The central goal of this work is to perform self-consistent electro-thermal analyses of cellular response to varying sinusoidal pulses to assess the possibility of an optimal operating frequency range from the standpoint of electrically assisted tumor treatments. The precise value of an optimal frequency, if found, could conceivably vary with both cell type and cell-cycle. Furthermore, identifying a desirable range of operating frequencies might help tailor the input excitation, and guide in the selection of the frequency parameter to specifically act on tumor targets over healthy cells.
In the present simulations, the electric field amplitude of all sinusoidal pulses was maintained 15 kV/cm. As regards the total duration, 50 µs long wavetrains were used, under two different scenarios. In the simplest implementation, the pulses were continually applied without any intermittent delays or OFF times. In an alternative implementation, a slight delay was included after each pulse to account for any practical time lag in charging or circuit timings. From a numerical standpoint, this is not a critical issue, and can easily be adjusted in accordance with actual experimental implementations that might be in use. But regardless of the details, it can be expected that without any OFF times, the predicted membrane temperature would be higher, and possibly lead to a slightly larger population of pores with greater mass transport.
Figure 1 illustrates the simulation results from our coupled Smoluchowski-thermal model. Three cases were simulated: (a) The H-FIRE protocol for a symmetric biphasic pulse with ON times of 600 ns, with 60 ns rise- and fall-times and an inter-pulse delay of 1.0 µs. (b) Results from a continuous sinusoidal excitation at a frequency of 7 MHz without any intermittent delays or OFF times, and (c) Model simulations from a continuous sinusoidal excitation at a frequency of 1 MHz without any intermittent delays. The curves of Fig. 1 show that the H-FIRE protocol leads to significantly lower heating, since heat loss can occur during the OFF-times. The ambient temperature was chosen to be 300 K, and the predicted membrane temperatures after 50 µs was predicted to be about 6 K, 16 K and 23 K, respectively, for the three cases. It may also be pointed out that based on one of our previous reports, the maximal heating occurs at the membrane and not at either of the intra- or extra-cellular regions [61]. This finding was in agreement with other independent reports on cellular heating [83, 84]. The results indicate that operation at a 7 MHz frequency show significantly lower heating than a 1 MHz pulse. This trend towards increased heating with reductions in frequency is in keeping with experimental results reported by Katsuki et al. [62]. In their experiments, ingle frequency sinusoidal narrowband excitation was applied to Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. The noticeably large cell death at the lower frequency excitations was attributed to greater heating.
In order to reduce temperature increases, a slight delay (or OFF time) was implemented in our pulse-train. Figure 2(a) illustrates the scheme with each single full cycle sinusoidal pulse being followed by a 500 ns OFF-time. This delay is in the range of the OFF times used in the H-FIRE protocol. Figure 2b is an expansion of Fig. 2(a) along the time-axis to better illustrate the constant 500 ns delay implemented after each cycle. Three different excitation frequencies of 1, 5 and 10 MHz were used. This selection of a common OFF-time for all three frequencies was meant to reduce the number of parameters in the system. Since the scheme is general, for precise comparisons against actual experiments, the OFF-time values could be adjusted if and as necessary. However, the qualitative trends predicted here should continue to hold.
