Our study identified several critical areas where rehabilitation and release procedures can be improved, which are easily implemented and applicable to a range of different species. We discuss a range of recommendations below, which contribute to the identified need for evidence-based and context specific protocols to maximise outcomes for rehabilitated animals72. We found that including basic assessments that don’t require any specialist equipment (e.g., body condition and climbing ability scores) can improve post-release survival rates. For koalas we recommend the inclusion of both measurements as a prerequisite before releasing animals from care.
Body condition indices are a commonly used method for determining the health and fitness of an animal73 and have sometimes been used to assess if animals have re-established post-release74, yet standardisation across practitioners can be challenging and may not always be considered a determining factor for suitability for release from care (e.g., the koala might be released if other indicators of health are positive). We note that there was a relatively small difference between body condition scores of koalas that survived the first 30 days (average 3.5 out of 5) and those that were recorded as mortalities (average 2.9), which would not always be consistent or easy to differentiate. Further, although the Code of Practice requires that a rehabilitated koala’s pre-release body condition be no less than a 3 out of 5, four koalas were released with body condition scores that we assessed as 2.5, and two of these died (10 and 11 days after release). Body condition scoring of any species is subjective by nature but can be improved and standardised by providing professional development and training to volunteer rehabilitators along with regular evaluation of their skills75. In addition, to improve outcomes, we recommend a conservative approach when determining if an animal with a body condition score on the cusp should be released, including consideration of other measurements (e.g., climbing ability), and regular evaluations to ensure compliance with assessment protocols.
Animals in captivity can lose condition and muscle tone due to long-term lack of mobility76, which in the case of koalas affects their climbing ability. Poor climbing ability directly affects koalas’ safety, as well as access to browse high in the canopy, and potentially their ability to move to preferred tree species. In this study, climbing ability was assessed as part of the study while the koala was being released and this score was found to be related to koala survival, and yet rarely would a koala be recaptured by rehabilitators if its climbing ability was poor. If systematic observations of an animal’s behaviour and physical condition can occur before release, they can be used to determine the animal’s fitness, and ultimately their preparedness for release. This can be achieved using either soft-release enclosures (an enclosed area in the animal’s natural habitat), or easy-access tree yards (in close proximity to rehabilitators for regular observation) with the additional benefits that the animals can re-acclimate to weather conditions and practice natural behaviours (e.g., climbing). At the time of this study, while some rehabilitators had access to these enclosures, neither was readily available to the majority of rehabilitators and were likely to be beyond the financial capacity of volunteers, necessitating support from the animal welfare sector or regulator.
Importantly, we found that the two weeks immediately following a koala’s release were critical to their survival. Monitoring is costly, particularly if the study subject is a cryptic arboreal animal45, and financial limitations are one of the main reasons for the lack of post-release monitoring studies77. The two-week critical survival threshold in our study suggests that, where resources are limited, there is high value in short-term, intensive, monitoring of rehabilitated animals to detect abnormal behaviours, injury, or poor condition, which can be indicators for intervention. Based on our results, monitoring animals in the immediate period following release is beneficial as it can inform protocols for pre-release assessments and determining release suitability. Additionally, our assessment of initial post-release movements suggest that there is an initial displacement response and these longer-distance movements carry increased risk for the animal, particularly in developed areas. Male koalas were more likely to die after care than females, which may be influenced by higher conspecific competition78,79 forcing greater movements and therefore higher energetic costs and risks in the urban landscape. Mortality was highest in the first year of the study, which included extreme weather events and heat stress around the time of the 2019–2020 Australian bushfires.
