 3.41, SD = 1.65; social conservatism: M = 3.09, SD = 1.71). See Table S12 in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Experiment 6
Participants. We preregistered our study on OSF ( We sought to recruit a similar size sample to that of Experiment 4, so we recruited a sample of 349 U.S. residents from Amazon’s MTurk. We made no exclusions (Mage = 37.55, SD = 11.36; 53% female, 0.3% non-binary/other; 76% Whites/European Americans; 9% Asian/Asian Americans; 7% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 12% Black/African Americans; 2% Native American, 1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 0.3% Other). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.33 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. The design and procedure were identical to that of Experiment 4, except that we manipulated target and removed the aggressive policing condition used in Experiment 4. This resulted in a fully-crossed 2 (Target: Police, Grocery Store Worker) × 2 (Transparency: Control, Transparent) design.
Imagine the following happened to you...
1. On your way to the grocery store, you see another person walk in before you.
2. You walk behind them into the grocery store and head in to start your shopping.
3. You leave the store.
4. On your way out, you notice a [police officer’s car / grocery store worker who is moving carts] pull next to where you were walking.
5. The [police officer walks out of the car / grocery store worker parks the carts] and looks your way.
6. The [police officer / grocery store worker] walks towards you and starts a conversation, saying,
“Hi, how are you doing? My boss is asking me to talk to people to get to know the community better.” [Transparent]
“Hi, how are you doing?” [Control]
Threat. We measured threat using the same scale as in Experiments 3-5. See Table S13 in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Experiment 7
Participants. We preregistered our study on OSF ( We sought to recruit a similar size sample to that of Experiment 6, so we recruited a sample of 451 U.S. residents from Amazon’s MTurk. We made no exclusions (Mage = 37.86, SD = 12.87; 58% female, 0.2% non-binary/other; 71% Whites/European Americans; 8% Asian/Asian Americans; 5% Latino/Hispanic Americans; 8% Black/African Americans; 1% Native American, 5% Bi- or Multi-racial, 1% Other). Analyses were powered to detect an effect of 0.29 SD at 80% power.
Design and procedure. Participants read a similar vignette to Experiment 6 that instead took place at a park. The study again comprised a fully-crossed 2 (Target: Police, Park Ranger) × 2 (Transparency: Control, Transparent) design. Participants read that a transparent (or control) police officer (or park ranger) walked up to them.
1. You head to a nearby park.
2. While at the park, you notice a [police officer / park ranger]'s car pull next to where you were walking.
2. The [police officer / park ranger] walks out of the car and looks your way.
3. The [police officer / park ranger] walks towards you and starts a conversation, saying,
"Hi, how are you doing?" [Control]
“Hi, how are you doing? My boss is asking me to talk to people to get to know the community better.” [Transparent]
Threat. We measured threat using the same scale as in Experiments 3-6. See Table S14 in the SI for correlations among all primary variables.
Data Availability
All data supporting the findings in this manuscript are available on the Open Science Framework and can be found at the following link:
Code Availability
All code for analyses supporting the findings in this manuscript are available on the Open Science Framework and can be found at the following link:
[1] In Experiment 5, we replicated our effect in the midst of social distancing mandates during the pandemic and unrest from protests against the police after the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, in 2020.