In the current study, we extracted three distinct neurophenotypes from multivariate neuropsychological data collected in adults recovering from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Risk factors and 6-month recovery outcomes were distinct across neurophenotypes, which provides preliminary validation of this approach. Several findings emerged that can potentially be used to guide evaluations of post-COVID patients and clinical trials of therapeutics designed to target the cognitive sequelae of long COVID.
First, most participants (69%) performed within normal limits on objective cognitive measures during the post-acute recovery stage. These participants were classified in the “normal cognition” cluster, although they did report mild severity inattention, fatigue, memory, and pain complaints. Such complaints are often sufficient to prompt evaluation in post-COVID care clinics (Graham et al., 2021), particularly if there is subjective experience of health change/decline. On average, this neurophenotype showed improvement in memory and psychomotor speed over time, although this may have been at least partially due to practice effects. Membership in this group predicted normal functional outcomes 6 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is a point that can be used to counsel patients with mild post-COVID neuropsychiatric complaints who perform normally on objective cognitive testing.
Second, we found a rate of cognitive impairment (31%) among our participants that is consistent with that reported in the literature (Ceban et al., 2022; Becker et al., 2021, Pihlaja et al., 2023). Among the 31% of participants who showed cognitive impairment, there were two distinct clusters: a memory-speed impaired cluster and a dysexecutive cluster. This is consistent with the types of deficits that have been reported (Bertuccelli et al., 2022) but suggests two distinct patterns of impairment with different clinical implications.
The memory-speed impaired cluster can be considered the most severe neurophenotype. In addition to impaired performance on verbal memory, psychomotor speed, and reaction time measures, there was also subtly reduced performance on visual memory and cognitive flexibility measures. Individuals in this group reported the highest rates of subjective inattention, poor memory, and fatigue. They exhibited persistent impairment at 6-month follow-up and reported the highest rate of functional limitations and health change (decline) over the past year. Although medical comorbidities can increase the risk of more severe COVID-19 infection and contribute to overall health decline, membership in this cluster was not associated with medical comorbidity status in the 1-year leading up to infection. Rather, risk factors included higher COVID-19 symptom severity, lower vaccination rate (largely due to the lack of vaccine availability at time of infection), and the presence of anosmia during acute infection, all of which are disease-specific factors.
This raises the possibility that cognitive impairment in the memory-speed-impaired neurophenotype may be due to pathologic mechanisms directly related to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Higher disease severity in COVID-19 reflects an increased need for respiratory support, which suggests that hypoxic-ischemic damage is an important etiological factor to consider (Almeria et al., 2020; Thakur et al., 2021), especially as this is an established risk factor for memory impairment following critical illness in general (Pandharipande et al., 2013) and COVID-19 specifically (Thakur et al., 2021). Direct and indirect neuroinvasion must also be considered. Post-mortem investigations of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients have shown neural invasion and cell death through infected astrocytes (Crunfli et al., 2022) in regions that are part of the suspected neural–mucosal CNS entry route (Meinhardt et al., 2021) and are proximal to regional atrophy patterns implicated by neuroimaging of living patients, such as the piriform cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, and orbitofrontal cortex (Dondaine et al., 2022; Douaud et al., 2022), all of which are known to support memory and neuropsychiatric functions. An increasing number of studies also establish the inflammatory consequences of COVID-19 within the central nervous system (Vora et al., 2021). Biofluid biomarkers of astroglial activation (YKL-40) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α) distinguish cases from healthy uninfected controls (Pilotto et al., 2021), while markers of neuroaxonal loss (e.g., neurofilament light, total-tau) rise in proportion with disease severity, with higher levels identifying patients with worse outcomes at hospital discharge (Virhammar et al., 2021; Prudencio et al., 2021). Collectively, these findings suggest that post-COVID cognitive sequelae in the memory-speed impaired cluster may arise from the combined direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 infection on the brain.
