Methodology for identifying and tracking social media misinformation in tweets about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reproductive health



The purpose of the study was to develop the methodology identifying and tracking social media misinformation in tweets about the impact of the coronavirus and COVID-vaccine on reproductive health, one of the reasons for which is the lack of awareness about aspects of the coronavirus infection. We use a combination of machine and expert methods, and use the latest scientific articles as the standard for detecting disinformation. The proposed methodology includes the study of scientific articles as a source of reliable truthful information about the topic (information standard) and Twitter messages (assessment of information compliance with the standard). The result of the study is a methodology for detecting disinformation in the messages of social network users. Based on this methodology, the following aspects of the problem have been developed: 1) the formation of a scientific standard; 2) the principle of comparing the directions of scientific research and discussions on Twitter; 3) the principle of contextual comparison of user and scientific ideas about problems. An original methodology for identifying disinformation in social networks is proposed. In contrast to existing works, principles based on the processing of information from the content of scientific articles and messages from social networks are formulated.

1. Introduction

The spread of misinformation and fabricated content on social media is on the rise. When searching for information on the Internet and social networks, a person is faced with an avalanche of information, referred to as "infodemic", which includes a mixture of facts and lies that are difficult to distinguish [1]. Health organizations and the World Health Organization (WHO) are concerned about the spread of online misinformation that could exacerbate the effects of the pandemic [2].

Health organizations are tasked with protecting the public from misinformation related to COVID-19. The first step is to identify misinformation from a pool of online content. Often, AI-powered machine learning algorithms are used to classify online messages as either information or disinformation, which take as input a set of features based on the common linguistic properties of the correct and bogus information [37]. More sophisticated algorithms use deep learning, which automatically learns the nuances of patterns between information and disinformation without an a priori feature set [8].

Given the magnitude of the problem of disinformation spreading during the pandemic, machine solutions seem inevitable to solve the problem. However, in order to develop reliable algorithms for detecting disinformation, we must be very clear about it and distinguish it from real news. In this study, we do not seek to distinguish between such concepts as fake news, false information, misinformation [9, 10]. We consider disinformation as a general term referring to false information circulating on the internet [11]. Of particular concern is the rapid spread of false information on Twitter, with lies noted to spread faster than the truth [12].

Disinformation is defined as false, erroneous, or misleading information, and a type of claim that can be tested and confirmed to be false. Disinformation has an adverse effect on society as it causes anxiety, fear and influences public opinion [11].

Various misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine has been circulating on social media. For example, misinformation through conspiracy, such as "coronavirus vaccine destroys female fertility and makes men impotent" can lead people to refuse vaccination [13]. We set out to understand what topics and concepts related to disinformation appear in Twitter discourse on the impact of coronavirus on the reproductive health of men and women.

The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it examines current scientific information about the potential impact of the coronavirus and the vaccine on male and female reproductive health. We a priori consider the results of recent research in this area to be true. Secondly, the study examines the opinion of Twitter users about the impact of the coronavirus and the vaccine on male and female infertility. If the focus of research matches the topic of discussion on Twitter, based on the results of study 1, we conclude that the opinions of Twitter users about the coronavirus and the vaccine in relation to infertility are true or false.

We use machine and expert methods in combination, which benefits the analysis. In this article, we aim to test the functionality of a combination of Twitter data analysis methods, to explore the discussed topics related to disinformation and related concepts. This study is limited to the study of the textual content of scientific articles, and in tweets we study texts and emoji.

2. Materials And Methods

Within the area of interest, the primary selection of the topic is determined by the expert choice, social networks (social inquiry). After choosing a frequent social topic, it is compared with scientific documents, a comparison of interests is carried out, an attempt is made to find out if there is disinformation there.

We reviewed user queries on the topics Covid dementia, Covid fertility, Covidosis thrombosis, Covid neurological (Fig. 1). The topic Covid fertility was chosen as the leader throughout 2021.

A search was performed in the PMC for articles related to the study of coronavirus and fertility. The search was conducted for keywords in the abstracts filtered by publication date on 10 May 2022. The content of the information request was as follows: (("sars-cov-2"[MeSH Terms] OR "sars-cov-2"[All Fields] OR "covid"[All Fields] OR "covid-19"[MeSH Terms] OR "covid-19"[All Fields]) AND ("fertility"[MeSH Terms] OR "fertility"[All Fields])) AND ("2022/01/01"[PubDate] : "2022/12/31"[PubDate]). 998 articles were found, published for the period from 2022/01/01 to 2022/12/31. 167 articles more relevant to the subject of study (human fertility) were selected from a total collection of 998 articles. The relevance check included the control of the simultaneous occurrence in the abstracts of the terms COVID (Coronavirus) and Fertility. The significant terms have been extracted from the abstracts. For extracting terms, the special program was used (described below).

