KCC2 expression in abducens neurons
The abducens nucleus contains two types of neurons, motoneurons which innervate ipsilaterally the extraocular lateral rectus muscle, and internuclear neurons whose axons project to contralateral medial rectus motoneurons in the oculomotor nucleus. In brainstem sections, the abducens nucleus was identified by respectively locating motoneurons and internuclear neurons with ChAT (Fig. 1a, green-FITC) and calretinin (CR) immunolabeling (Fig. 1b, cyan-Cy5) (de la Cruz et al. 1998). The abducens nucleus showed also high pan-(p)KCC2 immunoreactivity (detecting all KCC2 isoforms) at low magnification (Fig. 1c, red-Cy3). At high magnification, the strongest pKCC2 immunoreactivity was found on the many small dendrites that traversed the abducens nucleus, while pKCC2 immunoreactivity on the surface of cell bodies was weaker.
Moreover, pKCC2 immunoreactivity on the cell bodies of ChAT-immunoreactive motoneurons (Fig. 1d) was consistently less intense than over the cell bodies of CR-immunoreactive internuclear neurons (Fig. 1e). To best quantify this difference, we set image acquisition parameters to maximize dynamic resolution of cell body immunofluorescence, although this frequently saturated dendritic labeling. A Mann-Whitney rank sum test comparing pKCC2 immunofluorescence (% higher than background) on the cell bodies of motoneurons (n = 122) and internuclear neurons (n = 37) demonstrated significantly higher levels of KCC2 in internuclear neurons (p = 0.005, U = 1571, Cohen´s d = 0.455).
The mammalian kcc2 gene generates two isoforms, KCC2a and KCC2b (Uvarov et al. 2007). We used isoform specific antibodies to analyze their specific cellular localization with triple immunofluorescence against ChAT, KCC2a and KCC2b in both the abducens nucleus and the spinal cord motoneurons. Immunolabeling with KCC2b was similar in appearance to that with pKCC2, both strongly expressed on the surface of dendrites and clearly delineating the somatic plasma membrane of motoneurons (Fig. 1f-g). In contrast, KCC2a immunolabeling yielded mostly intracellular labeling in soma and dendrites of ChAT-positive motoneurons (Fig. 1h-i). Similar results were obtained in the spinal cord.
Axotomy does not modify KCC2 levels in cat abducens motoneurons and VEGF induces an upregulation
We expected that, in accordance with other cranial and spinal motoneurons, abducens motoneurons would downregulate KCC2 expression following axotomy and we hypothesized KCC2 downregulation could be prevented with VEGF, because this neurotrophic factor fully recovers the discharge alterations induced by axotomy in abducens motoneurons (Calvo et al. 2018, 2020). Double immunofluorescence was carried out for ChAT and pKCC2 in control and axotomized motoneurons treated or not with VEGF (Fig. 2a-i). For these analyses we pooled all motoneurons sampled from 6 control abducens (n = 122 motoneurons; 20.3 ± 3.9 average per animal ± S.D.), 3 axotomized (n = 71 motoneurons; 23.7 ± 3.8) and 3 axotomized treated with VEGF (n = 72 motoneurons; 24.0 ± 2.9). Surprisingly, three weeks after axotomy, pKCC2 immunolabeling surrounding injured abducens motoneurons was unchanged compared to control (Fig. 2a-c vs. d-f). In contrast, motoneurons treated with VEGF showed higher levels (Fig. 2g-i). Abducens internuclear neurons (ChAT-negative, marked by an asterisk in Fig. 2d-i) displayed their normal high levels of pKCC2 in all conditions. A one-way ANOVA test revealed the existence of significant differences on pKCC2 immunofluorescence among axotomized motoneurons treated with VEGF, untreated axotomized and control motoneurons (Fig. 2j; F(2, 262) = 4.671, p = 0.01, d = 0,486). Pairwise multiple comparisons (Holm-Sidak method) demonstrated that there was no difference between control and axotomy (p = 0.394), whereas axotomized + VEGF-treated motoneurons showed significantly higher pKCC2 immunofluorescence than both control (p = 0.017) and axotomy (p = 0.004). In summary, axotomy did not downregulate KCC2 in abducens motoneurons but VEGF increased significantly the level of membrane KCC2 detected with immunofluorescence.
