Description of the study and the study cohorts
A new study (Nose 2.0) was conducted to add to the results of our published pilot study 13; Supplementary Fig. 1) which indicated the existence of a potential correlation between the nasal microbiome composition and olfactory function. In the following, the new study and the pilot study are referred to as “Nose 2.0” and “pilot”, respectively. In the new study, we recruited an additional 53 participants (22 women) and analyzed samples collected from these participants together with the already-collected 67 nasal samples (50 women) from the pilot study.
Based on the olfactory testing outcomes, the participants were categorized into two major groups, namely, normosmics (N: n = 33; TDI > 29) and dysosmics (D: n = 20; TDI ≤ 29), and four subgroups (good normosmics (G: n = 16; TDI ≥ 36.0), weak normosmics (W: n = 17; 36.0 > TDI > 29.0), hyposmics (H: n = 7; 29.0 ≥ TDI > 16.5), and anosmics (A: n = 13; TDI ≤ 16.5) (Supplementary Fig. 2; Supplementary Table 2). According to these cut-offs, participant groups from the pilot study were reclassified based on their olfactory performance. Only seven (D; N: n = 60) subjects met the criteria for olfactory dysfunction after adjustment (G: n = 24; W: n = 35; H: n = 8) (see also Supplementary Fig. 2).
The observed different olfactory performance in both cohorts could not be explained by any observed metadata, such as age, BMI, or sex) (Supplementary Table 2). The homogeneity of the cohorts was further supported by the results of analyses of the metadata information based on the olfactory groups (major and subgroups) (Supplementary Table 3).
Participants with dysosmia were selected based on the loss of smell they had experienced due to an infection that had occurred at least one year earlier. Based on inflammatory markers in the blood, no active inflammation was detected in any subject (Supplementary Table 1). Notably, samples were collected before the Covid-19 pandemic - April 2018 to November 2019.
Diversity of nasal microbial community differs based on olfactory performance.
To add to the collection of already-published data 13, the raw sequencing data from the pilot study had to be re-analyzed together with the Nose 2.0 data before combining/comparing the datasets (see Material and Methods). From both studies, an overall 2,480 unique microbial features (120,720 reads) were obtained by 16S rRNA gene sequencing the “olfactory microbiome. Notably, archaeal information made up approx. 2% of the dataset (see Supplementary dataset 1).
The predominant taxonomic signatures and microbial composition were similar in both studies, with Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, and Euryarchaeota representing the predominant phyla, and Corynebacterium, Ralstonia, Staphylococcus, Lawsonella and Dolosigranulum representing the most abundant genera (Supplementary Table 4; Fig. 2A). However, only 243 features were shared between the studies, while 1.529 and 708 RSVs were found to be unique for the pilot and Nose 2.0 datasets, respectively (Fig. 2B; Supplementary Fig. 3; detailed list in Supplementary Table 5).
Consistent trends in the alpha diversity of both cohorts (Nose 2.0 and pilot) were observed. The Shannon indices and the evenness of the nasal samples were always higher in the dysosmics than in the normosmics; however, these differences were not significant. The increase in microbial richness based on the TDI score was significant. This result was supported by the trend observed in the Shannon index (Fig. 3A; p Nose 2.0_TDI_richness = 0.022; p pilot_TDI_richness = 0.017; Mann-Whitney U).
The differences observed in alpha diversity were even more pronounced if the main groups were further divided into olfactory subgroups (good and weak normosmia, hyposmia and anosmia), showing a gradual/stepwise increase as the olfactory perception decreased; again, this result may have been mainly driven by the data richness rather than evenness (Supplementary Fig. 4; not significant).
The microbial community information indicated a partial overlap of the clusters of both cohorts in a PCA plot (not significant). The Nose 2.0 cohort revealed a significant difference between normosmics and dysosmics; however, this was not reflected in the pilot cohort (Fig. 3B; p NBA = 0.002; p pilot = 0.505 TDI; Adonis test).
