Two populations were used in the study, the insecticide susceptible Harlan population and a more recently collected McCall, FL, population. The Harlan population has been maintained in the laboratory since 1973 and was originally collected from the wild in Fort Dix, NJ. The McCall population was collected in 2016 and was reared in the lab for approximately 20 generations before used in the experiments conducted in the current study. The McCall population was used because it was collected from a domicile in Florida after a heat treatment and, thus, it had presumably survived thermal exposure in the field44. Also, the McCall population has experienced a relatively short period of rearing under laboratory conditions compared to the Harlan population and thus its sensitivity to emitting and responding to AP may more closely reflect those of insects found natural settings. Both bed bug populations were maintained at 26 ±1 °C, 50 ±10% RH and a 12:12 h (L:D) cycle in a temperature-controlled environmental chamber (Percival Scientific, Perry, IA). Bed bugs were fed on defibrinated rabbit blood (Hemostat Labs, Dixon, CA) heated to 37 °C using the membrane feeding method57 24 h prior to experimentation. Fed bed bugs were used in all experiments because sublethal heat may stimulate unfed insects to be more prone to move in search for blood meals than fed insects36, confounding behavioral observations.
Detection of volatile AP components emitted from bed bugs exposed to lethal and sublethal heat
To determine when bed bugs emit AP in response to heat exposure, headspace volatiles were continuously sampled from a single bed bug placed on a digital hotplate (ThermoFisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE) underneath an inverted 50 mm glass Pyrex® funnel apparatus (Corning Life Sciences, Oneonta, NY) (Figure 1). Volatile collection experiments were conducted from June to August in 2018, November 2019, and February 2020. The SIFT-MS (selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry) took air samples through the stem of the funnel every 5 s (Syft Technologies, Christchurch, NZ). Based on measurements taken using an air flow calibrator (Defender 510, Bios International Corporation, Butler, NJ), the volumetric air flow through the SIFT-MS was determined to be 27.91 mL/min. The SIFT-MS allowed for real-time concentration measurements of (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-2-octenal present in head space volatiles, the two compounds previously shown to be the active components of bed bug AP22. The reagent ions H3O+, NO+ and O2+ (SIFT-MS calibrated standard gas) were generated in the ion source by a microwave discharge operating in low pressure moist air. The reagent ions formed in the microwave discharge were mass selected by the upstream quadrupole and injected into the flow tube, where they were carried along the tube in a stream of helium. The concentrations of (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-2-octenal were automatically determined using software (LabSyft, Pittsburgh, PA) on the SIFT-MS computer, which calculates the aldehyde concentrations based on the mass of differences in the calibrated standard gas (Airgas, Indianapolis, IN). Chemical analysis was performed using selected ion mode (SIM) scan for only (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-2-octenal. Additional details concerning the general methodology of SIFT-MS can be found in Spanel and Smith58.
Volatiles were collected from bed bugs for 30 total mins in two phases for the lethal heat experiments. For the first 15 min constituting phase one, one adult bed bug (male or female, from either the Harlan or McCall population) was placed under the 50 mm funnel on a digitally controlled hotplate at 24 °C (i.e., near ambient or room temperature). Two thermocouples (Digi-sense, Vernon Hills, IL) attached to the left and right side of the hot plate recorded temperature (Figure 1). Phase one provided time for a test bed bug to acclimate to the experimental apparatus and reduce stress induced from being transferred to the hot plate. For the next 15 min in phase two, the temperature was ramped up from 24 to 55 °C at a rate of 1.86 °C/min. This rate of heating is faster than a thermal treatment for bed bug infestations. However, for practical purposes a faster rate of heating was required to make observations in a reasonable timeframe. Ramp-up heat was used because it is similar to how heat is used to control bed bugs in domiciles41. Control treatments (unheated McCall and Harlan males and females, heated dead McCall and Harlan males and females, empty blank funnel) were treated as above for recording their AP values but were not heated and exposed to room temperatures (24 °C) for the 30-minute testing period. The temperature was recorded every 50 s while the AP concentration was recorded every 5 s by SIFT-MS. Each treatment was replicated 6 times.
