The diffractograms of the precursor materials and the scaffold are shown in Fig. 3. In the CS diffractogram (Fig. 3a), it is possible to observe two characteristic peaks at 2θ = 9.86° and 20.04°, which correspond to the crystallographic planes (020) and (110), respectively (SOUSA et al., 2022). Through inter- and intramolecular hydrogen interactions, chitosan has a microcrystalline profile, thus promoting a particular organization (SOUSA et al., 2022). Figure 3b refers to the diffractogram of the GG material, showing a broad peak characteristic of materials with an amorphous structure located around 2θ = 19.78°. This region is attributed to several polymers and biopolymers (SANTOS et al., 2020; VASHISTH et al., 2016).
GaHAp (Fig. 3c) showed characteristic peaks of pure hydroxyapatite located in the region of 2θ = 25.8°, 31.9° and 32.9°, attributed, respectively, to planes (002), (211), and (300), with the peak at 2θ = 31.9° at highest intensity (DOS SANTOS et al., 2019a; FURKO et al., 2018; SANTOS et al., 2020). According to Beserra et al., 2020, with the doping process, there are no structural changes in the crystalline structure of hydroxyapatite. In the CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold (Fig. 3d), a broad peak was observed at 20.26°, possibly because GG has the properties of a material with the low organization. It influences the system's structure based on intermolecular interactions between the carboxyl groups of the GG and the CS amino groups, thus causing this enlargement (DE OLIVEIRA et al., 2020a; DOS SANTOS et al., 2019b; GENASAN et al., 2021). It was also possible to observe two peaks at 25.8° and 31.76°, which come from the presence of GaHAp in the scaffold.
FTIR was used to analyze the prominent bands and molecular interactions between the scaffold precursor materials, and their spectra are shown in Fig. 4. In the CS infrared spectrum (Fig. 4a), it is possible to observe a band around 3400 cm− 1 attributed to the axial stretching of OH groups in its polymeric chain (LIMA et al., 2021a). The band at wave number 2878 cm− 1 is assigned to the CH2 groups (BARBOSA et al., 2019). Continuing on the characteristic bands present in CS, bands were observed at 1379, 1590, and 1656 cm− 1 attributed to –C–H bonds in the –NHCOCH3 moieties, –N–H stretching vibrations, and –C = O groups of amide sites, respectively (DE OLIVEIRA et al., 2020a). For GG (Fig. 3b), a broad band between 3500 − 3400 cm− 1 is observed, attributed to stretching vibrations of the –OH groups (KAMER et al., 2022; LEE et al., 2020). In the GG spectrum, symmetric and asymmetric –C = O stretching vibrations are verified at 1414 and 1614 cm− 1, attributed to the carboxylate anions sequentially (DE OLIVEIRA et al., 2020b).
In the GaHAp spectrum, it was possible to observe the presence of bands characteristic of hydroxyapatite (HAp), with the wave number at 3436 cm− 1 corresponding to the elongation of the OH groups. The bands around 1089 and 1043 cm− 1 come from the asymmetric deformation of the phosphate groups (PO4-3) of HAp. In the bands at 602 and 566 cm− 1, a characteristic of the deformation of the phosphate groups is also observed (DOS SANTOS et al., 2019a).
In the spectrum of the CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold (Fig. 4d), there are bands from its precursor materials, with shifts in wavenumber, meaning that there were molecular interactions between the materials. The bands around 2929 and 2888 cm− 1 may be correlated with the presence of polymeric materials, indicating the presence of CH and CH2 groups (LIMA et al., 2021b; SANTOS et al., 2020). Thus, as it is possible to observe the presence of polymeric materials, it can also be noted that the presence of bands at 603 and 565 cm− 1 may be related to the asymmetric deformation of the phosphate groups from GaHAp [37,44], indicating the presence of all precursors after scaffold formation.
The thermal properties of precursor materials and scaffolds were studied using thermogravimetry (TG). Figure 5 shows the thermogravimetric curves, while Table 2 shows the maximum degradation temperatures, their respective thermal events, and the percentage of mass loss.
