3.1. Evaluation of Water Parameters
The location information of the stations sampled throughout the study is given in Table 1. The map of the stations made using the geographic information system is given in Figure 1.The basic statistics of the water quality are summarized in Figure 2, which show the range, standart deviation of each of the 14 parameters. In seasonal changes of water parameters, the maximum and minimum values of the temperature were measured 24.3 ° C (summer) - 4.7° C (winter). The temperature parameter, which affects the distribution of living things and various reactions in aquatic habitats, has changed in accordance with the seasonal temperatures in the rivers of the Eastern Black Sea basin. It reached the maximum concentration of dissolved oxygen with 12.8 mg/L in the winter season and the minimum value with 8.1 mg / L in the autumn season (Figure 2). Dissolved oxygen is the most important factor limiting or regulating living life. It is known that the amount of oxygen in water changes with water temperature, salt density, photosynthesis, flow rate, wind, etc. (Tanyolaç 2000; Kocataş 2006; Cirik and Cirik 2008) . In this study, the dissolved oxygen values were measured relatively high. It is thought that the high flow velocity due to the land structure of the basin led to this situation. The highest pH was measured 7.75 in the autumn season and the lowest pH was measured 5.14 in the autumn season (Figure 2). It has been noted that pH, is the balance factor for biological and chemical systems, can change with photosynthesis, respiration, soil structure and geology in rivers and should be between 6.5 and 8.5 in uncontaminated waters (Hem 1985; HDC 2003). The pH values measured in this study are relatively low. It is thought that this situation is caused by the mixing of wastewater with water, especially the precipitation and topographic features in the region. PO4-P reached its maximum value in seasonal measurements with 0.88 mg / L in summer and its minimum value in autumn with 0.01 mg / L. PO4-P is one of the parameters used by plants in aquatic environments, causing eutrophication, increasing according to domestic wastes, detergents and cleaning materials, agricultural resources, rocks and soil structure (Tanyolaç 2000; Cirik and Cirik 2008; Baltacı 2000). NH3-N reached the lowest value with 0.01 mg / L in different stations in winter, spring and summer seasons, and reached the highest value with 0.95 mg / L in summer. NH3-N is one of the most important parameters after dissolved oxygen. It is naturally present in all wastewater. NO3-N was measured as a maximum of 4.1 mg / L in the spring season and a minimum of 0.07 mg / L in the winter season. NO3-N, which is present in very small amounts in clean waters, increases with nitrogenous fertilizers, some minerals and especially organic pollution (Tanyolaç 2000; Baltacı 2000). In this study, NO3-N was detected in low concentration when evaluated according to seasonal data (Figure 2).
In different studies (Kaçar 1991; Boran and Sivri 2001) in which the Eastern Black Sea basin rivers were evaluated in terms of water quality parameters. It was reported that nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers were used extensively, and the fertilizer residues from tea cultivation fields increased the nutrient concentration in the streams during rainy periods and especially in the spring season. In the studies conducted in the Eastern Black Sea streams, it was determined that the pollution level was low and the nitrogenous and phosphorus compounds increased as they approached the sea (Özdemir 1998; Boran and Sivri 2001). In this study, it was observed that NO3-N values were higher in the spring season compared to other seasons in the sampling made from the stations where tea cultivation is intense. Mutlu and Verep (2018) made samples from the stations they chose between Artvin and Ordu in their study and determined that these points were mostly 1st class water according to the water quality criteria. In this study, it was determined that the pollution load was not very high in the measurements made from similar stations, and there were seasonal changes at certain points.
The seasons maximun and minimum values, standart deviation and the results of all parameteres according to the classification system (SWQMR) is shown in (Figure 2).When the stations were evaluated according to water quality classes, it was determined that the stations showed 1st class water characteristics in terms of temperature, dissolved oxygen, NO3N parameters, but 2nd, 3rd and 4th class water characteristics in terms of PO4-P and 2nd class water in terms of NH3-N.