Data for research was downloaded from Twitter in May 2022 (from 22/04/2022 to 30/04/2022). The upload was carried out using the analytical mechanisms of Twitter (Vicinitas) [Vicinitas.], which allows uploading hashtags, user accounts and keywords. This research contains English tweets. The tweet collection was built based on keyword or hashtag queries “Covid, fertility”, “Covid, infertility”, “Coronavirus, fertility”, “Covid, sterility”, “Vaccine covid, fertility”. The collection included 9436 tweets. For the further analysis we used only 2560 original tweets. For extracting terms, the special program was used (described below).

The original terms’ extraction program was developed with the improvement of the classical approach for automatic extraction of named entities from full-text messages [14]. The improvement was as follows: to define named entities in the text as stable word-combinations, the main noun with determiners was retrieved out.

The standard set of python stop-words included only conjunctions, interjections, etc., which were excluded from consideration. The set of stop words specifically for processing medical texts has been significantly expanded, considering the results of the previous expert analysis of the vocabulary of scientific publications on biomedical topics. About 800 elements were added to the set of stop words (including words of such categories as geographical names, general medical terms, general scientific terms). This expanded set allows to reduce the amount of "noise" when extracting medical terms through automatic processing of scientific documents.

The set of stop words specifically for processing tweets has been expanded. According to the results of expert analysis, there were added several categories of stop words (geographical names, dates, days of the week, names of months, proper names, names of institutions, job titles, etc.). So, we significantly reduce the "noise" when extracting terms from tweets through automatic processing.

From the compiled collections of scientific articles and tweets, significant terms are extracted and analyzed (using an extended list of stop words). Terms related to the field of coronavirus and fertility were manually cross-checked.

We proceed from the assumption that scientific statements are true now. To analyze truthful statements, we applied contextual analysis of scientific texts. In the context, we singled out the effect of coronavirus (COVID) on an organ (parameter) of the object of study, indicating the mechanism of action (or without it). At the same time, the degree of evidence of the impact was especially noted.

3. Results

3.1. Scientific terminology (PubMed)

Terms related to the field of coronavirus and fertility were divided by experts into thematic categories [15]. Eleven thematic categories were identified: Genetics and molecular biology, COVID and other diseases, Coronavirus, Infertility (without gender), Female reproductive health (FRH), Male reproductive health (MRH), COVID vaccination, Research objects, Methods, Relationships, Marker terms (sentiment words). The minor categories were: 1) relationships (couple relationship, sexual behavior, sexual, etc.); 2) methods (antioxidant, drug, ultrasound, anti-inflammatory, etc.); 3) marker terms (anxiety, emotion(al), death, psychological, etc.). 

A total of 388 terms were identified in 11 groups. The frequency of the most common term in each category is taken as 100%. Top-5 terms for the major categories of scientific terminology related to “Coronavirus and Fertility” are listed below:

Inflammation, 27%);

3.2. Social network terminology (Twitter)

Terms related to the field of coronavirus and fertility were divided by experts into thematic categories. Nine thematic categories were identified: COVID and other diseases, Coronavirus, Infertility (without gender), Female reproductive health (FRH), Male reproductive health (MRH), COVID vaccination, Discussion objects, Marker terms (sentiment words), Conspiracy theory. The minor category was the Conspiracy theory (poison, depopulation, Microchips, etc.).

A total of 220 terms were identified in 9 groups. The frequency of the most common term in each category is taken as 100%. Top-5 terms for the major categories tweets related to Coronavirus and Fertility are listed below:

-     “Coronavirus” (COVID(-19), 100%; get covid, 10%; Long Covid, 7%; virus, 7%; COVID(-19) infection, 5%);

-     “COVID and other diseases” (lung, 100%; cancer, 67%; heart attack, 67%; myocarditis, 67%; heart, 67%);

-     “Female reproductive health” (pregnancy, 100%; baby, 43%; birth, 29%; pregnant women, 21%; in vitro fertilization (IVF) , 14%);

-     “Male reproductive health” (male infertility, 100%; erectile dysfunction, 62%; sperm, 37%; sperm count, 37%; sex, 37%);

-     “Infertility (without gender)” (fertility, 100%; infertility, 52%; sterility, 12%; fertility issues, 11%; fertility rate, 11%); 

-     “COVID vaccination” (COVID(-19) vaccine, 100%; vaccine, 98%; vaccinate, 38%; Covid(-19) Vaccination, 26%; vax, 18%);  

-     “Markers” (risk, 100%; death, 62%; damage, 56%; recover, 50%; safe, 37%);

-     “Discussion objects” (people, 100%; men, 90%; women, 75%; children, 75%; population, 70%).


