Overall sequencing information and taxonomy composition
The rarefaction curves showed that the intensity of sampling for all soil samples was sufficient to identify the majority of AMF present in all four sites (Fig. 1). All data obtained from the Illumina sequencing were deposited in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) at NCBI under accession number PRJNA657954.
A total of 16,736,209 trimmed reads obtained from 7 soil samples were clustered into 16,279 features (OTUs) and assigned to the subphylum Glomeromycotina by using the MaarjAM database (Opik et al., 2010). Sample CT2 was discarded due to its low number of reads (16 reads). These features were grouped into eight families, namely Gigasporaceae (49.62%)-the most abundant across the samples, followed by Glomeraceae (37.3%), Claroideoglomeraceae (4.40%), Diversisporaceae (2.4%), Paraglomeraceae (2.15%), Acaulosporaceae (0.6%), Pacisporaceae (0.4%), and Archaeosporaceae (0.02%), while the rest (3.11%) were unclassified families (Figs. 2 and 3). Diversisporaceae, Acaulosporaceae, Pacisporaceae, and Archaeosporaceae were unique to Cameroonian sites (MC and MM). (Fig. 3).
At the species level, 64 AMF species or virtual taxa (VT) were identified as belonging to the genus Glomus (43 VT; 67.1%), Claroideoglomus (6 VT; 9.4%), Paraglomus (5 VT; 7.8%), Acaulospora (4 VT; 6.2%), Diversispora (3 VT; 4.7%), Archaeospora (1 VT; 1.6%), Pacispora (1 VT; 1.6%), and Scutellospora (1 VT; 1.6%) (Fig. 3). These results are also congruent with the average count abundance per family shown in Fig. 2. Species belonging to the genera Glomus, Claroideoglomus, Paraglomus, and Scutellospora were detected in all four sites. Diversispora species were not detected in sample CT1 from the Chuka site. Archaeospora and Pacispora had one species each, detected in samples MC2, MM1, and MM2, all from Cameroon. Scutellospora heterogama (VTX00286) appeared to be the most common species across all sample sites with the highest magnitude (Fig. 4, Additional file 1).
The four sites shared 39 VT (52% of the total number of different taxa identified) (Fig. 5). Cameroonian sites had the highest number of unique VT (27 VT from seven genera, namely Glomus, Acaulospora, Archaeospora, Claroideoglomus, Diversispora, Pacispora and Paraglomus; Additional file 2). Mount Cameroon (MC) had the highest number of unique species (10 AMF species), representing 13.3% of all species identified, whereas Chuka Tharaka-Nithi (CT) had one unique AMF species (Fig. 5).
AMF community diversity
Estimation of alpha diversity within AMF species communities using Shannon’s (H), Chao1 and ACE indices weighted more toward richness, and Simpson index (D) weighted toward evenness was conducted and shown in Fig. 6. Considering samples from Cameroon, observed OTUs in sample MM1 was the highest with 8195, whereas sample MC1 was the lowest with 3919. The highest observed OTUs in samples from Kenya were scored in MK1 with 5369 and the lowest in CT with 4079. However, there was no significant difference between samples from Cameroon and Kenya (Kruskal-Wallis test P = 0.7237). Shannon index for richness species was higher in three of the four samples from Cameroon (HMM2=7.52, HMC2=7.55, and HMM1=7.56) compared to the samples from Kenya (HCT1=6.88, HMK1=7.21, and HMK2=7.23) (Fig. 8). Nevertheless, there was no significant difference between the Shannon indices of the two countries (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.1573). Evenness estimated using the Simpson index was highest in MM2, but with no significant difference between the provenances (Fig. 6).
The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity distance matrix showed that AMF species communities from Malava and Kakamega had more similarity to each other, while samples from Cameroon had less similarity (Fig. 7). The stress value of 0.014, indicates a good representation of ordinate.
Physicochemical parameters of the P. africana rhizosphere soil from Cameroon and Kenya
The physicochemical parameters of P. africana rhizosphere soil, collected in Cameroon and Kenya sites are shown in Table 1. The P. africana rhizosphere soils were acidic. Soil acidity was significantly higher in CT and MM than in MK and MC sites. The % C, total P (ppm), Na (ppm), and EC (mS/cm) were significantly higher in MC and MM (Cameroonian sites) than in MK and CT (Kenyan sites). In contrast, % N and the Ca (ppm) were significantly higher in MK and CT than in MC and MM sites.
Table 1
Physicochemical parameters of P. africana rhizosphere soil samples.
Site code
pH (H2O)
EC (mS/cm)
P (mg L− 1)
K (mg L− 1)
Na (mg L− 1)
Ca (mg L− 1)
Malava Kakamega (MK), Chuka Tharaka-Nithi (CT), Mount Cameroon (MC), and Mount Manengouba (MM) sites. Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly according to the ANOVA test, P < 0.05, n = 4.
Relationship between soil physicochemical properties and AMF communities
The physicochemical analyses of P. africana rhizosphere soil indicated that the available P concentration in samples from Cameroon was almost 5-fold greater than in samples from Kenya, whereas the concentration of total N in samples from Kenya was significantly higher compared to samples from Cameroon (Table 1). However, there was a weak correlation between AMF species community composition and physicochemical parameters when the db-RDA analysis was performed on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity distance (Fig. 8). The eigenvalues of the first two axes of db-RDA were 0.09 and 0.02, and the first axis explained 79% whereas the second explained 19% of the variance in the AMF species–physicochemical parameters relationship. The abundance of AMF species in samples from MK was positively correlated with the available P in the soil and negatively correlated with the total N and K. In addition, total N and K were positively correlated to the abundance of AMF species in MC and CT (Fig. 8).