Adventitious root formation of two ramie cultivars
In order to study the rooting rate of Z2 and H4, root primordia formation in water culture condition were monitored. Five days after water culture, white root primordia of Z2 and H4 emerged from the stem epidermis section in the water, and more root primordia were observed on Z2 than that on H4. At the seventh and the tenth day, there were significantly more root primordia on Z2 than that on H4 (Fig. 1).
Transcriptome Sequencing Analysis Of Twelve Cdna Libraries
In order to study the molecular mechanism of rooting difference between Z2 and H4, RNA-Seq analysis was performed on stems with root primordium induced by tap-water (treatment), and stems without root primordium (control). Three biological replicates were set for treatment and control, respectively, with a total of 12 cDNA libraries (Z2CK1, Z2CK2, Z2CK3, Z2T1, Z2T2, Z2T3, H4CK1, H4CK2, H4CK3, H4T1, H4T2 and H4T3). The transcriptome sequencing analysis yielded 38.17–50.74 million raw reads per cDNA library with a total of 528.2 million raw read for all cDNA libraries (Table 1). After removing low quality reads and reads containing adapter or poly (N) containing, an average of 5.8 Gb clean data were obtained for each replicate. For all 12 cDNA libraries, the percentage of phred scores at Q20 and Q30 level exceeded 97.65% and 93.27%, respectively (Table 1), suggesting high quality of transcript data. The remained clean reads were mapped to the Boehmeria nivea (L.) genome (Data unpublished) using HISAT (Hierarchical Indexing for Spliced Alignment of Transcripts) software. The result showed that more than 90.23% of the clean reads were mapped onto the ramie genome for all cDNA libraries, and over 63.27% were observed to be unique mapped reads (Table 1), indicating that the samples were comparable.
Table 1
Statistical analysis of transcriptome data in the 12 cDNA libraries. H4, Huazhu No4; Z2, Zhongzhu No2; T1, T2 and T3 denote the three biological replications of the treatment (cultured with tap-water); CK1, CK2 and CK3 denote the three biological replications of the control (without water treatment).
Sample | Total raw read(M) | Total clean read(M) | Total clean base(Gb) | Clean read q20(%) | Clean read q30(%) | Total mapping genome ratio(%) | Uniquely mapping genome ratio(%) |
H4T1 | 41.10 | 36.03 | 5.44 | 97.78 | 93.58 | 90.51 | 63.70 |
H4T2 | 47.88 | 42.30 | 6.39 | 97.84 | 93.73 | 90.35 | 63.64 |
H4T3 | 39.33 | 34.14 | 5.15 | 97.70 | 93.39 | 90.23 | 63.27 |
H4CK1 | 45.76 | 40.17 | 6.06 | 97.81 | 93.70 | 90.37 | 65.14 |
H4CK2 | 50.74 | 44.39 | 6.70 | 97.78 | 93.59 | 90.80 | 63.98 |
H4CK3 | 45.36 | 39.87 | 6.02 | 97.80 | 93.62 | 90.67 | 64.03 |
Z2T1 | 47.07 | 40.79 | 6.16 | 97.69 | 93.37 | 90.92 | 63.61 |
Z2T2 | 44.86 | 39.44 | 5.96 | 97.81 | 93.64 | 90.47 | 65.14 |
Z2T3 | 44.13 | 38.43 | 5.80 | 97.73 | 93.47 | 91.33 | 65.72 |
Z2CK1 | 38.17 | 33.09 | 5.00 | 97.67 | 93.31 | 90.87 | 65.43 |
Z2CK2 | 43.06 | 37.19 | 5.62 | 97.65 | 93.27 | 91.00 | 65.50 |
Z2CK3 | 40.74 | 35.38 | 5.34 | 97.70 | 93.41 | 91.43 | 66.06 |
Mean | 44.02 | 38.44 | 5.80 | 97.75 | 93.51 | 90.75 | 64.60 |
Total | 528.20 | 461.22 | 69.64 | | | | |
Comparison Of Gene Expression Pattern Between Z2 And H4
A total of 26723 genes including 25861 known genes and 862 novel genes were identified in the 12 cDNA libraries (Additional file 2: sheet2), with a number of 25248, 24698, 24128, and 25304 in H4CK, H4T, Z2CK, and Z2T, respectively. Most of the genes are between 300–1600 bp in length, and the number of genes whose length is more than 3000 bp was the highest, accounting for 7% of all genes. There were 22493 common genes in H4CK, H4T, Z2CK and Z2T (Fig. 2A), denoting most of the genes having similar expression behavior in the four libraries. In the treatment group (H4T vs. Z2T), there were 23940 common genes between Z2T and H4T, while there were 1364 and 758 distinctive genes in Z2T and H4T, respectively (Fig. 2B). In the control group (H4CK vs. Z2CK), the number of the distinctive genes in Z2CK and H4CK were 639 and 1759, respectively (Fig. 2C). For Z2, the number of distinctive genes in Z2T was about three times that of Z2CK, but differently in H4, the number of distinctive genes in H4T was 0.58 times that of H4CK (Fig. 2D and 2E). These results may provide us with clues about why the two varieties have different rooting patterns.
