The response of the whole muscle-tendon structure under load showed at the profile of stress-strain curves were parallel at all scales of muscle architecture of other species. At the quasi-static strain rate, curves exhibited an initial non-linear (slack region) at 0.15 lower strain. A linear region was observed at the next strain range, followed by a non-linear region prior to the gradual failure [5, 30, 32, 33]. The responses of skeletal muscle bundles to passive traction at a low strain rate, as shown in areas of the stress-strain curve, are determined primarily by the property of titin, a large protein that tethered the myoligment and the Z-disc [5, 6, 19, 20]. While the myofilaments were almost not deformed during pulling, and the fibers linking myosins together were thought to be negligible over the physiological range of sarcomere [34–36]. The slack area was assmumed that it was formed by straightening the large folded state in the immunoglobulin domains and the linker regions between the domains adopt a bent configuration in the titin molecule. The small folded regions in the titin molecule would be straightened as the passive stress increases, and this created a linear region in the stress-strain curve [37]. The modification of titin has been demonstrated at the molecular level [38–40]. The responses of skeletal muscle bundles to passive stress were shown to be quite similar to those of titin molecular.
At the high strain rates, the toe region vanished because the helical and folded structures of titin had not enough time to permit [5, 8, 11, 12, 30–33]. This was similar to materials with large molecular structures as polymers. The sensitivity of the biomechanical properties of the whole muscle-tendon bundle to strain rate was clearly shown in Fig. 6. The load-bear capacity of the sample was markedly logarithmical increase even at maximum stress and elastic modulus in the quasi-static strain rate region. These factors continue to increase sharply at the dynamic strain rate (80–200 s− 1) but have not yet reached the tear limit of the samples. The effect of strain rate on muscle properties was also considered in previous studies. Although, response of muscle at all scales was quite similar in contour of the stress-strain curves, the difference was prominent in the value. The previous findings also showed that the passive tension modulus increased 1.24 times from fiber scale to bundle and 1.14 times from bundle to fascicle, and the whole muscle bundle level had the highest value [14, 15]. The increase of modulus across different scales was because of the titin molecular mass, myosin heavy chain isoform distribution, and collagen length. The responses of the whole muscle-tendon bundle to passive tensile in this study showed that the tendon bundle was sensitive to strain rate (the strain-rate sensitivity coefficient: in strain rate from 0.001 to 0.5 s− 1 [41, 42]). This coefficient was analogous to the human muscle (m = 0.12) in the strain range from 0.01 to 100 s− 1 [43].
To provide an assessment of strain rate’s effect to passive tension mechanics of whole muscle-tendon bundle, this study was compared to some previous research performed only with muscle bundle [11, 12, 31]. The maximum passive stress of the muscle-tendon structure in this study was higher from 2 to 5 times than active stress created by the stimulus, while Young's modulus was approximately 20 times [44–48]. Passive tensile properties varied widely across species, muscle scale and strain rates. The research in Table 1 showed that the strain rate had a larger influence on the elastic modulus than the maximum stress. The elastic modulus increased about 8 to 15 times at the high strain rate as the maximum stress altered only about two times. Our study also showed a similar rate at the whole muscle scale. These results supported that strain rate generated a similar alteration ratio at all muscle species and scales. However, Young's modulus value in this research was higher from 2 to 30 times than other research performed at the fascicle scale. This result was caused by two reasons: species difference and muscle-bundle scale. In the recent research, Ward et al. experimented with three rabbit muscles (tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus and extensor digitorum of the second toe), and found that the Young’s modulus of whole muscle was about 25 times larger than fascicle [49]. Moreover, the modulus of whole muscle was from 2 to 7.5 MPa, and this value was the same as Young’s modulus at the low strain rate in this research. The whole muscle passive response was dominated by extracellular structures creating the large modulus [49–51]. At the whole muscle scale, deformation of the whole muscle bundle occurred in the tendon, muscle structures, and reflected the synthesis property of both parts of the muscle bundle.
Table 1
Influence of strain rate on properties of muscle.
Strain rate
Maximum Stress ( MPa)
Young modulus (MPa)
Muscle of ham
0.05–2100 s− 1
0.4 MPa
0.5–4 MPa
Muscle of ham
0.1–3000 s− 1
0.2 MPa
0.04–0.6 MPa
Muscle of ham
0.01–2300 s− 1
0.3 MPa (strain 0.58)
1–4.5 MPa
Anterior Muscle
Whole muscle
1, 10, 25 s− 1
0.6–1 MPa
1.3–2.2 MPa
0.1, 1.0, and 10 mm/min
1.5–2.7 MPa
and mouse
and toe
Fiber and bundle
20 s− 1
0.32 MPa (frog fiber)
0.11 Mpa (mouse fiber)
0.14 MPa (Frog fiber)
0.05 MPa (Mouse fiber)
Right leg
0.01–100 s− 1
0.13–0.4 MPa
0.3–1 MPa
Frog semitendinosus muscles
Whole muscle
0.001–200 s− 1
0.68–1.25 MPa
2.9–29.9 MPa
This study