One of the current research findings was that both men and women with colorectal Cancer had a low sexual performance score regardless of the colostomy bag. Previous studies have mentioned that the presence of a stoma can cause a decrease in sexual function(33–36). However, the topic of sex in patients who have an ostomy has been less studied. This is because ostomies are usually examined from a surgical point of view. Moreover, the psychological and psycho-emotional effects it creates are not paid attention to (37).
Previous studies pointed out the need to pay special attention to sexual health in people with colorectal cancer (38), and the present study also confirms this issue.
A study compared women and men with colorectal Cancer in terms of sexual performance and did not measure the difference between people with a pouch and those without a pouch. Therefore one of the most important findings of the current study is the absence of a statistically significant difference between men. With a colostomy and without a colostomy, both groups are at a low level in terms of the sexual performance score, which needs support. However, no significant difference was observed among men.
Another important finding of this study is a statistically significant difference between women with colostomy and those without colostomy. The sexual performance score is lower in women with a colostomy than those without a colostomy. Satisfaction and sexual pain have a statistical difference. In a quantitative comparison, there was a statistical difference in all dimensions of the FSFI, and this shows that women should be supported in all areas.
The passage of time is the most critical factor in successfully adapting to life with an ostomy. Many problems, such as changes in body appearance, anxiety about stool leakage from the ostomy bag, lousy odor, bowel sounds, and loss of libido, decrease over time(39). Also, in this case, some studies on supportive intervention Immediately after the ostomy surgery emphasize (35) the findings of the present study emphasize that the intervention after the surgery should be done immediately, so special care and attention to these cases should be done as soon as possible after the surgery.
Studies on cancer patients show that the severity of the disease and the mental pressure caused by the disease is related to the quality of life of these people(40). According to the WHO definition, sexual health is a fundamental issue for the general health and well-being of individuals, couples, and families and the social and economic development of societies and countries(41). Sexuality is recognized as one of the main aspects of being human and an integral part of the overall quality of life(38). In this background, sexual activity and sexual performance show an imperative role and directly affect the quality of life, unfortunately, immediately after the diagnosis of Cancer, most patients focus on anti-cancer treatment and its challenges, and the sexual dimension is taken as an unseen issue (42). A previous study has determined that older adults who are sexually active enjoy their life more and feel healthy than those who are sexually inactive (43). The field of sexual performance has not only improved one of the essential aspects of these people's lives but also indirectly improved their quality of life.
These findings show the importance of identifying and addressing sexual concerns in colon cancer patients in the early stages of attention to bound the adverse possessions on dear associations and patients' well-being. A previous study has shown that in comparison with men, women are meaningfully less likely to discuss their concerns about their sexual problems(44). Also, the study has determined that women with a colostomy are more likely than women without a colostomy. In terms of sexual performance, which is not the case for men; therefore, the adoption of interventions, significantly to help solve the sexual concerns of women undergoing cancer treatment needs particular attention, although it should be noted that some studies indicate that dysfunction Sex in cancer patients is related to gender. Men experience more sexual problems than women in this case(19, 35, 45), while other studies do not accept this issue depending on gender (46), so it is essential. Despite the present study's findings, patients should be evaluated regardless of gender, age, partner status, and treatment status.
For married women, there is a fear of rejection by the partner and difficulty maintaining the relationship, as both parties adjust. Several qualitative studies show that the refusal or acceptance of a life partner significantly contributes to the acceptance or rejection of a woman's stoma and adaptation to sexual problems and intimate relationships(45, 47). when supporting, providing services, and designing an intervention program to improve the quality of sexual life, they should not consider only the patient, and both couples should be taken care of.
Limitations of the study: In this research, the factors that affect sexual performance were not investigated, so it is suggested that researchers investigate the factors related to sexual performance in future studies. It seems that cultural factors influence the results of this research, so it is suggested that future research with the same title or with a similar title be conducted in another cultural context to reveal this issue. In this research, the items in the demographic information questionnaire were entered into a linear regression to make it clear that the results of the research are only due to the presence of the colostomy bag, and there is no confounding variable, so it is suggested to include more items in the future research than the ones in this research. It has been considered to enter the linear regression as a confounding variable. Because the researcher has extracted the present research from his thesis and because he was a student at the time of conducting the above study, there was a time limit, so it is suggested that researchers who do not have time limits should do the same or similar research with the number of Do more samples so that the obtained results are more generalizable than the current research.