We identified that gaps in the level of information available to scientists and policy makers compared to wildlife rehabilitators has the potential to impact post-release success. For example, the Code of Practice recommends that koalas be released at their capture site, or as near as possible in a suitable environment, yet koalas were released, on average 1395 m, from their capture site and most koalas were released onto a different vegetation group than their capture site, with 39% released onto a lower quality habitat. Our results confirm the importance of this recommendation; koalas released further from their original capture site moved greater distances in the first 30 days (and further from their release site) following their release and, in an urban/peri-urban environment, increased movement may increase the probability of an adverse event to occur (e.g., vehicle collision or dog attack). Similar threats are likely to impact a range of species as the wildlife urban interface continues to grow across many countries80,81. However, we found a weak effect where the risk of mortality decreased when koalas were released further from their capture site, suggesting that rehabilitators were effective in assessing risk and changing release location accordingly. Non-compliance from volunteer wildlife rehabilitators on this recommendation is likely due to a range of factors including: a lack of access to guidance on alternative locations to release koalas when their original capture site was in a hazardous area; a lack of accessible data for people who may be unfamiliar with GIS map software typically used to identify suitable vegetation communities; and limited access to scientific literature on koala habitat quality at each site. We recommend that policy makers, scientists and wildlife rehabilitation organisations collaborate to review protocols and include decision making tools for dealing with complex release scenarios as part of wildlife rehabilitator training.
All mortalities occurred in koalas that received medical intervention (major and minor), with no mortalities for koalas that did not receive any medical intervention. This is perhaps unsurprising for the koalas that received major medical intervention, given these were koalas that were relatively seriously sick/injured. However, two out of the five koalas that died in the first two weeks of release only received minor medical intervention, with an additional ‘minor’ male koala being classed as a mortality in this time period as he subsequently required major medical intervention nine days after he was initially released (and eventually died). Two of these koalas had not been assessed by a veterinarian, only receiving oral fluids for rehydration from the rehabilitator and therefore may have had underlying conditions that were not detected. Easy access to veterinary expertise is an important consideration in this sector, particularly where volunteer rehabilitators are caring for animals at their homes and the required expertise for thorough medical examination and treatment may be some distance away.
Interestingly, our results suggested that the duration of medical care and rehabilitation was not a significant issue in regard to mortality rates. The results indicated that the most important factors to consider pre-release were around judgements made on animal condition at the time of release, and there are relatively easy to apply assessments to aid in this decision-making stage and improve survival outcomes.
Koalas are dietary specialists and gut microbiome changes, due to changes in the diet, are thought to be critical limitations for translocation success rates16,35,82. A recent study using gut reinoculation of koalas in care suggested that changes in gut microbiota can drive a change in browse selection by koalas after release83 and such microbiota changes could potentially be driven by a change in diet in care16, particularly for koalas staying longer in care. However, in contrast, anecdotal evidence from wildlife rehabilitators suggests that koalas cope well with diet changes if they are moved from a poorer to a better-quality diet. An emergency evacuation of koalas from approaching bushfire in 2020 supported this idea, with the change in diet during a 3 month stay in captivity not adversely impacting their body condition or post-release survival over more than 12 months (unpublished data).
In this study, we found limited overlap between diets fed in care compared to the koala’s diets following their release. Due to the lack of documentation detailing which tree species were fed to each koala, we assumed that all the tree species that were collected by wildlife rehabilitators were fed to each koala regardless of duration in care. This assumption likely over-estimated the diversity of trees that were fed to individual koalas. Similarly, we found a significant positive, linear relationship between the number of koala tracking locations and the number of tree species they were recorded using. Our results revealed a high number of tree species that koalas used that were not fed in care, including important food trees, and this data was based on limited, short-term monitoring of some koalas as many returned to care. If the duration of monitoring each koala was increased the number of species utilised by koalas in situ but not fed in care would be likely to increase, further broadening the gap between in situ and ex situ diets.
This captive versus wild dietary gap is important not only for rehabilitated animals of various species, but for other conservation scenarios including headstarting and translocations which are increasingly being considered a management tool for endangered species28, as habitats become more fragmented by development and climate change induces further population declines. Recent studies of other species indicate that questions around the impact of diet and other variables on the microbiome of animals in captivity are varied and complex84–87 and this is an important area for further study.
There is a paucity of information on how rehabilitation practices impact animals’ post-release survival and re-establishment in the wild, likely reflecting a historical divide between the scientific community and the volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector77. Given the large effort and resources required to rehabilitate animals, we recommend rehabilitation practices be regularly examined, across different species, to ensure effective allocation of resources. This study provides insights into improving outcomes for rehabilitated koalas and, while most relevant for arboreal folivores, provides a model, including the types of determining factors to consider, for other post-rehabilitation monitoring programs.