4.1. Compound heatwaves and droughts (CHD) hotspots
The spatial distribution and change in the CHD hotspots are assessed in this study, and for this purpose, the total study period 1971-2021 was divided into two periods, e.g., 1971-2000 and 2001-2021. The CHD hotspot was identified based on the total count and 90th percentile of the CHD days that occurred during the extended summer seasons for the selected two periods.
i. Total count
CHD occurred throughout southeast Australia, with a stronger signal in the eastern side of the study area. CHD hotspots considering SPEI3 and SPEI12 are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
In the period 1971-2000, the CHD hotspots were concentrated mostly in the eastern side of the NSW and Queensland states of Australia. In the last two decades, the hotspot extended spatially towards the west region of southeast Australia. Considering SPEI values less than 0, -0.5 and -1.0 for identifying drought conditions, it is also observed that the central NSW was more prone to CHD with the drier condition. For area average, the average annual CHDs occurring in 2001-2021 were about 89, 78 and 77% higher than in the time period 1971-2000, for SPEI3<0, SPEI3<-0.5 and SPEI3<-1.0, respectively.
In the case of SPEI12, this increase in average annual CHDs was lower and observed to be 77, 71 and 63%, for SPEI12<0, SPEI12<-0.5 and SPEI12<-1.0, respectively. Although the total counts of the CHD were substantially less than SPEI3 in both time periods, the spatial distribution pattern of CHDs considering SPEI12 was also similar to SPEI3.
In this study, CHD, occurred in southeast Australia, is also calculated using the SPI3 and SPI12 as drought indices, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. In the case of SPI as drought index, the spatial distribution of CDHs was also similar to the case of SPEI. However, the total count was less than the corresponding SPEI cases, which was more pronounced with drier conditions. Similar to SPEI, in cases of SPI, the average annual CHDs, averaged over the study area, occurred in 2001-2021 were substantially higher than in the time period 1971-2000. This increase was observed in the range of 52 to 92% for all SPI cases.
It is also worth noting that the hotspots moved towards central NSW and the southeast region of Queensland for SPEI and SPI indices, respectively, with drier conditions.
ii. 90th percentile
Figures 7 to 10 represent the CHD hotspot considering the 90th percentile of the seasonal number of CHD days. 90th percentiles of seasonal CHD days were considered to identify the extreme compound heatwaves and droughts in the period 1971 –2000 and 2000-2021 for southeast Australia. No significant difference was identified between the spatial distribution of CHD considering the total count and 90th percentile of CHD.
The increase in the area averaged 90th percentile of CHDs between the past cooler period (1971-2000) and recent warmer period (2001-2021) were found to be 51, 46 and 65% for SPEI3<0, SPEI3<0.5 and SPEI3<-1.0, respectively. These increases in 90th percentiles of CHDs were 56, 59 and 62%, for SPEI12<0, SPEI12<0.5 and SPEI12<-1.0, respectively. Similarly, in cases of SPI, these increases were in the range of 54 to 65%.
The global hotspots for combined heatwave and drought for time period 1980 to 2014 were examined by Ridder et al. (2020; 2022) and noted that the return periods were less than 1 year for most of the region of Australia and less than 0.5 year for eastern region of Australia. In the analysis, they considered threshold values SPI3 -1.3 and EHF > 0 for drought and heatwave identification, respectively. However, in our study, return periods increased (up to 4 years in southeast Australia). Similar spatial pattern of CHD hotspots was observed in our study considering both SPI and SPEI for recent time period (2001-2021) as shown in Figures 3-10.