To further define the increase in pKCC2 we used estimation statistics (Fig. 2k). For this purpose, 5,000 bootstrap data set were obtained to perform aleatory comparisons between subsample pairs and estimate an average difference and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the size of possible differences and their significance using a two-sided permutation t-test. Comparisons between control (n = 122) and axotomized motoneurons (n = 71) indicated that the 95% CI of average differences between axotomized motoneurons and controls ranged from a 22% decrease to an 8% increase with p = 0.366 (2-sided permutation t-test) suggesting lack of significance. However, when comparing control motoneurons to VEGF treated animals the 95% CI for their differences ranged between 4–40% increases with p = 0.026 (2-sided permutation t-test) and the average estimated difference suggested a 21% increase in KCC2 immunofluorescence pixel density surrounding the cell body compared to control and 22% increase when compared to non-VEGF treated axotomized motoneurons. This effect corelated with a functional enhancement of inhibition, as shown below.
Preservation of KCC2 in axotomized cat abducens motoneurons is not a species-specific phenomenon
The lack of KCC2 change in axotomized cat abducens motoneurons contrasted markedly with the strong downregulation known to occur in spinal and other brainstem motoneurons following their axotomy in rodents (Nabekura et al. 2002; Tatetsu et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2018; Akhter et al. 2019). To discard the possibility that cat motoneurons in general lack KCC2 regulation after axotomy, we analyzed axotomized spinal motoneurons in the cat. For this purpose, the tibial nerve was cut in three cats and a ligature made in the proximal stump of the nerve to prevent regeneration. Twenty-one days later, tissue from these animals was processed for triple immunofluorescence ChAT, pKCC2 and ATF3. Control spinal motoneurons were identified in the contralateral side by ChAT (Fig. 3a), they displayed pKCC2 on the somatic membrane (Fig. 3b), and lacked ATF3 nuclear labeling (Fig. 3c) (n = 96 control motoneurons; 32.0 ± 2.9 per animal). ChAT and ATF3 were used to positively identify axotomized spinal motoneurons (Fig. 3e-g) (n = 101 axotomized motoneurons; 33.7 ± 1.7 per animal). They lacked pKCC2 on their membrane (Fig. 3f). Figures 3d,h illustrate the merge of the triple immunofluorescence in a control and an axotomized motoneuron, respectively. In contrast to cat abducens motoneurons, axotomized ATF3-positive spinal cat motoneurons significantly downregulated pKCC2 (Fig. 3l; t-test, p ≤ 0.001, t(195) = 20.142). Estimation of effect size differences suggested this was close to 3 standard deviations (d = 2.871) with a 95% CI ranging from a 63–77% decreases in pKCC2 pixel density, averaging a 70% decrease that was highly significant (p < 0.0001, 2-sided permutation test) (Fig. 2m). These findings suggest that spinal motoneurons in the cat downregulate KCC2 normally after axotomy and that the absence of change in abducens motoneurons is not a general response of cat motoneurons, but specific to the abducens nucleus.
KCC2b is the preferential isoform present and regulated on the motoneuron cell body
KCC2b and pKCC2 showed similar distributions on the somatic membrane of abducens and spinal motoneurons. Thus, we compared whether both are co-regulated after axotomy in spinal and abducens motoneurons. Comparisons between both immunostainings were done in control and axotomized motoneurons obtained from one cat in the abducens nucleus (Fig. 1f-g and 2n) and one cat in the spinal cord (Fig. 3i-k and n). Two-way ANOVA for KCC2 immunoreactivity (pKCC2 or KCC2b), experimental condition (control or axotomized) and any possible interaction (Fig. 2k) found no significant differences in abducens motoneurons (pKCC2 vs KCC2b, p = 0.089, F(1,108) = 2.937; control vs. axotomized, p = 0.166, F(1,108) = 1.946; interaction, p = 0.207, F(1,108) = 1.611; n = 27 and 24 control and n = 29 and 32 axotomized motoneurons analyzed for pKCC2 and KCC2b respectively in each experimental situation). In the spinal cord a similar two-way ANOVA (Fig. 3m) detected a significant reduction in control vs. axotomized motoneurons (p < 0.001, F(1,111) = 207.044; n = 29 and 26 control and n = 33 and 27 axotomized motoneurons for respectively pKCC2 and KCC2b; Cohen’s d = -2.8 for pKCC2 and − 2.6 for KCC2b), but there was no difference between pKCC2 and KCC2b (they changed in parallel) (p = 0.099, F(1,111) = 2.763) or the interaction between axotomy and type of immunoreactivity (p = 0.334, F(1,111) = 0.942,). Post-hoc Holm-Sidak methods revealed significant difference between control and injured motoneuron for pKCC2 and KCC2b (p < 0.001 for both). However no significant differences in somatic membrane immunofluorescence were found between pKCC2 and KCC2b in control (p = 0.071) or axotomy (p = 0.619).
