We suggest that the exciton-plasmon coupling scheme can explain the exciton recombination mechanism in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure. As depicted in Fig. 2e, the energy transfer mechanism was demonstrated considering selective exciton excitation in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure under the resonant excitation of LSPRs. The recombination of each exciton was followed by excitation, energy transfer, recombination, and EM field enhancement.
The first step of the recombination pathways in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure is the excitation process. The optically excited electron in the AuNP has radiative and nonradiative pathways in the relaxation processes. The nonradiative relaxation of the photoexcited carrier in AuNP, such as carrier-carrier scattering, is much faster than radiative electron-hole recombination33. The strength of nonradiative relaxation processes depends on the resonant plasmonic optical response of the AuNP. Also, the resonant energy transfer in nonradiative relaxation processes has to consider the metal-semiconductor energy band alignment in the plasmonic hybrid structure34. The condition of resonance energy transfer was estimated through absorption spectra and simulation, as mentioned in Fig. 1.
The second step is the energy transfer between the AuNP and the monolayer MoS2. To investigate the energy transfer mechanism, PL emission and electrostatic characteristics were measured. The line width broadening in PL spectra implies the excessive charge density in the excitonic feature of the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure under resonant excitation (Fig. 2a-d). Figure 3a-b show the topography and surface potential map of MoS2/AuNP plasmonic hybrid structures, respectively. The thickness of the MoS2 is ~ 0.75 nm on the edge of the monolayer MoS2. In addition, monolayer MoS2 film has wrinkles due to ~ 30 nm of the AuNP particles. Notably, the topography and potential images have different appearances on MoS2/AuNP (square) and bare MoS2. Besides, the surface, including flat and wrinkled areas without the nanoparticles (circle), does not make a distinct electrical potential difference.
As illustrated in Fig. 3c, the contact potential difference (eVCPD) on the MoS2 and hybrid structures is 567.15 meV and 513.61 meV, respectively. The equilibrium state of the Fermi level was p-doped due to the − 55.54 meV Fermi level modulation by contact on the AuNP and MoS2. The contact in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure was estimated as Ohmic contact due to the smaller work function of MoS2 (5.15 eV) than AuNP in the case of p-doped semiconductors35. Notably, the photo-excited carriers in AuNP and plasmonic hot-carriers moved toward the MoS2 film by the downward energy band bending at the interface36. The carrier injection in the interface can modulate the exciton bindings in the MoS2 film37,38.
Figure 3d-e show the electrical potential difference on the MoS2/AuNP plasmonic hybrid structure with the VCPD distribution and profile. The difference of the eVCPD between the monolayer MoS2 and Si/SiO2 substrate is − 50 meV. However, the distribution of the eVCPD on the MoS2/AuNP structures was decreased to − 55.54 meV compared to the flat and wrinkled surface of MoS2. The result of the KPFM demonstrates that the monolayer MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure was p-doped, as mentioned in Raman spectra (Fig. 1c).
The recombination process in each exciton mode was analyzed from the deconvoluted PL spectra. The energy relaxation in neutral exciton was recombinant to the trion and biexciton mode due to the plasmon-exciton coupling (Fig. 4). The interaction between MoS2 and the AuNP can be explained by introducing plasmonic coupling contributions in the excitation and emission processes of excitons. The majority of the PL enhancement was caused by induced local electric field enhancement at the interface between MoS2 and AuNP39. The total enhancement g(ω) on the plasmonic hybrid structures of the aggregated MoS2/AuNP is considered in two independent processes, excitation enhancement gexc(ωexc) and emission enhancement gem(ω) as following equations as40:
g(ω) = g exc (ω exc )g em (ω), (Eq. 1)
where ω is the frequency of the EM field, and ωexc is the excitation laser frequency. The enhancement factor (EF) is complex to calculate due to the various exciton dynamics of the radiative/nonradiative decay rates and energy transfer. The energy transfer in the emission process is the response of interband charge transitions in the semiconductor and excited carrier transfer from the plasmonic structure. In addition, the local field enhancement depends on the polarization of the incident light according to the plasmonic response.
Moreover, the monolayer MoS2 has a strong absorption rate and PL emission spectra due to the weak dielectric screening and atomically thin spatial confinement of carriers. Neutral excitons (X0) in MoS2 can be coupled with the bound state of an electron and hole in the presence of residual excessive charge carriers under excitation. The charged neutral exciton of quasiparticles, called trions (X–), consists of two electrons and one hole. Also, the biexcitons (XX) are the formation of molecular states consisting of two excitons.
To estimate the plasmon-exciton coupling for each exciton, Fig. 4a-c show that the integrated PL intensity map and spectra in the MoS2 (circle) and MoS2/AuNP (square) under 200 µW at 632.8 nm excitations. The PL spectra were deconvoluted by Lorentzian formation for the intensity and center frequency estimation in each exciton mode (Fig. 4b-f) 21,41,42. In Fig. 4b-c, the total PL peak intensities (gray) are 2.14 times higher in plasmonic hybrid structures than bare MoS2 film, as same in Fig. 2c-d. A significant enhancement in the 632.8 nm excitation was caused by the EM field resonance on the AuNP compared to the 532 nm excitation, as mentioned. Also, the change of PL intensity was barely observed on the natural wrinkles in the flake, which is consistent with the result in Fig. 3b. The linewidth broadening of the total PL spectra on the region of MoS2/AuNP can be explained by increasing contributions of the X– and XX states.