Identification Of Degs
To determine the genes that were differently expressed in the two genotypes, four pairwise comparisons (H4CK vs. Z2CK, H4T vs. Z2T, H4CK vs. H4T, and Z2CK vs. Z2T) were performed. DEGs were identified by the threshold of Padj-value ≤ 0.001 and fold change ≥ 2. A total of 5324, 4886, 4411, and 5195 DEGs were identified in the comparison of H4CK vs. Z2CK, H4T vs. Z2T, H4CK vs. H4T, and Z2CK vs. Z2T, respectively (Fig. 3A). In the control group (H4CK vs. Z2CK), 2074 up- and 3250 down-regulated DEGs were identified in Z2CK, while in the treatment group (H4T vs. Z2T), 3189 up- and 1697 down-regulated DEGs were found in Z2T, suggesting different gene expression patterns in the two genotypes resulting by water treatment. In the comparisons of H4CK vs. H4T and Z2CK vs. Z2T, there were 1683 up- and 2728 down-regulated DEGs in H4, while there were 3644 up- and 1551 down-regulated DEGs in Z2, indicating that more genes were induced in Z2, but more genes were inhibited in H4. The comparisons of H4CK vs. H4T and Z2CK vs. Z2T shared 1965 common genes, and there were 2446 and 3230 distinctive genes expressing in the comparison of Z2CK vs. Z2T and the comparison of H4CK vs. H4T, respectively (Fig. 3B).
Go (gene Ontology) Clustering Of Degs
GO assignment was used to classify the functions of DEGs, and significantly enriched GO term was defined when Padj-value was less than 0.05. In total, 2879 DEGs (1146 up- and 1733 down-regulated) of H4 group (H4CK vs. H4T) were assigned into 43 enriched GO terms consisting of 17 biological process (metabolic process, cellular process, biological regulation, etc.), 14 cellular component (membrane, membrane part, cell, etc.), and 12 molecular function (catalytic activity, binding, translation regulator activity, etc.) (Fig. 4). Meanwhile, 3485 DEGs (2500 up- and 985 down-regulated) in Z2 group (Z2CK vs. Z2T) were assigned into 43 enriched GO terms consisting of 18 biological process (metabolic process, cellular process, pigmentation, etc.), 14 cellular component (membrane, membrane part, cell, etc.), and 11 molecular function (catalytic activity, binding, transporter activity, etc.) (Fig. 4). Eighty-nine and 106 significantly enriched GO terms were identified in H4 group and Z2 group, respectively (Additional file 3: sheet3). The top 20 significantly enriched GO terms sorted by Padj-value from small to large were showed in Fig. 5. There were 11 common significantly enriched GO terms between H4 group and Z2 group, such as cell wall organization or biogenesis, oxidoreductase activity, hydrolase activity acting on glycosyl bonds, cofactor binding, and others. In each common GO term, the total number of DEGs in Z2 group was higher than that in H4 group, and the number of up-regulated DEGs was more than the down-regulated DEGs in Z2 group but less in H4 group (Fig. 6A). Nine distinctive significantly enriched GO terms were found in H4 group which mainly included polysaccharide metabolic process, carbohydrate metabolic process, cellular carbohydrate metabolic process, cell wall macromolecule metabolic process, photosystem, and others (Fig. 6B). And the expression of the most DEGs in these distinctive GO terms were inhibited, suggesting that photosynthesis process and cell wall formation process may be suppressed in the process of root primordium formation in H4. Meanwhile, other nine significantly enriched GO terms were found in Z2 group, mainly including cell wall organization, integral component of membrane, membrane part, external encapsulating structure organization, and others (Fig. 6C). And the number of up-regulated DEGs in these distinctive GO terms was more than that of down-regulated DEGs, indicating that cell wall formation may promote the root primordium formation in Z2.
Kegg Pathway Analysis Of Degs
To further insight the molecular interactions among the DEGs, KEGG analysis was performed and significantly enriched pathway was defined when the Padi-value was less than 0.05. A total of 1966 (in H4 group: H4CK vs. H4T) and 2381 (in Z2 group: Z2CK vs. Z2T) DEGs were enriched into 133 and 131 pathways, respectively (Additional file 4: sheet4). Thirteen and 19 significant enriched pathways were identified in the H4 group and the Z2 group, respectively. There were 6 common pathways between the two groups, while there were 7 (Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis - antenna proteins, Starch and sucrose metabolism, etc.) and 13 (MAPK signaling pathway - plant, Carotenoid biosynthesis, Plant-pathogen interaction, etc.) distinctive pathways in the H4 group and the Z2 group, respectively (Fig. 7A). In the MAPK signaling pathway of Z2 group, ethylene and jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathways were identified (Additional file: Fig. S1).
More DEGs were induced in the Z2 group (1033 up- and 404 down-regulated), while more DEGs were reduced in the H4 group (424 up- and 434 down-regulated). The number of down-regulated DEGs in photosynthesis, photosynthesis - antenna proteins and amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism pathways in H4 group were more than that of up-regulated DEGs (Fig. 7B), suggesting that photosynthesis process may be inhibited in H4 during the root primordium formation. In each distinct pathway of Z2 group, the number of up-regulated DEGs was more than that of down-regulated, especially in MAPK signaling pathway-plant, the number of up-regulated DEGs was about 2 times that of down-regulated DEGs (Fig. 7C).
Verification Of Expression Of Degs By Qpcr
Four DEGs (Maker00082600, Maker00008727, Maker00075372, and Maker00063286) were randomly selected for qPCR to test the reliability of expression of DEGs in sequencing results. The results showed that there was a good agreement between the RNA-Seq data and the qPCR data (Fig. 8). After 20 days of hydroponics, the expression of Maker00082600, Maker00075372, and Maker00063286 was significantly higher than that of 10 days of hydroponics, while the expression of Maker00008727 was lower than that of 10 days of hydroponics, suggesting different expression patterns of different DEGs during root primordium formation in ramie.