Surprisingly, younger individuals had a higher risk of membership in the memory-speed impairment cluster. This has two important implications. One is that the memory impairment in this group is unlikely to reflect unmasking of an incipient age-related neurodegenerative disease. The second is that these are individuals who would be otherwise working, raising families; thus, persistent cognitive impairment in this cohort is likely to result in greater functional impairment, raising per capita and indirect costs of disability, similar to what has been documented in conventional brain injury groups (Lo et al., 2021). For these young patients, early and intensive cognitive rehabilitation efforts are essential, not just for recovery and community integration, but for minimizing the financial impact of COVID-19 infection.
The dysexecutive neurophenotype was characterized by impairment in complex attention and cognitive flexibility. This was a milder neurophenotype that showed recovery over six months in complex attention and cognitive flexibility. The base rates for impairment in complex attention dropped from 36% to 9.1% and for cognitive flexibility from 52% to 9.1%. However, attrition may have inflated improvements, as those who completed 6-month follow-up had higher baseline complex attention and cognitive flexibility than those who were lost to follow-up. Risk factors for cluster membership included COVID-nonspecific factors such as neighborhood deprivation and obesity. Participants from communities with higher ADI scores are more likely to experience systemic disadvantage, potentially manifesting as reduced access to physical and mental healthcare, food insecurity, reduced exercise opportunities, more air pollution and unsafe housing, social discrimination, and increased worry about pandemic-related factors (Abrams and Szefler, 2020; McNeely et al., 2020; Case et al., 2022). They are more likely to be concerned about the varied economic effects of the pandemic, school closures and coordination of work and childcare responsibilities, occupational exposure to the virus, access to and cost of healthcare, ability to socially distance, and concern for older family members potentially living in the same household, all stressors that could impact cognitive performance (Valdes et al., 2022; Bernardini et al., 2021). Obesity is more common in areas of lower socioeconomic status (Wang and Beydoun, 2007), which suggests that these may not be independent risk factors.
4.1. Treatment Considerations
Our findings emphasize differences and similarities across patients with long COVID symptoms. Post-acute neuropsychological profiles clustered into three distinct neurophenotypes, each associated with distinct risk factors and 6-month recovery outcomes. These findings can inform phenotype-specific approaches to treatment, highlighting the need for different treatment approaches rather than a “one size fits all” response to post-COVID symptoms. This is important for prudent programmatic resource allocation and financial effect modeling within medical provider teams and for minimizing out-of-pocket expenses incurred by patients. Importantly, we found that more than two-thirds of patients ascertained from a hospital registry do not have objective cognitive impairment. For many, inefficiencies in attention and executive functioning resolved within six months of infection. For the normal and dysexecutive neurophenotypes, reassurance and lifestyle counseling will likely be essential to improve long-term wellness, along with public and private health initiatives to strengthen pandemic childcare policies, employee sick time policies, and healthcare access. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is also likely to provide benefits for those reporting persistent anxiety, depression, insomnia, and fatigue (Adamson et al., 2020).
For the memory-speed neurophenotype, a comprehensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation approach that incorporates physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing, and psychology may be particularly important, as demonstrated in comprehensive pain clinics (Engelberg-Cook et al., 2021; Kurklinsky et al., 2016). Realistic goal setting, activity pacing, and empowered self-management of symptoms are essential components of therapy (Skilbeck, 2022). Targeted cognitive rehabilitation in long COVID patients is effective for remediation of memory impairment (García-Molina et al., 2022). Rehabilitative therapies can focus on recovery strategies and compensatory memory strategies to attenuate frustration and facilitate adjustment to life with memory dysfunction. Individualized recommendations from cognitive rehabilitation specialists can inform accommodations to support a successful return to work, school, or community reintegration.
4.2. Limitations
A significant study limitation was high participant attrition. Although there were no significant differences in follow-up rates by cluster, the mild and severe neurophenotypes had smaller sample sizes than the normal cluster. Disproportionate cluster size was not predicted in advance due to the unknown nature of the disease. Results provide valuable information for prospective study planning. Larger cohorts will be necessary to obtain sufficient sample size for the dysexecutive and memory-speed impaired neurophenotypes in future longitudinal outcome investigations. An additional limitation is that we did not evaluate whether participants received formal interventions or therapeutics between post-acute and chronic assessments; therefore, we cannot attribute recovery to the “natural course” of the disease.