To determine if bed bugs emitted AP in response to sublethal heat exposure, similar methods to those described above were used except that once the temperature of the hotplate reached 42 °C, the temperature was maintained until after the AP concentration returned to baseline levels after ~8 min of exposure. The total duration of the sublethal heat experiments in phase two of test starting from the initiation of heat ramping was 15 ̶ 16 min. Control treatments for the sublethal heat experiments were live unheated McCall females, heated dead McCall females, and empty blank funnels. Each treatment was replicated 6 times.
Following the lethal and sublethal heat experiments, the bed bug was removed from the hotplate, placed in a 35x10 mm plastic Petri dish (Greiner Bio-One, Monroe, NC) in an environmental rearing chamber. Mortality was scored 24 h later by prodding the bed bug and if it did not move, it was scored as dead.
Determining the response of bed bugs to AP emitted by heat exposed individuals in 50 mm glass funnels
To determine if receiver bed bugs reacted to pheromones emitted by a heat-exposed bed bug (emitter), an inverted funnel design like the headspace volatile pheromone collection apparatus was used (Figure 4). For these experiments, the 50 mm funnel was placed on a glass Petri dish lid (60 mm; Grainger, Indianapolis, IN) lined with a Whatman No 1. filter paper (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL) (Figure 4). The behavioral response experiments were conducted using two different ratios of emitters to receivers, 1:1 or 1:5. In all experiments, the emitter was the same sex and from the same population as receivers.
To set up the 1:1 emitter to receiver ratio experiments, the receiver bed bug (one blood-fed insect, male or female from the Harlan or McCall population) was placed in a Petri dish lid and an inverted 50 mm funnel was placed over the dish. The receiver bed bug was allowed to acclimate in the setup for 24 h in lighted conditions because heat treatments are done in lighted conditions. After feeding, individual emitter bed bugs were placed into 35x10 mm plastic Petri dishes with Whatman No. 1 filter paper for 24 h prior to use. Separating emitter bed bugs into individual containers ensured that they did not interact with other insects which could have led to AP emission (e.g., male emission of AP in response to being mounted by another male in an attempt to mate). Negative control emitter bed bugs were placed in a freezer for 24 h prior to use. Before experiments, negative control emitters were removed and allowed return to room temperature which required 15 mins. To heat expose a live emitter, an individual bed bug was grasped with feather-tip forceps by the head region and quickly passed through a flame three times (~600 ̶ 1400 °C) and then dropped into the funnel setup (Figure 4) through the stem. In separate experiments, it was verified that temperature of the flame/ heat exposed bed bug started at ~76.6 °C had returned to near room temperature (26.6 °C) 15 s after exposure. This was done by placing a thermocouple (Fisher-Scientific, Hampton, NJ) directly on the heated emitter bed bug. Briefly passing the live emitter bed bug through flame caused mortality and AP release, as determined by SIFT-MS in additional confirmatory experiments (see below). For the control treatments, the dead negative control bed bug was not heated and was dropped into the funnel through the stem. For the next 5 min, behavioral observations were made on the receiver bed bug to determine if it left the resting state (SI video 1). Statistical testing was performed by logistic regression analysis on the number of receiver bed bugs that moved or not during the experimental period. Each treatment was replicated 20 times.
Procedures used for conducting the 1:5 emitter to receiver ratio experiments were identical to those mentioned above for the 1:1 ratio bioassay. In the control treatment groups, one dead frozen bed bug that had returned to room temperature was dropped into a still air bioassay with five bed bug receivers. Treated and control groups were replicated 20 times.
