In this cohort of 125 patients with bronchiectasis not concurrent with clinical asthma or ABPA, 56.8% had higher than normal levels of serum total IgE, and 49.6% had blood eosinophil counts ≥ 150 cells /ul. Both higher IgE levels and higher eosinophil counts were associated with more extensive or more severe bronchiectasis on HRCT, suggesting that T2 inflammation may play an active part in airway damage and remodeling characteristic of this heterogeneous disease. Consistent with previous studies(8), in our cohort, both the blood eosinophil count and the serum IgE level were correlated positively with FeNO, a surrogate of airway eosinophilic inflammation and of the T2 endotype(23).
Airway inflammation in bronchiectasis has been historically recognized as neutrophilic in nature, however, recent studies also revealed a T2 endotype of the disease, as manifested by higher blood and/or sputum eosinophil counts, increased serum total IgE, higher FeNO, and allergy to various antigens(4, 11, 12). In recent years, novel biomarkers, such as those related to IL-5, IL-33(24) and COL4A3(25) are emerging, but their expressions and potential roles in bronchiectasis still await investigation.
As early as 2008, King et al. reported 4 cases of idiopathic bronchiectasis with elevated serum IgE, all having multi-lobar disease (mean number of lobes involved 3, range 2–4)(12), indicating a role of T2 inflammation in extensive airway destruction in bronchiectasis. Up till now, few studies have examined the potential mechanisms by which T2 inflammation participates in bronchiectasis. ABPA is an extreme example of a cause of bronchiectasis that is primarily eosinophilic. Eosinophils also have been described as key players in Aspergillus fumigatus lung infection(26). It is interesting to note that both Aspergillus sensitization and infection tend to have multi-lobe involvement(27). Another example is nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infection. Bronchiectasis patients with positive NTM were more likely to have diffusely dilated airways(28). It was found in a UK study that infection of NTM, especially that of Mycobacterium avium-intracellular complex, was associated with T2 immune responses(29).
It is well known that the basic granules of eosinophils contain major basic protein (MBP), while the matrix contains eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), eosinophil derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO). ECP and MBP are mediators of potent antibacterial and antiparasitic activities(30). We speculate that the increase of eosinophils in bronchiectasis is not only a manifestation of allergy, but also a response to infection. In an earlier study by Gaga et al. (10) the number of EG2+ (activated) eosinophils in bronchial mucus of post-infective bronchiectasis patients were increased compared to healthy controls matched for atopic status. In keeping with this, low eosinophil counts (< 100 cells/ul) increased the risk of pneumonia in COPD patients with bronchial colonization, particularly in those receiving treatment with inhaled corticosteroids(31).
We found no significant differences in FEV1% and FEV1/FVC between the two groups of higher and lower eosinophils in our study, which was consistent with some previous reports. The recent study of 5 European cohorts showed no difference in FEV1% between groups according the blood eosinophil counts(4). However, a multicenter, prospective observational study from Spain showed better lung function in bronchiectasis patients with high blood eosinophil counts(5). It is also intriguing to note that, patients with elevated serum total IgE levels had a higher FEV1% than those with normal IgE levels in our cohort. There was a well-known association between disease extent in HRCT and decreased FEV1 in subjects with bronchiectasis (20, 32, 33). We also found this inverse correlation between the Smith score or the Bella score and FEV1% in the present study, as shown in supplementary Fig. 2. Although the underlying pathophysiology that may account for these findings remains obscure, it is possible that T2 inflammation or allergy is not a precipitating factor for lung function decline in bronchiectasis.
One of the strengths of this study was that our work revealed, for the first time to our knowledge, the distribution of blood eosinophil counts and serum total IgE levels in a well-characterized cohort of patients with bronchiectasis excluding clinical asthma and ABPA. But our study also had several limitations. Considering that IgE was not a routine test for bronchiectasis in clinical practice, patients receiving IgE measurement might have clinical indications, such as history of allergy or frequent exacerbations, which might lead to selection bias, although clinical asthma was carefully excluded from our analysis. We did not evaluate the number of airway eosinophils, although a relationship between blood and sputum eosinophil counts in bronchiectasis had been demonstrated in 2 European cohorts(4), and blood eosinophilia is an accepted surrogate of airway eosinophilia in several chronic respiratory diseases(4, 34, 35). Furthermore, we confirmed the correlation between blood eosinophil counts and serum IgE levels and FeNO in the present study. In our study, the results of sputum bacterial culture were limited, which made it impossible to look at the association between bacteriological data and IgE or eosinophils. Because of the retrospective and cross-sectional nature of the study, the patient’s comorbidities, radioallergosorbent / prick tests, and other T2 inflammation biomarkers, as well as the longitudinal changes of esonophils and IgE levels were not available.