Virtualization (NV) has been devised as one of the key bases of operativecloud systems. Commonly, Cloud Providers (CPs) seek to design their networkpolicy, especially in a distributed environment. Virtual Network Embedding(VNE) is a functional tool granted by the NV technologies that allow theCPs to manage their physical resources based on the received Virtual Networks(VNs). This paper focuses on the context when a given Virtual NetworkRequest (VNRs) needs to be shared among multiple Data Center Networks(DCNs). The proposed VNE solution executes a two-stage policy where at thefirst stage, the DCNs and VNRs have been managed through a greedy methodto solve the assignment problem. Then, we perform a greedy load-balancingalgorithm to accomplish the VNR mapping stage. The simulation results provedthat the proposed two methods outperformed the compared similar techniques.