4.2. Trends in CHD indices
In this study, the trends in different CHD indices during two periods 1971-2000 and 2001-2021 are calculated and shown in Figures 11 ˗ 18. For each CHD index, both SPEI and SPI drought indices are used with three threshold levels, e.g., less than 0, ˗ 0.5 and ˗ 1.0. However, considering threshold value -1.0 for SPEI and SPI indices yielded fewer CHD events, and no trend was found for any cases. Therefore, results considering thresholds 0 and ˗ 0.5 are presented in this paper.
i. CHDA (Maximum magnitude reached by the intense CDHW event on a particular day in a season)
In general, no trend in CHDA during the period 1971 ˗ 2000 was found, irrespective of the drought index selection and threshold value, as shown in Figures 11 and 12. Except in the case of SPEI3 with threshold value 0, only two stations (Mount Barker and Keith) located in the part of South Australia within the study area and one station named Maryborough in Victoria showed significant positive and negative trends, respectively.
On the contrary, at 5% significance level in the recent period of 2000-2021, 29 (out of 61 stations i.e., 47.5%) and 23 (39%) stations experienced an upward trend for 3 months SPEI and SPI, whereas for 12 months both indices showed 24 (39%) and 10 (16.4%) stations with an increasing trend. The rate of increasing trend ranged between 0.04 ˗ 3.37 ⁰C2/season and 0.06-0.99 ⁰C2/season for SPI3 <0 and SPI12 <0, respectively. Thus, the range was greater for 3 months compared to 12 months. For SPEI3 <0 and SPEI12 <0, these ranges were found to be higher (0.01-3.46 ⁰C2/season and 0.02-1.79 ⁰C2/season, respectively) compared to SPI. Most of the stations which indicate the higher values of CDHA, are located in NSW and Victoria regions.
The number of stations showing increasing trends substantially dropped with a threshold value ˗ 0.5 for both SPEI and SPI drought indices. For SPEI3 and SPI3, 8 and 2 stations showed increasing trends with threshold value ˗ 0.5, respectively and only one station showed a positive trend in the case of both indices with 12 months. Thus, the increment was greater for threshold value 0 than 0.5.
However, CDHA using the lower drought threshold (SPI3 < − 0.5) showed more widespread positive changes than using the stricter threshold of moderate drought (SPI3 < − 1), which agrees with the findings by Reddy et al. (2022). As per Reddy et al. (2022) the changes in amplitude of CHD between periods 1958/59-1988/89 and 1989/90-2019/20 were up to 13.5 ⁰C2/season at the stations located in the parts of Queensland, Nort East portion of NSW and near south coastal regions of Victoria and negative changes in the middle of NSW. In our study, the changes in amplitude of CHD between periods 1971-2000 and 2001-2021 were up to 49 ⁰C2 /season at the stations located in the parts of Queensland, Nort East portion of NSW and near south coastal regions of Victoria and negative changes at one station in the middle of NSW (Figure S1).
ii. CHDD (Duration of the longest CDHW event in a season)
Trends in CHDD during 1971-200 and 2001–2021 both SPI and SPEI indices, are shown in Figures 13 and 14. Generally, no trend in CHDD during the period 1971-2000 was found, irrespective of the drought index selection and threshold value. In cases of SPI3 and SPEI3 with threshold value 0, only one station showed a decreasing trend in the Victoria region.
At the 5% significance level for 2000-2021 period, the MK test results showed that 14 and 10 stations out of 61 stations, i.e., 23% and 16% of stations, exhibited positive trends while considering 3 months for both indices. Only six stations showed positive trends for 12 months of SPEI<0 and SPI<0.
CHDD based on SPI3 are of shorter duration compared to SPEI3 for most of the region, and the values ranged between 0.03 - 0.41 days/season and 0.03-0.52 days/season, respectively and most of the stations are located in NSW and SA regions. Different patterns can be observed for 12 months SPEI with smaller CHDD (0.1-0.30 days/season) compared to SPI (0.07-0.41 days/season) and most of the stations located in the NSW region.
Similar to CHDA, the number of stations showing increasing trends substantially dropped with a threshold value -0.5 for both SPEI and SPI drought indices. SPEI3 and SPI3 measured only five and one stations ranging between 0.03-0.33 days/season and 0.25 days/season, respectively. For SPEI12, only four stations showed an upward trend, and no station showed any trend for the SPI indices.