Both studies revealed a greater variability in the dysosmic microbiomes than in the normosmic microbiomes, revealed by the significant difference between these olfactory groups and subgroups seen in Nose 2.0 and pilot study, respectively (Fig. 3B; red dots; pNose2.0 + pilot = 0.002, pNose2.0 = 0.008, ppilot = 0.627 (Supplementary Fig. 4)).
Many taxa were identified that are unique to the microbiomes of either normosmics or dysosmics. Although both studies revealed slight differences with respect to the indicative microbial signatures, several taxa were identified as potential signatures for olfactory performance.
The phylum Acidobacteriota (p = 0.04, ↑normosmia) and the genus Ralstonia (p = 0.01, ↑N) were found to be significantly increased in normosmics; thus, these taxa could be associated with overall olfactory function. Brachybacterium (p = 0.01, ↑dysosmia), Rickettsia (p < 0.01, ↑D), and Spiroplasma (p < 0.05, ↑D) were correlated with the dysosmic situation. Notably, the abundance of Euryarchaeota (Methanobrevibacter) was strongly associated with dysosmia (Fig. 4).
The results of the analysis based on the underlying single olfactory scores (T, D, I) further confirm the results based on the major groups with additional taxa found to be associated with normosmics, such as Corynebacterium (p < 0.05, ↑N), Delftia (p = 0.01, ↑N), and Bradyrhizobium (p = 0.02, ↑N) (Supplementary Fig. 5). As already observed for the microbial diversity of the olfactory subgroups, the relative abundance of specific taxa revealed correlations with the TDI score. Alistipes and Muribaculaceae CAG873 were found to be associated with normosmic subjects (p = 0.03, Spearman’s rho). In addition to previously mentioned taxa such as Spiroplasma and Rickettsia, oral-associated microbes were also found, including Fusobacterium, Selenomonas, and Porphyromonas (Fig. 4). Moreover, the predicted community state types did not explain the observed differences in the microbial profiles of the olfactory groups (data not shown).
Similar trends in both cohorts that were found included an increased alpha diversity, indicating more microbial signatures in dysosmic than in normosmic participants with additional fluctuating beta diversity seen in dysosmics. These differences are possibly explained by the presence of biomarkers, and especially for dysosmics. Dysosmics were characterized by an increase in the relative abundance of gut- and oral-associated microbes (e.g., Methanobrevibacter and Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas and Selenomonas 29,31) and mainly intracellular living microbes (e.g., Rickettsia, and Spiroplasma 58,59).
These results raise the question of whether the observed microbial signatures belong to viable and actual inhabitants of the olfactory area or whether these signatures reach this area through respiration.
The olfactory area of dysosmics contains many signatures of dead cells
In order to approach the mechanistic question of the microbiome in the olfactory area in normosmics and dysosmics, we concentrated our analyses on the viable (propidium monoazide (PMA)-treated) and active (metatranscriptomics) fractions of the microbial community.
PMA is used to mask freely accessible DNA for subsequent PCR reactions and thus allows one to gain a reliable insight into the intact/viable fraction of microbiomes 60. Many of the above-mentioned key findings were still detected after PMA treatment, such as the proportion of archaea (2%) and the most abundant phyla and genera (including the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria, and the genera Ralstonia, Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, and Corynebacterium), where most showed similar trends for olfactory groups (Supplementary Table 7; Supplementary Dataset 2). However, the trends seen for Bacteroidota, Euryarchaeota, Ralstonia, and Dolosigranulum were exactly the opposite of those observed in the PMA-untreated samples (Supplementary Fig. 6A).
The analysis of the PMA dataset revealed opposite trends for microbial alpha diversity measures as compared to the untreated dataset. In untreated samples, as explained above, we observed an increased Shannon index, richness, and evenness that correlated with dysosmia; the PMA-treated samples showed decreases in terms of all measured alpha diversity analyses from good to bad olfactory performance. However, the results (Shannon index and richness) were not significant except for microbial evenness (p = 0.05, Supplementary Fig. 6A). In contrast to the previous results on the overall microbial community, the signatures of the viable community did not show significant differences in terms of their beta diversity (Supplementary Fig. 6A). An analysis of microbial biomarkers for olfactory performance did not reveal significant differences between the olfactory groups using Aldex2 (just DeSeq2).
