HadCM3B Model
The Hadley Centre Coupled Model 3 Bristol (HadCM3B) is a coupled climate model that consists of a 3d dynamical atmospheric component with a resolution of 2.5°x3.75°, 19 vertical levels, and a 30 minute timestep79, and an ocean model with a resolution of 1.25°x1.25°, 20 vertical levels and a 1 hour timestep80. Levels have a finer resolution towards the Earth surface. The model is a variant of HadCM3 that has been developed at the University of Bristol, and is described in detailed in Valdes, et al. 42. Despite its relative old age, the model has been shown to accurately simulate the climate system and remains competitive with more modern climate models. A key advantage of the model is its computationally efficient, which permits long simulations and large ensemble studies. We also utilise the atmosphere only version of the model; HadAM3B42. This incorporates the same atmospheric component as HadCM3B but with prescribed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs).
The model incorporates the Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme (MOSES) version 2.181 which simulates water and energy fluxes and physiological processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration which is determined by stomatal conductance and consequently CO2 concentration. The fractional coverage of nine surface types are incorporated by MOSES 2.1 and simulated by the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) TRIFFID. Of the nine surface types, five are plant functional types (PFTs); deciduous and needleleaf trees, C3 and C4 grasses, shrubs, with the residual assigned to bare soil. Vegetation evolves throughout a model simulation depending on temperature, moisture, CO2 and competition with other PFTs. HadCM3B does not include an interactive carbon/methane cycle or ice model, so these boundary conditions have been imposed as discussed below.
The update to the atmospheric and vegetation parameters follows the work of Hopcroft, et al. 4140. The most important change was to modify the vertical profile of convective entrainment and detrainment, decreasing the entrainment rate near the surface and increasing the entrainment rate higher up in the atmosphere globally. This resulted in greater mixing between convective plumes and the environment in the upper troposphere relative to the lower troposphere increasing the precipitation response from African Easterly Wave events. Hopcroft, et al. 41 showed that this permitted the model to more accurately simulate mid-Holocene greening of the Sahara. At the same time, it did not adversely influence present day climate simulations. The moisture stress function of vegetation was also altered to be linear in soil moisture potential rather than soil moisture, and then optimised to reproduce vegetation cover-climate relationships for the present day and the mid-Holocene40. Together these updates allow a dynamic simulation of the Holocene greening of the Sahara that shows many similarities with the reconstructions of this time period82, including a more gradual and later desertification in the East and South of the Sahara and a centennial-scale transition over North Western Sahara.
The palaeo-condition model has not been tested for periods beyond the mid-Holocene. Here, we incorporate the changes described above into HadCM3B, the updated model configuration is termed HadCM3BB-v1.0.
Boundary Conditions
The simulations have been forced with well constrained orbital parameters83 and greenhouse gas concentrations (CO2, N2O and CH4) taken from the Vostok Ice core84,85.
The extent and elevation of the Antarctic, Greenland, North American and Fennoscandian ice sheets has been imposed utilising the reconstruction of de Boer, et al. 86. This provides ice extent and thickness which are used within the model to calculate continental elevation (depending on ice thickness and isostatic rebound), bathymetry, ice-sheet extent, and consequently the land-sea mask. There remain uncertainties regarding Ice sheet reconstruction beyond the LGM, in part due to poor preservation following the last deglaciation. Although the ice area might be approximated based on sea-level data, uncertainties remain associated with ice sheet structure during growth and decay phases. As stated in the text, this may cause uncertainty regarding the suppression of some the NAHP events and be the reason for inconsistencies between the model and observations.
Snapshot Experiments
The boundary conditions have been incorporated into 219 snapshot experiments covering 0kyr BP (corresponding to the year 1950 albeit with pre-industrial GHG concentrations) to 800kyr BP. These are set at 1kyr intervals for 0-24kyr BP and 4kyr intervals to for 24-800kyr BP. Each simulation has been run for 500 years with analysis conducted on the final 50 years of each simulation unless stated otherwise. This spin-up permits the atmosphere and surface ocean to reach a state of near equilibrium. This approach allows the simulations to be run simultaneously and is therefore very efficient.
