The study also proved differences in morphological composition, chemical composition, and productivity among the studied grasses. The overall results of Mulato II, Napier, and Rhodes in all altitudes showed that the highest height of PH and LLPP and the greatest number of NTPP and NLPP were documented for the last harvesting date (120 days) compared to both earlier and mid-harvesting stages (60 and 90 days). Alarming increments in plant height are one of the major acclimatization responses to light competition in plants, i.e., leaf length during the vegetative period in grasses (Huhtanen et al. 2009). Although height is not an exact approximation of estimated biomass yield, as the shortest Mulato II had a higher primary DM yield than Rhodes grass, an increase in plant height is affected by phenotypic plasticity. The high DM yield of Mulato II could be due to the high number of tillers. The leaf length result is contrary to reports for other species of grasses in which the leaf length was reported to decrease as a result of stem development at a later stage of harvesting (Jančík et al. 2009) for grasses. Increments in plant height at later harvest stages could be due to massive root development and efficient nutrient uptake, allowing the plant to continue to increase in height, as mentioned by Asmare et al. (2017) and Adnew et al. (2019a); the high DM yields of the cultivars can be attributed, among other factors, to a well-established root system that enabled the grass to extract growth resources from the soil (Souri et al. 2017; Ajayi et al. 2017). However, both Mulato II and Rhodes grasses gave significantly (p < 0.05) lower DMY than Napier grass in all altitudes. When the environment is favorable, Napier grass, being a fodder crop and gigantic in nature, would naturally a show greater advantage in terms of growth characteristics than other grasses (Ngukuet al., 2016), but low nutritional value and is less preferred by animals compared to Mulato II (Mutimura et al. 2018). Moreover, Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana), one of the cultivated pastures, has a narrow genetic base and limited ecological adaptation; it is a full-sun species that do not grow well under shade (FAO, 2014); establishment on acidic soils is also difficult (Cook et al. 2005). These are some of the major reasons that Cv. Mulato II was introduced as an alternative to Napier grass and Rhodes grass, the predominant forage for dairy cattle in zero-grazing systems (Kabirizi et al. 2013). In addition, Napier grass is threatened by the emergence of stunt and smut diseases (Mureithi et al. 2016), which can damage up to 100% of the grass (Kawube et al. 2015).
Mulato II had higher tiller numbers than Napier and Rhodes grasses at all harvesting dates, but had lower DMY than Napier grass, contradicting reports by Nelson and Zarrough (1981) that tiller numbers are an indicator of resource use efficiency by different grass species and that the weight of a plant's tillers determines its productivity. However, Mulato II had higher tillering and dry matter production abilities than the Rhodes grass. The highest total DM yield observed in all altitudes by all studied grasses at the last harvest stage (120 d) was agreed with Asmare et al. 2017 and Tilahun et al. 2017 for cultivated grasses and Feyissa et al. (2014) for natural pasture in Ethiopia. The increase in yield could be attributed to the development of more tillers, which increased leaf formation, leaf elongation, and stem development (Asmare et al. 2017; Ansah et al. 2010). All these physiognomies would contribute to increased photosynthetic activity and hence higher DM production.
With the advancing stage of development, a consistent decline in ash, CP, and CPY was observed, but on the contrary, NDF, ADF, and ADL were increased. The highest CP concentration was obtained at the earliest stage of harvesting, with values declining as harvesting was delayed. The decline of CP with increased cutting dates and intervals is attributed to the accumulation of fibres with time. Similarly, Inyang et al. (2010) and Hare et al. (2009) reported a higher nutritive value of Mulato II when harvested at 2-week re-growth than at 6 weeks, and cutting Mulato II at 30 -day intervals produced a CP level of 3–4% greater than the cutting interval of 45 to 60 days interval, respectively. However, at all altitudes and stages of harvesting, the levels of CP of the harvested cv. Mulato II exceeded the minimum of 7.0% suggested as necessary for optimum rumen function by Van Soest (2010). But, the overall mean value of CP at the late harvesting date (5.06%) and high altitude of Napier (5.85%) and also at mid (6.68%) and high altitudes (6.58%) of Rhodes, respectively, did not fulfil the minimum of 7% suggested as necessary for optimum rumen function. Generally, the CP content was also higher in all the locations and harvesting stages of Mulato II (14.03, 12.20, and 11.75%) (Table 8), compared with the mean values of Napier (12.59, 11.55, and 5.85%) and Rhodes grasses (8.36, 6.68, and 6.58%) at low, mid, and high altitudes, respectively. Similarly, the CP content of Mulato II was higher than 7–10% reported by Nguku et al. (2015) in the semi-arid region of eastern Kenya and Ondiko et al. (2016) (2016) (5.3–7.7%) in the coastal lowlands of Kenya.
