Background Preliminary research on the domestication of mangrove fisheries resources, especially those with high aquaculture potential, is mandatory as a requirement for aquaculture activities to ensure sustainability. This study evaluated the possible domestication, growth performance, and length-weight relationship of Land crab (Cardisoma armatum) crablets reared for twelve (12) weeks and fed complete (control), animal, and plant-based compounded diets, as well as the influence of formulated feeds on the biochemical profile of the domesticated crabs. Sixty (60) crablets of mixed sizes and sexes weighing 22–24 g was stocked at the rate of ten C. armatum crabs in three treatments and three replicate units and cultured for 12 weeks. The crab tissues after the completion of the feeding trial were manually detached from their bodies, processed, and transported to the laboratory for biochemical analysis.
Result The result of the biochemical contents of the C. armatum samples showed that the choice of ingredients utilized in feed formulation influenced the nutritional and mineral compositions. The final body weights were 46.10±0.10 g for crabs fed a complete diet, 38.92±0.15 g for a plant-based diet, and 47.84±0.18 g for an animal-based diet. The results obtained for the length-weight relationship of the crab samples showed a negative allometric growth pattern (b<3). However, the result of the condition factor for females, males, and combined sexes was greater than 1. The results obtained in the preliminary study showed that C. armatum can be successfully domesticated if properly managed.
Conclusion Cardisoma armatum fed with an animal-based compound diet had better overall growth performance and converted their feed better. Further study on the reproduction and domestication of C. armatum in captivity is hereby recommended to increase food security and sustainability.