Comparing the PMA and nPMA dataset at genus level, we revealed that 121 unique genera are shared between the datasets (PMA − 174 unique genera; nPMA − 316 unique genera). The read counts belonging to normosmia that are shared between both datasets made up 50% and 53%, respectively, whereas the proportion of normosmia and dysosmia in the nPMA dataset was lower in the nPMA (0.32 or 24% normosmia) than in the PMA (0.85 or 46% normosmia) dataset (Supplementary Fig. 7). Two of the five genera found in the dysosmics, namely, Rickettsia and Spiroplasma, were found only in nPMA samples (Supplementary Fig. 7; Supplementary Table 8).
All of these results lead us to conclude that dysosmics carry an increased proportion of dead microorganisms as compared to normosmics. To further evaluate the quantity and quality of the dead microbial material, 12 nasal samples (six normosmia and six dysosmia) were selected for further metatranscriptomics analysis.
The information derived from PMA-treated analyses was further confirmed by our metatranscriptomic analysis (Supplementary Table 9). Again, the alpha diversity showed the same opposite trend as seen in the PMA-treated as compared to untreated samples, and the core microbiome at phylum level was similar to that detected using the other methods (Supplementary Fig. 6B).
No feature that was identified as a biomarker for dysosmics in the amplicon dataset from the Nose 2.0 study could be found in the metatranscriptomics dataset (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig. 5; Amplicon, Supplementary dataset 1 and 6), which was probably due to the challenging nature of the metatranscriptomics analysis of nasal samples, which results in a small sample size and many un-annotated taxa. However, the phylum Actinobacteriota (p = 0.045) and the genus Corynebacterium (p > 0.05) were found to be indicative for normosmics in the metatranscriptomics output (DeSeq; Aldex2, data not shown). An analysis of information about the non-bacterial taxonomy (fungi, archaea, and viruses; Supplementary dataset 8 and 9) and functional capacity did not reveal statistically significant differences between the olfactory groups (Supplementary Fig. 8; Supplementary Table 10; Supplementary dataset 7).
Both the metatranscriptomics and PMA-based 16S rRNA gene analysis revealed a decrease in alpha-diversity measures that correlated with dysosmia. As this result contrasts with the observations made in the classical microbiome analysis (non-PMA-treated samples), we conclude that the olfactory area of dysosmics contains a higher proportion of signatures of dead/non-intact cells as compared to that of normosmics.
Signatures of dead microbes in the nasal cavity do not come from the gut
An increased relative abundance of butyrate producers in the nasal samples (usually found in the gastrointestinal tract) of dysosmics as compared to normosmics was already indicated by the results of our pilot study 13. These results suggest that dead microbial material is transferred from the gut to the nasal cavity. To determine whether microbes stray from the intestine into the nose, we also investigated the viable fecal microbiome (PMA) of all participants.
In this microbiome, 99.1% of the observed features belonged to Bacteria and 0.09%, to Archaea, when a universal amplicon sequencing approach was taken. Firmicutes (54.2%), Bacteroidota (36.2%), and Actinobacteriota (3.31%) accounted for around 90% of these features at the phylum level. The genera Bacteroides (24.6%), Alistipes (4.7%), Blautia (4.38%), Faecalibacterium (4.1%), Subdoligranulum (2.5%), and Ruminococcus (2.3%) were defined as the most abundant ones in all samples (Fig. 5, Supplementary Table 11, Supplementary dataset 3). In brief, as in the nasal samples (nPMA), the alpha diversity of the stool samples was significantly increased in dysosmics as compared to in normosmics (Shannon index: p = 0.043) with a stepwise decrease in the Shannon index and richness from bad to good olfactory performance (Shannon index/richness: AW p = 0.036; AG p = 0.018; Fig. 5). Although it is not obvious in the PCA plot, the Adonis test yielded a significant result (p = 0.04; Fig. 5). Several taxa, including Alistipes, Oscillospiraceae UCG002, and the Ruminococcus torques group, as well as Colidextribacter and Phascolarctobacterium, were found as putative biomarkers for dysosmia and normosmia, respectively (Aldex2; full list in Supplementary Table 12). An analysis of the community state types could not explain the observed differences based on olfactory performance (Supplementary Fig. 9).