The snapshot climatologies were then splined to a 100-yr timeseries for all variables used in the study, including the land sea mask and ice fraction (subsequently rounded to 0 or 100% coverage in any grid cell). Splining has been done using the ftcurv function of the NCAR command language (NCL)87 which utilises spline under tension. This is the same methodology outlined in Armstrong, et al. 43. The timeseries data was then bilinearly interpolated to 1° resolution for surface variables. There has been no bias correction applied to the data in this study.
Boundary Condition Sensitivity Experiments
In order to identify the contributing role of three forcing factors on the NAHPs; orbital variations, GHGs and ice sheets, we performed two additional sets of snapshot experiments (2x 219 simulations) using HadCM3BB-v1.0. The original set of snapshot simulations incorporate all three forcings (as discussed above) and is termed NAHP_All. In order to identify just the orbital forcing, the simulations were re-run with varying orbital parameters, but with constant pre-industrial GHGs (CO2 − 280ppm, CH4 – 760ppbv, and N2O – 270ppbv) and ice sheet extent and elevation, this is termed Orb_Only. The third set of snapshot simulations incorporates both orbital and GHG forcing, with constant pre-industrial ice sheets, termed Orb_GHG.
The snapshot climatologies were similarly splined to a 100-yr timeseries and bilinearly interpolated to 1° resolution for surface variables.
Topographic Vs. Thermodynamic Ice-sheet Sensitivity Experiments
In order to resolve the topographic vs thermodynamic contribution of the ice sheets to the suppression of the NAHPs during precession minima, we have used the atmosphere-only version of the model (HadAM3B42) and incorporated the updates described above (HadAM3BB-v1.0). We have run the model controlling for SSTs, ice sheet elevation, and ice sheet albedo.
Due to computational limitations, we have not rerun the whole suite of snapshot simulations. Instead, we have performed a set of singular snapshot experiments corresponding to where the impact of the ice sheet is shown to have a significant suppressing effect on the amplitude of precession minima induced Saharan precipitation. We identify the eighth precession minima, corresponding to 176Kyr BP, as where ice sheet extent suppresses precipitation the greatest amount, from ~ 510mm/yr for Orb_Only/Orb_GHG to 205mm/yr for NAHP_All (Fig. 4a). As the 176kyr BP precipitation is equivalent for both Orb_Only and Orb_GHG, and because we only want to compare the impact of the ice sheet (rather than any possible impact of GHGs), we utilise input from the Orb_GHG experiment. We assume that our findings for this time period are consistent for all the suppressed NAHPs during glacials.
The first experiment is the control HadAM3BB-v1.0 simulation (termed ‘Control’). This incorporates the boundary conditions and SST input from the 176kyr NAHP_All snapshot experiment. The climatology is therefore very similar to the 176kyr BP HadCM3BB-v1.0 NAHP_All experiment (supplementary information). In order to isolate the thermodynamic impact of SSTs, we have run HadAM3BB-v1.0 with 176kyr boundary conditions, but with SSTs prescribed from the 176kyr Orb_GHG snapshot simulation, termed ‘glacial_noSST’. This simulation therefore has glacial forcings except for SSTs. To identify the thermodynamic impact of ice sheet albedo, we have run HadAM3BB-v1.0 with 176kyr boundary conditions including SSTs, but with ice sheet albedo from the 176kyr Orb_GHG experiment (this is equivalent to PI ice sheet albedo). This is termed ‘glacial_noAlb’. This simulation therefore has glacial forcings except for non-glacial (PI) surface albedo. SSTs are fixed throughout the simulation so the albedo change will only impact the atmosphere. Note however that this is not a clean comparison because the height of the ice sheet will cause it to snow, so there will be a contribution from albedo in some locations. To identify the topographic impact of the ice sheet, we have run HadAM3BB-v1.0 with 176kyr boundary conditions, but with ice sheet topography from the 176kyr Orb_GHG experiment (this is equivalent to PI ice sheet topography). This is termed ‘glacial_noTopo’. This simulation has glacial forcings except for non-glacial (PI) topography. Each simulation was run for 200 years and analysis conducted on the final 30 years. An analysis of these simulations is provided in the Supplementary.
Data Availability
A total of 661 model simulations were performed for this study. The raw model output and an overview of all the simulations is available at
Code Availability
All scripts used to analyse the data and produce the Figures have been written using the NCAR command language (NCL, Version 6.4.0) and are available on request