Clinically, a few patients complain of apparent ring-shaped dysphotopsia in the early postoperative period after ICL V4c implantation [11]. Brimonidine tartrate 0.2% and 0.15% ophthalmic solution has been shown to improve the symptoms of ring-shaped dysphotopsia in postoperative ICL patients via pharmacologic miosis [14, 15]. But no literature exists reporting the differences in the anti-mydriatic effects of the two concentrations. Therefore, this study is the first to compare the anti-mydriatic effect, visual quality, and effect on the pupil center of brimonidine 0.2% and 0.15% in different brightness environments.
Various concentrations of brimonidine (0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2%) demonstrated their anti-mydriatic effect, which can be used to reduce night vision problems such as halos and glare after laser refractive surgery [14, 15, 19, 20]. The anti-mydriatic effect of brimonidine on pupil diameter results from brimonidine's a2 agonist activity, which reduces the production, storage and release of norepinephrine into synapses, and thus inhibiting iris dilation [13,14,15,19−21]. Although the anti-mydriatic effect of brimonidine has been shown in scotopic, mesopic, and photopic conditions, previous research suggested that the anti-mydriatic effect was more prominent in scotopic states because norepinephrine is the primary mediator of nocturnal pupil dilation, brimonidine inhibits the amount of pupil dilation at night by reducing the release of norepinephrine [19–21]. In addition, since brimonidine does not induce a miotic effect, the amount of reduction in pupil size is limited [15, 19].
Similar to the previous study, we found that pupil size was significantly decreased under scotopic, mesopic and photopic conditions 30 minutes after brimonidine tartrate 0.15% and 0.2% instillation. scotopic PD reduced from 6.58 ± 0.75mm to 5.16 ± 1.15mm after brimonidine tartrate 0.2%, while scotopic PD after brimonidine tartrate 0.15% decreased from 6.47 ± 0.76mm to 4.88 ± 1.09mm. Thorsen et al. reported that under scotopic conditions, 100% and 60% of healthy eyes had a reduction in pupil size of ≥ 1.0 mm at 30 minutes and 6 hours, respectively [22]. The results of previous studies showed that the scotopic PD minimized from 7.2 ± 0.4mm to 5.5 ± 0.8mm after 0.2% brimonidine instillation [15]; the mean pupil size reduced from 6.09 ± 1.03mm to 4.45 ± 1.04mm after 0.15% brimonidine instillation [14]; the photopic and scotopic PD before 0.15% brimonidine instillation was 4.8 ± 1.2 mm and 5.8 ± 1.2 mm, respectively, and 30 minutes after instillation, the photopic and scotopic PD decreased to 4.3 ± 1.1 mm and 5.3 ± 1.0 mm, respectively [23]. The present study showed that brimonidine 0.15% and 0.2% had the same anti-mydriatic effect under scotopic, mesopic, and photopic conditions, as well as initial PD and Minimum PD after LS is basically consistent with previous research data trends.
The speed of pupil dilation after light stimulation of 0.2% and 0.15% post-instillation was significantly slower than pre-instillation, and there was no statistical difference between the 0.2% and 0.15% groups. Particularly, velocity within 1 second after LS decelerated from 0.73 ± 0.15mm/s to 0.41 ± 0.13 mm/s after brimonidine tartrate 0.2%, In 0.15% group, velocity within 1 second after LS decreased from 0.76 ± 0.21 mm/s to 0.50 ± 0.20 mm/s. Recent studies had the similar trend, compared with pre-instillation measurements, 0.15% brimonidine treated eyes had significantly lower pupil dilation velocity in all studied seconds, within 1 second, the average speed reduced from 0.79mm/s to 0.37 mm/s [23].
