Characterization of hEnSCs
The morphology of hEnSCs was observed during cultivation and prior to the injection into different female mice models (Fig. 1). The images indicate that cells had spindle-shaped morphology, were adherent and formed a consistent monolayer. The cells were cultured and further characterized at early passages.
Cell surface analysis by flow cytometry was carried out to ensure that our isolated cells corresponded with basic MSCs properties. hEnSCs were identified as positive with CD44, CD146, CD166 and CD140b cell surface markers (Table 2). Both CD44 and CD166 were determined to be highly positive, exceeding 95%. Moreover, hEnSCs did not express hematopoietic cell surface markers CD34, CD45 and HLA-DR, which were all measured at less than 1%.
Table 2. Identified hEnSCs surface markers
hEnSCs, %
Endometrial Stem Cell Markers
Homing cell adhesion molecule (HCAM)
Cell surface glycoprotein MUC18
Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
Beta platelet derived growth factor receptor
Hematopoietic Cell Markers
Hematopoietic progenitor cell antigen CD34
Leukocyte common antigen (LCA)
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II cell surface molecule
Fibrotic transformation under the influence of hEnSCs-treatment in mechanically damaged endometrium model of female mice
An evaluation of fibrosis in different layers of uterine horns (the total wall, the myometrium-endometrium, the myometrium and the endometrium) was performed in 3 different female mice groups (the Control, the MechI and the MechI-hEnSCs) using Masson's trichrome original staining (Fig. 2 D, H, L) and was subsequently statistically analyzed (Fig. 3).
Statistical analysis showed significant differences in the fibrotic area between the Control mice group (Fig. 2 D), the MechI mice group (Fig. 2 H) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 L) in separate layers of mechanically injured uterine horns such as the total wall of uterine horn (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 8.38; df = 2; p = 0.02), the myometrium-endometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 7.28; df = 2; p = 0.03) and the myometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 7.53; df = 2; p = 0.02) (Fig. 3). Conversely, the endometrial fibrosis was significant similar (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 5.58; df = 2; p = 0.06), although this related to the tendencies of the widest fibrotic area in the MechI mice group (Fig. 2 H) and the narrowest fibrotic area in the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 L) (Fig. 3). Overall, the lowest spread of fibrosis was observed of all layers of uterine horns in MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 L) – the total wall 6.3% (± 1,3%), the myometrium-endometrium 4.1% (± 2.9%), the myometrium 6.0% (± 0.8%) and the endometrium 1.1% (± 1.7%) compared to other study’s groups (Fig. 3).
The Bonferroni post-hoc test revealed that the percentage of fibrosis spread in the total wall and its separate layers – the myometrium and the myometrium-endometrium – was significantly higher in Mech I mice group (Fig. 2 H) compared to MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 L) (Bonferroni test in all cases; p < 0.05), although the differences in mean values between the Control mice group (Fig. 2 D), the MechI mice group (Fig. 2 H) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 L) were not statistically significant (in all cases Bonferroni test; p > 0.05) (Fig. 3).
Fibrotic transformation under the influence of hEnSCs-treatment in chemotherapy-affected female mice model
Evaluation of fibrosis in different layers of uterine horns (the total wall of uterine horn, the myometrium-endometrium, the myometrium and the endometrium) was performed in 3 different female mice groups (the Control, the CheI and the CheI-hEnSCs) using Masson's trichrome original staining (Fig. 4 D, H, L) and then they were statistically analyzed (Fig. 3).
Analysing the intensity of fibrotic area, we detected no significant differences in separate uterine horn layers within the different female mice groups: the total wall of uterine horn (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 1.62; df = 2; p = 0.45), the myometrium-endometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 1.06; df = 2; p = 0,59), the myometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 1.66; df = 2; p = 0.44) and the endometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 0.35; df = 2; p = 0.84) (Fig. 3). However, the highest level of fibrosis was observed in the CheI mice group (Fig. H) in all layers of uterine horns: the total wall of uterine horn 16.9% (± 8.4%), the myometrium-endometrium 14.8% (± 11.3%), the myometrium 21.4% (± 9.8%) and endometrium 8.4 % (± 8.3%) (Fig. 3).