Determining the response of receiver bed bugs to AP emitted by heat exposed bed bugs in 100 mm funnels
Behavioral assays for AP response were performed in an inverted 100 mm glass Pyrex® funnel, in addition to a 50 mm funnel experiments described above. Aside from the larger arena size and the 100 mm assays only being conducted for only a 1:1 ratio of emitter to receiver, all other aspects of this test were identical to those described for 50 mm funnel experiments. Each treatment type was replicated 18 ̶ 20 times and statistical analysis performed on the binary yes versus no behavioral response data generated.
Additional Validation Experiments
To confirm that flame heated beg bugs emit AP comparable to hot plate heated insects we used a combination of the above mentioned SIFT-MS and still air bioassay methods. Briefly, live adult female bed bugs from the Harlan and McCall populations were fed 24 h in advance of use and approximately half of these bugs were frozen in a freezer. The next day, both live and dead bed bugs were flame-heated as described above and placed under the glass funnel setup (Figure 1) for 5 min to quantify AP levels emitted from the insects (SI figure 1). The SIFT-MS was used in selected ion mode (SIM) scan for (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-2-octenal.
Behavioral experiments were also conducted in 50 mm funnels using synthetic AP blend chemicals to determine if beg bugs responded similarly to the synthetic blend as AP emitted by heat treated insects. A 100% stock solution of (E)-2-hexenal (98% pure) and (E)-2-octenal (94% pure) was created in a 70:30 ratio (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The stock solution was then serially diluted in acetone to create an 8.46 mg/mL (0.85%) solution. One fed Harlan or McCall female bed bug was placed in a 50 mm glass Pyrex® funnel as mentioned above. Only one of the tested treatment types was used for synthetic AP experiments because both sexes and populations had a similar behavioral response to AP emitted by conspecifics. Harlan or McCall female bed bugs were allowed to acclimate in the setup for 24 h. Next, a 1 cm by 0.3 cm strip of Whatman No 1. filter paper was treated with 2 µL of the 8.5 mg/mL AP solution or acetone (control). Once the acetone had evaporated (10 s), the strip of paper was dropped through the stem of the funnel. For the next 5 min, behavioral observations were made for both the treated and control groups. The synthetic blend experiment was replicated 16 times each for both the Harlan and McCall populations in tandem with acetone control groups (Table 2A).
Comparative behavioral experiments were conducted using emitter bed bugs exposed to heat either on a hot plate or on flame. For these experiments, both live and dead emitter female bed bugs from the McCall populations were heated. Behavioral assay procedures for the 1:1 emitter to receiver ratio tests were identical to those described above. One group of emitters (alive or previously frozen dead bed bugs) were heated on a hotplate set to ~300°C for 3 sec and then dropped into separate 50 mm glass Pyrex® funnel setups with one receiver. The other group of emitters (alive or previously frozen dead bed bugs) was heat-exposed by the flame heating methods mentioned above and then dropped into separate 50 mm glass funnel setups with one receiver. Binary response data was collected for statistical analysis. Hotplate experiments were replicated 21 times and the flame heated experiments were replicated 30 times (Table 2B).
Data Analysis
To compare the AP emission data from the Harlan and McCall populations and controls, the concentrations of hexenal and octenal (mg/mL of air) measured by SIFT-MS were first summed. This was to simplify the analysis and because bed bugs would experience both compounds simultaneously. Only the AP data for timepoints shortly before, during, and after the AP spike, usually for a period of 600 s, were used for analysis. For presentation, we display the entire dataset of hexenal and octenal in response to different temperatures to show that the compounds were not detected outside of the timepoints that were statistically compared. An ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s tests were used to compare the summed AP concentrations for each treatment type in JMP Pro 16 (SAS institute 2020, Cary, NC).
To analyze the response of receiver bed bugs to AP released by heat-exposed emitter bed bugs in the 50 mm and 100 mm glass funnels, pair-wise logistic regression was conducted on the total number of insects that responded or did not respond, for each treatment type. Controls of each group (sex and population) were compared to its corresponding heated treatment type. The same analysis was used to compare the response of conspecifics to live and dead bed bugs that were heated with either a flame or hotplate.