The first thermal event of CS (Fig. 5Aa1 and Table 2) has a maximum degradation temperature of around 68°C; such an event refers to the loss of adsorbed water, which has weak connections with the polymeric chain (PEREIRA et al., 2013; YALMAN et al., 2020). A mass loss of about 14.30% occurred in the first thermal event. In the second thermal event, there was a mass loss of around 44.09%, corresponding to the degradation of the polymeric chitosan chain (PEREIRA et al., 2013). The Gelana gum presented its first characteristic thermal event of surface water loss (Fig. 5Ab1), starting at 25°C and ending at 117°C, where the maximum degradation temperature was approximately 57°C. There was a weight loss of 13.29%. The maximum degradation temperature of the second thermal event occurs around 255°C, which is related to the beginning of the degradation of the polysaccharide structure (KARTHIKA; VISHALAKSHI; NAIK, 2016; LI et al., 2020; RAJESH et al., 2016), with the elimination of the outermost groups of the polysaccharide structure.
In the TG to GG curve, a third and fourth thermal event was also observed, which may be related to the final degradation of the polymeric structure. In the GaHAp TG curve (Fig. 5d1), it was found that the first thermal event refers to the release of water physically adsorbed on the surface of the material (Table 2). After the first thermal event that occurred at a maximum temperature of 85°C, it was still possible to observe two more mass loss events. It may be related to water loss from the condensation of hydroxyl groups existing in the structure of hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, occurring with more emphasis from temperatures to 800°C (DOS SANTOS et al., 2019a).
The scaffold CS/GG/GaHap presented three thermal events similar to the events of its precursor materials. The first thermal event occurred from 27°C to 108°C and had a mass loss of 15.22%, which may be related to the loss of moisture in the material. The second thermal event had a maximum degradation temperature of 256°C, in addition to the existence of a shoulder at 294°C. The second thermal event had a mass loss of around 22.69%, indicating that there is degradation at 256°C for Gellan Gum and the shoulder at 294°C for Chitosan. In the TG curve for CS/GG/GaHap, a third and fourth thermal event was also observed, which may be related to the interaction between the precursor materials and the final degradation of the polymeric structure. The temperature changes in the events indicate an interaction between the materials, as verified by the FTIR technique.
Table 2
Values of mass loss and temperature of the thermal events of the CS, GG, GaHAp precursor materials and the CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold.
mass loss [%]
Temperature range [°C]
Maximum degradation temperature [°C]
Figure 6 shows the SEM analysis of the CS/GG/GaHap scaffold. It was possible to observe that the scaffold presented pores in its morphology, which gives it essential characteristics for application in adsorption processes. The dispersion of pores on different faces of the scaffold was verified, as shown in Fig. 6a. The presence of open and interconnected pores with average diameters in the range of 60 µm was observed on the upper surface (Figs. 6b and 6b1). Lateral surface (Figs. 6c and 6c1) and 40 µm towards the inside of the scaffold (Figs. 6a and 6a1), and a more significant number of pores was observed in the interior.
In the EDS (Fig. 7) observed, the dispersion of the GaHAp precursor is present in greater quantity inside the scaffold than on the scaffold surface, with values of P (3.07) and Ca (5.86) in mass percentage, P (0.53) and Ca (1.33), respectively (Table 3).
Table 3
Values in the mass percentage of the chemical elements of the different parts of the CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold.
Mass (%)
upper area
lateral area
internal area
Dyes Removal
Figure 8 shows the adsorption result of the CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold in the different proportions of SCA, SCB, and SCC on the RB and RR dye. The adsorption capacity was different for each scaffold cut. For SCA, the adsorption was more expressive concerning SCB and SCC in the three concentrations of RB (Fig. 8a and Table 4) and RR (Fig. 8c and Table 5). It showed that the possible greater contact area provided by cutting the scaffold, the greater exposure to interconnected pores, and the more significant amount of GaHAp present inside the scaffold (as shown by the results of SEM and EDS - Fig. 7). As a result, it provides more significant amounts of active sites for interactions with the dye, increasing its ability to adsorb. In the tests with the concentration of RB at 300 mg/L, the maximum adsorption capacities obtained with qe values of 341.41 ± 6.82, 275.00 ± 5.50, and 177.66 ± 3.55 mg/g for SCA, SCB, and SCC, respectively (Table 5).