Evaluation of the thickness of uterine horn layers and other morphological changes in female mice groups
An evaluation of the thickness of different uterine horns layers (the total wall of uterine horn and the endometrium) was performed in the Control mice group (Fig. 2 B, Fig. 4 B), mechanically injured endometrium model (Fig. 2 F, J) and chemotherapy-induced model (Fig. 4 F, J) using Masson's trichrome original staining and, after that, statistically analyzed (Fig. 5).
During the study, it was revealed that the widest total wall thickness of uterine horns was observed in the CheI-hEnSCs mice group (1645.3 ± 203.0 µm) (Fig. 4 J), a slightly lower thickness was detected in the CheI group (1539.7 ± 190.5 µm) (Fig. 4 F) and the Control mice group (1500.7 ± 189.7 µm) (Fig. 4 B) (Fig. 5). Overall, the total wall thickness was significantly smaller in the MechI mice group (1315.1 ± 222.0 µm) (Fig. 2 F) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (1220.8 ± 241.5 µm) (Fig. 2 J) (Fig. 5).
An evaluation of the endometrial area in all female mice groups revealed that the widest endometrial area, as well as the total wall thickness of uterine horns, was observed in the CheI-hEnSCs mice group (485.1 ± 50.0 µm) (Fig. 4 J) (Fig. 5). In contrastthe result of the Control mice group (367.2 ± 50.6 µm) (Fig. 2 B), the MechI mice group (388.0 ± 72.6 µm) (Fig. 2 F) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (320.5 ± 69.3 µm) (Fig. 2 J) showed a thickening of the narrower endometrial area (Fig. 5). It was also seen that the endometrial diameter in all female mice groups was significantly reduced compared to the total wall thickness (in all cases Mann-Whitney U; p ≤ 0.05).
The nonparametric one-way analysis of variance revealed that the endometrial thickness of the Control mice group (Fig. 4 B) and the CheI mice group (Fig. 4 J) was statistically significant (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 6.56; df = 2; p = 0.04) and, moreover, the endometrial thickness in the Control group (Fig. 4 B) was significantly narrow in comparison with the CheI mice group (Fig. 4 F) and the CheI-hEnSCs mice group (both Bonferroni test; p < 0.05) (Fig. 5). Contrary to the endometrial area, the total wall thickness of uterine horns was not statistically different between the Control mice group (Fig. 4 B), the CheI mice group (Fig. 4 F) and the CheI-hEnSCs mice group (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 1.62; df = 2; p = 0.45) (Fig. 4 J) (Fig. 5). There was also a similarity between the Control mice group (Fig. 2 B), the MechI mice group (Fig. 2 F) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 2 J) in relation to the thickness of endometrium (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 1.67; df = 2; p = 0.44) and the total wall thickness of uterine horns (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 3.72; df = 2; p = 0.16) (Fig. 5).
Some tendencies could be seen according to the morphology assessment by H&E, also. It was observed that in the MechI mice group, the smooth cavity of uterine horn was damaged with the detaching of the endometrium and glandular dilatation (Fig. 6 D-F). Meanwhile, these findings were less pronounced in the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 6 G-I) and not expressed in the Control mice group (Fig. 6 A-C). Assessment of the intensity of inflammatory cells infiltration, absent or scant number of lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) was observed in the Control mice group (Fig.6 A-C) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 6 G-I) in contrast with the MechI mice group (Fig. 6 D-F), where moderate amount of PMNs were seen. Evaluating results of apoptosis rate, the moderate number of apoptotic bodies in the MechI mice group (Fig. 6 D-F) were observed. None of these pathological changes were detected in the Control mice group (Fig. 6 A-C) and they showed improvement in the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Fig. 6 G-I).
