We have shown that the WNT molecular pathway has a complex behavior both in MRI-visible FCD IIA tissue and in the NAAC. Patterns of expression of many genes in FCD significantly differed both from NAAC and epileptic control tissue, whereas others were similarly expressed both in dysplastic and surrounding tissue but differed from the expression in control tissue. These results not only support the role of the WNT pathway in FCD, but open further avenues of research regarding molecular modifications in the cortex that surrounds a visible dysplastic lesion that is often responsible for seizure relapse following epilepsy surgery.
Success in epilepsy surgery for FCDs relies on correctly defining and fully resecting the epileptogenic zone (EZ), a challenging endeavor as shown by suboptimal surgical outcome in many patients (2, 9). Several factors are implicated in suboptimal results, including the fact that FCD may have only subtle or no MRI abnormalities and that even in patients with clear imaging abnormalities, dysplastic tissue can either extend microscopically beyond the visible lesion, or alter the epileptogenic threshold of cortical adjacent tissue (10).
Several methods are available for the neurophysiological refinement of the EZ. In our patients, we used acute electrocorticography (ECoG) as we have shown that dysplastic cortex – and particularly FCD II – often displays intense, virtually continuous epileptiform discharges pointing to intrinsic epileptogenicity of the tissue (11, 12);. Following resective surgery, patients may remain seizure free in the long term, or seizures may recur. Early recurrence is most often due to incomplete resection of the EZ, and reoperation can be considered. However, the most intriguing scenario is delayed seizure recurrence following several years of seizure freedom, and this outcome remains blind spot in epileptology. Several factors may be associated with long-term outcomes in surgeries for FCDs. Completeness of resection, defined by MRI and scalp EEG, seems to be the most important independent variable associated with seizure freedom in both early and long-term follow up (13). Given that, the first hypothesis for the late seizure relapse could be the incomplete resection of FCD’s whole extension, with remaining microscopic dysplastic abnormalities that eventually begin to produce independent seizures by a ‘running up’ phenomena. The second hypothesis is the emergence of a potential epileptogenic zone not clinically manifested before the first surgery. Third, the NAAC may not present dysplastic microscopic tissue, but could be related to a reduced epileptogenic threshold playing a role in a broader epileptic network – i.e., the NAAC is the potential epileptogenic zone itself.
This latter phenomenon may be related to a reduced epileptogenic threshold of NAAC, that then starts to generate seizures over time. What, however, would lower the epileptogenic threshold of the NAAC is unclear: in some patients there are remaining microscopic dysplastic abnormalities that eventually begin to produce independent seizures, but in other situations the tissue histopathology may not be dysplastic, and yet seizures may still recur.
We believe that molecular changes in both the obviously dysplastic and NAAC may concur to the epileptogenicity in patients with FCD IIA and relate to surgical prognosis in the short and long term. A similar classification in relation to perilesional tissue was presented in 2017 by Aran et al based on an analysis of the transcriptome of tumor tissue and adjacent tissue from eight different types of tumors, showing for the first time the term NAT (Normal Adjacent Tissue). The researchers proved that the tissue adjacent to the tumor presents a unique intermediate state between tumor and healthy, and the analysis of gene expression and interaction between specific proteins revealed an alteration in signaling pathways shared between NAT and the tumor tissue, still listing 18 genes with specific activity in tissue adjacent to the tumor (14). Recently, Guerrini et al. presented 2 patients with FCD type II with somatic mutation of the mTOR gene only in the dysplastic tissue. After repeated unilateral resections and eventual complete hemispherectomy, both began to manifest intractable seizures originating in the contralateral hemisphere. They suggested that the distribution of mutations along the mTOR pathway may relate to a potential risk of seizure recurrence, perhaps independently from the completeness of the resection of the lesion (15).
Approximately 60% of patients with FDC type II have some somatic mutation in genes related to the mTOR pathway, but the vast majority (80%) have rates of only 5% of mutated cells in the dysplastic tissue. The other patients with FDC type II do not have defined causes related to any mutation (16, 17). Therefore, new signaling pathways should be explored to identify possible mechanisms of inhibition, control, or silencing, seeking a better understanding of the genesis of the epileptogenicity in FCD and surrounding cortex.