Furthermore, no significant correlations between the key taxa of nasal and stool samples were found (Supplementary Fig. 10), and source tracking (at RSV and genus level) did not reveal a substantial overlap in the overall microbial signatures found in gut and nasal samples (0.49% for anosmics, 0.45% for normosmics; genus level).
For completeness, we also analyzed the information on the fungi and archaea from the stool dataset (Supplementary dataset 4 and 5). The fungal communities in both groups consisted mainly of food-borne fungi, including Saccharomyces (bread), Penicillium (cheese and meat), and Debaryomyces (production of vitamin B2 found on food) (Supplementary Fig. 11). Signatures of Debaryomyces (p = 0.05) and Scopulariopsis (p = 0.03; infections including sinusitis) were more common in dysosmics. Almost all archaeal signatures found (32 out of 45 features) belonged to the genus Methanobrevibacter (Supplementary Fig. 11). Due to the nested archaeal PCR approach taken, no differential abundance analysis of the olfactory groups could be performed.
One notable result is that Methanobrevibacter signatures were found to be the most abundant archaea in the nasal (PMA and nonPMA) and stool samples (universal and archaeal approach) in our study. Methanobrevibacter are widely distributed in the human aero-digestive tract. In particular, the archaeal signatures from anosmics clustered with signatures found in fecal samples, indicating a potential overlap (Supplementary Fig. 12).
Dysosmics tend to have a more heavily meat-based diet than normosmics.
Although one might assume that dietary habits would vary based on the different olfactory performance (i.e., the sense of smell is strongly linked to the sense of taste), we only found tendencies in this regard. The evident trends calculated based on TDI scores (p < 0.05; Spearman’s rho) included mainly the food categories meat (p = 0.002) and fish (p = 0.018), which were eaten more frequently in dysosmics, whereas the intake of fruits (p = 0.012) and legumes (p = 0.012) was higher in normosmics. When considering the microbiome aspect, only the processed meat intake (dysosmics; p = 0.025, Spearman’s rho) was significantly correlated with the fungal community of the dysosmics’ stool samples (Supplementary Fig. 13A,B), and the meat consumption, with the nasal microbiome of dysosmics (p = 0.018, nonPMA, Supplementary Fig. 13C,D). Several trends were also observed for nutrients (e.g., fatty acids, vitamins, carbohydrates), but only the essential omega-3 fatty acid ⍺-linolenic acid (q = 0.03; Spearman's rho), had a significantly higher correlation with olfactory function than dysfunction after p-value correction (Supplementary Tables 1 and 14). Interestingly, omega-3 fatty acids, in general, have been associated with an improvement in olfactory function in other studies 61,62. All in all, normosmic participants seem to eat “healthier” (more fruits, less meat) than the dysosmics.
In addition to the amplicon information, the metabolites in the stool samples were determined. The presence of the metabolites D-fructose (p = 0.037), lactulose (p = 0.002), hypoxanthine (p = 0.037), and nicotinic acid (p = 0.007) were associated with better olfactory performance. Furthermore, an analysis of correlations between the metabolites and the key taxa found in stool and nasal samples revealed trends (p < 0.05) for both normosmics and dysosmics (Supplementary Tables 1 and 15; Supplementary Fig. 14).
Even though we detected trends, the changes in the diet could not explain the differences observed in the microbiome composition. However, in general, it seems as though normosmics are more likely to follow a vegetarian diet.