However, the distribution results of inflammatory cells and apoptotic bodies when comparing chemotherapy-induced mice groups (Fig. 6 J-L and M-O) and the Control mice group (Fig. 6 A-C) were quite scattered. Overall, the similar tendencies were also seen in the evaluation of mitotic bodies formation in different study’s groups, overall (Fig. 6).
Fertility assessment in different female mice groups
A fertility assessment was performed to evaluate the direct effect of stem cell-based treatment on reproductive function in 5 different female mice groups (the Control, the MechI, the MechI-hEnSCs, the CheI and the CheI-hEnSCs). In the mechanically injured endometrium model, we counted the number of embryos only in the one uterine horn which was affected. Meanwhile, in the chemotherapy-induced female mice, the number of embryos was counted in two uterine horns due to the systematic effect of the medication.
First of all, results from mechanically injured endometrium model showed a lower number of mice embryos in the MechI mice group (2.6 ± 1.1 units) and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (3,8 ± 1,3 units) in comparison to the Control mice group (5.2 ± 0.8 units) (Fig. 7). Moreover, the number of embryos was significantly different between the Control mice group, the MechI mice group and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 7.72; df = 2; p = 0.02) (Fig. 7). The Bonferroni post-hoc test analysis revealed that the number of mice embryos in the Control mice group was significantly higher than those in the MechI mice group (Bonferroni test; p < 0.05) (Fig. 7). However, there were no significant differences observed between the Control mice group with the MechI-hEnSCs mice group or between the MechI mice group and the MechI-hEnSCs mice group (Bonferroni test in both cases; p > 0.05).
During the study of chemotherapy-induced female mice, the Control mice group was observed to have the highest number of mice embryos (10.8 ± 0.8 units), more than twice the number of embryos was determined in the CheI-hEnSCs mice group (4.6 ± 0.6 units) while the lowest number of embryos was observed in the CheI mice group (2.8 ± 0.8 units) (Fig. 8). Statistical analysis revealed that the number of embryos in the Control mice group, the CheI mice group and the CheI-hEnSCs mice group was significantly different from each other (Kruskal-Wallis; H = 12.28; df = 2; p = 0.002) (fig. 8). It was also found that the Control mice group had a significantly higher number of embryos than the CheI-hEnSCs group (both Bonferroni test; p < 0.05), although the fecundity of the CheI-hEnSCs group mice was significantly higher than the CheI mice group (Bonferroni test; p < 0.05).
Gene expression analysis in uterine horn tissue from different female mice groups
Expression analysis of genes involved in fibrosis process was performed with 5 different female mice groups (the Control, the MechI, the MechI-hEnSCs, the CheI and the CheI-hEnSCs) using RNA extracted from their uterine horn tissue samples (Fig. 9).
The discussed genes Col1a1 (Collagen, type I, alpha 1), Col3a1 (Collagen, type III, alpha 1), Acta2 (Actin alpha 2, smooth muscle) have been shown to have an association with excess fibrosis and wound healing [40–42], and CD44 gene is associated with the binding of extracellular matrix molecules, such as collagen, fibronectin and osteopontin [43]. Gene expression analysis revealed that Col1a1 gene was upregulated in all of the female mice groups receiving interventions, compared to Control mice group, although, only two of which were considered to be statistically significant (Fig. 9). Col1a1 gene was upregulated significantly in the MechI mice group and the CheI mice group (Fig. 9). The expression of Col3a1 gene throughout different group was determined to be at a very similar level to the Control mice group, although a slight upregulation can be seen in the CheI-hEnSCs mice group when compared to the CheI group. In all groups, CD44 was downregulated in comparison to the Control mice group while values of relative gene expression remained at a similar level between the different mice groups. Acta2 gene was upregulated in the MechI-hEnSCs mice group in comparison to the MechI mice group, although the results were not significant.