3.3. Comparison of scientific and social network terminologies

For matching categories in scientific and social network terminologies, a comparison was made by frequency terms. Terminological usage (frequency) indicates how often the terms of a given category are used in a discussion (Figure 4).

3.4. Detection of true and false judgments

3.4.1. Revealing scientific judgments (PubMed)

In the previous sections, we found that the interests of the scientific community and the community of Internet users coincide in many ways. Our next task was to find out how the opinions of Twitter users differ from scientific judgments. The following topics were chosen for the study: Male reproductive health and coronavirus, Male reproductive health and the vaccine, Female reproductive health and coronavirus, Female reproductive health and the vaccine. The contextual analysis described in the Methods section was used.

We applied contextual analysis of scientific texts. The contextual analysis included determining the evidence of the effect of coronavirus (COVID) on a reproductive system (organ, parameter) of the object of study, indicating the mechanism of action (or without it).   Examples of results are shown in the table 1.

Table 1.   Some results of contextual analysis of scientific texts related to “Reproductive system and Coronavirus”




Mechanism of action

Target, parameter



Male reproductive system and Coronavirus

effect of SARS-CoV-2 [16] 

is significantly reduced

immunopathological damage

Testicles, semen index 

After infection

Covid-19 [17]

Decreased, reduced

orchitis development

sperm quality, sperm count, sperm motility

patients with COVID-19

Covid-19 [18]


semenogelin 1 and prosaposin

male fertility

COVID-19-recovered patients

detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus [19] 

remains scarce,

has been reported

testicular damage and dysregulation of gonadotropins



COVID-19 Infection [20]


miR-371a-3p Upregulation



SARS-CoV-2 infection [21]

Direct effects

presence of viral entry receptors (ACE2 and/or CD147)

testicular cells, such as spermatocytes, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells


impacts of COVID-19 [22]


the induction of systemic inflammatory responses and oxidative stress



impact of SARS-CoV-2 [23]

very limited evidence

impact on fertility parameters

male fertility and sexual health,

reproductive hormones, etc.


COVID-19 [24]

negative impact

distribution of ACE2 and transmembrane protease serine 2 

male fertility, sperm quality


Female reproductive system and Coronavirus

SARS-CoV-2 infection [25]

may interfere


mice’s fertility, lower pregnancy rate  

infected pregnant mice


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 infections [26]

have been associated

adverse perinatal outcomes

maternal morbidity



SARS-CoV-2 infection [27]

does not affect


oocyte yield, fertilization and maturation rate, number of good quality embryos, etc.



SARS-CoV-2 infection [28]

increased risk

spontaneous abortion


pregnant women


COVID-19 [29]

was not significantly affected


ovarian reserve

patients recovering


SARS-CoV-2 [30]


Mitochondrial hijacking




For topics “Male reproductive health and the vaccine”, “Female reproductive health and the vaccine” (table 2) we show only few results without mechanism of action because they are similar mainly.

Table 2.   Some results of contextual analysis of scientific texts related to “Male/Female reproductive system and Vaccine”




Target, parameter



Vaccine [31]

does not seem to affect

sperm parameters


COVID-19 vaccination [32]

did not affect

men's reproductive health,  sperm quality and fertilization capacity


vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 [17]

no evidence

spermatogenesis or male reproductive health


Vaccine [33]

no negative impacts

fertility, the course of pregnancy, or fetal development


Vaccination [34]

no difference

clinical pregnancy rates, fertilization rate and transferred embryos’ quality

vaccinated and unvaccinated patients (woman)

COVID-19 vaccination [35]

Do not appear to adversely affect

assisted reproductive technology and pregnancy, gametes, embryos


We divided statements about the confirmation and denial of the impact of the coronavirus/vaccine on the reproductive health of men and women. Confirmatory markers include the following: “is significantly reduced”, “negative impact”, “can affect”, “decreased”, “reduced”, “downregulation”, “has been reported”, “observed”, “participates in”, “strong association”, “dysregulation”, “damage”, “direct effects”, etc. Negative markers include the following: “very little evidence”, “no viral RNA was detected”, “unclear”, “many unresolved questions”, “no evidence”, “limited evidence”, “remains unknown”, “does not seem to affect”, “no significant changes”, “did not affect”, “does not impair”, etc.