The pupil center plays a central role in the optical system of the eye. Retinal image quality is significantly affected by the center of the pupil and the center of the lens. In general, the pupil center is located on the nasal side, slightly above the geometric corneal center. Studies have found a correlation between pupillary excursion (the distance from the center of the pupil to the center of the cornea) and dark pupil diameter, which increases pupillary excursion when pupil diameter is increased by changing lighting conditions from photopic to mesopic, the displacement increased with the pupil diameter of the subjects [24, 25]. In the present study, the pupil center tended to be closer to the corneal center (the geographic center of the radar map) after treatment with 2 concentrations of brimonidine eye drops. Especially in scotopic and medium scotopic vision, the data of the 0.15% group is more statistically significant. Whereas the visual axis is the line connecting the fovea and the fixation point through the node, the visual axis does not pass through the center of the entrance pupil because the eye is not a rotationally symmetric optical system.
The spherical refraction, cylindrical refraction and spherical equivalent before and after instillation had no significant changes in both groups. The reduction of intraocular pressure had no statistical differences between two groups, which is consistent with the results of previous studies. Previous studies have indicated that brimonidine tartrate reduces intraocular pressure by reducing aqueous humor production and increasing uveoscleral output, and has demonstrated the efficacy and safety of brimonidine in reducing intraocular pressure [26]. Numerous studies suggest that preservatives may cause severe ocular toxicity or reduced tolerance, especially after prolonged chronic use and/or frequent dosing, and are often associated with increased OSD frequency. As mentioned earlier, topical antiglaucoma treatments may cause local side effects due to their active ingredients, preservatives, or excipients. Previous studies have shown significant negative changes in tear parameters after 4 weeks of use with preservative brimonidine eye drops. To eliminate this toxicity, attempts have been made to design new eye drop dispensing devices to provide preservative-free formulations. The previous study also compared the efficacy and safety of brimonidine 0.15% twice daily with brimonidine 0.2% twice daily in POAG or OHT patients and concluded that in POAG or OHT patients, brimonidine Nitidine 0.15% provided comparable IOP reduction to brimonidine 0.2%. The advantage of reducing side effects (eg allergic conjunctivitis) is increased patient satisfaction [27].
The data of this study showed that with 0.15% and 0.2% concentration of brimonidine eye drops after half an hour of treatment, the visual quality in both bright and dark environments had significantly improved compared with that before the treatment. Among them, in the dark environment, the 0.15% group had significantly higher visual quality than the 0.2% group, manifested in higher OSI, PVA100%, and PVA9%. In bright environments, the 0.15% group also had higher MTF values than the 0.2% group. There could be three explanations for these results. First, 0.15% brimonidine has a better corneal microenvironment after instillation because it is free of preservatives [27]. Second, Recent research has proven the halo size correlated independently with OSI [28–31]. The objective scatter index (OSI) is an objective parameter to estimate intraocular scattering. The OSI is calculated as the ratio of the amount of light in the peripheral zone (an annular area of 12 and 20 min) to the central zone (central peak of 1 min of arc) of the retinal image [32–34]. Third, the 0.15% group had minor HOA RMS in the dark environment than the 0.2% group, which is consistent with the recent research. The corneal higher-order aberrations dependent on corneal microvilli correlated significantly with haloes and optical quality [35]。
There are two limitations of this study, the first is that each subject's eyes were studied, this could potentially double our statistical power. This was addressed by reanalyzing the data with each participant's randomly selected eye, which revealed the same statistically significant trends. A randomized placebo-controlled or contralateral eye-controlled trial would be the best option to confirm the authenticity of the results. The second is the relatively small sample size, more healthy subjects are needed to confirm our initial findings.
In conclusion, both 0.15% and 0.2% concentrations of brimonidine tartrate eye drops have been shown to be effective postoperative treatment options for improving night vision quality after ICL V4c implantation. This study showed that 0.15% and 0.2% brimonidine tartrate eye drops had similar anti-mydriatic ability, while 0.15% group had better visual quality than 0.2% concentration, and hardly introduced pupil shift. In conclusion, 0.15% brimonidine tartrate eye drops may be more suitable for patients with nocturnal glare symptoms in the early postoperative period after ICL implantation.