Although it does not have a specific biological task, the use of aluminum is limited only to acidic environments due to its toxicity (Poschenrieder e al 2008). In heavy metal measurements made from water samples, the highest and lowest Al concentrations were measured as 0.541 ppb in winter and 0.0023 ppb in summer (Figure 2). As a result of seasonal sampling at stations selected from the region, it has been determined that the Al concentration is quite low and it has 1st Class water quality characteristics according to SWQMR standards. Mn is one of the heavy metals required for living beings to survive in low concentrations (Kır et al 2017). Fırat Ersoy et al (2012) stated in their study that the Mn value was at a level that would cause pollution and they estimated that choosing the station from the lower elevation of the treatment plant revealed this situation. The highest Mn concentration was 63.62 ppb in autumn and the lowest Mn concentration was 0.3 ppb in spring (Figure 2). In this study, it was determined that the Mn concentration was low at all stations. Fe is a very important parameter because it acts as a catalyst for many chemical reactions in water and is present in the respiratory pigments of animals. It was reported that if the amount of iron oxide in water exceeds 5 ppm, it acts as a poison, but in the presence of calcium salts and organic compounds, it will act as a buffer and prevent the toxic effect (Tanyolaç 2004). According to Fırat Ersoy et al. (2012) examined some pollution parameters including heavy metals in water samples in the rivers of Trabzon province and measured the Fe concentration at a high value in Beşirli and Değirmendere locations. In the analyzes made from the rivers of the Eastern Black Sea basin, the highest and lowest Fe values were measured at 616.01 ppb in winter and 6.13 ppb in spring, respectively (Figure 2). When the stations were evaluated according to the water pollution regulation, it was observed that the Fe concentration periodically increased in 4 stations (S-1, S-2, S-4 and S-7). It is estimated that the presence of Fe mines and facilities in places along the basin affects the high concentration when evaluated The highest and lowest values of Cu concentrations were measured in 10.4 ppb spring and 1.1 ppb summer seasons, respectively (Figure 2). The most important sources of heavy metal pollution are the discharge of waste water from mining enterprises, municipal wastes and industrial activities to receiving environments (Parry and Pipe 2004). Although Cu plays a role in some metabolic activities in aquatic organisms. It creates toxic effects for living beings when it exceeds a certain limit (Fei and Tianxiang 2011). Yılmaz Bayrak 2016, determined the Cu concentration in the samples obtained from the Eastern Black Sea coasts. Fırat Ersoy et al.,(2012) emphasized that the Cu concentration of the streams in the city of Trabzon is close to each other in the stations, but they have a high value. Zn, one of the most abundant elements in the Earth's crust, mixes into the aquatic environment with the automotive industry and discharges are made during the galvanization of some metals such as steel (Kırmizigul 2013). Zn reached its highest and lowest concentrations as 64.54 ppb in winter and 2.3 ppb in spring (Figure 2). Cu and Zn concentrations were found to be low in this study conducted in the Eastern Black Sea basin rivers. When evaluated according to water quality classes, all stations showed 1st Class water feature in terms of Cu and Zn. Cd, which is one of the metals that spreads most in the environment, reached the highest and lowest values as 42.1 ppb in winter and 0.8 ppb in winter (Figure 2). Cr, which is generally used in fields such as metallurgy, electroplating, paint, paper raw materials, enters the waters through sewage wastes and fertilizers used in agriculture. The highest and lowest concentrations of chromium measured in this study were measured in the autumn period as 2.58 ppb and 0.16 ppb, respectively. When evaluated according to water quality classes, it has a very low concentration. Commonly found in stainless steel, coins, and electronic materials, nickel is transmitted to humans through air, water, and food. Ni concentrations reached the highest values with 6.4 ppb and the lowest values with 0.4 ppb in spring and autumn, respectively. The highest and lowest Pb concentrations were measured in autumn with 2.77 ppb and in summer with 0.4 ppb (Figure 2). In this study, it was determined that the selected sampling points showed 1st class water characteristics in terms of Cr, Ni and Pb.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) obtained reflect both spatial and temporal changes (Figure 3). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (p<0,05) for pairs of variables at all sampling sites. Considering the relationship between temperature and other parameters, which is one of the most important parameters of aquatic ecosystems; showed negative correlation with dissolved oxygen and PO4-P. It has been observed that heavy metals have a strong relationship with each other in all seasons. Al showed a positive and significant relationship with Fe, Cd, Zn, Cu in all seasons (Figure 3).
3.2. Evaluation of Malacostraca Fauna
As a result of sampling and species identification, 4 Malacostraca species were obtained from fresh waters. During the study, sampling was carried out in rivers with drainage from different provinces to the Black Sea in order to reach different species and data that characterize the basin. In the benthic samples taken from Eastern Black Sea basin during the research, one species belonging to order Decapoda (Potamon ibericum), one to order Isopoda (Asellus aquaticus), and two species belonging to order Amphipoda (Gammarus komareki, Gammarus pulex pulex) were identified. As a result of seasonal sampling, a total of 356 individuals (0,9 m2) were obtained at the stations. During the study, G. pulex pulex species were detected in 6 stations, G. komareki species in 3 stations, A. aquaticus species in 3 stations and P. ibericum species in 3 stations. When the seasonal variations of the species in terms of individual numbers were compared, it was seen that G. pulex pulex species reached more individuals than other species during four seasons. The highest number of individuals was reached in the summer season, and the lowest number of individuals was reached in the winter season. According to dominancy index, G. pulex pulex is continuous (58%), G. komareki is common (36%) and G. balcanicus, A. aquaticus and P. ibericum are rare species (6%) for basin. Dominancy index values are given in Figure 4.
In the CCA dendogram used to determine the relationship between species and environmental parameters, 4 Malacostraca species and a total of 14 parameters were evaluated together. In these graphics made according to the seasons, G.komareki and G. pulex pulex showed a positive correlation with pollution parameters. In the light of these data, it is thought that these two species can tolerate more partial concentration increase in water parameters. A. aquaticus settled far from all parameters in summer and autumn periods. This suggests that the species prefers environments with less pollution. but in winter and spring periods A. aquaticus showed positive correlation with parameters such as Cr, Zn, PO4-P, NO3-N, NH3-N, Ni. These different ecological demands between seasons have shown that A. aquaticus has a wide tolerance range. P.ibericum was not found in autumn and summer seasons. Therefore, it could not be evaluated together with the water parameters measured in these seasons. In winter and spring periods, P.ibericum showed a negative correlation with water parameters (Figure 5). In a previous study by Baytaşoğlu and Gözler (2016), P.ibericum species showed a negative correlation with pollution parameters. The findings in this study are similar to the literature.