To further support similar regulation of pKCC2 and KCC2b in spinal motoneurons we compared the effect of axotomy on the decrease of each immunofluorescence in a single animal in which pKCC2 and KCC2b were compared in parallel. We found that the 95% CI of the difference to control suggested a decrease in pKCC2 ranging form 60–85% with an average of 72% decrease with respect to control value and this was highly significant (p < 0.0001, 2-sided permutation test). KCC2b depletions paralleled the decrease in pKCC2 with a 95% CI decrease ranging from 59–88%, averaging a highly significant 72% decrease (p < 0.0001, 2-sided permutation t-test) (Fig. 3o). KCC2b is therefore the isoform principally expressed and regulated on the somatic plasma membrane of abducens and spinal motoneurons and pKCC2 and KCC2b immunoreactivities are interchangeable in this model.
Abducens motoneurons are unique across species in their preservation of KCC2 among brainstem motoneurons
Next, we analyzed whether the absence of change in KCC2 after axotomy in abducens motoneurons was unique to the cat by comparing KCC2 regulation after axotomy in the rat abducens nucleus. We compared KCC2 regulation after axotomy in the motoneurons of the three extraoculomotor nuclei (abducens, trochlear and oculomotor) as well as in other cranial motoneurons (facial nucleus). For this purpose, three adult rats were enucleated unilaterally (left side), a procedure that axotomizes all extraocular motoneurons and leave them target deprived. In the same surgical session, the left facial nerve was also sectioned as a reference, since it is well-established that axotomized facial motoneurons in the rat downregulate KCC2 expression (Toyoda et al. 2003). KCC2 levels were evaluated 15 days postlesion in the four brainstem nuclei by means of triple immunofluorescence against ChAT, pKCC2, and ATF3 and compared to control motoneurons in the contralateral side. pKCC2 immunofluorescence was markedly decreased in axotomized oculomotor (Fig. 4a-b; the white arrow points to nuclear ATF3 staining, as a marker of neuronal injury), trochlear (Fig. 4c-d) and facial (Fig. 4g-h) motoneurons. In contrast -as happened in the cat- rat abducens motoneurons displayed similar pKCC2 in axotomy and control. In addition, and in parallel with the cat, ATF3 did not label rat axotomized abducens motoneurons (Fig. 4e-f). Quantification of pKCC2 immunofluorescence in all nuclei was compared using a two-way ANOVA test (two factors: nucleus and treatment) followed by Holm-Sidak method for pairwise comparisons (Fig. 4i). Axotomized oculomotor, trochlear and facial motoneurons had significantly lower KCC2 immunofluorescence than their respective controls (Fig. 4i, asterisks; p < 0.001 for the three motoneuronal types). No significant differences were found between axotomized and control abducens motoneurons (p = 0.564). The three oculomotor nuclei exhibited a similar value of pKCC2 immunofluorescence in the control situation (abducens vs. oculomotor p = 0.128; abducens vs. trochlear p = 0.081; oculomotor vs. trochlear p = 0.827), while the facial nuclei had slightly higher pKCC2 immunoreactivity compared to oculomotor (p = 0.021) and trochlear (p = 0.011), but not when compared against abducens (p = 0.445). Axotomized motoneurons drastically downregulated KCC2 immunofluorescence to similar low levels in oculomotor, trochlear and facial, but not in the abducens. As a result, axotomized abducens motoneurons showed a significantly higher value of pKCC2 labeling than the other three motoneuronal types after axotomy (Fig. 4i, hashtag; p < 0.001 for all cases; n = 35, 36, 33 and 39 motoneurons for control and n = 33, 35, 44 and 42 for axotomized motoneurons of the oculomotor, trochlear, abducens and facial nuclei, respectively, Cohens’ d = -1.9 for oculomotor, -3.0 fr trochlear and − 2.9 for facial). Estimated differences after creating bootstrapped datasets ranged from 57–100% depletions from control with average reductions of 72%, 89% and 87% membrane pKCC2 immunoreactivity, respectively for oculomotor, trochlear and facial motoneurons, and in all cases this being highly significant (p < 0.001, 2-side permutation t-test). This was not the case for abducens axotomized motoneurons which showed no significant effect in pKCC2 immunoreactivity compared to controls (p = 0.655; 2-sided permutation t-test; average estimated difference < 5% from control, with a broad range in different bootstrapped data sets ranging in 95% CI from 15% depletion to a 24% increase).
In conclusion, preservation of KCC2 in axotomized abducens motoneurons was similar in cats and rats. Since nerve injury in our rat surgical model occurs simultaneously and by the same procedure (eye enucleation) in all three groups of extraocular motoneurons, we can exclude the possibility of differential levels of injury, and conclude that the response to axotomy of abducens motoneurons is unique to them across species and not a general feature of extraocular motoneuronal nuclei.