In their systematic review, Melo et al (2021) analyzed a total of 648 patients with Focal Cortical Dysplasia, all with the characteristic of refractoriness to drug treatment and undergoing surgery for resection of the epileptogenic zone. For patients diagnosed with FCD type II, the most commonly affected gene was MTOR, which could represent up to 57.1% of the patients studied. All somatic MTOR variations were missense variants, leading to an amino acid and protein substitution. The article concludes that the pathogenic mechanism of DCF (genetic and epigenetic) and the discovery of new candidate genes are challenging areas that need a deep investigation (18).
A transcriptome study analyzed 68 mTOR pathway genes in brain tissue and blood in 17 patients with FCD type I and II. Comparison between patients with FDC type I and II showed differences in the expression of 12 genes. It is interesting to note that the principal component dimensionality reduction method demonstrated that samples of type I and II DCF could be aggregated into distinct clusters. In addition, the work points to the importance of genes not yet investigated, such as 3 negative regulations for cholesterol synthesis (HMGCS1, HMGCR and SQLE), described in this study (19).
We observed a similarity in gene expression (2−ΔΔCT) in the dysplastic tissue of both patients. In contrast, gene expression in adjacent peri-dysplastic tissue (NAAC) was distinct in each patient, although both differed from that of control tissue. Our results suggest the existence of a molecular alteration of some genes of the WNT pathway in tissue with dysplastic lesions and in peri-dysplastic adjacent tissue. The similar expression behavior of the AXIN1, AXIN2 and NKD1 genes suggests that the WNT pathway has a molecular profile of inactivation. A discrepant finding that can be explained by a compensatory mechanism of inactivation of the pathway is the robust negative regulation of WIF1 in the lesion and perilesional tissue, which is considered a potent negative regulatory gene and universal as a target of inhibition of the WNT pathway (20).
These findings suggest that FCC type IIA and NAAC have abnormal, often graded gene expression along the WNT pathway compared to control cortex. Interestingly, however, abnormalities in NAAC seemed less homogeneous, and it is important to note that specimens were obtained from different brain regions (frontal lobe in patient 1 and occipital lobe in patient 2). Differences in gene expressions between NAACs could be attributed to regional gene expression across different brain regions.
This finding deserves further study as such NAAC seems crucial to understand surgical failures, particularly delayed post-operative seizure relapse. Further issues that will need to be explored in larger series include the relevance of epilepsy duration, age at surgery and frequency of epileptiform discharges, for gene expression.
In addition, because a functional neural circuitry requires homeostatic balance between proliferation of neural progenitors and triggers of cell differentiation, both largely dependent on physiological activation (21, 22), genetic alterations in peri-dysplastic tissue in patients with FCD may be associated with seizure relapses. More specifically, alterations in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation mediated by imbalances within the WNT pathway may lead to seizure relapse after resection, due to failure of mechanisms of neurogenesis stimulated by the resection itself.
Our results additionally suggest that it will be interesting to look for the role of functional neuroimaging studies (ie, FDG-PET) in the identification of abnormal peril-dysplastic tissue that could later be correlated with abnormalities in gene expression (23). Moreover, animal models show changes in the epileptogenic potential of brain tissue adjacent to the surgically removed dysplasia. Dysplasia itself can reorganize brain circuits and resections may lead to electrical imbalances in epileptic networks (Long-term outcome after epilepsy surgery for focal cortical dysplasia). As alluded to above, epileptic discharges may also lead to structural and functional cortical changes, increasing the tendency to epileptogenicity in secondary areas not primarily resected. (Surgical outcome and predictive factors of epilepsy surgery in pediatric isolated focal cortical dysplasia).
In recent years, the WNT pathway has gained considerable attention in seizure-induced neurogenesis and its consequent neuronal homeostasis after a seizure. On one hand, initial seizures increase neurogenesis in the acute phase of epilepsy; on the other hand, in the chronic phase of the disease, there is a reduction in neuronal proliferation, which is an extremely important issue for the optimization of therapies using the WNT pathway as a target of activation or inhibition (24).