Figure 4d shows the hyper spectral image of PL in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure along the red line in Fig. 4a. The observed spatially resolved PL intensity shows that the XX peak was clearly enhanced only at the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure. Figure 4e shows the peak enhancement of each exciton mode, which results using the deconvolution of the PL spectra in the bare MoS2 and MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure. The enhancement of X0, X–, and XX is 2.29, 4.96, and 4.90 times, respectively. The intensities of X– and XX are more than two times larger than X0 due to the large gexc(ωexc) of plasmon-exciton coupling and energy transfer.
Figure 4f shows the center energy difference in each exciton mode. The peak shift of neutral exciton is − 5.38 meV in MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure. Also, the difference of center frequency in X– and XX is 25.68 meV and 44.69 meV, respectively. The peak shifts of X– and XX are significantly larger than X0 because of the effectively local p-dopping by the AuNP applied local tensile strain and energy transfer in direct contact between nanoparticle and MoS2. It is observed that the broadening of the peak (see supplementary information) denotes the increase of the recombination rate, which also supports the existence of the local p-doping effect and the effective charge transfer from metal nanoparticles to the MoS2 film.
The analyzed each exciton mode from PL spectra under 632.8 nm excitation shows the plasmon-exciton coupling and energy transfer mechanism in MoS2/AuNP plasmonic hybrid structure1,43,44. The photoexcited carrier in AuNP was coupled with neutral exciton in MoS2. Besides, effectively p-doped MoS2 due to the induced local tensile strain of AuNP creates the hole charge in the MoS2 semiconductor. Therefore, the enhancement mechanism in X– and XX can be verified by energy transfer and plasmon-exciton coupling in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure under the excitation of resonance condition of the AuNP.
To tell the optical doping and plasmon-exciton coupling, we measured the excitation power-dependent PL spectra in the monolayer MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure (Fig. 5). To distinguish the optical doping effects and plasmon-exciton coupling, power-dependent PL spectra of MoS2 without and with AuNP were shown in Fig. 5a-b, respectively. The observed PL spectra of MoS2 with/without AuNP were broadened and red-shifted when excitation power was higher than 100 µW. It can be explained by the thermal exciton-phonon coupling and optical doping effect, as reported elsewhere45,46.
The integrated intensity of X0, X–, and XX as a function of excitation power is shown in Fig. 5c-e, respectively. The X0 is not drastically enhanced, but the integrated intensity of the X– was enhanced about 3.8–7.8 times. Although the peak intensity of the XX was hardly detectable lower than 10 µW excitations in bare MoS2, XX peaks appeared on the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure.
The EF of each exciton spectra is shown in Fig. 5f. It was calculated by the following Eq. 47 :
\(EF=\frac{{I}_{Plasmonic}}{{I}_{Bare}}\times \frac{{A}_{Bare}}{{A}_{Plasmonic}}\) , (Eq. 2)
where the \({I}_{Plasmonic}\) and the \({I}_{Bare}\) refer to the exciton peak intensity in plasmonic hybrid structures and the bare MoS2 film, respectively. The area of ABare (1 µm2) and APlasmonic (0.0176 µm2) is determined by the excitation laser spot and EM field enhancement area in the plasmonic structure, respectively.
The calculated enhancement factor of the X0, X–, and XX is ~ 100, ~300, and over 300, respectively. The enhancement factor can be calculated over 10 µW excitation power due to the absence of the XX signal in bare MoS2, as shown in Fig. 5f (red). The reason is that the high enhancement factor in MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure is the result of the strong electric field confinement originating from the LSPR coupling in AuNP. The optical response of the XX is the optical doping dependence excitonic features, as mentioned in the previous papers21,48.
To investigate the role of anisotropy in the optical response of the non-centrosymmetric AuNP and MoS2 hybrid structure, Fig. 6a shows the polarization-resolved PL spectra. The sample structure was rotated to avoid any unwanted optical misalignment to control the incident polarization angle θ. The periodic intensity variations of the PL spectra imply that the MoS2 excitons strongly correlated with polarization-dependent LSPRs coupling in anisotropic resonators.
The quantified normalized intensities of each exciton are shown in Fig. 6b-d. The orientation of maximum optical response in plasmon-exciton coupling was calculated by the function of I0 + I1 cos2 (θ - θmax), where I0 and I1 are constants of normalized intensity, and θmax is the angle at the maximum intensity by deconvolution of the Lorentzian function.
In previous studies, the general bare MoS2 film does not correlate with the incident angle of linear polarization θ due to high lattice symmetry49,50. However, the results of the polarization-resolved PL spectra for each exciton in the MoS2/AuNP hybrid structure demonstrate anisotropy of the optical response as a function of the incident orientation. The polarizability (I1) in X0 and X– are 0.26 and 0.30, respectively, but XX is 0.55. It is the nature of the plasmonic response that local electric field enhancement is relevant not only to excitation polarization but also to emission spectral range. This result agrees with the larger enhancement for XX than X0, again confirming that the polarization-sensitive plasmon excitation is responsible for the pronounced XX generation.
In conclusion, we investigated the enhanced plasmon-exciton coupling of X0, X–, and XX modes on non-centrosymmetric AuNP and monolayer MoS2 hybrid structure using absorption, Raman, PL spectra depending on the excitation wavelength, incident power, and polarization control. We explained the mechanism of plasmon-exciton coupling in each exciton mode, of which recombination pathways are followed in excitation, energy transfer, recombination, and EM field enhancement. The hybrid structure of specific plasmonic AuNP and TMDCs showed polarization-dependent optical responses and enhancement. Plasmon-biexciton coupling revealed higher polarizabilities than X0 and X– because of optical doping-dependent excitonic features and plasmonic resonance. We believe that another degree of freedom to control and engineer the excitonic response provides a new pavement toward the development of optoelectronic nanodevices with TMDCs and supports the plasmonic application of innovative optoelectronic technology.