Discharge signals derived from inhibitory synapses increase by VEGF in axotomized abducens motoneurons
Control abducens motoneurons have a tonic-phasic firing pattern that correlates with eye position and velocity (Delgado-García et al. 1986a; Davis-López de Carrizosa et al. 2011). These motoneurons discharge monotonically at higher frequencies for gaze fixations set at more eccentric eye positions in the direction of activation (on-direction) and decrease their firing rate for those fixations in the off-direction (Fig. 5a). Therefore, there is a correlation between firing rate and eye position in control motoneurons (Fig. 5b). The slope of this regression line is named k (in spikes/s/degree; black line in Fig. 5b). The tonic component of the discharge can be analyzed differentiating between those fixations occurring after an on-directed saccade (arrows in Fig. 5a) versus those occurring after an off-directed saccade (arrowheads in Fig. 5a). This led to two distinct rate-position correlations, after separating those fixations following on-saccades from those attained after off-saccades. Therefore, two regression lines were obtained whose slopes were k-on (orange line and dots in Fig. 5b) and k-off (red line and dots in Fig. 5b), being k-on related to modulation of excitatory inputs (increases in firing) and k-off related to modulation of inhibitory inputs (decreases in firing).
Control abducens motoneurons also exhibit a phasic component, displayed in the form of a high-frequency burst of spikes for those saccades in the on-direction (arrows in Fig. 5c) and an abrupt decay in firing rate or a pause for off-directed saccades (arrowheads in Fig. 5c). Those off-saccades resulting from a cease in motoneuronal discharge (asterisks in Fig. 5c) were not considered for the analysis. The correlation between firing rate (previous subtraction of the eye position component) and eye velocity during saccades fits to a regression line whose slope is the neuronal eye velocity sensitivity (r, in spikes/s/degree/s; black line in Fig. 5d). When the rate-velocity correlation was performed separating on- versus off-saccades, then the parameters r-on (orange line and dots in Fig. 5d) and r-off (red line and dots in Fig. 5d) were obtained (for more details see Delgado-García et al. 1986a,b). k-on and r-on represent the excitatory drive in abducens motoneurons arising from specific excitatory inputs, whereas k-off and r-off are the result of the inhibitory drive originating from inhibitory inputs to the abducens nucleus (Escudero and Delgado-García 1988; Escudero et al. 1992).
We compared the excitatory signals, k-on and r-on, and the inhibitory signals, k-off and r-off, in abducens motoneurons under the different situations (control, axotomy, axotomy + VEGF) to determine whether there was a correlation between KCC2 level and inhibitory synaptic drive. Neurophysiological recordings were re-analyzed from our previous work (Calvo et al. 2018) (control, n = 21; axotomy, n = 17; axotomy + VEGF, n = 18). Significant differences were detected among the three groups for k-off (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test, p ≤ 0.001, H = 23.625, d = 1.66) and r-off (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test, p ≤ 0.001, H = 19.441, d = 1.401). Dunn´s pairwise multiple comparisons showed higher k-off and r-off in abducens axotomized motoneurons treated with VEGF compared with untreated control and axotomized motoneurons (asterisks in Fig. 6a-b; p < 0.05 for k-off as well as r-off), whereas there was no significant difference in k-off and r-off between control and axotomized abducens motoneurons (p > 0.05).
On the other hand, axotomized abducens motoneurons treated with VEGF had similar k-on and r-on values compared to control (p > 0.05 for both; Q = 0.668 for k-on and Q = 1.514 for r-on, Dunn’s pair-wise comparisons), whereas axotomized motoneurons presented significantly lower k-on (p < 0.05, Q = 3.379) and r-on than control (p < 0.05, Q = 2.876) and or axotomized VEGF-treated motoneurons (p < 0.05 for both, Q = 3.894 for k-on and Q = 4.212 for r-on) (Fig. 6c-d). For comparisons between the three groups, Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test was used (p ≤ 0.001, H = 17.540, d = 1.288, for k-on; p ≤ 0.001, H = 18.326, d = 1.334, for r-on), followed by Dunn´s method for all pairwise multiple comparisons.
Therefore, inhibition increase (larger k-off and r-off) in axotomized motoneurons treated with VEGF correlated with the findings of higher levels of KCC2 immunofluorescence in axotomized + VEGF-treated abducens motoneurons, which likely led to larger Cl− extrusion and a more hyperpolarized ECl−, which strengthens inhibitory synaptic transmission.