We then calculated the ratio of confirmatory (“yes”) and negative (“no”) markers in scientific documents by topics “Male reproductive health and coronavirus” (77,59% for “yes” and 22,41% for “no”), “Male reproductive health and the vaccine” (100% for “no”), “Female reproductive health and coronavirus” (66,67% for “yes” and 33,33% for “no”), “Female reproductive health and the vaccine” (8,33% for “yes” and 91,67% for “no”). 

3.4.2. Revealing user judgments (Twitter)

The following topics were chosen for the study: Male reproductive health and coronavirus, Male reproductive health and the vaccine, Female reproductive health and coronavirus, Female reproductive health and the vaccine. We applied contextual analysis of tweets. The contextual analysis included determining the evidence of the effect of coronavirus (COVID) on a reproductive system (organ, parameter) of the object of discussion.  Examples of results are shown in the table 3.

Table 3.   Some results of contextual analysis of tweets related to “Male and female reproductive system and Coronavirus (Vaccine)”




Target, parameter




Reduces/impacts/can mess/ potentially negative effect/ diminished/ exponentially worse/ temporarily reduces/ may be messing




Causes/can cause




May Be Messing

Fertility, lower sperm count and motility

After infection Male


might effect



COVID-19 infection

may lead

fertility   problem



is causing

erectile dysfunction, infertility




decreased sperm production and deformed sperm



might lead to   

Infertility, testicular abnormalities,

testicular pathology

COVID-19 survivors

long Covid

Possible/ would lead



Long Covid effects


reproduction, sperm count


long Covid effects

Some studies have shown

sex drive loss, fertility




delayed ovulation, period


Long Covid


reproductive fertility   



Side effects'

Miscarriage, fetal abnormalities, fertility  


Covid vaccines




Covid vaccine

Destroys/ It hasn’t been tested/may be a factor



COVID‐19 vaccine

Linking/ adverse reaction



Covid vaccines

may cause



Covid vaccine

most common side effect

sterility, or dysmenorrhea


COVID-19 vaccines

no evidence

fertility   problems

Any gender


there was no link


both men and woman

COVID vaccines

no information




no indication


Either  sex

COVID vaccination

the effect is small and temporary

menstrual cycle timing


COVID-19 vaccine

does not harm



Covid vaccine

affects  is a lie

Uteruses, fertility


COVID19 vaccination

no evidence

clinical outcomes in IVF,



COVID-19 vaccinations


pregnancy, fertility and breastfeeding



no evidence

affect fertility   

Women trying to become pregnant


Poison, damages




baseless fearmongering


pregnant women


control of the population



Covid jabs




Covid shot

is effecting/ messing


Men (and female)


wreck the immune system


European women

Covid vaxx




Moderna COVID vaccine


unborn child, fertility


We divided statements about the confirmation and denial of the impact of the coronavirus/vaccine on the reproductive health of men and women. Confirmatory markers include the following: “may be messing”, “reduces”, “possible”, “impacts”, “causes”, “effect”, “would lead”, “potentially negative effect”, ‘is messing”, “alters”, “it seriously affected”, “affected”, “destroy”, “diminished”, “impaired”, etc. Negative markers include: “no information”, “does not impact”, “no effects”, “do not cause”, “no evidence”, “there was no link”, “the effect is small and temporary”, “has no impact”, “misinformation”, “affects is a lie”, etc.

We then calculated the ratio of confirmatory (“yes”) and negative (“no”) markers in tweets by topics “Male reproductive health and coronavirus” (100% for “yes”), “Male reproductive health and the vaccine” (77,27% for “yes” and 22,73% for “no”), “Female reproductive health and coronavirus”, (100% for “yes”), “Female reproductive health and the vaccine” (22,22% for “yes” and 77,78% for “no”).

