Developing a Trauma Team is challenging,especially in a middle income country going through an internal war against guerillas. Time to tomography and time to surgery were chosen as indirect variables to measure optimal patient care. In the trauma scenario fastest is better. This is due to the potentially deadly injuries patients suffer and taking into account the premise that the quicker you act, higher the chances of survival are going to be. Plus, several studies mentioned above have taken this two variables (time to surgery and time to tomography) as a measure to indicate improvement in patient care. The admission-tomography and admission-surgery time interval in polytrauma patients decreased with the implementation of a TT, being statistically significant and clinically relevant. The time to tomography interval decreased by 26%, reducing the median by 16 minutes (p 0.0001). The time to surgery interval was reduced to a greater extent, decreasing by 56%, or 64 minutes (p 0.0009). Similarly, mortality was significantly reduced by 9.4% (p 0.03) in patients with ISS>15.
Both groups (BTT and ATT) are demographically similar, with a greater proportion of male patients in their early thirties. There was a 15% reduction in penetrating trauma, possibly due to a relative decrease in rural violence resulting from the demobilization of a guerrilla group in the country.
Establishing specific criteria to activate a TT reduces the number of unnecessary TT activations that do not need a team response. This is one of the reasons why our results evidenced a difference in ISS and vital signs before a TT was created, where no criteria was used to respond upon trauma patients, and after a TT was implemented. The median ISS of the ATT group was higher. This effect is expected given that, in this group, previously established criteria was used to activate the trauma team based on clinical and injury variables (table 5), meaning that those patients were more severely injured. ATT patients were more hypotensive and had more tachycardia. This is important in the implementation of trauma teams since one of the main objectives is to identify those severely injured patients who will benefit from a trauma team.
Table 5. Trauma Team Activation Criteria
Intubated patient upon arrival to the emergency department
Dyspnea or respiratory failure
Hypotension SBP<90 mmHg
Glasgow Coma Scale < 9
Penetrating Trauma in Trunk
Traumatic limb amputation
Unstable Pelvic Fracture
Previously Operated Trauma Patient
2 or more trauma patients at the same time
Emergency Physician Criteria
Trauma Team criteria activation at Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia.
In patients with ISS ≥16, mortality was significantly reduced. This is possibly because minor trauma (ISS <16) does not require a multidisciplinary emergent intervention, and it could cause extra cost.
In the subgroup analysis, according to clinical characteristics, a significant decrease in the time to tomography and surgery interval was evident in all groups, which implies that both in severely ill patients and those less compromised a TT reduces attention times. However, where there was a greater decrease in the admission-tomography time interval in those patients with GCS <9. While in the admission-surgery interval the group with the shortest time were those with severe trauma (ISS> 16) from 104 min to 49 min possibly related for both groups with the severity of the injury. Although a TT managed to reduce the time intervals to both surgery and tomography in all patients, it is in the severely ill (ISS> 16) patients in which reducing the time of attention impacts mortality.
Development of a TT is challenging, and human and physical resources are indispensable in achieving favorable results. The path to the implementation of a TT in our institution has been tough due to several social, economic and infrastructure barriers. In Colombia, TTs are scarce; few medical care facilities have established a TT. In our region (southwest Colombia) we are the first, and only, established TT. One of the biggest barriers to the establishment of this group includes the internal war in our country which is generated by two main guerrillas and more than a dozen criminal city groups. Due to the abundance of armed groups, trauma is very common in our institution, with an average of two severe (ISS>16)cases of trauma per day, usually penetrating. This number of patients requires a large amount of economic and physical resources, leading to the second barrier due to the fact that we are a middle-low-income country. Finally, a third barrier is the dispersion of our rural community as patients usually live at least an hour away from our institution leading to a delay in the transportation and timely management of patients.
We have accomplished important goals while developing this TT in our population. First of all we replicated our model of TT response in the pediatric population who are also victims of the war civil and military war in our country. Studies are running to evaluate its effect on this population. Nevertheless we are also traveling to rural hospitals to talk about our experience managing trauma and helping small institutions to develop trauma teams. Last but not least one of the discussions right now in our trauma team is getting to determine which variables are the best variables to predict an adequate TT activation. We have a study running right now evaluating the predictable value of each one of our TT activation criteria, which indeed is a globally debated subject.