The trend in NDF, ADF, and ADL content significantly increased (P < 0.05) with an advance in maturity due to harvesting stages. This confirmed the results of similar studies by Njarui et al. (2016) and Tilahun et al. (2017). Rhodes grass had the highest ADF and NDF compared with Napier and Mulato II. Forage NDF is relevant to the improvement of the forage nutritional value and can be an important parameter to define the forage quality because the more fibrous pasture occupies more space for longer and limits the intake rate. For all locations used in the study, the values of NDF, ADF, and ADL were significantly (P < 0.05) higher during the third harvest (120). According to Schroeder (2012), high NDF that is above 72% and 40% of ADF (Nussio et al. 1998) will cause a low intake of forage. Mulato II has a lower than 72% NDF and 40% ADF value during all stages of harvesting (59.97, 61.98, and 60.93% of NDF) and (38.17, 39.79, and 38.31% of ADF) at low, mid, and high altitudes, respectively. So, it has a high intake by animals and produces a high milk yield and weight gain animals since milk yield and /or weight gain are closely related to feeding intake (Orodho, 2006). This is true at all locations and harvesting stages. Inversely, the overall mean value of NDF and ADF indicated that Rhodes grass has low intake by animals at the mid (90 d) and late stages of harvesting (120 d) (Table 6), which are having greater than 72% of NDF (75.40 and 76.14%, respectively) and 40% of ADF. Although Napier grass has less than 72% NDF, it has low intake and digestibility by animals, as reported by Nussio et al. (1998). Forage with an ADF content of around 40%, or more shows low intake and digestibility. In addition, the leaves of Napier grass also have a very rough surface, which is not preferred by the animals. This all suggests that the tested Brachiaria hybridcv. Mulato II might offer more advantages in nutritional characteristics than Napier and Rhodes grasses at every harvesting date. This is also revealed by Mutimura et al. (2015), that although chemical analyses of Mulato II grass and Napier grass have consistently ranked the two forages as similar in their nutritional qualities, a few feeding trials and farmers' perceptions have indicated that farmers preferred Mulato II to Napier grass. Farmers prefer Mulato-II over Napier grass for several reasons: it is drought-tolerant, highly palatable and nutritious for livestock, easier to handle as cut-and-carry, and for making hay to be used during the dry season (Maass et al. 2015). This is an indication that the palatability and response of animals improve when fed on Brachiaria grass (Adnew et al. 2019c; Ghimire et al. 2015; Maass et al. 2015; Schiek et al. 2018). Nowadays, Mulato, along with other grasses like B. brizantha cv. Toledo, is now being promoted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as ‘Send a Cow’ (Kato et al., 2011). It is recommended to feed drought-tolerant cv. Mulato with a forage legume during the dry season when Napier grass mono-crops are disadvantaged due to drought, Napier stunt disease, and/or poor agronomic practices (Kabirizi et al., 2013). However, this is very limited in Ethiopia due to low awareness and research about the grass (Adnew et al. 2018a; Kumela et al. 2019).
Regarding harvesting date, the intake of all the studied grasses is at a decreasing rate as they mature (significant increment of NDF, ADF, and ADL as the harvesting stage increases). The digestibility of foods is related to fiber because the indigestible portion has a proportion of ADF and ADL. The higher the value of ADF (Albayrak et al. 2011) and ADL content (Nsinamwa et al. 2005), the lower the food digestibility. This indicates that digestibility decreases as harvesting stages increase as a greater proportion of lignified tissues leads to poorer digestibility of the forage (Wijiphans et al. 2009).
Brachiaria has now become the most preferred grass among these farming communities in east Africa because of its high levels of drought and disease resistance coupled with palatable and nutritious biomass that increases milk production [19, 20] (Ghimire et al. 2015; Schiek et al. 2018) and meat production [17] (Adnew et al. 2019c). Generally, the recent study in the studied areas revealed that Brachiaria hybrid cv. Mulato II grass adapted well and had higher yield and nutritive values than other Brachiaria ecotypes [63] (Wassie et al. 2018b), Brachiaria cultivars (Marandu and La Librtad) [64] (Adnew et al. 2019b), natural pastures grown in Ethiopia lands produce about 2 tons of DM/ha/year with low nutritive value [7] and also Napier and Rhodes’s grasses used as control.