4. Discussion

In scientific articles, much attention is paid to the genetic and molecular biological aspects of the impact of coronavirus and vaccines on fertility. Naturally, research and diagnostic methods are mentioned. Many categories of people were subjected to the study (women, animals, men, pregnant women, patients with coronavirus, recovered from coronavirus, etc.). Often fertility is mentioned without specifying gender.

Among the thematic categories, the category coronavirus is the most mentioned, both in terms of the number of terms extracted and the number of terms used (frequency). The category Female reproductive health is in second place in the number of terms and in third place in frequency. The category Research objects is in third place in the number of terms and in second place in frequency.

In terminological diversity in tweets, COVID and other diseases is the leader, Discussion objects are in second place, and Female reproductive health is in third place. Coronavirus is in first place, COVID vaccination is in second, and Infertility (without gender) is in third place in frequency of use of terms.

A comparative analysis of terminological diversity of the thematic categories showed that terms related to Coronavirus, Female reproductive health, and Research objects are leading in scientific papers. There are more different terms in tweets when discussing diseases/complications of COVID (COVID and other diseases), Objects, Coronavirus and different markers are used to indicate the user's attitude to the subject.

A comparison of the frequency of the most used terms by thematic categories showed that in scientific articles there are more frequent terms related to Coronavirus, Research objects, Female reproductive health. In tweets, we noted a greater number of terms used in the categories Coronavirus, COVID vaccination, Infertility (without gender).

It can be concluded that the focus of researchers and social network users are the same thematic categories related to coronavirus and fertility, such as COVID and other diseases, COVID vaccination, Male reproductive health, Female reproductive health, Infertility (without gender), Coronavirus. Only the ratio of categories in terms of variety and frequency of terms changes.

A contextual analysis of scientific articles to determine the impact of coronavirus and covid on the reproductive system of men and women made it possible to draw the following conclusions, which we a priori consider correct and truthful.

Scientific articles prove that:

1) the vaccine does not affect male reproductive health (100% negative statements);

2) the vaccine has practically no effect on women's reproductive health (91.67% of negative statements);

3) coronavirus greatly affects male reproductive health (77.59% of positive statements);

4) coronavirus greatly affects women's reproductive health (66.67% of positive statements).

A contextual analysis of tweets to determine the impact of coronavirus and covid on the reproductive system of men and women made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1) the vaccine strongly influenced male reproductive health (77,27% positive statements);

2) the vaccine little effects on women's reproductive health (22,22% of positive statements);

3) coronavirus absolutely affects male reproductive health (100.00% of positive statements);

4) coronavirus absolutely affects women's reproductive health (100.00% of positive statements).

Scientific articles and tweets are actively discussing the impact of coronavirus on the reproductive health of men and women. However, on social media, users are convinced of the full and absolute impact of coronavirus on the reproductive health of men and women, while in scientific articles the figure 3 were 77.59 and 66.67%, respectively. Consequently, the conclusions about the impact of coronavirus on the reproductive health of men and women are exaggerated by 1.29 times for men, 1.50 times for women.

The greatest discrepancies are observed in the impact of the vaccine on the reproductive health of men and women. In scientific articles, there are 8.33% of positive statements about the impact of the vaccine on women's reproductive health, and in tweets - 22.22%, that is, 2.67 times higher. Quite disastrous is the judgment of Twitter users about the impact of the vaccine on male reproductive health. 100% of users are convinced of the presence of such an influence, while scientific articles deny such an influence.

The methodology we proposed is shown in Figure 4.

The methodology proposed includes, as an initial stage of the analysis, checking the coincidence of interests of the scientific community and users of social networks. In the case of coincidence of interests (and in our case they practically coincide), the second stage of the methodology is implemented. In the second step, by comparing judgments from scientific sources and social networks, we find out how they differ. With a strong difference, it can be concluded that false information is being disseminated on social networks.


Ethical Approval and Consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Availability of supporting data

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


The reported study was funded by RFBR and NSFC, project number 21-57-53018.

Authors' contributions

AK and OZ both contributed to the conceptional ideas of this work. AK performed all experiments and is the primary author of the manuscript. AK created the methodology, OZ created the term detection software, OZ participated in drafting and revising the manuscript, and both authors read and approved the final manuscript.


The authors are grateful to Zatzman I. for his advices in preparing the manuscript.

 Authors' information 

Department of Development of Scientific and Innovation Activities, Russian New University, 105005, Moscow, Russia

Aida Khakimova

Department of Information Systems in Economics and Management, Russian New University, 105005, Moscow, Russia

Oleg Zolotarev 


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