The shell of LB Candonidae is characterized by a differentiation between closely related species in shape, size, or both, as well as by a convergent evolution. It mirrors a fast morphological diversification in a short period of time, as a consequence of adaptive radiation. This is congruent with previous studies on almost all other Baikal groups46,47,48,49. Baikal Candonidae, unlike many other animal groups, are currently distributed in all three basins and in all water depths. Previous studies found that most species were present in all three basins and had a wide bathymetric distribution23, although few were found below 400 m. Our sampling was limited, but we found no species in more than one basin or across several depths. In fact, most species were restricted in distribution to individual sampling localities. More so, closely related species were often found in different basins, different depths, or both. The major four phylogenetic clades were not basin or depth restricted, although two of them (C and D) were collected mostly from shallow waters (with only two species in each in waters deeper than 100 m). These two clades also have a deeper cladogenesis and are morphologically more conservative, most closely resembling their ancestors. Our data regarding basin and depth separation of sister species are highly congruent with another large LB ostracod group15. Studies on amphipods also show a limited distribution for most species, and those few that live throughout the lake have genetically isolated populations in different basins50.
In comparison the concatenated dataset results, our phylogenetic trees based on individual markers had low branch supports and numerous polytomies. This is not unexpected for 18S, which is a complex gene, with a mixture of fast and slow evolving regions51. Most commonly, only the slow evolving regions are amplified, and they have low between species distances across animal taxa, regardless of the calculation method52. The 18S p-distances between the four major clades recovered in our concatenated dataset are similar to those found on the genus level in other ostracod groups53,54. The 16S has a much higher rate of evolution than 18S, and it is often used for species delineation in crustaceans55,56, sometimes even as a barcoding substitute in different animal groups57,58,59. One of the more complete studies on crustaceans55, which included calibrations with multiple geological events, suggested mutation rates for 16S between 0.38% and 0.9% per Ma. If those rates are applied to the LB Candonidae, their diversification started between 12 and 5.5 Ma. The 16S data for other Candonidae are unfortunately very limited. A recent study that applied a molecular clock to the 28S rRNA dataset, based on 38 species from around the world and calibrated with several fossil records, found very similar diversification age for the 10 LB species included7. There are only three other phylogenetic studies on ostracods comparable to ours, all on the family Cytherideidae in ancient lakes. One16 applied a molecular clock to the mtCOI dataset, based on 20 species of the genus Cytherissa Sars, 1925 from LB and calibrated with Wilke’s universal clock60, and estimated a diversification age between 8 and 5.38 Ma. Another study15 provided 16S data for the same genus, but did not use a molecular clock. Based on their row data, we calculated the diversification to fall between 20 and 8 Ma. Finally, a study on the Lake Tanganyika genus Romecytheridea Wouters, 1988 based on the 16S data61 calculated that species diversification started about 10 Ma. The fact that two unrelated LB ostracod groups showed similar diversification age, irrespective of the molecular markers used, gives us more confidence in our estimation.
Since previous studies7 used a variety of Candonidae, they were able to indicate that each of the two basal LB clades has their closest relatives in distinct Palearctic genera (Fabaeformiscandona Krstic, 1972 and Candona), and Candona seemed also to be sister to the entire LB clade. This is interesting because it can provide an insight into the origin of shell shape variations we detected with LBGM. Although Fabaeformiscandona and Candona s.l. are ripe for revision26,62, both genera display a variety of shell shapes.
The evolution of Candonidae started in the Middle Jurassic (~ 170 Ma), and the earliest fossil was recorded from Portugal63. It was well-adapted to the euryhaline waters of the Bajocian and survived subsequent changes of water salinity in the Upper Jurassic (the Oxfordian). Its shell was unusually ornamented (for Candonidae), and the general shape can be described as subtrapezoidal. This shape overwhelmingly predominates in the Cytheroidea, and it appears in many phylogenetically distant Candonidae, especially in those currently living in subterranean waters and in the fossils from the Late Miocene (the Pannon)18. The reconstructed ancestral shell shape for the LB Candonidae also has this general form, which persisted in the ancestor of the basal clade Y, and both of its major clades (C & D). These two clades also have the most concentrated morphospace occupancy, and are separated almost completely (save for one species) by PC1. The ancestor of the basal clade X has a more rounded dorsal margin, but still it maintains that subtrapezoidal appeal. Nevertheless, the morphological variability of its two major clades (A & B) is mirrored in their wideer morphospace occupancy. In general, it seems that the shell of LB Candonidae mostly evolved along the morphological variation that describes elongated vs trapezoidal shapes, and the width of the anterior and posterior margins. PCA of the phylogenetically independent contrasts also shows that PC2 corresponds to the shape changes associated with size (evolutionary allometry).
In our PCA analyses, the first two PCs described around 80% of the total shape variation, indicating a strong integration. This was also found in many unrelated studies2,4,64,65. There is much evidence that high morphological integration can both promote and impair evolutionary potential of structures in different lineages66,67. A strong integration gives rise to a strong selection response, but along the paths of traits variation, which might limit morphological disparity and can lead to the evolution of extreme morphologies and convergences68. This seems to be the case not only with LB Candonidae, but Candonidae in general20,25. However, measures of morphological integration are influenced by a difference in morphometric representation (LBGM vs linear morphometrics) and the inclusion of size69. In addition, the number of PCs that describe shape variation also depends on LM choice. In recent studies of ostracods29,31 outline analyses were more structured than those based on internal LMs, yet the distribution of shape variation remained the same. Differences in integration between the outline and the internal LMs method in these studies were not a consequence of the number of LMs. The outline method is used more commonly in ostracods, because it is very difficult to find homologous structures on shells, especially when the surface is smooth, but it is possible in population studies of single species29.
Although there is a phylogenetic signal in our shape and size data, this might be overly influenced by a strong clustering of the clade D in both shape and size, and partly the clade C in shape. In both the LV and the RV datasets, size has a stronger phylogenetic signal than shape, and is statistically more significant. Evolutionary allometry contributes significantly to the shape variation, more so in the LV than the RV. In addition, PC1 for the LV had a slightly higher value. The reason for this might be that the LV in Candonidae always overlaps the RV on all free margins, and the valves are asymmetrical in both shape and size in all ostracods20. This was supported by our ANOVA results. When we plotted phylogeny onto the CS, the differences between species were more pronounced for the LV than the RV. Nevertheless, the shape variations related to the evolutionary allometry are very similar for both valves, and their extremes correspond to the shape variation along PC2. Asymmetry of the valves in ostracods is not limited to shape and size; recently it was found that they can also differ in the number of cuticular pores29. Ostracods appear to be unique among animals in the nature of their directional asymmetry29, and this subject certainly warrants further investigation.
So far the most impressive monographic work on LB Candonidae contains descriptions and redescriptions of 95 species and subspecies23. However, we were not able to match most of our specimens with them. It seems that at least some of these descriptions are collages of multiple species. Candonidae biodiversity assessment was not the aim of our study, but based on the unique shell shapes prevalent in our samples, we speculate that most of our examined species are new to science. This is in accordance with a recent study of the second largest ostracod group in LB, Cytherideidae, where the actual diversity might be double of what is currently known15; this study assessed biodiversity using two molecular markers (16S and 28S), and concluded that many of the collected species are actually cryptic. Declaring cryptic species seems to be a current trend in biodiversity related studies, and often it is a way to avoid thorough morphological investigations using LBGM34,70,71. Generally, biodiversity of all LB animals is understudied12, but it can be estimated properly with a combination of appropriate molecular markers, morphological studies, and taxonomic expertise72,73.