Simulation results obtained at frequencies of 1, 5, 7, and 10 MHz are shown in Fig. 3. The values in all cases were at the polar region (i.e., an angular position of zero degrees.). For clarity, the predicted evolution of the temperature rise over the initial 0.25 µs is given in Fig. 3(a), while the response over the entire 50 µs duration is shown in Fig. 3(b). The ambient was again chosen to be 300 K. The plots of Fig. 3a shows a clear initial temperature rise (ΔT) above the ambient after about 34 ns from the start of the pulse. The temperature increase at all four operating frequencies is qualitatively similar, though the maximum value is seen to occur for 7 MHz after about 40 ns after the start of the pulse. The initial peak for ΔT at the 1 MHz excitation is the lowest at about 20 K. The maxima of the other peaks are predicted to rise above 25 K with ease. While this level of heating would be a concern if sustained for long periods of time, this rise lasts for less than 40 ns. This time scale is so small that any resulting thermal damage, which is often measured in terms of an integral associated with the Arrhenius equation [85, 86], can be assumed to be negligible. More prolonged exposures occur at later time periods. During these exposures, lower temperatures occur at either optimal frequencies or frequencies that are too high. The plots of Fig. 3(b) reveal the average temperatures over longer time scales are fairly restrained, with about a 4–6 K rise for the 5, 7, 10 MHz excitation frequencies. At the lowest 1 MHz input, the temperature rise is the highest at about 17–18 K. Thus, in accordance with the data from Katsuki et al. [62], the low frequency electric field perturbations are the most harmful for cell survival and would likely lead to collateral damage in tissue treatments.
An interesting feature seen in Fig. 3(b) is that at higher frequencies, the cellular system maintains a lower average temperature. This is the result of two factors. (i) One, since a constant 500 ns OFF time had been assumed in our simulations, and since the number of cycles over any given fixed time duration is larger at higher frequencies, the number of OFF periods is also correspondingly more at higher operating frequencies. This allows for greater cooling within the system (ii) More importantly, there predominantly is a lack of the transmembrane potential (TMP) build up at higher frequencies. This is best understood by first considering the situation at very high excitation frequencies. Under these conditions, the time period would be shorter than the membrane charging times. As a result, the TMP values would not rise much before a swing in the input polarity would begin to decrease the membrane voltage. Consequently, the TMP across cell walls remains poor at high frequencies, leading to poor poration, current throughput and corresponding weak thermal dissipation or temperature enhancements. However, though the membrane heating at the high frequencies is under control, the poor poration implies minimal mass throughput and weak injection of drugs to affect the tumor cell.
As already discussed, the temperature rise at lower frequencies is high since a large TMP can be created across cell membranes, though it occurs at longer times. However, since each of the individual cycles are also long (i.e., longer operating time periods), pores can be formed and remain open during the excitation. The longer the system is subjected to the input low-frequency fields, the power dissipation continues, leading to greater heating over time. In contrast, operation within a frequency regime that is in between these two extremes leads to an optimal situation. The heating though marginally stronger than that at very high frequencies, is still not large or damaging, and nor would it lead to much by way of collateral damage. However, the TMP can be sustained, leading to mass transfer and drug delivery into tumor cells. The temperature rise at the 5, 7, and 10 MHz excitations fall off within about 0.1 µs, and thereafter, remain fixed at about an incremental value below 6 K. For the 1 MHz excitation, on the other hand, much higher temperature enhancements of about 17–18 K are predicted in the long run in Fig. 3(b).
The angular dependence of the temperature increase over the cell membrane is brought into focus through the results shown in Fig. 4 for a 7 MHz excitation frequency. Though the highest electric fields are applied at and near the polar regions, the transmembrane potentials are not necessarily the highest in these areas. The large and rapid increase in electric fields over time starting time of pulse application, leads to strongest poration early on near the polar regions. This produces a large drop in the average TMP due to large increases in membrane conductivity and a consequent ″electrical shorting″ effect. Figure 4(a) illustrates the result of this behavior. An initial spike in temperature, is quicky quenched as the TMP reduces leading to sharp reductions in the local electric fields, and hence, the power dissipation density which is a product of the local current density and electric field. A clearer picture over the longer term for the temperature rise can be seen from Fig. 4(b). The largest increments are predicted to be at the 36˚ angular position (the 0˚ position corresponds to the pole), with periodic spikes predicted to form with delays equal to the time period of 0.14 µs and inter-pulse delays of 500 ns.