Reddy et al. (2022) found the change in duration of CHD up to maximum 2 days/season with changes around 0 days towards south end of southeast Australia; we found similar spatial pattern with maximum 4 days/season increase in duration (Figure S1).
iii. CHDN (Total number of CHD days in a season)
Figures 15 and 16 show trends in the total number of CDH days in a season for both SPEI and SPI drought indices. At seasonal time scales, all the stations exhibited no trends for SPI and SPEI in the 1971-2000 time period, with the exception of SPEI3<0. In this case, only one station showed a statistically significant upward trend in the SA region. On the other hand, a greater number (23 out of 61 stations, e.g., 38%) of stations exhibited a positive trend and measured 0.03-0.88 days/season for the 2000-2021 study period. Most of the stations are located in the NSW region. An upward trend also persisted in the coastal region of SA.
Compared to SPEI3<0, the total number of CDH days increased was lesser for SPI3<0 (17 out of 61, i.e., 28%) in the recent period with a similar range of increment (0.03-0.86 days/season). SPEI12 and SPI12 tended to measure fewer events between 0.05-0.65 days/season and 0.05-0.79 days/season, respectively, with fewer stations, e.g., 11 and 13, respectively.
Similar to CHDA and CHDN, the number of stations showing increasing trends for the total number of CDH days substantially dropped with a threshold value -0.5 for both SPEI and SPI drought indices. Only 6 and 2 stations showed increasing trends with threshold value -0.5 for SPEI3 and SPI3 indices, respectively. In general, regional trends in the last two decades were larger in magnitude, which is at least in part due to greater overall warming of the global climate in later decades.
Also, the changes in frequency of CHD occurred in 1989/90-2019-/20 compared to the period 1958/59-1988/89, which was as large as 5 days/season and spatial distribution of the frequency changes was similar to the changes in duration of CHD (Reddy et al., 2022). In our study, similar temporal and spatial patterns in the changes of frequency of CHD were also observed for both the study periods as shown in Figure S1.
iv. CHDS (The seasonal sum of magnitude across all CDHW days)
Similar to other compound hot drought attributes, in general, no trend was observed for CHDs during the period 1971-2000, irrespective of the drought index selection and threshold value, as shown in Figures 17 and 18. In cases of SPEI3 and SPI3 with threshold value 0, only one and two stations located in SA coastal region showed an increasing trend, respectively. Two and one stations out of 61 selected stations for SPEI3<0 and SPI3<0 showed decreasing trend located in Victoria and SA states.
On the contrary, in the recent period of 2000-2021, 28 (out of 61 stations, i.e., 46%), 12 (20%), 24 (39%), and 12 (20%) stations showed an increasing trend for SPEI3, SPEI12, SPI3 and SPI12 with threshold value 0, respectively.
The rate of increasing trend varied from 0.03-8.66 and 0.13-9.07 ⁰C2/season for SPI3<0 and SPI12<0, respectively. For SPEI3 and SPEI12, these ranges increased to 0.00-9.38 ⁰C2/season and 0.02-12.10 ⁰C2/season, respectively. The number of stations showing increasing trends significantly dropped with threshold value -0.5 for both SPEI and SPI drought indices. Nine and three stations showed increasing trends with threshold value -0.5 for SPEI3 and SPI3 indices, respectively. However, CHDS using the drought threshold value 0, showed more widespread positive changes in the CHDS metrics than the CHDS using the stricter threshold of moderate drought (SPI3,12 < −0.5).
Changes in severity of CHD also exhibited similar patterns in case of the changes in amplitude of CHD in 1989/90-2019/20 with reference to the period 1958/59-1988/89 with a maximum value of 90 ⁰ C2/season. Although, the pattern of the changes in severity of CHD in this study between two study period were similar to Reddy et al. (2022), our observed changes were much higher with a maximum value of 156 ⁰ C2/season (Figure S1).