The adsorption with RR at a concentration of 300 mg/L observes a much higher maximum adsorption capacity for RB, with qe values of 584.89 ± 23.39, 275.00 ± 10.16, and 239.57 ± 7.10 mg/g, for SCA, SCB, and SCC, respectively (Table 5), showing that the material using ¼ of the scaffold generates an increase of about two times in the adsorption capacity of both dyes.
The CS/GG/GaHAp scaffold used in its entire format was compared with an adsorption assay referring to the GG, GaHAp, and CS precursor materials using the same amount of scaffold mass, approximately 65 mg (Table 6). It was observed that CS qe values of 207.57 ± 3.37 mg/g of RB dye were more significant than the whole SCC scaffold, with qe values of 177.66 ± 3.55. The dye diffusion in the scaffold is ineffective due to the low porosity of the outer part of the scaffold, as shown in the SEM and histogram results (Fig. 7).
As for the RR dye, the CS adsorption was closer to the SCC scaffold value with qe values of 201.09 ± 5.04 mg/g (CS) and 239.57 ± 7.10 (SCC). The SCA scaffold has its internal part more exposed than the other SCB and SCC scaffolds. Therefore, a significant increase in the amount of adsorption compared to the CS was observed, with a value of qe 584.89 ± 23.39 for the SCA. With a smaller amount of material and the synergy of the precursors and their porosity, the scaffold proved to be more advantageous in adsorption than the precursors.
Table 4. The adsorbed amount of RB at different concentrations for the respective scaffold cuts.
Table 5. Amount of RR adsorbed at different concentrations for the respective scaffold cuts.
Table 6. Amount of RB and RR dye adsorbed to GG, GaHAp, and CS precursors.
Table 7compares the scaffold developed in this work with other chitosan-based scaffolds reported in the literature. Unfortunately, the adsorption of the dyes evaluated in this study was found for other scaffolds based on chitosan at the moment of the search. However, the comparison with the scaffolds applied in the adsorption of other dyes shows close results for the maximum adsorption capacities.
Table 7
Comparison of the maximum adsorption of the scaffold produced from CS, GG, and GaHAp with other types of scaffolds based on chitosan.
qmax (mg.g-1)
anionic methyl orange (MO)
(CARVALHO et al., 2021)
FD&C Red 40
(Inphonlek et al. 2020)
methylene blue (MB)
(Liu et al. 2020)
methyl orange (MO)
(Borsagli et al. 2019)
(RB and RR)
341.00 and 584.89
this work
Diffuse reflectance measurements were performed for the SCC scaffold before and after the adsorption of RB and RR (concentration of 300 mg/L), and the colorimetric parameters were obtained using the CIEL*a*b* color space. The CIEL*a*b* color space is a system that represents color in three coordinates. The first is the L* coordinate representing brightness and can assume values from 0 (black) to 100 (white), while the coordinates a* and b* represent the four colors unique to human perception, with a* being indicative of the red-green component of a color, where positive and negative values indicate red and green, respectively. In contrast, b* indicates a color's yellow-blue component. Color, where positive and negative values indicate yellow and blue, respectively (Zhuang et al. 2019). The quantitative distinction between two colors can be obtained by the values of ΔE*, which represents the three-dimensional color distance between two points in CIEL*a*b* space.
Table 8 presents the CIEL*a*b* parameters for the SCC sample before and after adsorption and the calculated ΔE* values compared to the scaffold before incorporating the dye. The ΔE* values obtained show the most significant color difference in the external area of the scaffold (ΔE* color difference about 45% greater for RB and about 23% greater for RR). It can be attributed to a more significant amount of dye incorporated in this region, indicating a greater ease of penetration for the molecules of the RR dye or a greater formation of agglomerates of RB molecules on the scaffold surface, making it difficult for the RB to enter.
When the scaffold is used in its complete form (SCC), the dye has some difficulty diffusing into the pores of the material structure, reducing the adsorption capacity compared to the use of the cut scaffold. These results corroborate those obtained by SEM and EDS, indicating a greater porosity and amount of GaHAp inside the scaffold, which improves adsorption when exposed to the internal region.
Table 8. CIEL*a*b* color parameters for the SCC scaffold before and after adsorption of RB and RR with a concentration of 300 mg/L.