Having discussed the temperature changes, the time-dependent variations in TMPs for four different excitation frequencies are discussed. The values in all cases were obtained at the polar region, i.e., an angular position of zero degrees. Over early times, shown in Fig. 5(a), the peak TMP values of almost 2 volts are predicted to be reached for the 5, 7, and 10 MHz excitations. The corresponding time periods are 0.2 µs, 0.1428 µs, and 0.1 µs, respectively. All three are lower than the timescale of Fg. 5(a), and so the peak in TMP is seen for all three cases, before the values start to fall as the polarity of the excitation signal is reversed. In the case of the highest 10 MHz case, a negative potential is also seen to be reached. However, at the slowest 1 MHz excitation, with a corresponding 1 µs time period, only the drop from the peak due to localized poration at the polar cap, is seen to occur at about 95 ns in Fig. 5(a). Thereafter, the TMP at the 1 MHz excitation begins a slow drop off and eventually assumes negative values after about 0.5 µs in Fig. 5(b). For the 5 and 7 MHz excitations, the rise and fall of the driving signal is roughly tuned to the charging time constant and pore reduction phase following the growth in poration. The spikes in the TMP are then roughly in step with the external excitation, as seen in Fig. 5(c). Furthermore, the peak TMP values at these two frequencies are predicted to be at about 0.32 Volt, which place the operating point at a local minima of the pore formation energy curve [72, 73]. This is a stable operating point, and so the system can continue to maintain mass transfer through the membrane in a reliable and lasting manner without any danger of pore runaway or cell destruction.
Combining the results of the electro-thermal analysis, the frequency-dependent behavior of both the median pore radii distribution and average temperature rise are shown in Fig. 6 spanning a range from 1 to 100 MHz. As the frequency increases, a clear trend of a decreasing median pore radius is seen. This in line with the results shown and discussed in Fig. 5. At higher frequencies, lower TMP values are set up, with the operating point near a local minimum of the pore formation energy curve. On the other hand, with lower input frequencies, the cell faces prolonged exposure to higher TMPs as was shown in Fig. 5(c). This takes the operating point beyond the minima of the pore formation energy characteristic, thus leading to bigger pores. However, the density of such pores at the lower frequencies is not large since the voltage overshoot effect is only possible at high frequencies. The dashed line shown in Fig. 6 represents the location of the pore radius corresponding to a minima in the pore energy characteristic. One can expect that successfully controlled electroporation protocols would have the largest amount of pores remaining in the stable regime. This is exactly the case when looking at the previously discussed ″ideal″ frequencies of 5 and 7 MHz. The other consequence highlighted in Fig. 6 is the decrease of average temperature with increasing excitation frequency. This trend is also in line with the results shown in Fig. 3, and also matches the data from Katsuki et al. [62] of greater thermal damage at lower operating frequency.
Next, differences in the bio-response between normal and tumor cells are presented through our simulations. Figure 7 shows a comparison of the outcomes for pore density creation between normal B-cells and Jurkat cells. Parameters for the B-cells were obtained from a report by Polevaya et al. [87] and those for Jurkats are listed in Table 1. The maximum conducting pore density values are shown in Fig. 7. The principal aspect of this result is the difference in the two cases, and the overall shift in frequency space between the healthy and tumor cells. The maximum pore formation for Jurkat cells is predicted to occur near the maximum predicted at around 7 MHz, while the maxima in Fig. 7 occurs around 2.5 MHz for the normal B-cells. This is a desirable goal and a significant result as it underscores the potential for selectivity. For example, applying a 7.5 MHz RF field would be very effective in porating Jurkat cells, while the same excitation would have almost no effect on healthy cells. Obviously, the values obtained here are subject to change with cell parameters, and hence, depending the specific cell-type, the optimal excitation frequency of operation for selective treatment would change. However, the overall existence of a desirable or favorable operating point would remain and could be used for targeted tumor killing, or cell targeting for selective membrane permeabilization. It would also be very beneficial to generate a series of data tables and plots for optimal operating frequency points for various biological cell types as a potential guide for parameter selection towards clinical protocols and treatments.